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Starting to Smoke


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There is quite the diffirence between narcotics created in labs and something natural.


Simply because a recreational drug occurs naturally doesn't mean that it's necessarily safer to consume. Take a look at datura and nicotiana (tobacco), for example. Two naturally occurring recreational drugs that can be extremely harmful to your psychological and/or physical health.




That's good that you know that it's harmful to you but if somebody can use something responsibly; doesn't even matter what it is; who are you to say that it is wrong or right?


I am not suggesting that heroin use is morally wrong. I'm simply showing that your earlier argument is flawed, and that we do not need to use a drug to show that it can be harmful to us.




Well, wasn't nicotine the drug in tobacco anyway? I'e never smoked tobacco before just because of the junk that they throw in a cigarette. Now if it would be something like Cannabis, purely natural I'd try it out any day. Everything that is psychological-addictive... It's just in your head, you can get over it.


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We don't need to use heroin to know that it can be harmful to us.




As demonstrated by Range's posts, mere personal experience will not lead to physical/psychological understanding. :lol:


Keep on thinking that because you can find facts on the internet about pot or any other drugs, that you know what you're talking about. Blue about summed it up.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Yeah it can, because effects are individual. What might get one person drunk wont affect another person at all... What gets another person psychologically hooked on nicotine or pot, is just a recreational substance for another person who can drop it at any time.


Subjectively feeling high might help you better understand what it personally feels like to be high, but it will give you no insight as to how the drug affects your brain and body.




Keep on thinking that because you can find facts on the internet about pot or any other drugs, that you know what you're talking about.


Ok. :lol:




Have you actually got anything in response to my earlier post?




Experience is the best teacher there is.


Sometimes I would agree with you, but when we are attempting to better understand the effects of a drug on our body and brain, subjective experience does not always tell us much. ;)

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Sometimes I would agree with you, but when we are attempting to better understand the effects of a drug on our body and brain, subjective experience does not always tell us much. ;)




How doesn't it tell us much? I had a completely different view on drugs before I ever tried them. I really don't think there's anything out there that can compare to a personal experience.

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then why is it illegal?


I'm speechless. Absolutely, positively...speechless.




It was something that the government never was able to put a tax on. The tobacco and alcohol industry is thriving and allowed by the government to some extent because of the heavy taxes they put on it. At one time in history alcohol was illegal and people found a way around it, prohibition really got the best of America, lol. It just never applied to marijuana, something that parties are trying to advocate these days.




Actually it was made illegal because of both racism and corporate greed.




http://blogs.salon.com/0002762/stories/ ... legal.html


The validity of your resource is immediately negated by the fact that it has "blogs" in the address. I find that also it is the first result if you type "why is marijuana illegal" in google. Racism? Please. :lol: Anyone with half a brain can figure out why marijuana is legal, racism is not one of those causes. :|


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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Well, wasn't nicotine the drug in tobacco anyway? I'e never smoked tobacco before just because of the junk that they throw in a cigarette. Now if it would be something like Cannabis, purely natural I'd try it out any day.


Nicotiana tabacum is the "purely natural" plant that is cultivated into recreational-use tobacco. Tobacco plants naturally contain small amounts of nicotine. Commercially manufactured cigarettes have a number of additives for flavour and other attributes (just like a juice box has chemical additives). If you hand-roll cigarettes with tobacco, like you would with cannabis, you can eliminate some of these additives.




The process that goes into cultivating any illicit drug, though, is far from "natural." Many different chemical sprays are used in the process of growing decent grade bud. Some chemicals are used to keep the plants growing strong, and others are used as "additives" for flavour, appearance, texture, etc.




Simply because a plant grows naturally doesn't mean that the mass cultivation of the drug is equally as clean and "natural." More importantly, natural doesn't necessarily mean healthy; and conversely, synthetic doesn't necessarily mean unhealthy.




Datura, tobacco, Amanita muscaria: these are some examples of naturally occurring drugs which can lead to serious physical and/or psychological consequences (in the case of datura and the caps, potentially fatal) when consumed.




Everything that is psychological-addictive... It's just in your head, you can get over it.


