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[TWR] Legendz V Masters of Dragons


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It would be nice if every clan got to have 100% their favored rules for wars. I mean, what more could Mod ask for than matched opts with range off in classic? I wonder what you would have done if we had forced you into fighting us in a full-out range and blasts on in turrets?.









First off: the TWR war was the one which you won by default since we had a misundestanding on the rules.




Second: We didn't plan on stalling, y'all stalled just as much.. With your pathetic little "rushes" :lol:




Thridly: We too war for both fun and points, else we wouldn't have had a fun war, even though there was a misunderstanding in the rules? :|





You guys must have alot of misunderstandings... The finalized rules for the war was posted 10 days ago. You had 10 days, day and night, to stare at the declaration and see it say 'Range Allowed'. If anything is pathetic, that is it.




Because your clan made a post, that didn't tell the whole story, making us look like complte bad guys and you perfect angels. Which in my eyes, my clans eyes and most probly some of your members eyes complete and utter bull.




The truth can really hurt sometimes.


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First off: the TWR war was the one which you won by default since we had a misundestanding on the rules.




Second: We didn't plan on stalling, y'all stalled just as much.. With your pathetic little "rushes" :lol:




Thridly: We too war for both fun and points, else we wouldn't have had a fun war, even though there was a misunderstanding in the rules? :|





You guys must have alot of misunderstandings... The finalized rules for the war was posted 10 days ago. You had 10 days, day and night, to stare at the declaration and see it say 'Range Allowed'.




We didn't need to stare at the dec on TWR, we had it on our own boards. But, as I stated before; the rules were misunderstood, and written on our boards improperly.




It isn't all that hard to understand tbh.. I'm sure you'll understand if I say it enough times.

- Sarkee -

Proud Member of The British Elites


Ex-MoD Events Council

Ex-TBD Head of Events

Ex-TBD Co-Leader

- 'Scaping since February '03 -

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MoD should feel free to make a separate non TWR war topic for the fun war, but this particular one is for the TWR war :)


§ Crimson Raiders Veteran | skull_crossbones.gif Ex Downfall Warlord | bcouncil.gif Ex Team Vendetta Council

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MoD should feel free to make a separate non TWR war topic for the fun war, but this particular one is for the TWR war :)




So should Legendz. They begun the conversation on the fun war. We are just defending ourselves against the false information :-)

- Sarkee -

Proud Member of The British Elites


Ex-MoD Events Council

Ex-TBD Head of Events

Ex-TBD Co-Leader

- 'Scaping since February '03 -

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You guys must have alot of misunderstandings... The finalized rules for the war was posted 10 days ago. You had 10 days, day and night, to stare at the declaration and see it say 'Range Allowed'. If anything is pathetic, that is it.




As soon as the rules were finalized Jan posted them on OUR boards. He misread and posted some wrong information. Once the rules were on our boards why would we bother going back here? So don't give me that BS that we had 10 days. It was a misunderstanding. You call it pathetic, I call it an honest mistake. So congrats, you have some TWR points on a war that never happened. =D> You guys own!
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MoD should feel free to make a separate non TWR war topic for the fun war, but this particular one is for the TWR war :)




So should Legendz. They begun the conversation on the fun war. We are just defending ourselves against the false information :-)


we did not. and i reapeat we did not. you guys did. please stop it. This isnt good for either of our clans reps.


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MoD should feel free to make a separate non TWR war topic for the fun war, but this particular one is for the TWR war :)




So should Legendz. They begun the conversation on the fun war. We are just defending ourselves against the false information :-)


Why would they post a war recap topic about them losing, that would be your job :lol:


§ Crimson Raiders Veteran | skull_crossbones.gif Ex Downfall Warlord | bcouncil.gif Ex Team Vendetta Council

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First of all, get your facts straight.








Ilove Marla = New Applicant, wasn't added to ML.


Dragon1mile= New Applicant, wasn't added to ML.


Zammorak Z= Rsb Applicant, we have a seperate list, hes been accepted for a week, I'd edit that link in but I really don't care about argueing my point. You guys did great at whining and complaining so grats on the false win.


Giant Barf= Rsb Applicant


Goblin Ownz= is on our memberlist idiot?


Eskomo and Corrupt have been in our clan for a month and are on our memberlist... so dunno where your getting that log from.




As for your claim to trying to add people, we added new applicants that didn't show to the war afterwards to memberlist, they weren't updated, big woop?





