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I thought it was particularly bad when they played the Space Odyssey music when Dr. Manhatten was killing people in Vietnam.


You mean Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries, right?




I thought it was more of a nod to Apocalypse Now than anything, plus I believe the whole saddest song ever story from Mason's Under the Hood was ride of the Valkyries, although I could be wrong






This movie needed to be 6 hours :(

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I thought it was particularly bad when they played the Space Odyssey music when Dr. Manhatten was killing people in Vietnam.


You mean Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries, right?




I thought it was more of a nod to Apocalypse Now than anything, plus I believe the whole saddest song ever story from Mason's Under the Hood was ride of the Valkyries, although I could be wrong






This movie needed to be 6 hours :(




Ahh, good old Apocalypse Now, just wrote a comparative analysis on that vs Heart of Darkness. Extremely fun tbh.




And i really do wish they could have made just the comic all over again and made it super long. Theres Lord of the Rings and Star Wars afterall!...even thought i've never seen either. lolz.


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


Important Slayer Drops: masks-8, leafbladed sword, gmaul-3

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Now, its time to get to the "Blue Penis" thing and what I think of it. It shows we are all a bunch of homophobes. We apparently cannot accept the fact that over half the population of the world has one, which reviewers apparently cannot figure out.


Half the population of the world has a Blue Penis?







You know what I mean. :lol:




I don't know, I didn't pay enough attention to the acting really to notice every little slip up. I thought they were all alright, nothing spectacular, but they convinced me enough (probably because I base my movie reviews mostly on the overall experience of the movie, not pick it apart for every little problem till it's nothing but bare bones).

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I don't see where you're going with the Bubastis thing...she was in the book why wouldn't she be in the movie? In the book she is killed as well as in the movie, it wasn't put in for your sympathy, it was put in because it was in the book.




From what I recall, she was a prototype for the squid that attacked New York. Why would you put a prototype for the squid if you don't even have a squid in this movie?




(Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I recall from the comic, I'm probably wrong about the prototype thing, but I know she had something to do with the squid).




Nope, just genetically engineered I believe.

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I don't think Snyder or Watchmen itself is big enough for a huge complete ed. The Lord of the Rings was something that anyone who's read any Fantasy probably knows. Star Wars Episode IV worked well enough on it's own - so well that it could make a 'stellar' (see what I did there?) sequel or 5.




Acting I thought worked overall, Comedian did OK, but not really good.


Dan Dreiburg was played well enough, he could have been better, but he didn't fully get it.


Silk Spectre II oof.


Dr. Manhattan caught the apathetic thing pretty well, and if his voice was lower, he would've been more serious-sounding (and look at his eyes - the eyebrows are pretty much always relaxed = mellow)


Rorschach was overrated on his performance, I thought. Maybe it's because I thought it weird to see his costume on screen...


Adrian Veidt I hated since I first saw him in the ads. I knew he was going to suck once I saw his costume. I was right.

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Adrian Veidt I hated since I first saw him in the ads. I knew he was going to suck once I saw his costume. I was right.




He is humble though




He said: The negative feedback is relayed by my friends. I think the fanboys arent particularly happy there are a load of people theyd have rather had in before me.




Its already being slated before theyve seeing anything.




But if fanboys still hate the film after going and seeing it, they can all line up and s*** my d***.




I dont give a f***.




Matthew added: Im having a child and thats more important to me so I dont give a f***.




Grow a d***.


http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sh ... 278955.ece


So since you're having a kid it's okay for you to suck at acting?



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That was hilarious. I'm going to show it to everyone I know.




R in America ?!








Is it something else where you live??






Yeah, here its MA.




Thats one level below R




Hopefully, I'm going to see it within the coming week.




Fingers crossed

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Its M18 here and the clerk was purely anal about me waiting for my birthday before considering myself 18.Had to pass on it =(


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Its M18 here and the clerk was purely anal about me waiting for my birthday before considering myself 18.Had to pass on it =(




Aww, I saw it with a friend that was 22 and "claimed" he was my legal guardian! :lol:


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


Important Slayer Drops: masks-8, leafbladed sword, gmaul-3

Important treasure trail rewards: zammy page 1(3), rune kite g, zammy crozier, sara mitre, sara dhide, rune helm h1, guth page 4(2), zammy full helm, guth legs(3), sara chaps, guth page 3, zammy legs(2), and sara full helm, zammy pl8, zammy page 2, rune cane, sara page, sara crozier, zammy crozier, guth coif

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He has a point...people are passing judgement before they even see the movie. People who base their opinions off solely how the ads portray him without seeing the movie should "s*** [his] d***." Also, child > movie.




He is pretty touchy. Gawsh, I'm only 14 mister :shock: (<- Puppy Eyes). By "Child > movie," Are you agreeing that I was right =D?

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He said: The negative feedback is relayed by my friends. I think the fanboys arent particularly happy there are a load of people theyd have rather had in before me.




Its already being slated before theyve seeing anything.




But if fanboys still hate the film after going and seeing it, they can all line up and s*** my d***.




I dont give a f***.




Matthew added: Im having a child and thats more important to me so I dont give a f***.




Grow a d***.






Wow, that dudes pretty touchy. I gotta agree though that if you haven't seen the movie you can't automatically point to him and say he's gonna suck.




Did he say "Dookie his Penis" (Thats the nicer version)? How do you do that? :?:

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I'll try to give that grammatical disaster a shot I guess, I didn't think he did a terrible job as Veidt, could've been better I suppose but not as bad as Akerman did. Saying he was bad from the previews just based off his costume is ridiculously stupid, sure it was a little lame maybe and a lot different from how it was in the book but it wasn't that bad and it's a pretty stupidly unimportant thing to complain about.

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The music was funny 99 luftballons? lol


But the movie was still awesome. Great plot and special effects.




Plot ? Plot ?




You realise Watchmen was a "graphic novel" before it was adapted to film.




Anyway, it was much better than I expected, they cut about 10% of the original material out, but that was useless anyway.




A few of my friends who hadn't read the book were like "I don't get it" at the end.




Faithful adaptation, Alan quit your [bleep]ing you elitist. Worse than the fanboys.




I though Rorschach would be taller. Good choice for Walter Kovacs as Jackie Earle Haley.




Silk Spectre was hot.

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She wasn't in Sin city...? Besides, I was talking about Watchmen, not Sin City so even if she was in Sin City, what's your point?




She was.




What I said was irrelevant, however if I was making any sense, I would be saying that this role didn't suit her too well.

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