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Starfox Tag - C/C - v2


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This one was actually a request. I originally didn't want it to be a smudge tag, but that's how it turned out :P I think I'm getting better with this but I'm not sure where to take it.







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This looks really good :) There is some nice depth going on, the perspective is great too. Alas, that's caused by the render, but still... I like what you were trying to achieve.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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This looks really good :) There is some nice depth going on, the perspective is great too. Alas, that's caused by the render, but still... I like what you were trying to achieve.


Yeah, I got excited when I saw that render :P


If you're doing a "smudge" tag, the smudging should be sharper.




Sorry buit it looks more like you've tried to make a background for a normal sig and added no effects. :?


What would you classify as effects?

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I think you could've just sharpened the smudge and the smudge itself would be an effect then. It won't need anything else, it would be just as cool as Julius's tags.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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Nice work, mate, that looks a lot better! ::' There's something about it I don't like, though. I'm not sure what it is, but it's most likely a lack of a colour scheme and it looks a little too sharp. Nice work so far, keep it up :)

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Thats epic, although i think the thing coming out of his gun isnt enough to the top, it sprays down too much



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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