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Why did you choose rs over other games?


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I'm really curious to know why did you pick RuneScape instead of the other hundreds of MMORPG games like World of Warcraft, Everquest 2, Star wars galaxy etc?? is it because the monthly fees for these games are too high? like 15 bucks for WoW.








But then there are also plenty of free MMORPG games like Knight online. Or is it because your computer can't play the latest games released because it lags too much (low ghz, ram, memory)??








What does Rs have better than other games?? what its strong point and what its weakness?
















I would also like to know what makes u like MMORPG more than other type of games like (First Person Shoot (FPS) like counter-strike or the new hits farcry , Strategy games like age of empire )??












I'm impatient to know ur answers :)

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What does Rs have better than other games?




When I started playing (autumn 2001) I didn't know of any other MMORPG's with 3D-graphics therefore RuneScape was something cool and much more interesting than the text/image-based online RPG's I had played.








What its strong point and what its weakness?




Not really sure on this one as I haven't played in quite a while. But I liked the community a lot, mostly because of tip.it. The hiscores adds an exciting competition and recognition (or even fame) factor which some other similar games don't have.








The simplicity of the game and the fact that you don't need to focus only on the game, but are able to chat, browse these and other forums and even watch a movie or something and still play. But it seems as if they don't want you to be doing anything else (random events etc).








Weakness might be its graphics, which is compared to other MMORPG's rather simple and not too exciting. The graphics never really bothered me though.








I would also like to know what makes u like MMORPG more than other type of games like (First Person Shoot (FPS) , Strategy games like age of empire )?




The only FPS I've really enjoyed is Golden eye to Nintendo 64, but then again I'm not a big fan of FPS. I like MMORPG's because they are more or less endless, instead you set up goals which you then try to achieve like in real life. And there is trading, and a lot of interacting with other players, which gets you to know them. The social side of the game is an important aspect making it superior to other games.








(I'm not playing RuneScape anymore, I moved on to World of Warcraft mainly because I thought my time on RuneScape had come to an end and many IRL friends started playing WoW. I don't have any problems paying ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì10 a month or whatever WoW costs.)

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Yep it was the first online game that I came across (in early 2001) and it was really simple to get started on (no big downloads) and the main point probably, it was free! I tried and stuck with it.

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ive tried a few other online games, such as habbo and cokemusic, and the reason i like runescape more, if only slightly, is beacuase theres always something to do. Whether there are alot of people on or not, you can do anything. On habbo or coekmusic its built around the people, and my timezone makes it difficult for me to be on when theres alot of people on, making there no point in playing sometimes. As for other genres, I like most others, except they always get boring after a while, no matter what game. Runescape, and other mmorpg never end, like you said. I am eagerly awaiting Battlefront 2 tho, and i hope the online play is filling

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Yeah, like the people above said, it's the first game I got hooked up with. Also, it AMAZED me how diversed it was. Met people all over the world. I always had the thought that where I am are the only ones who I meet on-line. RuneScape proved me wrong. Now, I got friends from England, US, Australia, etc. It's weird from what I'm used to.








Also, I like how interesting the game is. I don't think people think the same but IMO, all the imperfections in the game make it more interesting. Clan problems, goals, etc keep the people in the game even more interested. Even after all the problems you've suffered in the game, that's just it, it's JUST a game.

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I didn't choose it and come to Off-topic because I prefer not to talk about it. Seems like this would be better suited as just a general discussion of why you chose the MMORPG you did; Queries about Runescape should be in RS General.

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I didn't choose it and come to Off-topic because I prefer not to talk about it. Seems like this would be better suited as just a general discussion of why you chose the MMORPG you did; Queries about Runescape should be in RS General.




I decided to leave it here was because one of his main points was about mmorpgs as a genre. It's not soley about about runescape.




Oh and please if you think any thread should be moved then pming a moderator would be the best option :)

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I didn't choose it and come to Off-topic because I prefer not to talk about it. Seems like this would be better suited as just a general discussion of why you chose the MMORPG you did; Queries about Runescape should be in RS General.




I decided to leave it here was because one of his main points was about mmorpgs as a genre. It's not soley about about runescape.




Oh and please if you think any thread should be moved then pming a moderator would be the best option :)








Noted. 8)








And in order not to spam, when I did play RS it was because I didn't need to dl anything and it was free.

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I played it cause my friend irl said it was cool








Ehhh i love strategy based games such as Command and Conquer and Empires:Dawn of the Modern World(I lost the disk damit :cry: ) I like these because it gives you like a god-like feeling being above all the action and building the houses and moving the troops in and stuff








I also wish some stragety based games would have a FPS option so it would be like your right there instead of being on top(Although you can zoom in)








I also wish that they had an online option where you face against other people and try to destroy their base and stuff








Or is there already a game like this?

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1. Free




2. I could play on dial-up




3. Free




4. I had nothing else to do




5. Simple to play








Now I just cbf to login anymore.




I've got more important things to do with my time :P












I personally would've kept playing AOE online but when it got down to it, bit hard to do that on dial-up since getting disconected would kill the game :x But since I got adsl, AOE and such is what I would play...








Played a bit of Unreal tournament during LANs and such, but meh. Kind of got out of gaming a while ago.








And now days I just stick to games which don't require 24/7 or a few hours of continual play to be good at it :P

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i started playing in yr5 and it was free, big and all my friends played plus i could join for like a month or two then stop members after the holidays and unlike other games i could continue with the stuff i learn't in p2p sorta..








also theres heaps 2 do without paying unlike other games which force you and u can easily talk 2 ppl when just doing something like woodcutting etc. and quite often there are updates e.g. weekly or less












:D :D :D

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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I was spending my time browsing and playing endless screens of java based games. Not a one was a MMORPG; Runescape was the first I came across. Seemed interesting enough-- it was free and I could still play with my dialup connection.








I played hard for a while and then got bored. My wife started about the same time as I did and dropped off before I did (being a mom takes time) but then she decided to start up again. So I got interested again, but eventually I decided I really needed to get members, at least to start fletching for my range skill.








I've been pretty hooked from there.

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Because a lot of my friends were playing it, I thought it would be fun. From there I got to tip.it and many other places and have made many good friends. It's also a friendly and controlled game unlike other games where you see constant swearing and racism. There is actually a monitored, enforced environment and rules that people actually obey for the most part. I only play for my friends, really.

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It was because i went to see my cousin for Thanksgiving in 2001 and while we there he showed it to me so i tried it out since it was free and worked. I was hooked ever since I definetly would not start playing if it was like it was now or even before the switch to rs2 but with only 4 servers it was a cooler small community feeling.

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I think because I'd seen it being played by my brother, and also read something about it in a mag. I wasn't (or rather, my parents weren't) willing to pay for UO, so I had a look at it.








I won't say "and the rest is history", because it didn't really work out, and I played it intermittently for a year or two, "gave up completely" and came back recently. Now I've gone on to WoW, and haven't been on runescape for a while.

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not to mention...








You can play wit it with all ur m8's at the same time and talk with them.. I remember stayin up till wee hours of mornin back in early 2002 trainin and talkin wit them.












Good ol days 8) :(

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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A friend of mine played it, and it was the only game I knew at that time (march 2002), so I started playing. At that time there was now WoW or Everquest II. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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A friend of mine played it, and it was the only game I knew at that time (march 2002), so I started playing. At that time there was now WoW or Everquest II. :P








There was Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, etc. :o








heh, I thought Everquest was less old. And yea, Dark Age of Camelot, and that other game tip.it was doing, what the name of that? The Call of Ashron, or Ashrons Call, something like that. Right?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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