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My largest undertaking. "The godslayer." (large pi


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The sketch:hugegs1jj.png








The idea: Draw a huge mascot of Godslayer, easy huh? This will be my largest piece of pixelart, ever. I intend to keep y'all updated during the process of my coloring. Should take, I dunno, a few weeks? I don't know what I'm gong to do with it afterwards, lol, but I will have the satisfaction of all the practice I'll get! So, rate, cc, cheer me on, boo me, tell me I'm crazy, whatever. Just don't call me god. :wink:

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Sweet mother of peril, that's gonna be one sweet looking mascot....








Although the facial expression and the way it's arranged is a bit weird, other then that rock on.


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Let's bring up this post where it deserves to stay (1st page).




I wanted to CC it once a bit more developed but there's already a couple things i could notice. First of all i realy loved your hand-drawn version.




Second i like the solid look you'r giving to it. As i told somewhere before, i'm not that big fan of sprites and extra heavy dithering cause it gives the drawing a lack of contrast and makes imagines kinda 2d and ethereal. That's just a matter of taste anyway. That's why i was so nicely surprised to see that solid, well contrasted shading on the guy armor. I think if you go on this way it will come out very very very nicely, yet i hope you didn't give up since it's been a while since your last update. Best of luck finishing it the way you like it. Bye !!

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*Performs the Secret Master Farmer Holy Teleport Tecnique*




*evades Godslayer's attack*




*keeps whipping him pointing at the drawing*








(note: You can learn anything about the "SMFHTT" just pickpocketing the Master Farmer in the "pig ranch" long enough)

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