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Quest 150


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Yeah, not to get on Jagex too much, but I'm still really trying to see the point of this whole storyline. It's short, kinda dull, no real backstory, and produces rather mediocre items.




Is this what they come up with then they're bored?

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They said in the BTS this month that MA won't happen for a while still. I'd expect it sometime in the summer at the earliest.
no quests for 4 or 5 months good luck with that :roll:
Where does it say no quests for 4/5 months? MA = Mobilizing Armies. Minigame, not a quest.




Speaking of which, they didn't explicitly say that there won't be a quest in February. They just didn't say there will be... Clear difference!


And that makes me excited 8-)




I mean, not even saying "sorry, questers" or anything? I can't remember the last time a month passed and they didn't release at least one quest. That along with the absolute silence they have concerning the 150th quest - apart from a locked forum thread where a jmod supposedly mentioned he was excited about it, it's ALL player speculations since like September.




It may be naive, wishful thinking.


But my spider-sense says this quest will ka-BLAM upon us, and it will do so this month...





They made a quest for Haloween and Christmas as the "events." They would probably go along with this and make a quest for Easter, which means the "mega quest" will come before Easter.




Personally, I think they've finished the skeleton of the quest in December, They're probably just fixing bugs, looking over it to see if its the best they can do, and keeping our suspence up.

Death should not be taken as 'the end,' but a very effective way to cut down taxes.

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elemental workshop soul door = soul wars? Anybody?




We'll just wait for the quest, better be a good one \'




I smell a possibility of the coveted Soul Altar ::'


It's a Body Door, not a Soul one...




Mind, Body and Soul are all united in the human. If there is a mind area and a body area, a soul area is to be expected.




Except that the first one was, as has been pointed out, elemental. As such, it would make more sense that the next area unlocked would be body (which hasn't actually been unlocked yet), and then cosmics etc.




THANK YOU! If the elemental workshop series DOES in fact go to soul items, I suspect that would be like the 12th quest in that series.




And the items might be mediocre now, but I see a day when there is a full set of armour from this series that has exceedingly high magic defence. Won't be for a couple years though....




I just hope they ARE in fact coming out with a mega quest to surprise us. Not to call anyone a liar, but I haven't seen this alleged post by a Jmod saying he's looking forward to the 150th quest, and judging by Jagex's recent actions, it seems uncharacteristic of them to not build the suspense for this.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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Jagex aren't stupid. A bit lazy from time to time I think, but not stupid.




For the past two increments of 50 for quests go, they gave us something special. They know that we're counting on this. And you better believe they pay attention to their own and their fansite's forums.




I don't think they'd just real some pile of crap for a 150th quest. Realizing our expectations, that would just be a giant finger to all their players.

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THANK YOU! If the elemental workshop series DOES in fact go to soul items, I suspect that would be like the 12th quest in that series.




And the items might be mediocre now, but I see a day when there is a full set of armour from this series that has exceedingly high magic defence. Won't be for a couple years though....




I just hope they ARE in fact coming out with a mega quest to surprise us. Not to call anyone a liar, but I haven't seen this alleged post by a Jmod saying he's looking forward to the 150th quest, and judging by Jagex's recent actions, it seems uncharacteristic of them to not build the suspense for this.




I for one will be kinda glad if they develop the Elemental Workshop questline deeper. I liked the first 2 quests so far, and it has a great potential. Remember, MEP2 started with Sheep Herder ;)

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THANK YOU! If the elemental workshop series DOES in fact go to soul items, I suspect that would be like the 12th quest in that series.




And the items might be mediocre now, but I see a day when there is a full set of armour from this series that has exceedingly high magic defence. Won't be for a couple years though....




I just hope they ARE in fact coming out with a mega quest to surprise us. Not to call anyone a liar, but I haven't seen this alleged post by a Jmod saying he's looking forward to the 150th quest, and judging by Jagex's recent actions, it seems uncharacteristic of them to not build the suspense for this.




I for one will be kinda glad if they develop the Elemental Workshop questline deeper. I liked the first 2 quests so far, and it has a great potential. Remember, MEP2 started with Sheep Herder ;)




_______________________________________________________________________Sheep Herder


___________________________________________________________________________ v


Plague City -> Biohazard -> Underground Pass -> Regicide -> Roving Elves -> Mourning's End Part I -> Mournings End Part II

Hail to The Great Big Penguin in the sky. And Guthix, of course.