MOD stalls, until a TWR Mod shows up (thanks Lady Ninane)


MOD still disagrees. TWR Mod declares us winners.


Later we find MOD had also decided to recruit on the spot or something, because they had people who are not even listed on their ml.





We logged in to the world right on the time agreed, our warlord misread one of your posts and you cried over ranged not being allowed. You also decided you wanted Turrets out of nowhere to, I'm sorry whiners, but you just don't change rules last minute. We were going to allow you to bring your dumb rangers but then you claimed you only had FIVE rangers. Seriously, pathetic? You were already out numbering us so what do you think 5 rangers will do for you?




I am not sure what happened with the TWR Mod, and frankly, have your TipIt war points, we do not care about them. You guys came with the sorest and most dispicable attitute I have ever seen in a clan and you were all extremely lousy. You couldn't just be diplomatic and accept that there was miscommunication, but instead you threw a big temper tantrum. So at the end of the day you can call it a "win" but we outperformed you, we outorganized you, we outbinded you, and we pretty much damn well decimated you. So you can take your false little victory which you did no work for and go pretend its a great achievement.




By the way your behavior in the war was dispicable. If you were going to give us a good fight, why not do it properly instead of running around like a bunch of [developmentally delayed]s?




Waited 30 minutes for your pathetic excuse of a clan to actually get the balls to fight us. It was not a good fight, you are not a clan thats worth respecting, and I hope to god I never have to war a group of inexperience idiot sticks like you EVER again.




Sorry for Lady for having to come in and deal with this bullcrap. Hopefully next time we can just be a little bit more grown up about it?
































Anyways, at the end of the day it is just a game. Good fight I guess.

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Woah, woah. First off, the fun war that happened was irrelevant. That's why it was a fun war, no? ;) I suggest if you want to discuss it, make a seperate but FLAME FREE topic about it in the Wars & Run-ins forum.




Second, keep it clean on this topic. If you have evidence, present it here or PM it to me or Laikrob.




TWR Mod declared us winners




No. I didn't say that. What I DID tell Jc was that given the disputes and how quick Mod and LGZ did this war, I wasn't sure how to rule and that I'd talk with the Clan Staff team and come to a decision. I said that given the evidence though, LGZ might get the points.




As of right now, the mods have NOT reached a decision concerning LGZ vs MoD. I promise, however, that I'll be as speedy as possible to post a decision that the team has come to.




Remember, keep this topic clean. I dislike seeing all this mudslinging.


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Woah, woah. First off, the fun war that happened was irrelevant. That's why it was a fun war, no? ;) I suggest if you want to discuss it, make a seperate but FLAME FREE topic about it in the Wars & Run-ins forum.




Second, keep it clean on this topic. If you have evidence, present it here or PM it to me or Laikrob.




TWR Mod declared us winners




No. I didn't say that. What I DID tell Jc was that given the disputes and how quick Mod and LGZ did this war, I wasn't sure how to rule and that I'd talk with the Clan Staff team and come to a decision. I said that given the evidence though, LGZ might get the points.




As of right now, the mods have NOT reached a decision concerning LGZ vs MoD. I promise, however, that I'll be as speedy as possible to post a decision that the team has come to.




Remember, keep this topic clean. I dislike seeing all this mudslinging.




Thank you, Lady Ninane. -takes off his flaming hat-

- Sarkee -

Proud Member of The British Elites


Ex-MoD Events Council

Ex-TBD Head of Events

Ex-TBD Co-Leader

- 'Scaping since February '03 -

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Keep posting mod, just getting a laugh at it in the end. Gl rebuilding, and most of all gl on getting wars here. LGZ doesn't need to do any talk backs on this one, we've been around here long enough for people to know whos who.




LGZ chill out, and let em loose.


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So war started 50-37 and range off. Ok


MoD misunderstood rules, but why LGZ accepted again range off war? (Second attempt)


Moderator came there,


She explained rules, why was agreed fun war, not TWR?


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Okay, well I wasn't at this war. When I saw you guys declared on us, I took one look at your member list (160 members...) and laughed, hardly expecting it to get accepted. At the time the war was accepted we had 80 people on our memberlist. You guys doubled our numbers. You say things like "if it were in turrets, blasts allowed etc etc" I quite frankly couldn't care less if you had some disadvantages, you had 80 more members than us, so stop your whining. And you also say it was effectively a matched opts, is it really our fault you guys didn't have a very large attendance in comparison to your 160 man Ml?




