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mage weapon idea


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meh...maybe i played too much diablo 2 back in the day...but








i think there shuld be a new mage weapon (members of course) that sacrifices mage + att bonus...for a faster casting rate...








so rather than a + att bonus...maybe give alot lower magic bonus or even a negative bonus








not alot of detail..maybe people can add on?

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In this case, I don't think more details are necessary. It's a basic premise, but it has depth to it. I think it's already been well thought out in terms of balance: faster casting/greater chance of missing and lower xp.








Well done. Now, if you want to come up with a name for new staves, runes, spells, etc., go right ahead.









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meh...maybe i played too much diablo 2 back in the day...but








i think there shuld be a new mage weapon (members of course) that sacrifices mage + att bonus...for a faster casting rate...








so rather than a + att bonus...maybe give alot lower magic bonus or even a negative bonus








not alot of detail..maybe people can add on?








good idea.... but to much ownage for mages... i get owned my ancient staff enouph

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Good idea. I like it, and when used with full Mystic, you'd still have a positive magic attack.








I know this is entirely off, but lets say full mystic (without a staff) give around 60 magic attack. Using this "speedy" magic weapon, you'd be reduced of around about 20 or so magic attack bonus, but your speed would double. This way, you'd only have 40 magic attack, but you'd hit twice as fast.








I like it in all honesty...but I'm still not sure whether it would make mages TOO powerful.



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Good idea. I like it, and when used with full Mystic, you'd still have a positive magic attack.








I know this is entirely off, but lets say full mystic (without a staff) give around 60 magic attack. Using this "speedy" magic weapon, you'd be reduced of around about 20 or so magic attack bonus, but your speed would double. This way, you'd only have 40 magic attack, but you'd hit twice as fast.








I like it in all honesty...but I'm still not sure whether it would make mages TOO powerful.

mages are definitely less advantaged pking wise. rangers and even meleers always have b dragon on to fend off mages and the mages get owned by everyone so the mages should have this.
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Good idea. I like it, and when used with full Mystic, you'd still have a positive magic attack.








I know this is entirely off, but lets say full mystic (without a staff) give around 60 magic attack. Using this "speedy" magic weapon, you'd be reduced of around about 20 or so magic attack bonus, but your speed would double. This way, you'd only have 40 magic attack, but you'd hit twice as fast.








I like it in all honesty...but I'm still not sure whether it would make mages TOO powerful.

mages are definitely less advantaged pking wise. rangers and even meleers always have b dragon on to fend off mages and the mages get owned by everyone so the mages should have this.








That is ENITRELY untrue. Mages not only can do decent damage and attack at the same speed as meleers, but they also have the added effects of entangle, multiple target spells, healing spells, teleblocks, and stat reducing spells. The point of being a mage is to render your opponent helpless. The point of being a ranger is to be a *bit* safer from mages, and have an advantage of speed and distance. And the point of being a meleer is to conteract rangers, and for having really strong attack bonuses. Basically, meleers are powerhouses, mages are immobilizers, and rangers are speed demons. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, but I think at the moment, Jagex IS doing a fairly decent job keeping them balanced.








Obviously in certain sitations one group might have a clear advantage over another, but what fun would it be if they were 100% equal all the time? There's no fun in that.



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That is ENITRELY untrue. Mages not only can do decent damage and attack at the same speed as meleers, but they also have the added effects of entangle, multiple target spells, healing spells, teleblocks, and stat reducing spells. The point of being a mage is to render your opponent helpless. The point of being a ranger is to be a *bit* safer from mages, and have an advantage of speed and distance. And the point of being a meleer is to conteract rangers, and for having really strong attack bonuses. Basically, meleers are powerhouses, mages are immobilizers, and rangers are speed demons. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, but I think at the moment, Jagex IS doing a fairly decent job keeping them balanced.








Obviously in certain sitations one group might have a clear advantage over another, but what fun would it be if they were 100% equal all the time? There's no fun in that.








This should be a Sticky called "Read this before posting about the triangle balance." Well said.









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  • 1 month later...

You could use rods, as in short staffs with an orb at the ned, they could be made of metal.








They could put something like this is the manual:








Rods, these short staffs sacrifice magic power for speed, the short length frees up your arm and lets spell casting easier, although the metal shaft absorbs some if the magical energy it has a good melee attack bonus.




These are player made, you can make the shafts from the smithing skill and create the orbs through the crafting and magic skills.








I think that explains what I think on the subject, when i say players make the rods themselves, I do not mean you can get rune rod of earth or anything like that, you would makes the shafts from only one metal (probally steel or above) and then create orbs and enchant them then attach.








Of course when it says, smithing and crafting they would be links to their corressponding page.








I like it, but perhaps instead of giving a negative magical bonus it should give a very small positive bonus (like +2) because it's still and magical staff of sorts, with an orb, thats the main thing about the staffs that give a boost, and when you think of the boost other staffs give...








Or perhaps, they're bought from the store, and you can't get elemental rods, that way, the main thing your sacrificing is the infinite runes, making them bad for training, and more of a pking object.

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Good idea. I like it, and when used with full Mystic, you'd still have a positive magic attack.








I know this is entirely off, but lets say full mystic (without a staff) give around 60 magic attack. Using this "speedy" magic weapon, you'd be reduced of around about 20 or so magic attack bonus, but your speed would double. This way, you'd only have 40 magic attack, but you'd hit twice as fast.








I like it in all honesty...but I'm still not sure whether it would make mages TOO powerful.
















i could see this being way more usefull with highalching if you could make it as fast as low alching or so












or with that you just change the animation of high alc to a picture of some thing(yew long or whatever) and have your hands hold it and come together and it ONE big flash of light you've alched it where low alc would be a dimmer different annimation im not sure, i know it SEEMS to take longer to alc bows then it does to make them, of course i screw around when i alc

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