A physical addiction is also something that you can get over. However, for some, a psychological dependence can be far more difficult to rid than a physical dependence.

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Sometimes I would agree with you, but when we are attempting to better understand the effects of a drug on our body and brain, subjective experience does not always tell us much. ;)




How doesn't it tell us much? I had a completely different view on drugs before I ever tried them. I really don't think there's anything out there that can compare to a personal experience.


I was changed in much the same way after trying drugs for the first time. The subjective experience will show us obvious things like: smoking a doob won't kill me immediately, won't lead to me wanting to kill my family, won't lead to hearing dogs talk, etc.




But to understand how the chemical interacts with the body/brain, as well as understanding possible risks associated with regular/chronic use, we will need to study the drug's objective effects on humans. That is the sort of understanding I was referring to in my earlier posts.

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Even the pros can be wrong.




But I won't deny the fact that cannabis is harmful if you smoke it. I've said this earlier in smoking threads AND whatever amount of marijuana threads there have been on here, any kind of smoke in your lungs is NOT good for you AT ALL. There is a chance for lung cancer, whether you think so or not. It's just the truth, you don't need scientists to point this out.


You also have a wonderful chance of developing lung cancer in life without ever smoking anything.




I know that. Why must you be ignorant?








Oh, I'll only have one, I won't get addicted!"




That's usually how it starts.




And Range, as much as I respect the fact that you were ranked 25th out of 95 students in your graduating class, everyone is different. Why you, your dad, and your friend in school may not have any psychotic disorders, I don't know, but I met a lady in Health class that was a hardcore drug addict and she has at least ten mental disorders, it's very hard for her to find a job anywhere now.




Everything these days is bad for you, nice exaggeration you did there with the mental disorders anyway. Have you smoked pot before? No? You haven't? And you say it's bad for you? How would you know?






Ohhhh right... Your lungs get affected. You do know that if you go out there will be smoke, if you put things on fire there will be smoke, if you go out for a walk you breath in all sorts of dangerous gasses? I'm not even gonna try to convince you because you're to narrow-minded to actually realise what this really is about.




When I said hardcore drug addict, I meant other drugs besides marijuana, like heroin and cocaine, and crystal meth, stuff like that.




How am I narrow-minded? Of course I know that, why must everyone here be so ignorant?




I don't need to try something to know that's it bad for me either.




You must be one of those "cool" people who thinks it's okay to smoke cannabis, but whatever, ignorance is bliss.




EDIT2: I did forget to mention that she did all that stuff for 20 years. And I kinda did exaggerate at ten, I won't lie. But she has like 5, and their names are complicated. Believe me or not, your choice.

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I was changed in much the same way after trying drugs for the first time. The subjective experience will show us obvious things like: smoking a doob won't kill me immediately, won't lead to me wanting to kill my family, won't lead to hearing dogs talk, etc.




But to understand how the chemical interacts with the body/brain, as well as understanding possible risks associated with regular/chronic use, we will need to study the drug's objective effects on humans. That is the sort of understanding I was referring to in my earlier posts.


Maybe if you tried them more than once you would understand. There's a little code my friends and I like to use. It goes a little something like this:




First time-Nothing.


Second time-You don't understand what you're feeling.


Third time- You embrace it and feel bliss.




I could go ahead and post a bunch of military tactics that I found online, but since I've never really experienced any type of war or battle, I would just be blowing smoke. Until you start blowing smoke more often (in the literal sense), you're just blowing smoke when you post facts about marijuana, because to any user, you obviously have not experienced it enough to rag it.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Maybe if you tried them more than once you would understand. There's a little code my friends and I like to use. It goes a little something like this:




First time-Nothing.


Second time-You don't understand what you're feeling.


Third time- You embrace it and feel bliss.




I could go ahead and post a bunch of military tactics that I found online, but since I've never really experienced any type of war or battle, I would just be blowing smoke. Until you start blowing smoke more often (in the literal sense), you're just blowing smoke when you post facts about marijuana, because to any user, you obviously have not experienced it enough to rag it.