It was a misunderstanding, and I can understand how you guys got impatient as mod tried to organize ourselves better (As we were prepared with range disallowed, so adjustments had to be made ofcourse). This rubbish about us adding people to the ml during the war is completely false. All these members applied and were accepted before the war began, just noone had yet to add them to the member list.




At the end of the day, you guys got creamed by us in the fun war. We will have no problems finding wars here because we haven't done a thing wrong, there was a misunderstanding and nothing more.

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So for that misscommunication, we will allow LGZ to have the TWR points, even though we won the actual fight. We are here for fights, not war ranks ;) -Kiwiwithbow




for LGZ, READ IT CLOSELY AND STOP WHINNING.LGZ, i am very well aware that you are trying to get ranked #1 on TWR. MoD is here for fun and you all keep fighting for useless stuff. They are giving you the point. stop fighting over stupid things a 3rd grader would. :wall:

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So for that misscommunication, we will allow LGZ to have the TWR points, even though we won the actual fight. We are here for fights, not war ranks ;)




for LGZ, READ IT CLOSELY AND STOP WHINNING.LGZ, i am very well aware that you are trying to get ranked #1 on TWR. MoD is here for fun and you all keep fighting for useless stuff. They are giving you the point. stop fighting over stupid things a 3rd grader would. :wall:


read all of our last few posts? nothing saying anything about the war really. you guys are the ones who keep bring it up.


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Topic closed for cleaning. Will be done in 2 minutes.




That took longer than 2 minutes, my apologies. :ohnoes:




I've removed some pointless flames and off topic/spam comments. I do think, however, that this topic's discussion value has run it's course and I'm leaving it locked until we can give LGZ and MoD a response.




If either official from MoD or LGZ disagree with this, they may feel free to PM me and I'll unlock it.


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Topic closed for cleaning. Will be done in 2 minutes.




That took longer than 2 minutes, my apologies. :ohnoes:




I've removed some pointless flames and off topic/spam comments. I do think, however, that this topic's discussion value has run it's course and I'm leaving it locked until we can give LGZ and MoD a response.




If either official from MoD or LGZ disagree with this, they may feel free to PM me and I'll unlock it.




Nope, that sounds fair :-). I'm happy, I've put my point across. That's what I come here to do.




I'd also like to add, at the end of the day, it was fun warring you LGZ. Both wars, and I'd be happy to have another war with you. Though, I'm not sure if we'd war Range :-). We'll see.

- Sarkee -

Proud Member of The British Elites


Ex-MoD Events Council

Ex-TBD Head of Events

Ex-TBD Co-Leader

- 'Scaping since February '03 -

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Topic closed for cleaning. Will be done in 2 minutes.




That took longer than 2 minutes, my apologies. :ohnoes:




I've removed some pointless flames and off topic/spam comments. I do think, however, that this topic's discussion value has run it's course and I'm leaving it locked until we can give LGZ and MoD a response.




If either official from MoD or LGZ disagree with this, they may feel free to PM me and I'll unlock it.


Mod has already said that we will forfeit the points over to LGZ for this misunderstanding, which was the fault of our clan, not theirs. We join these rankings for the opportunity to war clans that are of a similar level than us, so we'll be glad to give up the points. Atleast we got to war in the end.

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So for that misscommunication, we will allow LGZ to have the TWR points, even though we won the actual fight. We are here for fights, not war ranks ;) -Kiwiwithbow




for LGZ, READ IT CLOSELY AND STOP WHINNING.LGZ, i am very well aware that you are trying to get ranked #1 on TWR. MoD is here for fun and you all keep fighting for useless stuff. They are giving you the point. stop fighting over stupid things a 3rd grader would. :wall:




I like you.




First of all, Yes it was my fault about misreading. Second of all, It's quite obvious what LGZ is here for, and even though "LGZ doesnt have to talk backs on here" I think there are more clans on the TWR list that dislike you more than like you, seeing the kind of challenges you put up (seriously, I dont think I've seen a fight LGZ could have actually lost since we got here.) When you challenged us, I wanted to show the rest of TWR your weaknesses, hence why I made those 2 sets of rules. The first one had as weakness of you needing to match opts with us, the second one had range off. To me it looked like you accepted the 2nd set of rules, not seeing range being accepted. After the time it got accepted, I posted the rules on our boards and did not watch the declaration again (so far your "you had 10 days to stare at it").




