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Windows Vista - Beta 1 Out!! See Page 2


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I know, I know, there have already been several threads on Windows Longhorn, and there is even one on this page. However, I believe that this subject now deserves a topic of its own. Windows Vista.




Thanks for the heads up lordhathor, and as of today, Microsoft has announced the official ending of Windows Longhorn! That's right, the prelude to the actual beta is over. It is now out of production I believe, and will soon enter its official beta stage. Thus, the codename has been removed, and replaced by the next generation Windows Vista.








First of all, thoughts on the name? Initially, it sounded kind of cheap to me. Windows Vista. Hmm... However, after looking at the Microsoft release video, I'd have to admit it does seem quite appealing, and really makes me want more. Windows Vista, Windows Vista, Windows Vista. I can get used to this name....








Next up is the product itself. Since its out of initial testing and production, will we soon see the true capabilities of the next generation Windows? I'm sure we haven't seen anything yet, as some Microsoft workers are claiming it to be the release of the decade. Wow.








Beta testing begins August 3rd, 2005. Thats a mere 11 days away. I bet it'll be leaked within the first few hours. Beta 1 is being aimed at developers, and IT professionals. Should be interesting.








I found info at CNN, along with the Microsoft homepage.




http://money.cnn.com/2005/07/22/technol ... tm?cnn=yes
















You can also find the link to the video clip of the name being revealed. Everyone seemed so excited!









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I wish the video were more insightful as to how Windows Vista will connect people better, with superior clarity, etc. From what I saw though, it seems more of a business Windows edition than home, but I may be wrong since XP has both.


By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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Any idea when the full product is aimed to be released? Like sometime in 2006 I presume. (Can't download movies because of slow 56k)

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Ah, the date keeps getting pushed back. Not too long ago it was supposed to be released within the first quarter of 2006 I believe. However, they're now saying that its aimed for the end of 2006. :cry:

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Sounds far too similar to Vivista the IT Support company at work whom i despide the existence of.



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from the screen shots ive seen i wont be using it cause it will literaly eject my video card and make it cry in the corner because of its crapness








Hmm, I have no idea what you just said. Something about a video card being ejected and crying? Okay...great reason not to use Windows Vista, when you haven't tried it, and it's not even out yet :lol:

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from the screen shots ive seen i wont be using it cause it will literaly eject my video card and make it cry in the corner because of its crapness








Hmm, I have no idea what you just said. Something about a video card being ejected and crying? Okay...great reason not to use Windows Vista, when you haven't tried it, and it's not even out yet :lol:








No he meant that he won't be using it because his video card is a piece of crap and would probably eject (fall out of the AGP/PCI Port) itself

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Ah, I'm so used to calling it the graphics card that I didn't even realize what he was saying :lol: srry, my bad!




But I'd have to agree. Didn't Microsoft release the supposed reccomended specs for it a while back? I'll see if I can find it. It was pretty crazy, like you should have at least 1gig ram, and all this other stuff. I think I even saw the word terabyte in there somewhere. Lol.

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lol, Windows patanted bloatware, requires just one terabyte of HDD space to run!








They'll probably make it require at least a GeForce3 or equivalent, a reccomended 1GB of ramm minimum of 512mb, around 5-10 gigs of hard drive space, possibly up to 20 gig. Minimum processor would probably be at least a 1.0Ghz processor.








This is a fairly reasoable standard for them I think, most machines these days can meet those specs, and I'm sure microsoft doesn't want to make it impossible to run on all but the newest of machines, afterall, they reap huge profits from the upgrade market, so they want to make it as portable as possible.

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Well I'm sure everyone has seen the screenshots and videos out by now! I managed to get it last night, finally, and am on it now. Everything looks so awesome, but it'll take a bit to get used to it. Thank god I have it before its released, so I can have that time to adjust. Things are...different. For some reason it seems a bit more complicated, more things going on. I'll get used to it soon tho, I'm sure. Everything looks and works great. Startup time is just under a minute for me, but shutdown takes quite a while. I'll post some of my own screenshots soon.

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Last I heard, there will be at least two releases of Vista, a 32 bit, and a 64 bit.








Of course there will. Hell, there's already 32 and 64 bit versions of XP, so they'd be silly to use just one.








Personally, I feel Vista is just XP + lots of 'stealing' or, more friendly 'copying', or 'borrowing' from Mac OS X (widget look, better search, yada yada) and Mozilla (XAML et al.)

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