Holding back my laughter is taking all the physical ability I have available in my body.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I was changed in much the same way after trying drugs for the first time. The subjective experience will show us obvious things like: smoking a doob won't kill me immediately, won't lead to me wanting to kill my family, won't lead to hearing dogs talk, etc.




But to understand how the chemical interacts with the body/brain, as well as understanding possible risks associated with regular/chronic use, we will need to study the drug's objective effects on humans. That is the sort of understanding I was referring to in my earlier posts.


Maybe if you tried them more than once you would understand. There's a little code my friends and I like to use. It goes a little something like this:




First time-Nothing.


Second time-You don't understand what you're feeling.


Third time- You embrace it and feel bliss.




I could go ahead and post a bunch of military tactics that I found online, but since I've never really experienced any type of war or battle, I would just be blowing smoke. Until you start blowing smoke more often (in the literal sense), you're just blowing smoke when you post facts about marijuana, because to any user, you obviously have not experienced it enough to rag it.




I can't believe you're seriously arguing that he's "blowing smoke" when talking about the effects of marijuana simply because he's not used it (despite the fact I'm pretty sure venomai has, correct me if I'm wrong, mate).




Seriously, if you haven't experienced something, you can still easily know something about it. I've never been in zero gravity, but I can still read up about it's effects on the human body (e.g. many people vomit the first time because their brain is tricked into believing that the body is experiencing free fall).

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I was changed in much the same way after trying drugs for the first time. The subjective experience will show us obvious things like: smoking a doob won't kill me immediately, won't lead to me wanting to kill my family, won't lead to hearing dogs talk, etc.




But to understand how the chemical interacts with the body/brain, as well as understanding possible risks associated with regular/chronic use, we will need to study the drug's objective effects on humans. That is the sort of understanding I was referring to in my earlier posts.


Maybe if you tried them more than once you would understand. There's a little code my friends and I like to use. It goes a little something like this:




First time-Nothing.


Second time-You don't understand what you're feeling.


Third time- You embrace it and feel bliss.




I could go ahead and post a bunch of military tactics that I found online, but since I've never really experienced any type of war or battle, I would just be blowing smoke. Until you start blowing smoke more often (in the literal sense), you're just blowing smoke when you post facts about marijuana, because to any user, you obviously have not experienced it enough to rag it.




I can't believe you're seriously arguing that he's "blowing smoke" when talking about the effects of marijuana simply because he's not used it (despite the fact I'm pretty sure venomai has, correct me if I'm wrong, mate).




Seriously, if you haven't experienced something, you can still easily know something about it. I've never been in zero gravity, but I can still read up about it's effects on the human body (e.g. many people vomit the first time because their brain is tricked into believing that the body is experiencing free fall).




I'd say you can know the effects. I wouldn't say you totally understand them until you've felt it for yourself. I've read about what people see on acid trips, but I don't feel I totally understand it nor will I understand it until I feel it for myself. Maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about.. It's late and I'm tired lol

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I'd say you can know the effects. I wouldn't say you totally understand them until you've felt it for yourself. I've read about what people see on acid trips, but I don't feel I totally understand it nor will I understand it until I feel it for myself.


This is what I'm trying to explain and that's why I brought up the example of military experience. It just doesn't seem like someone who uses marijuana would be nacking it like he is. The type of person who would do that usually does NOT use or has used once or twice. Which is also why I brought up the 3 first times you do it and how I've seen people react differently to it.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I'd say you can know the effects. I wouldn't say you totally understand them until you've felt it for yourself. I've read about what people see on acid trips, but I don't feel I totally understand it nor will I understand it until I feel it for myself.


This is what I'm trying to explain and that's why I brought up the example of military experience. It just doesn't seem like someone who uses marijuana would be nacking it like he is. The type of person who would do that usually does NOT use or has used once or twice. Which is also why I brought up the 3 first times you do it and how I've seen people react differently to it.




Yeah. You're pretty spot on with the first 3 times thing. I've known quite a few people who didn't feel anything their first time. I was lucky enough to feel it a little lol.