Then we met up and you accepted the fight twice under the rules I posted, but leaving soon after. You brought up you'd fight on turrets without range, which I accepted, but then you started to flame us by calling us scared for arrows etc. You decided to threathen us with calling a TWR MoD if we did not accept your rules of Range on on Turrets all of a sudden. Your leader started to act very immaturely towards me, showing what kind of person he actually is (I mean, little kids copy their parents behaviour towards them and the way you were talking to me felt the exact same way). TWR Mod came and I explained her what I wanted. I made it very clear on the instance that I do not care about points and that MoD just joined the rankings for frequent, fun wars.




We got our fight anyways, the fight under the rules set I posted. We were happy and getting ready for the war. We did not lose anyone during the wait whereas you lost 10? 2 mins were up so we walked north as we were ready to atk (as rules stated clan who pulled the least attacks), only finding out you rushing us just before we entered the boundaries and screaming "OMFG BOUNDS" "BOUNDS""OMG SICKOS NICE BOUNDS" already. You piled me, and with me being suprised by it, I gave the lead to the next fallin leader and started tanking. I outtanked 7 or 8 LGZ on my own, which you saw aswell of course and started flaming and trying to find things you could see as rule breaking so you could have your easy-way-out autowin on this fight aswell. And boy you were lucky, picking one of our newer members who has not been to our clan drills yet and therefore did not know much about our boundaries yet. He outtanked 3 LGZ aswell before running out of bounds accidentally. This was your reason to come back and scream "DQ". We however were unaware of the situation and continued the fight, which you did aswell. We koed right left and in the centre while you had alot of trouble killing our lower leveled, inexperienced clan members. So instead of ending this war in a proper way, you decided to act immaturely and run out of bounds aswell, not just the one person we had, no, the people who tanked ran out of bounds already and the last 5 left of LGZ decided to go all the way Southeast of the map and wait for us to come. We did came there and started to kill those members off aswell, before they started running to single-combat areas. From that point on our members got pretty much pissed off, as they had been flamed by your members and had other things to do as chasing around 3 people in single (we had 2 people turning 18 \' ) But they stayed and started flaming back your single-combat huggers. Although we had better things to do, we got to kill those last 3 and immediately left the fightworld to make sure we would not flame past-fight. You however had no trouble finding the right ways to avoid the jagex censor, and I bet our pmod member would have had a great time there if he would have showed.




In the end, we both got what we came for. You got your free points (most likely) and we get our fun fight, in which we completely destroyed you. You threaten us about not getting fights on TWR anymore, but I do have the feeling there are more clans on here who respect a 5-year-old, fun-war-looking clan then a clan who challenges other clans on the TWR list when they have no choice but to accept and have no chance but to lose.




My story, I hope Lady does not delete it as it's my point of view, and being at the centre where the most issues floated around, I do think this is a proper summary in what happened (My eyes of course as even though I try to be objective I can not be and will not try to overlay my oppinions as facts)

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Mass bs asks for mass dissection...




Notice, that all the clean up on the posts that TWR mods had to do was your clan member's posts. Surely they were relevant enough not to be deleted? Or more like flame-free enough not to be deleted? You claim we flamed you during the war, yet you cannot even hold your tongue or at least stand your ground in a public Clan Forum, quite hypocritical and the same goes for your essay sadly...





Second of all, It's quite obvious what LGZ is here for, and even though "LGZ doesnt have to talk backs on here" I think there are more clans on the TWR list that dislike you more than like you, seeing the kind of challenges you put up (seriously, I dont think I've seen a fight LGZ could have actually lost since we got here.) When you challenged us, I wanted to show the rest of TWR your weaknesses, hence why I made those 2 sets of rules.




I'm not even sure what to say about this para. The amount of arrogant judgmental statements is quite high, and whats funny is that you recently joined TWR and you make judgments that clans who have been here since time can't even make.





The first one had as weakness of you needing to match opts with us, the second one had range off. To me it looked like you accepted the 2nd set of rules, not seeing range being accepted. After the time it got accepted, I posted the rules on our boards and did not watch the declaration again (so far your "you had 10 days to stare at it").




Hmm, a matched opts; with you having 28 120+ and us having 8. You must be extremely fair.




The second one was full out with range off. Now pay attention here, listen carefully... I replied back simply asking 'can range be on?'. Then you replied, accepting. Now, there was a mishap of you not seeing it. Ok, now when war time came and we told you rules said range is on, why did you still not agree then? Screens clearly show you completely ignored it. That only leads to you stalling.




