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YEP and I totally didn't take a semester of calc last year shh


They want everyone with a 26 or better on their ACT math section to take calc. I got a 33. I didn't feel like taking calc though lololol

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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Making peanut butter jelly sandwiches, by candle light last night, reminded me of the ice storm, back in '98, where we lost power for over a week.


Good times.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Lots of people died in Maine from carbon monoxide poisoning during the days after the storm.


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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So once I was eating Chinese food and my fortune said something along the lines of "things will get better". I kept it and put it in my phone underneath my battery. I'm getting a new phone Friday. Gotta remember to take it out.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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Suddenly, nobody.

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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I'm trying to stay awake.

So hard.

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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