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I was changed in much the same way after trying drugs for the first time. The subjective experience will show us obvious things like: smoking a doob won't kill me immediately, won't lead to me wanting to kill my family, won't lead to hearing dogs talk, etc.




But to understand how the chemical interacts with the body/brain, as well as understanding possible risks associated with regular/chronic use, we will need to study the drug's objective effects on humans. That is the sort of understanding I was referring to in my earlier posts.


Maybe if you tried them more than once you would understand. There's a little code my friends and I like to use. It goes a little something like this:




First time-Nothing.


Second time-You don't understand what you're feeling.


Third time- You embrace it and feel bliss.




I could go ahead and post a bunch of military tactics that I found online, but since I've never really experienced any type of war or battle, I would just be blowing smoke. Until you start blowing smoke more often (in the literal sense), you're just blowing smoke when you post facts about marijuana, because to any user, you obviously have not experienced it enough to rag it.




I can't believe you're seriously arguing that he's "blowing smoke" when talking about the effects of marijuana simply because he's not used it (despite the fact I'm pretty sure venomai has, correct me if I'm wrong, mate).




Seriously, if you haven't experienced something, you can still easily know something about it. I've never been in zero gravity, but I can still read up about it's effects on the human body (e.g. many people vomit the first time because their brain is tricked into believing that the body is experiencing free fall).




I'd say you can know the effects. I wouldn't say you totally understand them until you've felt it for yourself. I've read about what people see on acid trips, but I don't feel I totally understand it nor will I understand it until I feel it for myself. Maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about.. It's late and I'm tired lol




Venomai was talking about the clinical aspects of the drug like the likelihood of risks of long-term use, etc. That's where it seems there's misunderstanding here. He's not talking about individual perceptions of the drug or personal experience, he's talking about the potential health hazards of it's use. If that's the case (he can speak for himself and correct me if needed), then I can only see responding to that by bringing up arguments about personal use as non-sequitur.

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I've read about what people see on acid trips, but I don't feel I totally understand it nor will I understand it until I feel it for myself.


Again; that is a subjective effect, and we are talking about objective, observable health effects. We don't need to try acid to understand how it affects our body and brain.




Maybe if you tried them more than once you would understand. ... you obviously have not experienced it enough to rag it.


:lol: I've been smoking marijuana for years now. Aside from the rare psychedelic, weed is my drug of choice. I've got plenty of experience with it. Of course, I'm not ragging on the drug itself; I'm simply ragging on the foolish and blatantly incorrect claims you are presenting here in this thread.






That code of yours is a myth. Good setting and a well-taught technique will be sure to get most first-timers noticeably high and enjoying the effects. The two first-time smokers I was with last weekend were far more baked than I.

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Well, wasn't nicotine the drug in tobacco anyway? I'e never smoked tobacco before just because of the junk that they throw in a cigarette. Now if it would be something like Cannabis, purely natural I'd try it out any day.


Nicotiana tabacum is the "purely natural" plant that is cultivated into recreational-use tobacco. Tobacco plants naturally contain small amounts of nicotine. Commercially manufactured cigarettes have a number of additives for flavour and other attributes (just like a juice box has chemical additives). If you hand-roll cigarettes with tobacco, like you would with cannabis, you can eliminate some of these additives.




The process that goes into cultivating any illicit drug, though, is far from "natural." Many different chemical sprays are used in the process of growing decent grade bud. Some chemicals are used to keep the plants growing strong, and others are used as "additives" for flavour, appearance, texture, etc.




Simply because a plant grows naturally doesn't mean that the mass cultivation of the drug is equally as clean and "natural." More importantly, natural doesn't necessarily mean healthy; and conversely, synthetic doesn't necessarily mean unhealthy.




Datura, tobacco, Amanita muscaria: these are some examples of naturally occurring drugs which can lead to serious physical and/or psychological consequences (in the case of datura and the caps, potentially fatal) when consumed.




Everything that is psychological-addictive... It's just in your head, you can get over it.


A physical addiction is also something that you can get over. However, for some, a psychological dependence can be far more difficult to rid than a physical dependence.