Now you said, you had to re-organize to do range on? We waited 45min and you still wanted range off, how long does it take to re-organize for a range on war?




You brought up you'd fight on turrets without range, which I accepted, but then you started to flame us by calling us scared for arrows etc. You decided to threathen us with calling a TWR MoD if we did not accept your rules of Range on on Turrets all of a sudden. Your leader started to act very immaturely towards me, showing what kind of person he actually is (I mean, little kids copy their parents behaviour towards them and the way you were talking to me felt the exact same way).




Man, i love the amount of bs you put in your posts. Why don't you come out with screens of us flaming about arrows? We THREATENED you? Thats a big word. It was 30min past the war time, and we wanted to get the rules set up, you did not want to war with the TWR Rules, even when you read the TWR declaration yourself and saw Range was on, that is clear proof that it was no longer a 'misunderstanding' but more of you taking advantage of it. We decided to call a TWR Mod in, how is that a threat, why do you seem very alienated to rules and order.




We did not lose anyone during the wait whereas you lost 10?




Our clan has a schedule, not sure if yours does, but the war was scheduled to start at 3:30pm est. By the time you stalled, it was 4:15pm est. Yes, our guys have lives, things to do other than wait for mod to re-organize.





2 mins were up so we walked north as we were ready to atk (as rules stated clan who pulled the least attacks), only finding out you rushing us just before we entered the boundaries and screaming "OMFG BOUNDS" "BOUNDS""OMG SICKOS NICE BOUNDS" already.




Oh, wait... so, when rules state Range on, its okay for you to break it but when we attack first, its not. And that last part, if i was just as arrogant as you, i can make up lies. Back up what you say with screenshots or zip it.




And boy you were lucky, picking one of our newer members who has not been to our clan drills yet and therefore did not know much about our boundaries yet. He outtanked 3 LGZ aswell before running out of bounds accidentally. This was your reason to come back and scream "DQ". We however were unaware of the situation and continued the fight, which you did aswell.




Dude, what are you on? That war was a FUN WAR. Read previous comments, some of our members even said plainly that they didn't care about it, because it was so one-sided, it wasn't worth the effort. You got all the rules you pretty much asked for?




And so you find it okay for some of your 'new' members to go out of bounds, yet for us, it isn't. I seriously do not understand your logic.




LGZ does not want any points from this 'war'. The amount of bs, lies, and arrogant judgments that were just posted are on another level. Just makes me wow, i now understand how you guys recently came from a slump and wouldn't be surprised if you go back.


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Mass bs asks for mass dissection...




Notice, that all the clean up on the posts that TWR mods had to do was your clan member's posts. Surely they were relevant enough not to be deleted? Or more like flame-free enough not to be deleted? You claim we flamed you during the war, yet you cannot even hold your tongue or at least stand your ground in a public Clan Forum, quite hypocritical and the same goes for your essay sadly...





Second of all, It's quite obvious what LGZ is here for, and even though "LGZ doesnt have to talk backs on here" I think there are more clans on the TWR list that dislike you more than like you, seeing the kind of challenges you put up (seriously, I dont think I've seen a fight LGZ could have actually lost since we got here.) When you challenged us, I wanted to show the rest of TWR your weaknesses, hence why I made those 2 sets of rules.




I'm not even sure what to say about this para. The amount of arrogant judgmental statements is quite high, and whats funny is that you recently joined TWR and you make judgments that clans who have been here since time can't even make.





The first one had as weakness of you needing to match opts with us, the second one had range off. To me it looked like you accepted the 2nd set of rules, not seeing range being accepted. After the time it got accepted, I posted the rules on our boards and did not watch the declaration again (so far your "you had 10 days to stare at it").




Hmm, a matched opts; with you having 28 120+ and us having 8. You must be extremely fair.




The second one was full out with range off. Now pay attention here, listen carefully... I replied back simply asking 'can range be on?'. Then you replied, accepting. Now, there was a mishap of you not seeing it. Ok, now when war time came and we told you rules said range is on, why did you still not agree then? Screens clearly show you completely ignored it. That only leads to you stalling.




Now you said, you had to re-organize to do range on? We waited 45min and you still wanted range off, how long does it take to re-organize for a range on war?




You brought up you'd fight on turrets without range, which I accepted, but then you started to flame us by calling us scared for arrows etc. You decided to threathen us with calling a TWR MoD if we did not accept your rules of Range on on Turrets all of a sudden. Your leader started to act very immaturely towards me, showing what kind of person he actually is (I mean, little kids copy their parents behaviour towards them and the way you were talking to me felt the exact same way).




