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Teleporting Cure-All


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I don't think it's much of a problem. Maybe an untradable Teleblock Tablet will fix the inequality regarding inventory space?




That may be the best suggestion so far. It would be in high demand, take up one slot (satisfy the Author), and would probably end up costing a pretty penny which gives the makers of it (Skillers) a new money source (if it were tradable).




Lol, simple and to the point...Bravo Will_Holmes...Bravo =D>


Thanks. :mrgreen:

~ W ~



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Well, I find teleporting extremely annoying when someone does it in a fight. Nevertheless, I never whine about it, and I teleport myself if I can. This is because teleport is natural a part of the game.




This is a suggestion about it not being a part of the game like it always have. I actually think it is a bloody good idea, although I think the time should be reduced to 3 seconds for unskulled and 5 seconds for skulled. Teleporting would still be an option, but it wouldn't be a simple escape you can do as a last resort. It is a last chance for the teleporter to get away, while it is a last chance for the opponent to kill the teleporter. I believe this would make the PvP servers a whole lot more interesting for everyone.




And for the skillers, there is a reason why the skilling areas are so good, and that is because you take a risk when using them.



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You know the old saying - if you can't afford to lose it, guess what? Don't bring it. Holds true here. My suggestion wouldn't make getting away impossible, but it would give every method of escape an element of risk.




And doesn't it seem a bit...wrong, that 250m+ of gear could be saved with almost 100% success (if not koed) by a weightless tablet worth 880 gp?




The "if you can't afford to lose it" argument doesn't apply here. The player did bring it into the fight knowing good and well he may lose it. If the escape route is still open (aka no Teleblock) and he is losing, he will most likely use it. He did risk the items. He just didn't lose it. Anyone will do that. There is a chance he could have been Teleblocked. Since his opponent didn't use it, he has the escape route option.




The Teletab argument has a point. And a possible solution. Maybe make it so the a Teletabs/Ecto don't work during combat and up to 10 seconds after combat (like the Logout Feature). The only way out is the actually have the Magic Level and the Runes in Inventory to get away. That would make the escapee have to use a minimum of 2 Inventory Spaces (Camelot), and they would have to have the required Level. That might even things out a bit. Not to mention its dangerous to just teleport blindly into the crowded cities on PvP. Maybe even disable House Teleport like the Teletabs/Ecto so that if you are forced to escape by Teleport, you may be in more danger than its worth.




I'm not complaining about people using teleport, with the way it's rigged now, looking at it from a money standpoint you'd have to be stupid to not use it if you're risking a lot.




I'm just arguing that it's an unbalanced feature.








That's cute...coming from the guy that doesn't even know the basics of combat and thinks magic is the most accurate form of attack. Grow up.




BTW, that offer for a duel still stands.

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You call it cheating, I call it strategy. You have it, USE it!.




I personally find nothing wrong with winning a fight by using prayer, food, potions, familars, and specials. Just so, I have no problem hiding by using agility, running, or teleing. Its survival of the fittest. He with the best skills gets the most kills if you know what I mean :thumbsup:


Ok... Im not that good. But I have an anchor!!!

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You call it cheating, I call it strategy. You have it, USE it!.




I personally find nothing wrong with winning a fight by using prayer, food, potions, familars, and specials. Just so, I have no problem hiding by using agility, running, or teleing. Its survival of the fittest. He with the best skills gets the most kills if you know what I mean :thumbsup:




Where did I say teleporting was cheating?

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If this does need fixing, teleporting could create a portal such that you could follow the player and continue the fight. Since you did not create the portal it would not have as much power, so you will be 10 squares away.




Just a thought.

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you whine that pking goes, you whine that pking comes back on server-wide scale and allows tele'ing like it did before... teleporting is part of the game, part of runescape; if you wanna compare it to wow or something else not many people will care, sometimes theres luck while pking like hitting your max continuously, if half of these rants are listened to pvp may aswell become a 1 second roll of the dice to see who wins, players need a way to escape if you cant kill someone don't try change the game go back to training or make a pure. :cry:

If you're able to keep your head while everyone else is losing theirs, it's highly likely you've yet to grasp the situation.


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Tb tablet.. use on player, TB'D SON.




^ +1 ::'




Fixes problems, althought I think this is a very good suggestion and mabye one which Jagex should consider, on the other hand, it would ruin the way of "old-school" pking which many people want and are trying to revert back too.


Returned to Runescape June 2011 after a 3 year break :)

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PK past lvl 30 in the wilderness then.




teleporting has existed in PKing since the good old days. Can't change that unless you wanna train mage to 85.



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