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Break-up advice


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And just so you know, friendships with an ex almost never works.








im friends with all of my recent ex's but one. infact they're some of my best friends. theory = window.








Almost never.

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Almost never.




Don't be so anal retentive. Almost never, never, sometimes, usually, often, bla bla bla. Details, details. It can be hard for some people to sustain a friendship with their ex-girlfriends/ex-boyfriends, and for some people it can be easy.

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Almost never.




Don't be so * retentive. Almost never, never, sometimes, usually, often, bla bla bla. Details, details. It can be hard for some people to sustain a friendship with their ex-girlfriends/ex-boyfriends, and for some people it can be easy.








Put it this way, no one I know has remained friends with their ex's. Whether they've tried to or not.

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Short and simple.. Just tell her ya'll are better off as friends. Sure she'll cry.. and possibly hate you for awhile.. heh.. i would, since you was with her for 6 months, before you decided ya'll need to be *just friends*








Good Luck :D








Amen, sistah.








:lol: Im surprised people are saying stuff even though the two experts (erm cause your two girls) have stated it...












Celeste: Hows it going, havent seen you around Off-topic except latly.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Put it this way, no one I know has remained friends with their ex's. Whether they've tried to or not.




Most of my friends have kept a friendship with their ex's

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Short and simple.. Just tell her ya'll are better off as friends. Sure she'll cry.. and possibly hate you for awhile.. heh.. i would, since you was with her for 6 months, before you decided ya'll need to be *just friends*








Good Luck :D








Amen, sistah.








:lol: Im surprised people are saying stuff even though the two experts (erm cause your two girls) have stated it...












Celeste: Hows it going, havent seen you around Off-topic except latly.








Well, I stoped coming here for awhile, but the other day I was bored so I thought i'd drop by..hmm..yep.. haven't seen you on live either.. i think i deleted you.. :(.. sorry.. you was never on :(

Formly known as TheKat146.

Retired in 2003 on RSC at combat level 111 <3

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My ex is my best friend, and we've never got on better really. I was with her for nearly 3 years, and we've been mates since we broke up over a year ago, trust me it can work for some people.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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My ex is my best friend, and we've never got on better really. I was with her for nearly 3 years, and we've been mates since we broke up over a year ago, trust me it can work for some people.








same here...my old is my bestest friend in the whole world....i can talk to her about nything...we hang out all the time...culdnt ask for more

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haven't seen you on live either.. i think i deleted you.. :(.. sorry.. you was never on :(












:cry: :cry: X-box=Broken.








My dad wont get a new one, or fix it. He is waiting till 360 comes out, :D Then i hope ill be back!


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Still friends with all my ex's.








I can't even think of any my frieds who aren't friends with their ex's because of breaking up with them.




For the most part they kept in touch, still do, but just hardly see or talk to each other any more because of work, uni or the like.

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My ex is my best friend, and we've never got on better really. I was with her for nearly 3 years, and we've been mates since we broke up over a year ago, trust me it can work for some people.








same here...my old is my bestest friend in the whole world....i can talk to her about nything...we hang out all the time...culdnt ask for more








i went out with my ex for over 2 years, we broke up bout 7 months ago, and we're still best freinds.. and ive been with my present girl for 5 an a half months, an she doesnt care that im freinds with my last ex :o its not that hard








im freinds with my last 3 ex's lol :) best freinds with 2 :!:

Rsn: snyper jr

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haven't seen you on live either.. i think i deleted you.. :(.. sorry.. you was never on :(












:cry: :cry: X-box=Broken.








My dad wont get a new one, or fix it. He is waiting till 360 comes out, :D Then i hope ill be back!








lol smart idea.. it's died out anyways.. so when you get 360.. add me.. i'll more then likely have the same tag..








On topic :arrow: Blah.. I think it'd be to werid to have my ex has my best friend because i'd still have feelings for him..i could see being friends, but not best friends

Formly known as TheKat146.

Retired in 2003 on RSC at combat level 111 <3

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Kids and your stupid hormones, you all date way too much lol. Majority, not all, but majority of you are teens, and you're saying how you're still friends with your ex's. Plural. The key is to wait until the perfect one comes along. Have to be sure of it, to avoid sticky situations that Tomato is in right now. :wink:

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Kids and your stupid hormones, you all date way too much lol. Majority, not all, but majority of you are teens, and you're saying how you're still friends with your ex's. Plural. The key is to wait until the perfect one comes along. Have to be sure of it, to avoid sticky situations that Tomato is in right now. :wink:








I have two ex's.








Both are from post-2yr relationships :P




Most 25+ yo people I know max out on 1 year, sometimes less :ugh:

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A few points....








- Are you wanting a long-term relationship with the idea that you might stay with this person for years to come, preferrably in the form of marriage? (ie, are you 13, and just dating for something to do, or is this serious?) If this is not a serious relationship, then just skip down to the section on how to dump them quickly and thoroughly.








- If this is a serious relationship then you need to be certain of this conclusion. Is it due to incompatible views on serious issues? Was it a small fight? Different core beliefs? List the positives and negatives for the relationship in two columns and be as thorough and objective as possible. Then consult with TRUSTED people who know both of you---not ones who will start talking to everyone either. It may not be popular, but I would talk to your parents too.








Here are some basic areas to look at in your assesment:








Views on-
















children (how many)




in- laws/parents




how much time should be spent with friends








views on sexual issues




views on who takes the lead role in the family, how disputes are settled




who does what tasks in the relationship




can she cook (no joke man! or if you can cook, that is fine too)




communication and personality issues




health, financial, cultural barriers etc.
















Basically years of arranged marriage, and committed couples from other types of marriages have shown that the key factors are commonly held core beliefs. The rest can all be worked out to one degree or another.












- I agree with the earlier drop a bomb comment. You must do it DEFINITIVELY, leaving no hope whatsoever that there will ever be a chance again. I have too often seen my friends (all over 20 at the time, and in multi-year, serious relationships) let it drag on for ages. One even used the approach of "if I don't talk to her she will get the idea" approach. That is inhumane. And it is likely to get you verbally abused by her friends. If you are going to do it, then do it quickly. decisively and completely. That doesn't mean be a jerk. It is far worse to hint, imply, etc.








- Don't make the break-up event a long drawn out thing. I don't suggest taking her on a walk, taking her to dinner, etc. Just go over there and do it. It is nearly impossible to mask feelings for a long period of time while all the while planning to dash her hopes. So the quicker you get to the point the less suffering you both go through

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this might seem sleazy but a method I used when I didn't want to see someone anymore is just to simply avoid them altogether. Don't answer their phone calls, avoid them in the hallways at school. They'll eventually get the idea and you won't even have to tell them anything.

How does a profession differ from an occupation?

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this might seem sleazy but a method I used when I didn't want to see someone anymore is just to simply avoid them altogether. Don't answer their phone calls, avoid them in the hallways at school. They'll eventually get the idea and you won't even have to tell them anything.




Wow. And I thought I was ruthless.

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