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That's always a point of confusion with me... obviously the quests have to be done in sequence, but does that sequence necessarily reflect a storyline? I don't think so... I think it branches off into additional storylines and Regicide never had a true sequel. I cobbled this together in photoshop in a few minutes:





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That's always a point of confusion with me... obviously the quests have to be done in sequence, but does that sequence necessarily reflect a storyline? I don't think so... I think it branches off into additional storylines and Regicide never had a true sequel. I cobbled this together in photoshop in a few minutes:








Sequel to regicide? I'll kill Lathas in advance.

Death should not be taken as 'the end,' but a very effective way to cut down taxes.

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That's always a point of confusion with me... obviously the quests have to be done in sequence, but does that sequence necessarily reflect a storyline? I don't think so... I think it branches off into additional storylines and Regicide never had a true sequel. I cobbled this together in photoshop in a few minutes:








If you ask me I think MEP 3 will cover both the sequel to Regicide, as the sequel to MEP 2 (obvious...).

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Underground pass->Regicide->Roving Elves->Mouning's end 1-> Mourning's end 2






Yeah, but parts of the storyline of Regicide are left unfinished after the quest.


such as? I remember it coming to a stop, then continuing with the very misplaced Roving elves(What did the tree in the waterfall have to do with the elves lands or ardougne?)

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Underground pass->Regicide->Roving Elves->Mouning's end 1-> Mourning's end 2






Yeah, but parts of the storyline of Regicide are left unfinished after the quest.


such as? I remember it coming to a stop, then continuing with the very misplaced Roving elves(What did the tree in the waterfall have to do with the elves lands or ardougne?)




Nothing, really, which is why its not a true sequel to Regicide :P

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Underground pass->Regicide->Roving Elves->Mouning's end 1-> Mourning's end 2






Yeah, but parts of the storyline of Regicide are left unfinished after the quest.


such as? I remember it coming to a stop, then continuing with the very misplaced Roving elves(What did the tree in the waterfall have to do with the elves lands or ardougne?)




Nothing, really, which is why its not a true sequel to Regicide :P


on the other hand, why do we need one now? I say continue on Mouning ends 2 and for gods sake, lets not make it mep3.




Would the "true" sequel be a prequel to the sequel of "mep3"? Would it give acess to pfriddnas?

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Underground pass->Regicide->Roving Elves->Mouning's end 1-> Mourning's end 2






Yeah, but parts of the storyline of Regicide are left unfinished after the quest.


such as? I remember it coming to a stop, then continuing with the very misplaced Roving elves(What did the tree in the waterfall have to do with the elves lands or ardougne?)




Nothing, really, which is why its not a true sequel to Regicide :P


on the other hand, why do we need one now? I say continue on Mouning ends 2 and for gods sake, lets not make it mep3.




Would the "true" sequel be a prequel to the sequel of "mep3"? Would it give acess to pfriddnas?




How should I know?

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How should I know?










On the other hand, there are no puns unworthy. On the first hand again, I am not implying that you would know everything, Because that's jagex's job. No, i am merely throwing questions out in the open, free for you to ponder about. I myself think that Pfriddnas wont open for some time.

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Yeah, I think it'll only have 2 parts and won't focus on the Mourner's so much, but whoever is sending them. We go into the Elven city to investigate.




And probably die. Whatever.

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On a somewhat different note.


Yeah, not to get on Jagex too much, but I'm still really trying to see the point of this whole storyline. It's short, kinda dull, no real backstory, and produces rather mediocre items.




Is this what they come up with then they're bored?

Lets not forget RFD continued the Cooks Assistant storyline (using the word "storyline" very loosely of course).


They may (although reading this thread and the speculation about MEP3 makes me doubt this more and more) release a sequel to a quest that would have seemed like it was over, such as cooks assistant did prior to RFD. I mean really, who saw a sequel for that coming? Seeing as so many people have predicted MEP3 already, I'd almost be a little disappointed if jagex didn't throw us a curveball.


Not that I'd let that get in the way of having access to Prifddinas (What an awkward word to spell).

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BTS February was a bitter sweet moment for me in terms of my love for quests. Bitter: No 150. Sweet: Anticipation of a quest that is like no other (WGS was a bit of a disappointment for me). I personally will look foward to either the next part of WGS as the storyline is amazing (just the boss and the puzzles were too easy to be called GM). A continuation of the Plague City quest plot would also be amazing. Lathas attacking both Asgania and Misthlain at once? Would be a very interesting idea. (Perhaps this is also when mobilizing army comes into play? Mobilize an army against Lucien or Lathas?)

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