Ah thanks for sorting it out with the nicotine. I don't know what you have tried but I get all of my cannabis/shrooms and salvia from "local farmers" here. No sprays have been used, purely natural, just the way I like it. Yeah maybe healthy is the wrong word to use in a discussion like this but my views upon synthetics are a bit biased although I'd like to try some of them.





Even the pros can be wrong.




But I won't deny the fact that cannabis is harmful if you smoke it. I've said this earlier in smoking threads AND whatever amount of marijuana threads there have been on here, any kind of smoke in your lungs is NOT good for you AT ALL. There is a chance for lung cancer, whether you think so or not. It's just the truth, you don't need scientists to point this out.


You also have a wonderful chance of developing lung cancer in life without ever smoking anything.




I know that. Why must you be ignorant?








Oh, I'll only have one, I won't get addicted!"




That's usually how it starts.




And Range, as much as I respect the fact that you were ranked 25th out of 95 students in your graduating class, everyone is different. Why you, your dad, and your friend in school may not have any psychotic disorders, I don't know, but I met a lady in Health class that was a hardcore drug addict and she has at least ten mental disorders, it's very hard for her to find a job anywhere now.




Everything these days is bad for you, nice exaggeration you did there with the mental disorders anyway. Have you smoked pot before? No? You haven't? And you say it's bad for you? How would you know?






Ohhhh right... Your lungs get affected. You do know that if you go out there will be smoke, if you put things on fire there will be smoke, if you go out for a walk you breath in all sorts of dangerous gasses? I'm not even gonna try to convince you because you're to narrow-minded to actually realise what this really is about.




When I said hardcore drug addict, I meant other drugs besides marijuana, like heroin and cocaine, and crystal meth, stuff like that.




How am I narrow-minded? Of course I know that, why must everyone here be so ignorant?




I don't need to try something to know that's it bad for me either.




You must be one of those "cool" people who thinks it's okay to smoke cannabis, but whatever, ignorance is bliss.




EDIT2: I did forget to mention that she did all that stuff for 20 years. And I kinda did exaggerate at ten, I won't lie. But she has like 5, and their names are complicated. Believe me or not, your choice.





Maybe you're the one being ignorant. Stop drinking coke right now, stop eating fat and greasy meat right now, stop breathing RIGHT NOW. Because you know, every day to day thing is unhealthy or hazardous for the body. Oh jeez. If you think other people are cool because they smoke cannabis then I'll just keep on going I guess :). You should try something before saying that its bad, you don't even realise what you are talking about and refer to "experts" whom either tried it theirselves (and have a much clearer view and tell you loads of other things that aren't bias) or someone who hasn't and uses made up facts just like you. I'm not referring to studies that it's unhealthy to the lungs or whatsoever but please... Is it that hard to comprehend? You probably go out with your friends and drink alcohol, they smoke cigarettes and accidentally blow their smoke at you. Oh teh noes you'll get cancer.


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Anyone considered that the OP doesn't want to smoke cannabis because of the chances of getting caught and the stress it may actually end up causing?




I don't think this discussion has been about the OP for a while.. :lol:


Admittedly we are in Off-Topic, the realm of tangents. Oh well. *shrug* :)

~ W ~



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Anyone considered that the OP doesn't want to smoke cannabis because of the chances of getting caught and the stress it may actually end up causing?




I don't think this discussion has been about the OP for a while.. :lol:




I get the sense the OP lost his craving for ciggys and decided to watch the topic devolp without intervening


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Well, wasn't nicotine the drug in tobacco anyway? I'e never smoked tobacco before just because of the junk that they throw in a cigarette. Now if it would be something like Cannabis, purely natural I'd try it out any day.


Nicotiana tabacum is the "purely natural" plant that is cultivated into recreational-use tobacco. Tobacco plants naturally contain small amounts of nicotine. Commercially manufactured cigarettes have a number of additives for flavour and other attributes (just like a juice box has chemical additives). If you hand-roll cigarettes with tobacco, like you would with cannabis, you can eliminate some of these additives.




