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§ The Great Tip Pic of 2009! § ~ FINAL PICTURE RELEASED! ~


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Hi bluehooloovo, thank you for your reply. Yes, I saved it as a psd (and possibly a jpg) while I was working on it. Also, I used polygonal lasso in Photoshop to do much of the work. Maybe that was a no-no, I'm not sure.




I'll happily spend some time tweaking it and re-uploading, or will start over if necessary -- any suggestions are welcome.




Many thanks.

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Hi bluehooloovo, thank you for your reply. Yes, I saved it as a psd (and possibly a jpg) while I was working on it. Also, I used polygonal lasso in Photoshop to do much of the work. Maybe that was a no-no, I'm not sure.




I'll happily spend some time tweaking it and re-uploading, or will start over if necessary -- any suggestions are welcome.




Many thanks.

Yeah, you generally get the best results if you save it as a png from the start. ;) So if you could re-take and re-crop the picture, I would be happy to re-transparify it for you. :)





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

loo = 100

vo = broken ice cream cone = sad children = sad babies = dead babies


bluehooloovo = sadwho100deadbabies = Who is sad about 100 dead babies?


I've cracked the code!

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Forum Name: milkduds


RuneScape Name: Nerfhurter


Name to use on picture: RuneScape Name








Hi, this is the revised version (no more white outline, I hope) of the character image I submitted yesterday.


Please use this image instead of yesterday's, and thanks again to bluehooloovo for her help.


And here it is! :)






URL: http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/9550/nerf2.png





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

loo = 100

vo = broken ice cream cone = sad children = sad babies = dead babies


bluehooloovo = sadwho100deadbabies = Who is sad about 100 dead babies?


I've cracked the code!

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Thanks Blue! Not quite sure what I did wrong.




You took the picture while having Anti Aliasing on x4.


Ive done that a few times aswell, but I found a way to get around it.




Everything worked out though. ::'

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Forum Name: Spooferfish


RuneScape Name: Spooferfish


Name to use on picture: Spooferfish


Picture: 2009o.png


URL: http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/1695/2009o.png




Doin' it crab style this year.




Name to use on picture: Spooferfish









R.I.P. Neko :[

5,445,898,965th to 99 Woodcutting

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Forum Name: Thunderthem8


RuneScape Name: Thunderthem8


Name to use on picture: Thunderthem8






URL: http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu51 ... rthem8.png








Name to use on picture: Thunderthem8






URL: http://i42.tinypic.com/206hklt.png



R.I.P. Neko :[

5,445,898,965th to 99 Woodcutting

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Forum Name: Epicnuts


RuneScape Name: Zoomkey


Name On Picture: Zoomkey


Picture: greattititpic09.png


URL: http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/7429/greattititpic09.png




Name On Picture: Zoomkey









R.I.P. Neko :[

5,445,898,965th to 99 Woodcutting

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Forum Name: Dszd1995


RuneScape Name: Dszd1995


Name On Picture: Dszd1995


Picture: selfpiceditedwhitepngg.th.png


URL: http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/6696 ... tepngg.png






Umm how do I make it larger?




You just used the thumbnail picture, but the link you gave was full-size. It's fine.


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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Forum Name: Dszd1995


RuneScape Name: Dszd1995


Name On Picture: Dszd1995


Picture: selfpiceditedwhitepngg.th.png


URL: http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/6696 ... tepngg.png






Umm how do I make it larger?




You just used the thumbnail picture, but the link you gave was full-size. It's fine.





Oh okay thank you very much. Could you use the second one please? (The one on the edited post)


Thank you once again.




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Forum Name: Dszd1995


RuneScape Name: Dszd1995


Name On Picture: Dszd1995


Picture: whitepng.th.png


URL: http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/1625/whitepng.png




EDIT: New image but the size still is the same.. Help please? :D








Url: http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/3489/29119486.png

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Forum Name: Dszd1995


RuneScape Name: Dszd1995


Name On Picture: Dszd1995


Picture: whitepng.th.png


URL: http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/1625/whitepng.png




EDIT: New image but the size still is the same.. Help please? :D








Url: http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/3489/29119486.png





Thanks for making it transparent!! :D :D




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