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Doesn't gross me out at all. It also doesn't show any other characters, which makes sense since most major characters don't last forever


Awesome, forgot laptop volume was at 100% and put ear buds in. That didn't wake me up at all or anything

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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Shoooot. Gotta be over to main campus by 8 tomorrow instead of the usual 8:45ish. I haven't woken up before 8 since... orientation week, when I had the dumb idea to shower in the morning and wake up at 7:15. Poop.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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I'd like to ask you guys about something.


women expecting men to give them money after dating them for a certain point.

I have heard of a lot of females demanding monies from their boyfriends.. of grown women making guys pay their rent, and bills...



on the other side of the coin, there are guys that will live at their girlfriend's house and not pay shit.. and expect her to pay for everything.


what does fg think a normal relationship should pay out?

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its pretty simple for me actually... barring any circumstances of dire need, the two people should pay close to 50% of their shared expenses, and none of their mate's personal expense. For example, you shouldn't be paying for half your girlfriend's rent unless she desperately needs the help. Likewise, don't expect your girlfriend to chip in for your education

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If your girlfriend gets fired and can't pay her rent/bills whatever... I think its fine for you to help her out if you can spare the money. The reason being... while she could move in with you and you'd save monies, that's a big step in your relationship and it shouldn't be made out of necessity. It should be a choice! So therefore, paying for your girlfriend's rent is not always a case of her mooching off of you... even though it could seem that way

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i've said this a few times on here..


my ex never paid for our dates.. i paid.. for food and movies... and i never thought much about it until i had no money in my bank account and then i was like shit.


so after i got him to break up with me.. and it's been a few years boyfriend-less.. i think i could tentatively allow a guy to pay for me while on a date. <_<



[hide] actually at this point it's more like:


or else gtfo


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Its awful that he never paid for anything, and its perfectly reasonable for you to expect your future boyfriends to pay for things half of the time, especially when its expenses you share, like eating out. I don't think anyone was arguing that it should be any other way! This is mostly about personal expense.. like paying for his bills or buying him a new computer

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if you're in a mature, stable relationship, its my opinion that you shouldn't be squeamish about giving or taking money. You're no longer two people


Well, yeah, that might be true, but with the caase at hand, wits has never been a "person" at all.

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Money is such an awkward subject. Depending on the nature of the relationship, in ANY relationship (family/friends/dating/etc) there's always an awkwardness concerning whether the money is expected to be paid back or by when. It's awkward to discuss it, it's awkward to not discuss it and not know the expectations. For example, I handed Cyndi $40 a couple days before I left for the school year for gas, so it was basically gas for her to get to work and drive around with her stupid boyfriend. At the time, she said oh yeah I'll pay you back when I see you blah blah and I said oh don't worry about it. I don't care right now, but if I needed it, it'd be awkward to be like "soo, that $40 I gave you in August... I want it. Now." But then with other friends, if I borrowed $5, I'd bring it to them the next day. It depends on where you're at with whoever is lending/borrowing.


For dating stuff, mutual expenses should be near half when you think about it, but a lot of time you just go "oh I got this one" and then it ends up looking completely uneven because one person is always more generous than the other, or one person buys practical things with the money they spend towards the relationship like food and the other buys gifts expected of them to buy by society.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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