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Errrr To much ownage?


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The Dragon Claws are obviously a wepon that can own any thing and anyone but it can destroy a little to much then that....IT CAN DESTROY THE G.E??




Today I was buying stuff a the Grand Exchange and I bought a Camelot Teleport it didnt come up for about a minute so I didnt buy it. I thought "Probably just a sold out" then I bought or tryed to buy a Dharok axe and it didnt come up for about a Hour so then I knew something was up. Then I thought to myself "WAIT! Could it be the People are trying to save up for Dragon Claws?"


Do you think its the Dragon Claws tats doing it?


Well if it is it sure looks like what people in the Economy do :| Hope the Dragon Claws poof away with their problems




BTW: there might be some typos cause I can't type on my Laptop




The Holidays Ended hope you had a good one though!



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Isn't this like your fifth topic in the last week?




No, I don't think so. I think it's merchants that are doing it, not people selling their stuff in hopes of D Claws.




Besides, there has been a small market for those items for a very long time.

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I don't mean to sound like a deck or anything, since you just joined but


Shut the hell up with useless topics every 6 hours...


I'ma report this as spam, as you have almost identical topic about dragon claws on the front page.

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Do you seriously have nothing better to post? You can't get an idea for a different thread that might have been useful?






How the hell do you go from things not buying on the G.E. to automatically thinking D Claws caused it. Theres no serious logical thinking there.




And how the hell do things being bought out mean people are saving for claws. The only way that happens is if people are starting a monopoly on that item to make money, and even then to do that you'd need more than the price of d claws to to affect the item...



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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You know, for the first twelve hundred topics, I didn't say anything because I saw you were excited.. and just wanted to create conversation.




But seriously, it's not a coincidence that so many people, each topic are telling you to stop... and these people are not being mean when they're asking you to stop making redundant, unnecessary threads.




More than likely you'll just ignore this like you have everyone elses posts, anyway.







Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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It takes a very special person to personally sign their posts even when we know exactly who is posting.




To answer your question, dragon claws are most likely not causing the problems you speak of.







alright. once, there was a family of the dad, Joe, the mom, Sue and the son Jim. one day they were sitting at the breakfast table eating pancakes. the next thing they knew, 3 giant penguins came in and bit their heads off. they died. the end
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Hey everyone,




Recently, I've been getting a lot of flack for being the new "ownage" weapon. People are paying big bucks for me. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that every single player in the game is saving up to buy my shiny red [wagon], which is causing your economy to go nuts. You can't even buy a teletab anymore. Suckers.








-Dragon Claws

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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In the future, please use the forums search feature before creating a topic.




viewtopic.php?f=30&t=771850&hilit=dragon+claws <=

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