Man, i love the amount of bs you put in your posts. Why don't you come out with screens of us flaming about arrows? We THREATENED you? Thats a big word. It was 30min past the war time, and we wanted to get the rules set up, you did not want to war with the TWR Rules, even when you read the TWR declaration yourself and saw Range was on, that is clear proof that it was no longer a 'misunderstanding' but more of you taking advantage of it. We decided to call a TWR Mod in, how is that a threat, why do you seem very alienated to rules and order.




We did not lose anyone during the wait whereas you lost 10?




Our clan has a schedule, not sure if yours does, but the war was scheduled to start at 3:30pm est. By the time you stalled, it was 4:15pm est. Yes, our guys have lives, things to do other than wait for mod to re-organize.





2 mins were up so we walked north as we were ready to atk (as rules stated clan who pulled the least attacks), only finding out you rushing us just before we entered the boundaries and screaming "OMFG BOUNDS" "BOUNDS""OMG SICKOS NICE BOUNDS" already.




Oh, wait... so, when rules state Range on, its okay for you to break it but when we attack first, its not. And that last part, if i was just as arrogant as you, i can make up lies. Back up what you say with screenshots or zip it.




And boy you were lucky, picking one of our newer members who has not been to our clan drills yet and therefore did not know much about our boundaries yet. He outtanked 3 LGZ aswell before running out of bounds accidentally. This was your reason to come back and scream "DQ". We however were unaware of the situation and continued the fight, which you did aswell.




Dude, what are you on? That war was a FUN WAR. Read previous comments, some of our members even said plainly that they didn't care about it, because it was so one-sided, it wasn't worth the effort. You got all the rules you pretty much asked for?




And so you find it okay for some of your 'new' members to go out of bounds, yet for us, it isn't. I seriously do not understand your logic.




LGZ does not want any points from this 'war'. The amount of bs, lies, and arrogant judgments that were just posted are on another level. Just makes me wow, i now understand how you guys recently came from a slump and wouldn't be surprised if you go back.








Mass bs asks for mass dissection...




We did flame and I know we did. I never said we did not flame. I however made sure we did not flame past-fight by getting everyone to hop. The topic has not only be cleared by our members' posts and you know that aswell, as where 2 directions fight 2 directions get in trouble.




I'm not even sure what to say about this para. The amount of arrogant judgmental statements is quite high, and whats funny is that you recently joined TWR and you make judgments that clans who have been here since time can't even make.
















LGZ vs NK (to a lesser extent but still)






First page war topic. I do not see how AKEL or TEH could even get close to a victory. During the time MoD has been on the list we declared on clans who we thought could give us a decent fight. We declared on Downfall, LND, TDM, we had a challenge for mori, we currently accepted Downfall yet again and are talking to BK about a fight. As we got out of our slump we found out the challenges were not as hard as first expected, but that is because we are growing pretty fast at the moment. We however do not see the urge to fight clans like AKEL and TEH for free points. We got here on the list for extra wars, and which you, according to your challenges (shall I get those aswell) are only out here for free points to become #1.




The second one was full out with range off. Now pay attention here, listen carefully... I replied back simply asking 'can range be on?'. Then you replied, accepting. Now, there was a mishap of you not seeing it. Ok, now when war time came and we told you rules said range is on, why did you still not agree then? Screens clearly show you completely ignored it. That only leads to you stalling.




Yes I misread on the topic and yes I did accept that at that time, HOWEVER I did not know range was on, and like I said, I did not want to fight you with range on in a fullout. The stalling took place as you completely ignored my ingame comments and started to act like [hide=](your parents probably do to you)[/hide] treating me like a 4 year old. I do not accept any behaviour like that towards me, and that made me more eager not to fight you under those rules.




Our clan has a schedule, not sure if yours does, but the war was scheduled to start at 3:30pm est. By the time you stalled, it was 4:15pm est. Yes, our guys have lives, things to do other than wait for mod to re-organize.




Our clan has a schedule aswell, but my members were eager to fight a war they had seen coming for 10 days. Yes our members have lives aswell but they were happy to set those appointments aside to see what happened during the actual fight. Them leaving actually shows even more you only cared about the free points gotten from this "forfeit" and that those members were not there to fight for their clan's pride, which also was shown on this topic with members saying 'I didnt even care about winning anyways'. Once again proven you only cared about the free points




Oh, wait... so, when rules state Range on, its okay for you to break it but when we attack first, its not. And that last part, if i was just as arrogant as you, i can make up lies. Back up what you say with screenshots or zip it.




