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Do YOU auto at dark beasts?


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I totally agree.




They did mention taking out most randoms, but that still hasn't happened. They should atleast, imo, take out the randoms in places like metal drags + ofcourse dark beasts. Places where the monsters will auto attack.




If they dont take out randoms, atleast make them have more of a reward. OH JOY, i just got an uncut sapphire. Comon, please.. Cant Jagex do better?



[saradomin hilt - 3] [Armadyl hilt - 1] [ Bandos hilt - 3]

[ Abyssal whip - 88] [ Dark bow - 7] [ Dragon boots - 100+]

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I KNOW what you are saying and it is very annoying...BUUUTTT...Jagex at the same time need to stop autoers going around cheating and making it unfair for the players that take time to get a skill cape.[/color]




I dont think you get what im saying...people dont auto in certain places...they just...dont...it would be stupid and wouldnt work. I dont mean take away all randoms...but take away the ones like the sandwich lady where you are killing a larger monster and you dont have time to either finish your kill or do the random...




They dont auto. They afk. Still breaks rules.




I dont AFK, and other randoms still work. Thats the whole point. You dont need to use a sandwich lady to get AFKers...you could use a genie...or a dwarf






Oh boo hoo the sandwich lady got me again .. O well .. Get over it. There for a reason. Genie etc do NOT tackle afkers the only ones are things like sandwich lady and dwarf.

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I KNOW what you are saying and it is very annoying...BUUUTTT...Jagex at the same time need to stop autoers going around cheating and making it unfair for the players that take time to get a skill cape.[/color]




I dont think you get what im saying...people dont auto in certain places...they just...dont...it would be stupid and wouldnt work. I dont mean take away all randoms...but take away the ones like the sandwich lady where you are killing a larger monster and you dont have time to either finish your kill or do the random...




They dont auto. They afk. Still breaks rules.




I dont AFK, and other randoms still work. Thats the whole point. You dont need to use a sandwich lady to get AFKers...you could use a genie...or a dwarf






Oh boo hoo the sandwich lady got me again .. O well .. Get over it. There for a reason. Genie etc do NOT tackle afkers the only ones are things like sandwich lady and dwarf.




Genies stop afkers just fine...afkers dont click remember? Dark beasts stay constantly agressive...as in forever. So when you get a random you have to run out and deal with it, not only do you lose your kill you also have to take like a minute to solve the random and get back in. You get like 5 or 6 randoms per dark beast tasks...taking an extra...10 minutes or so if you count the kill lost. 10 minutes more per dark beast task trying to stop a few afkers here and there...welll...5 out of my last 6 tasks have been dark beasts. That an HOUR lost to randoms. and thats only for around 200k slayer xp? so...at that pace for 99 youre losing 50 hours for 10m xp...




i really wanna lose a week of playing to randoms!


Retired after 2 accounts and 8 years of scapin...2 accounts over 2,000 total...may my life rest in peace

Brawl Code:5327-0581-3706

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anybody else get a ridiculous amount of drill demon random events when they're about to telleport? OMG NEW THOUGHT




WANNA KNOW WHAT IS 1000000% UNNECESSARY? QUIZMASTER i hate him so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i always get that stupid mystery box and the best i've ever gotten is a mithril scim. i've heard of people getting half keys but apparently i'm SOL.


they got rid of a random event that i only got like once.. you had to light some stupid candles for this priest.




We had planned some work on the random events of RuneScape quite some time ago. We were looking to see if we could remove most of them, because a decent number were not particularly good at stopping modern-day bots. Since the threat of bots and macros has been largely removed, we feel that this is a perfect opportunity to address the problem again. For the moment, we are concentrating on our PvP minigames to compensate for the Wilderness changes, but the random event proposal has been approved and is in the pipeline.




NOTE - We are certainly not removing every single random event. This proposal gives us the chance to reassess them, see if they are doing their job properly and then take action: removing those that do not work, adding to those that do and improving the rewards of all that remain!


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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