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FTTW that was mad sweet.








Come up with more. I wanna laugh my wagon off again.












Just for you, baby:








Dear Players,








We have noticed that many of you have chosen to be wed all across Runescape for many reasons. We respect your decisions and understand the responsibility that being married brings upon a young person(even if you don't). Therefore, we have created a few new emotes such as:








"Make Out"




"Drunken Whistle"




"Strip Tease"




"Full Monty"




and the ever popular "Take Off All Your Clothes Except for a Sports Bra and Eagerly Wash a '67 Camero"




NOTE: These apply to both genders :wink:








Although the married life might be wonderful, we still care about our depressed players that just can't seem to get it right(we can relate :( ). So for all of you Bright Eyes fans, we have created a new dungeon on Karamja which includes a number of ways to virtually commit suicide, such as some interactive gallows, a couple cliffs to jump off of, and just POSSIBLY some train tracks! We've also spread out some shotguns along the dungeon, if you favor the fast way out.








Those wishing to end their lives on Runescape might want to know that once you die, you are reincarted as whatever we want. We'll get back to you in a few days or so. That's right everyone, WE'RE BUDDHISTS!








Oh yeah and anyone wishing to convert to Buddhism, we've added a Buddhist church in Falador below the west bank.









RSN: F T T W, 1167 Total, 117 Combat, All F2P


Current Goal: 97/99 Defence


I am The Walrus.

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Dear Players,








We have changed "Gold Pieces" to "Wampam" because we are trying to promote Native American awareness. That is all.









RSN: F T T W, 1167 Total, 117 Combat, All F2P


Current Goal: 97/99 Defence


I am The Walrus.

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December 16th, 2001:








Dear Players,








In light of recent events, we feel it is important to be patriotic within America. And if you're not American, we don't care about you.








Whenever you walk into Lumbridge, you will hear the National Anthem.








Whenever you walk into Varrock, you will hear "God bless America".








Whenever you walk into the barbarian village, you will hear "My Land is Your Land".








Thank you.









RSN: F T T W, 1167 Total, 117 Combat, All F2P


Current Goal: 97/99 Defence


I am The Walrus.

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I got one...








What can be more worthwhile fo rthe biggest reward than...












This week's update will pose a real challenge for all fans of Thieving and Agility!




Dare you enter an epic maze of deadly traps, fiendish obstacles and devious puzzles? Will you make it to the centre and claim the rewards that have been locked away from all but the sneakiest players?








Find out when you visit the Burthorpe Inn, and discover the Rogues Den!








You will need to keep your wits about you, but theres some very cool looking new armour just for those skilled, cunning and lucky enough to open the safes at the very centre.








But that's not all!








Everyone who attempts the Den will get Agility and Thieving experience dependent upon how successfully they navigate through, so it's worth giving it a shot!








This new area occupies a fiendish space more than five times the size of Lumbridge and has more than 440 devilish traps to tax even the nimblest of our agility "high scorers".




Long since retired.

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Dear RS Players,








We regrettably have to inform you Runescape will be closing down (due to matters out of our hands).




My brother, My dear brother Paul has been gunned down by an angry mob of Ex-RS players, The cause of which is yet unknown. I fail to see why people would do this as we have provided them many hours of happy gaming.




But before matters get worse (and im targetted next), I am closing RS down. Those of you who wish to argue about Runescapes' unfortunate demise can take it out with Jagex HQ's bouncer. Which in a desperate attempt to protect my own life I had to pay the remaining amount of the members budget to get his protection (just warning you he is phsycally huge and stands at around 7' tall). I know that the true blow of all this for you and me is that im going to have to sell my beloved helicopter just to pay my mum keep as I will be out of work for a while. I am struggling to find anyone willing to take on a 36-year old male specimen with poor grades, and weighing in at only 124 lbs I cannot even get physical work, it seems like all hope is lost.








Yours sincerely Andrew.

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Dear paying customers,








Please donate just one pound a month to Paul Gower funding project.




We have been unable to feed him for a few days now and without your help.. he could die. We can save this poor soul, if we all just join together and take one for the team. He is surely starving by now, and i just can't pay him anymore as he is not pulling his weight around Jagex HQ (my mum's basement).

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Dear Players,








Jagex has some great news to inform you. I have finally been kicked out of my home, by my parents(Andrew) and have gotten myself a flat, and its time to tell you that ive finally reached my target amount of cash recieved from customers and ads. I now have no need for Runescape anymore so it will be closed down, and would like to thank all of you suckers who paid for membership. with a special thanks to one person in particular, im sure you have all heard of him.. Zezima! thats right and because he has paid me so much money over the years i am sending him a free Andrew Gower designer T-shirt with my face on it! entitling the slogan Just get on with your life.








That is all, with thanks Andrew.








P.S its a really nice flat ;p

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Dear Players,








We are informing you that training has been made redundant due to people complaining about higher players, so in response to helping these lower levels(the majority of Runescape) we have taken the action above and made it so that everyone has 99 stats. We are truly sorry for the higher levels that have slaved away for months not seeing the light of day. But we are sure you will understand and accept these terms (just like everything else forced upon you by thy) because ultimatly money = power, we hope that one day your simple minds will realise this.








P.S and for those who are wondering yes we can speak god whenever we we want. Thou shall not prevail








-Andrew and Jagex Inc

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Dear Players,








Jagex has some great news to inform you. I have finally been kicked out of my home, by my parents(Andrew) and have gotten myself a flat, and its time to tell you that ive finally reached my target amount of cash recieved from customers and ads. I now have no need for Runescape anymore so it will be closed down, and would like to thank all of you suckers who paid for membership. with a special thanks to one person in particular, im sure you have all heard of him.. Zezima! thats right and because he has paid me so much money over the years i am sending him a free Andrew Gower designer T-shirt with my face on it! entitling the slogan Just get on with your life.








That is all, with thanks Andrew.








P.S its a really nice flat ;p













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Hi RuneScapers!








Today will see the release of DisneyScape! A themepark for players to have fun. Magic is closer than it seems! (Requires level 70 magic to enter the park).




*Due to a bug there is a level 564 mickey mouse with unlimited prayers and weilding an abyssal whip on the loose. Please do not abuse the full mickey mouse costume that it drops if you do managed to kill it*




i wish that there is a lv 894 goofy wielding a bronze dagger.




i think theres already enough of those in the wildy.




well, its about time someone added some rs parody



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