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The end of Runescape...


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Just to add my 2 cents, its not all the hours minutes and days wasted on runescape its all the fun you had playing it, ill never forget the old RS (RSC nowadays). Those were the times when i played most somthing was catchier about the game back then, maybe more innocent. No one called eachover noobs and people were respectful to eachoever it was also fun because there were less nobodys. Even though those times are gone i still have my memorys of back then and no one can touch those.








Most people don't realise it but whatever your doing that you enjoy your not wasting time your just doing somthing that you enjoy. I was never one for spending my life on RS i did play it every few days though and occasionally all nighters when i felt like training in rsc.

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if it ends i will get on with my life, its a fun game but seriously if it ended tomorrow i would have better things to do :D








Same here. If RuneScape did end tomorrow I wouldn't be heart broken, etc. etc. Granted I would be a little upset that all that work is gone but I can get on with my life. ;)

exactly wat wuld happen to me. i may be upset a bit, and with more free time than usual, but its just a game. all good things come to an end sometime and eventually most people are gonna have to give up rs neways.








as for why rs would end:




.prolly wont b bcuz andrew gives up leadership, he can always leave the company in the hands of somebody else




.lack of mmo interest may be, but theres gonna have to be a huge new industry in which it will take away the massive amount of people who play mmo's




.if rs ends, its prolly gonna b from players being diverted to something else, or for some reason funds not being able to be paid, such as people being drawn to xbox live or some huge innovation that blows mmo's out of the water

R.I.P. Shiva

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Here's what the end of a MMORPG looks like (the server). I was aardwolf.









Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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Well, I don't play anymore, so it won't affect me directly. Though I do wonder what will happen to communities like Tip.it :?








You'll all come to Off-Topic, prompting the separation of the real Off-Topic people to a new forum.

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rs is a very large mmo and will stay for a long time, it will be updated and updated till it has graphics like everquest, and even after that they can change the values of items and make skills last longer. to make people keep playing.




lets just hope it never ends.

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*Congratulates self on making such a successful topic.* :P I personally would just play some other MMO or computer game. Let's just pray for an open source Runescape. =)








Then duping and cheating would become even more prevalent if they know how the inner workings work ;)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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wont end till its unprofitable...




*pays for membership like crazy* Lol. I'd probably go back to playing the crappy game I played before RS, then get tired of its cuteness and yell at my computer then stop and actually learn how to play guitar instead of picking it up once a week and throwing it out the window.

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It won't end, why dunno, i just wont end. If it ends iam gonna kill myself:p








can i get your items before you kill yourself? :lol:

Best/latest drop list:

Rune: 18th of june 2006 [scimmy]

Other: 6th of June 2006 [3 half keys, T]

26th of june 2006 [yellow mystic hat]


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