We didnt get to fight that match as you won your free points now did we? And for backing up with screenshots, the vid shows everything we need. You agreed to fighting on my terms, and then broke it anyways, that's a prove of your disrespect towards our clan. But we, instead of you, did not immediately run towards the portal to leave and restart, we did what we came for and fight.




Dude, what are you on? That war was a FUN WAR. Read previous comments, some of our members even said plainly that they didn't care about it, because it was so one-sided, it wasn't worth the effort. You got all the rules you pretty much asked for?




And so you find it okay for some of your 'new' members to go out of bounds, yet for us, it isn't. I seriously do not understand your logic.




The war was a fun war yes, but the fun got ruined by your members just blatantly breaking the rules, when they DID have the knowledge on how the rules worked. Our newer member broke the bounds because he did NOT know the bounds were there, your members broke it even though knowing about the rules. The war was not needed to be one sided if you actually cared about fighting and winning the war anyways. But no you got what you came for (your free points) so who couldnt care less?




LGZ does not want any points from this 'war'. The amount of bs, lies, and arrogant judgments that were just posted are on another level. Just makes me wow, i now understand how you guys recently came from a slump and wouldn't be surprised if you go back.




Be honest. You dont want points from this because you want to make me look like a lying, cheating warlord and make our clan look worse than yours in overal. Im not saying we stayed clean, perfect angels, but what you did disgusted me more, and actually posting it like it went allright disgusts me even more. Oh and we've been around for 5 years no, we know how to deal with slumps now and we will get back in one during the time we're alive, but the way you're showing yourself on these public clan boards make me believe that as soon as you'd really hit your first slump you'd actually close the clan instead :)

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Lemme give a couple of war summaries:




[TWR War]




- Rules are agreed to a week before the fight.


- Legendz turn up only to see MoD arrive a couple of minutes late (no problem though :) )


- Legendz Warlord wars the MoD Warlord, MoD warlord changes it to no range and Legendz warlord accidently accepts.


- Legendz are told to leave the portal, as we have a lot of 90+ rangers who were equipped with range.


- Legendz try to war with the rules, yet again the MoD warlord changes it to no range.


- Legendz tell MoD the rules stated Range On.


- MoD refuse to war.


- Legendz come into the TWR IRC chat asking for some assistance (thanks to Lady Ninane <3: ).


- MoD still refuse to war even when the TWR moderator is there.


- MoD make obscene comprimises like "Ranger caps" with the TWR moderator which I reject.


- We waited best of 40 minutes for a great war, now we've lost 10 people because of MoD's refusal to wait.




[Fun War]




- MoD change the settings to no range, so we change it to whoever attacks first.


- Legendz piles MoD lead Kidsman99 who tanks a great 7-8 kills.


- 2nd Legendz pile goes out of bounds.


- After eventually killing him, the 3rd Legendz pile runs into 1v1.


- The boundarie seperates us all and MoD get swift, fast k0s.


- Legendz members see people not on MoD memberlist in war.


- Legendz decide to give MoD some of their own medicene by hiding in 1v1 making it hard for them to kill us (as it's a fun war and they had cheated at everything else...), note; in a TWR war, we would have stayed in bounds and posted up evidence.




[My Views]




Well it was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I almost think it was deliberate to make us wait and be weakened. That I'll never know and will never proove. I hope you learn to actually read the war topics from now on, before making bull rules. I don't plan on warring you ever again unless the rules favour us, the amount of flames received before the war even started was unbelieveable. The fact we had to wait killed us, we lost 10 people, which in the fun war WOULD have made a difference.








LOL. You make me laugh kiddo. Well done for owning us in a matched range off war, how about a rm on a Saturday with all options allowed in the Turrets map. Yeah, eat 180 opts?








If members on your clan do not know bounds, then wtf are you doing? You should be telling them, unless, haha, they weren't MoD members? You ruined the fun for us, so we ruined it for you, stop crying and deal with it. As for the points, we didn't join TWR for free points, easy wars. We joined so we had a guarantee we could get a war, and a learning experience. Over the last few months we have progressed rapidly, and the situation is the same for clans like DF and TK who have grown rapidly too. So stop with your stupid accusations. But seriously, for this war we do want points, because we won the TWR war due to you refusing to war.




