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[ 08 October 2008 ]








Hello. Smithing. What to say of the skill. It's boring, it's not a moneymaker, it's golden years are long gone. Still, people enjoy getting smithing levels, and what better level than 85 smithing - the once mouthwateringly rare rune smither's milestone. Nowadays though, it is just a milestone, and a requirement to attach sigils to your spirit shields. Not like I will ever be lucky enough to do the latter, but it's good to know. For all it's uselessness, I actually like this skill, and the new ability to smelt rune bars. Pity I can't mine the ore. Yet.




Also, reached 100 replies for this blog! Wewt! Ty Foul <333











And from now on, from this page onwards, I will try to answer every reply <3:








101 post cause veyron lied :^o




100 Reply <3:


Lol I didn't lie! Okay okay I admit it, I said 100th post when I should've said 101st post or 100th reply. My bad. Thanks for teh magical 100th po.. er... reply m8! <3:<3:

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Congrats a lot mate :thumbsup:




really nice pic, i like the place ;)




also, gl on 85 slayer now!

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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You pwn.


You kill.


You destroy.


You create.


You achieve.


You are epiv!



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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Congrats a lot mate :thumbsup:




really nice pic, i like the place ;)




also, gl on 85 slayer now!


Thanks Etp. <3:


The place is Nardah, in the outskirts of the desert. I sometimes go there to... get away :lol:




Thank him for 100'th reply? but not me for getting you to 100 replies?


i see how it is...






*shuns blog*


I'm sorry Lee...


Alright, here goes... *clears voice*


Thank you Lee for getting this blog to 100 replies! It couldn't have been done without you... and so many others who sacrificed a few minutes of their busy life to keep my thread alive. <3:




*deletes shun* *gives Lee a cookie*




sup! vey mittheking here!




congrats on 85 smithing


Ty Mit! <3:


Btw, why's your post count 0! I swear you had more... oh, wait... Did you lose pw to your forum acc? :shock:


There's a password recovery tbh, aswell, if you haven't tried that. :D




Very nice, have fun rune smithing :thumbsup:


Thanks! I will! Although not much use of it yet, as I can only make bars, daggers and axes. But I might go for 90 in awhile. Got to collect funds first. :)




Grats on the smithing Vey!


Thank you Exspire ::'




Grats on the 100th post and 85 smithing! <3:




I love the pic! ::'


Thank you Grade <3:


I love the pic too. Came out better than I thought. 101 HP is ftw. 8-)




You pwn.


You kill.


You destroy.


You create.


You achieve.


You are epiv!


Wow! A poem! At least I think it is one... I wub poems! <3:


Aitähh! //~thank you


Btw, typo in last word. Should be epic





Just read your blog again, AMAZING WORK!! :thumbsup:


You liek mai blawg? Oh goodies! \:D/








Anyone want to give ideas what to add to the blog? I feel it lacks some things... just don't know what.


Help out pl0x ::'

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Yeah, it is a typo.


AITÄHH SULLEGI! - Thanks for you too.


Well, I didn't mean it to be a poem. But if it is, you can copyright it or do whatever you want with it. It's a gift. :thumbsup:



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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Well, I wanted to make my blog more personal, so I took a little inspiration from achievement threads and blogs at Runescapecommunity, and added a Music Video of the Week section here. First vid to be featured:




Equilibrium - Blut im Auge (Blood in the Eye)








My cousin, who is a metallist, like me, showed the band to me. I liked it very much. Despite their lyrics being in german (which I can't understand much of), the melodies are sharp and powerful and well... listen... if you want to and are into metal. ;)




Equilibrium is a Viking metal band from Germany. The band contains various elements of folk and symphonic black metal, combining instruments such as electric guitars, strings and flutes, as well as riffs which reflect traditional Germanic melodies. They are relatively new to the black metal scene but have had some success, especially with their debut album Turis Fratyr.




Their lyrics are about Germanic tales and Germanic mythology in general. All the titles and lyrics are in German.




Band members:




Helge Stang - vocals


Rene Berthiaume - guitar


Andreas Völkl - guitar


Sandra Völkl - bass guitar


Manuel DiCamillo - drums








Demo 2003 - (2003)


Turis Fratyr - (Black Attakk, 2005)


Sagas - (Nuclear Blast, 2008)







Wikipedia entry | Official website (English)

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music vid is cool so what you said in bsc is FAIL justlikeyou. but no your right on a part cause i don't like metal, but rly cool vid.


Thx for posting Swagger. Yeah, metal ain't for everyone, I know. ;)




kingofskills - frist account some stole iff after forums came back up




mittheking - lost padd




now mit- good for now


Aww. Well, thanks for clearing that up. I thought mittheking was your one and only forum acc. ::'




<3: :thumbup:




I like you.






But I like you more. :lol:




*holds smelling salts over blogs' nose to revive it*


*wakes up and remembers being on the second page, but is now sitting pretty at number 1 on front page*






Smelling salts? Eww! I hope none of those smelled like seaweed.


Wakey wakey. And thanks for bringing it back to page 1. <3:<3:

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Smelling salts? Eww! I hope none of those smelled like seaweed.


Wakey wakey. And thanks for bringing it back to page 1. <3:<3:




You should know by now...


i smell like seaweed, and everything i'm around does too...


that's the biproduct of fishing right next to nets of seaweed on Piscatoris for a couple months...


it's a good noob repellant though.




3,200 to 99 Fishing

Achieved August 25, 2007

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I'm not that much into THAT heavy metal.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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You going to the MSSW4? Such awesomeness as you should most definitly come.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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It's friday evening again, which means... new video!


First one obviously flopped, I know. Melody was epic, but the screaming and the song being german, probably was a letdown.


This week's video is a lot more "refined". Not as new though, but nevermind. I bet alot of you haven't heard it yet. ;)




Epica - Never Enough








Genre: Symphonic metal | Country: The Netherlands | Song from album: The Divine Conspiracy (2007)


Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epica_(band)





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