The process that goes into cultivating any illicit drug, though, is far from "natural." Many different chemical sprays are used in the process of growing decent grade bud. Some chemicals are used to keep the plants growing strong, and others are used as "additives" for flavour, appearance, texture, etc.




Simply because a plant grows naturally doesn't mean that the mass cultivation of the drug is equally as clean and "natural." More importantly, natural doesn't necessarily mean healthy; and conversely, synthetic doesn't necessarily mean unhealthy.




Datura, tobacco, Amanita muscaria: these are some examples of naturally occurring drugs which can lead to serious physical and/or psychological consequences (in the case of datura and the caps, potentially fatal) when consumed.




Everything that is psychological-addictive... It's just in your head, you can get over it.


A physical addiction is also something that you can get over. However, for some, a psychological dependence can be far more difficult to rid than a physical dependence.





Ah thanks for sorting it out with the nicotine. I don't know what you have tried but I get all of my cannabis/shrooms and salvia from "local farmers" here. No sprays have been used, purely natural, just the way I like it. Yeah maybe healthy is the wrong word to use in a discussion like this but my views upon synthetics are a bit biased although I'd like to try some of them.





Even the pros can be wrong.




But I won't deny the fact that cannabis is harmful if you smoke it. I've said this earlier in smoking threads AND whatever amount of marijuana threads there have been on here, any kind of smoke in your lungs is NOT good for you AT ALL. There is a chance for lung cancer, whether you think so or not. It's just the truth, you don't need scientists to point this out.


You also have a wonderful chance of developing lung cancer in life without ever smoking anything.




I know that. Why must you be ignorant?








Oh, I'll only have one, I won't get addicted!"




That's usually how it starts.




And Range, as much as I respect the fact that you were ranked 25th out of 95 students in your graduating class, everyone is different. Why you, your dad, and your friend in school may not have any psychotic disorders, I don't know, but I met a lady in Health class that was a hardcore drug addict and she has at least ten mental disorders, it's very hard for her to find a job anywhere now.




Everything these days is bad for you, nice exaggeration you did there with the mental disorders anyway. Have you smoked pot before? No? You haven't? And you say it's bad for you? How would you know?






Ohhhh right... Your lungs get affected. You do know that if you go out there will be smoke, if you put things on fire there will be smoke, if you go out for a walk you breath in all sorts of dangerous gasses? I'm not even gonna try to convince you because you're to narrow-minded to actually realise what this really is about.




When I said hardcore drug addict, I meant other drugs besides marijuana, like heroin and cocaine, and crystal meth, stuff like that.




How am I narrow-minded? Of course I know that, why must everyone here be so ignorant?




I don't need to try something to know that's it bad for me either.




You must be one of those "cool" people who thinks it's okay to smoke cannabis, but whatever, ignorance is bliss.




EDIT2: I did forget to mention that she did all that stuff for 20 years. And I kinda did exaggerate at ten, I won't lie. But she has like 5, and their names are complicated. Believe me or not, your choice.





Maybe you're the one being ignorant. Stop drinking coke right now, stop eating fat and greasy meat right now, stop breathing RIGHT NOW. Because you know, every day to day thing is unhealthy or hazardous for the body. Oh jeez. If you think other people are cool because they smoke cannabis then I'll just keep on going I guess :). You should try something before saying that its bad, you don't even realise what you are talking about and refer to "experts" whom either tried it theirselves (and have a much clearer view and tell you loads of other things that aren't bias) or someone who hasn't and uses made up facts just like you. I'm not referring to studies that it's unhealthy to the lungs or whatsoever but please... Is it that hard to comprehend? You probably go out with your friends and drink alcohol, they smoke cigarettes and accidentally blow their smoke at you. Oh teh noes you'll get cancer.




I'm done reasoning with you. This argument is pointless and you're being the ignorant moron so you obviously won't get my point.

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Says the ignorant person who thinks after trying something once we all turn into drug-addicts. Thanks for relating us to that ONE woman you know that has all of these psychotical disorders, which I highly doubt.




My argument is pointless? Haha I get your point now, you just want to be right and look down upon everyone whom does 'drugs' as it is something straight from the devil. You must be one of those cool people ;) .


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