You brought up you'd fight on turrets without range, which I accepted, but then you started to flame us by calling us scared for arrows etc. You decided to threathen us with calling a TWR MoD if we did not accept your rules of Range on on Turrets all of a sudden.




LOL? We were thinking about offering no range in turrets, but I'd rather the TWR mod came and made sure the rules were right.




We got our fight anyways, the fight under the rules set I posted. We were happy and getting ready for the war.




Yeah, seriously...are you seeing something I'm not?




If you want to fullout us, I'd accept under these rules:




- CWA classic Map - Centre bounds


- Melee & binds only (of course food, pots and prayer)


- Corrupt not allowed


- Sunday 14th


- Time: 3.30pm EST





We`d like to add Range ON if thats possible, other than that, agreed. War at w29. Any clan late 10min or more their fate is then determined by the other clan.




Also add this will be a Knock out - 1 round. And ML only.


Okay, and clan who pulls the least attacks.




They were the rules which you never warred us with. I hope you was happy when we had lost 10 members, most of which 110+ who had better things to do than war you. Well wasn't even a war, was plain ridiculous. I'd like to see you survive when we pull ~60 in turrets, with blasts and range on. Lol. So how about that then? You called us scared and we accepted a no range fun war, so accept a war on our terms with us?








Yeah, we had just fun warred The Sabres who had cheated their way to victory, to come to a war with MoD who won't even accept the damn rules and kept trying to change them. Like I said war us with our rules, and back up your words.








In general, if there was an honest misunderstanding, then surely Kidsman would have warred with the rules accepted, you could have let MoD go bank and get ranged, it'd have been cool with us, but you wouldn't even communicate, instead you went and hid at white portal and whenever I did try to help you, I got flamed. As for the ML Only rule, that means only people on the memberlist can participate. We had members who had applied, who were told they couldn't war as they weren't on the ml yet. As Infinitone showed, 4 or so people were added to the MoD ml. Strange much.




Thanks for wasting our time, making us look like cheats and failures. We've had many clean fights in TWR, and those people would rightfully say so. If it wasn't for your utter bull and flaming, then maybe we might have behaved too. At the end of the day, MoD never won either fight. The fun war in my opinion, nullified due to boundaries. And thanks for mass sniping our binders too. :thumbup:
















[A last note]




Stop trying to make us look bad, because we only make you look worse. Well done for "owning" us as many of you said, but with our rules the scoreline would be completely different. You called us scared for that war, so MoD are you scared of LGZ on a Saturday in a war with all options on (yes, RANGE ALLOWED)? As for the flaming, keep flaming us, it only makes us laugh at the pathetic attempts to make us look like cheats. Yesterday was a hard day for us, we were cheated by The Sabres, then pretty much cheated by MoD, and not to mention, my account was hacked. :cry:

New account: Jack

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Lady Ninane, apologies to any flaming from MoD's side. If you pm me any names of people who were particularly bad, I'll make sure they are dealt with. We do not wish to bring drama to these boards, but when our reputation is attacked as it was in this topic, we of course have to defend that. No need for moderators to discuss who the points should go to, we don't want to waste your time, we joined the TWR to get some fun fights, not for points, and with the exception of LGZ, they have been a lot of fun so far. :thumbup:




To LGZ: I don't see why you flame us for bringing up the actual war. As afterall it was the only war had on the day that you are claiming a win for. It was still a TWR war, just we agreed to forfeit the "win" and "points" to you, in exchange for range being disabled. (We didn't want to fight a clan with 80 or so more members with range allowed - it had been set as no range on our forums since the declaration). I wouldn't call it stalling as we wanted to get the fight underway as soon as possible just like you. It just happened that there was a misunderstanding, and neither clan would budge. (Even you guys tried to change the rules to turrets, when it was CWA, so wasn't just us saying no range). I'm also not sure why you are calling the actual war a "match opts" when there was no cap on numbers. You can't use that as an excuse to losing, it's entirelly in your control to make the most of your large ml.




At the end of the day, both sides had people breaking rules (leaving bounds etc), both sides had misunderstandings. MoD will deal with our couple of nieve new members, and I hope you sort out your side of things. No point flaming over it, it's the past, probably time everyone moves on.




Goodfight LGZ. Hope we can get over the differences and have a rematch sometime. ;)

Kiwiwithbow - Ex-MoD Leader, now Elder.

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