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profitable herblore?


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I was just wondering...


Is there any way to train herblore without losing massive amounts of money or growing your own herbs? At my current level (45) nobody buys the potions I make and I either wind up alching or selling them to a general store.


Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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There is no way to profit from herblore unless you grow/collect your own herbs and/or seconds.




When you get to a higher level, you can consider collecting nightshade to make super poison++, the profit is pretty good and the exp/hr is decent.




<-- 99 herb

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Use MTK and Farming. It's what I do.






Following potions will sell:




Harralander: Energy Potion/Combat Potion


Irit: Super Attack Potion


Ranarr: Prayer Potion


Avantoe: Super Energy Potion


Kwuarm: Super Strength (save it up)


Cadantine: Super Defence (save it up)


Lantadyme: Antifire Potion Potion (save it up)


Dwarf Weed: Ranging Potion (save it up)




Tarromins should be sold, they are just a burden.


Collect the secondaries yourself. The best methods:




Vial of Water: Buy from Relekka Marketplace after getting Sea Boots (deposit at Peer the Seer) or from Shilo Village (w/ Karamja Gloves 1 or higher).


Chocolate Dust: Buy Chocolate bars from Nardah (only infinite stock), then turn to dust with knife (faster than Pestle & Morter in my experience).


Ground Goat Horn: Kill the goats near Nardah. Grind their horns with Pestle & Morter, simple.


Snape Grass: Collect from Waterbirth Island. Use either Lyres teleporting to there and bank Edgeville/Castle Wars (after Sea Boots 3) or use Lunars, or if neither available, collect and bank in Relekka - Peer the Seer after Sea Boots 1.


Eye of Newt: Optimally buying in Entrana using the Air Balloon service (after 'An Enlightened Journey') and banking in Castle Wars.


Mort Myre Fungus: Home Teleport Tablets or Runes and have an Altar in your POH with a Kharryrl Teleport in a portal room. If this isn't available to you, don't bother and just buy from the GE. If it is, just southwest of the gate leading to the swamp is a spot with 2 logs in direct vincinity, use a Silver Sickle (B) or Flail of Ivandis to Bloom, and fill up your inventory, teleport to house, recharge prayer and teleport to Canifis. Rince and repeat.


Limpwurt Root: Unless you plan on farming (You can get 3 every 15 mins from flower patches), don't bother. Just buy in the GE.


Whiteberries: Optimally, you should have a Wolpertinger (though I'm aware that's probably not an option) and have planted Whiteberry bush with Magic Secateur. If you can't do this, go to the respawn in Isafdar west of Lletya, use Teleport Crystals that you can get during and after Mourning's Ends Part I and bank in Edgeville/Castle Wars. If that too isn't available to you, just buy from the GE.


Blue Dragon Scales: Get from Blue Dragon zone in Taverley dungeon, accessed through the shortcut requiring 70 Agility. Fill up inventory and bank in Falador - West Bank. Use the shortcut in Falador west wall to speed up. Wear an Antidragon Shield or Dragonfire Shield. If you don't have 70 Agility, don't even bother.


Wine of Zamorak: Just buy from GE. Unless you're very, very fond of K'ril Tsutaroth.












Farm Ranarrs till you can do Kwuarms. Then do those. Then continue doing these or plant Snapdragons if you can afford this on a large scale. Make sure to plant Limpwurt Roots to gather each trip.








Only way to profit off of Herblore. Also the only ways I've trained the stat since lvl 58. ;)


Dragon Drops : 5 Dragon Medium Helmets, 3 Dragon Claws, 3 Dragon platelegs, 2 Dragon plateskirts, 2 Dragon Hatchets, 2 Dragon Spears, 7 pairs of Dragon Boots, 1 Dragon pickaxe, 10 Dragon defenders, 3 Dragon 2h swords, 1 Dragon armour Slice, 1 Dragon armour Lump, 1 Dragon chainbody, 1 Dragon kiteshield, 1 Dragon hasta, 1 Dragon ward, 25 Dragon knives pairs
The Warrior's Blog , Herblore Habitat - Efficient and profitable

[hide=Stats and logs]

.:Adventurer's Log:.


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I may be wrong, but at higher levels, don't grimy herbs cost less than clean herbs?




You could buy grimy herbs and clean them for a profit, though it probably isn't good xp and you'll get carpal tunnel eventually. But, you profit!


That would take an awfully long time.

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I tried buying grimy herbs and reselling them back at the GE. Managed to clean between 3500 - 4000 in one hour. However I only tried this with dwarf weed. I ended up gaining between 48,125 - 55,000 experience and make a few hundred k profit. I'm not sure if this method at your level will make money, but theres an idea if you're willing to try it.



F2P for now

Private is on, gimme a HYT!

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A lot of players who kill monster for herbs leave harralanders. Take a stash of swamp tar and a pestle & mortar to said monster (Chaos Druids usually are best) and just steal other peoples unwanted herbs to tar them. I've not done this in a while but you may be able to do the same with marras and tarromin and guams and still profit. Unlikely though.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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I may be wrong, but at higher levels, don't grimy herbs cost less than clean herbs?




You could buy grimy herbs and clean them for a profit, though it probably isn't good xp and you'll get carpal tunnel eventually. But, you profit!


That would take an awfully long time.




You can clean 5000 herbs in an hour. That really adds up.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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Cleaning snapdragon gives 11.75 xp per herb. As of todays prices, clean snapdragon is worth 135 gp more than grimy snapdragon.


If you can clean 5,000 herbs an hour, thats 58,750 xp/hour and 675k profit/hour




EDIT: Nevermind I forgot to check your herblore level >.<


Well, cleaning irit leaf gives 9 xp each and gives 16 gp profit per herb.


Ranarr gives 7.5 xp/herb and gives 76 gp profit per herb cleaned.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i've managed to get to 52 with penguin points but I don't think that's really a good way to train or make money... Thank you for the suggestions but I don't think I'm ready to stop being poor and lazy just yet :P


I do think I might try farming my own herbs, though... isn't there a disease free herb patch from a quest? If so, which one?

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The only pots which profit are those which involve the non-tradeable herbs (ex. Snake Weed, Rouges Purse). A few of these I can remember are Weapon Poison + and ++ as well as Reycin's Balm

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