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November 24, 2008--Buy Runescape membership as a gift


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24th November 2008 - Buy RuneScape Membership as a Gift


As were rapidly approaching Thanksgiving and the holiday season, we wanted to remind you how easy it is to buy membership and also to let you know of a few payment methods that you might not be aware of.




If youre thinking of buying membership either for yourself or as a present, we currently have 2 RuneScape-specific game time cards that you can purchase.




Firstly, we have RuneScape game-time cards that are sold in Target stores across the U.S., and we have two versions available, a one month subscription and a three month subscription.




For those players in Europe, look out for Wallie Cards, which can be bought in a host of stores, such as CostCutter (with a PayPoint logo), Esso, Total, Hema, Aral, bft and Westfalen. Wallie Cards can be used to purchase RuneScape membership and come in a number of different amounts.




We also have an Ultimate Game Card which can be bought in places such as Walmart, 7 Eleven, Rite Aid & Winn Dixie. These cards are available from our payment partner, PayByCash, and will have their stamp on the front.




Depending on where you live, you may also be able to pay by phone or by mobile! Make sure you check out the subscription pages to see if these simple payment options are available in your country. Were planning to add more countries to the list soon.




If you're looking for some other RuneScape-themed gifts, keep an eye on the Jagex Store, which will have some new items available in time for Christmas.




horray for more ways for people to become members...i guess...

It is not the great who are strong, but the strong who are great--Albel Nox

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Wow this is the second filler update we've gotten in anticipation of the new quest. Twice now they've made my adrenaline kick in for a few seconds after viewing frontpage updates waiting for this new quest. I swear they're messing with us on purpose. :wall:

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Wow this is the second filler update we've gotten in anticipation of the new quest. Twice now they've made my adrenaline kick in for a few seconds after viewing frontpage updates waiting for this new quest. I swear they're messing with us on purpose. :wall:




they always do it, i'm getting bored with the "Headline" updates of pvp things i'm guessing with these updates that theres something bigger on the horizon because the stealing creation wasnt all that big for a minigame

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"For those players in Europe, look out for Wallie Cards, which can be bought in a host of stores, such as CostCutter (with a PayPoint logo), Esso, Total, Hema, Aral, bft and Westfalen. Wallie Cards can be used to purchase RuneScape membership and come in a number of different amounts."








Ugh. I'm tired of these filler updates- first funorb, then good boy Jagex!, and now this. Why do these keep being put on the front page displacing other, more pertinent updates, like stealing creation?

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I'm pretty sure major updates come out on Tuesday..... Do not panic yet


[hide=Drops]Barrows: Ahrim's Robeskirt (2)

Dragon: Plateskirt (3) : Left Halfs (2) : Med Helm (1) : Boots (14) : Spear (3)

Treasure Trails: Sara Platebody (1)

Slayer: Leaf Bladed Sword (9) : Granite Helm (3) : Granite Maul (1) : Black Mask (3) : Abyssal Whip (2)

Other: Obby Cape (1) : Obby Maul (2)

Splits: Shield Left Half (1) : Dragon Med Helm (4)[/hide]

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I'm pretty sure major updates come out on Tuesday..... Do not panic yet




nobody is panicing merely saying instead of gift cards to which we are already members we would rather have our members content

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now now people...jagex is a business




we're anticipating the biggest quest evar and people are checking front page news daily...hourly...wearing out their refresh button...




you can't blame them for take the time to get some prime advertising in




besides, tomorrow marks the 14 day mark since stealing creation \'

It is not the great who are strong, but the strong who are great--Albel Nox

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Yeah this sucks. This is the last week of November. What gives?!? :shame:


You DO know that the 30th is next Monday, right?




Moving on, this at least let me find a place to find one of these cards. I'm done with sending subscriptions in the mail, and this is a quick and inexpensive way for a college student to get membership for a little while.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Yeah this sucks. This is the last week of November. What gives?!? :shame:


You DO know that the 30th is next Monday, right?


No... the thirtieth is next Sunday.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Yeah this sucks. This is the last week of November. What gives?!? :shame:


You DO know that the 30th is next Monday, right?


No... the thirtieth is next Sunday.


My bad. Must've misread my calendar. :P

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Great... To be honest I don't think this should come under "featured news"




I mean, Stealing Creation which is supposed to be a highlight of this month, has been bumped of the main lists by some Funorb/Jagex being good Samaritans. Believe it or not, I'm paying to see updates in this game, not Funorb o.0


I don't mind Jagex trying to push forward/advertise their other ventures, they are a business after all. But when it starts to become more visible than something they just included into the game, it seems to me they have their priorities the wrong way round.

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Another advertising update. Not too surprised tbh. Just hope Jagex doesn't close RS for something else they make that's oddly more popular.



95/99 Summoning

95/99 Slayer


[hide=This is what you look like when you play RS too long]2vvq0z4.jpg[/hide]

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Great... To be honest I don't think this should come under "featured news"




I mean, Stealing Creation which is supposed to be a highlight of this month, has been bumped of the main lists by some Funorb/Jagex being good Samaritans. Believe it or not, I'm paying to see updates in this game, not Funorb o.0


I don't mind Jagex trying to push forward/advertise their other ventures, they are a business after all. But when it starts to become more visible than something they just included into the game, it seems to me they have their priorities the wrong way round.




Stealing creation is a bigger update than the first grandmaster quest ever ?

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Great... To be honest I don't think this should come under "featured news"




I mean, Stealing Creation which is supposed to be a highlight of this month, has been bumped of the main lists by some Funorb/Jagex being good Samaritans. Believe it or not, I'm paying to see updates in this game, not Funorb o.0


I don't mind Jagex trying to push forward/advertise their other ventures, they are a business after all. But when it starts to become more visible than something they just included into the game, it seems to me they have their priorities the wrong way round.




Stealing creation is a bigger update than the first grandmaster quest ever ?






My bad, saying "Highlight of this month" was an exaggeration, however don't you think it's a bit bigger than some funorb/payment updates? The fact its being knocked of the main lists by those is what surprises me...

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Guys, don't forget Jagex has NEVER said that a specific day is update day, hey, They have released updates on thursdays, lol.




I doubt they will release this one on a Thursday ;)




(Unless they want to destroy families by making children across the country finish thanksgiving dinner in about 3 minutes and not giving them time to really bond as a family unit)

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