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Stolen Signature (Pixel)


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I recently had a sig made for me:












Then I was browsing the boards this morning, when I came accross this:












I didn't think any thing of it till I recieve this PM:












I hope you can see the tacky resembalence.








I've pmed an admin to see if there is anything that can be done.








I also think this should be a new rule: No ripping off other artists work.

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well its very clear he did rip but no evidence?




True, there is not enough evidence to prove him but you can hardly call it a coincidence when someones pixel style is the same as someone elses








Heres some of Lan's sigs:












































I pmed Ladysafrina and she sorted it out :P








From Shinadams sig:
















Dont steal other peoples sig's!








Cheers LadySarafina ! :D

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There is alot of evidence already.Both guys in rune are facing the same direction....both are in same part of sig.....and if you look at the helmets there also very similar. Even the lines on the shield are the same except one has coloe green(guthix) and other rune. Hope he gets banned El :)

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8) Case solved El Dippy.




Shame on Shinadam :P naughty naughty person.








Lan makes beeeuuutiful sigs *dribbledrool*








Edit: I've been looking at them.. and I wonder... his guy doesn't look very nice.. I think he might of used it as an example, not copied & edited :-?




I mean, perhaps he didn't 'select/copy/paste' but looked at it and tried drawing it himself.

P2P :: 1836 ST :: 91 MAGE :: 90 RANGE :: 85 PRAY :: 245 QP :: 124 CMB

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8) Case solved El Dippy.




Shame on Shinadam :P naughty naughty person.








Lan makes beeeuuutiful sigs *dribbledrool*








Edit: I've been looking at them.. and I wonder... his guy doesn't look very nice.. I think he might of used it as an example, not copied & edited :-?




I mean, perhaps he didn't 'select/copy/paste' but looked at it and tried drawing it himself.




As I said, thats still copying.








If I gave you a piece of paper and told you to draw a picture, you then gave me back that picture and I copied it onto another piece of paper then am I not coping you? I then said that it was my own work. Would you be annoeyed?

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you went way to hard on him.




its not a copy of your sig at all. when you look closely its been totally drawn again. it just looks similar.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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you went way to hard on him.




its not a copy of your sig at all. when you look closely its been totally drawn again. it just looks similar.




I paid money to make a Unique sig for myself, I do not appricate it if someone come along and Copyed my Runescape char, that someone had spent hours doing spent there time and life working on it. How would you feel if someone had made you a unique sig, then a few days later you are browsing and find a simular sig, you wouldn't be very happy would you? If you look closely at the Char he has had my sig above or below to the sig he was making and then has copied my char onto his sig and took credit. So no, I do not feel I was being "to hard" I also feel that the author of this sig feels the same way as me.








As you can see I pointed out the most obvious things:








1. The ammy




2. The rune helm




3. The rune kite








Of course the whole char is copied from my sig but I was just pointing out the most obvious things.

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You are crying because somebody has the same style signature as you. He didn't rip anything, he simply tried his best to make one like yours... nothing wrong with that.








If we punish him, then you have to punish everyone else on these boards with signatures, because I'm sure somebody somewhere has done something like that before they did. Especially you smilie idiots. :lol:

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not enough to insult him as a ripper...








ripper takes a pic and claims it for himself, and he simple immitated :roll: dont accuse people unless u have firm evidence




I've got more evidence to prove him guilty than you have to prove him innocent. It doesn't take a genis to show that the char was copied from my sig. You think 2 pixel artists have the same style as each other. Lan has his own style, i'm doing this for him, I feel that the person who copied the char from my sig shouldn't of done it, I did everything in my power neccesrery to bring justice down apon him. I'd like to see your evidence to show that he didn't copy my sig. :roll:








Lan takes this as an insult, and i'm behind him 100% of the way.

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look at the chars arm without the shield that totaly different and the shield isnt the same and even the body isnt the same the only thing that looks the same is the helm




It's a poor copy, but you can see that it attempted to be copied. IT WAS A COPY.

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too me it looks liek he tried to redraw the rune guy and screwed up or maybe thats not his style but the rune guy on your sig is more of like an inspiration/foundation for his sig :?

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too me it looks liek he tried to redraw the rune guy and doomed up or maybe thats not his style but the rune guy on your sig is more of like an inspiration/foundation for his sig :?




I know, but I don't want anyone doing that. I brought this sig because I wanted a unique one. He was also selling sigs, so I was worried he'd put the same style on each of the sigs.

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not enough to insult him as a ripper...








ripper takes a pic and claims it for himself, and he simple immitated :roll: dont accuse people unless u have firm evidence




Theres kinda a difference between immitating someones picture, and copying it and pasting it, (which it seems to be), And "Lan" although i dont know him, Did not get any credit for it etc, No permissiong, Like when DementedHero made a sig inspired by Froth Kahn he gave him credit.

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Quit your boo hooing,








look at this pic...








as you can tell by this zoomed in pic its completely different. the dimensions are different and the shading is more rough. its just with a similar style. this guy should be allowed his sig back.




an immitation is different to a copy and it most certainly wasnt ripped.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Quit your boo hooing,








look at this pic...








as you can tell by this zoomed in pic its completely different. the dimensions are different and the shading is more rough. its just with a similar style. this guy should be allowed his sig back.




an immitation is different to a copy and it most certainly wasnt ripped.




Maybe not ripped. But he intended on using my char which was uniquely made for me. Maybe you should look at it from my point of view.
















Now please stop spamming my topic,








kthxbai grunger

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thx for clearing it up once n for all merc








this guy clearly hasnt riipped, the poor guy has merely tied to immitate his work, he should take it as a compliment rather than getn annoyed. i know i was chuffed when some1 tried and liked m style









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thx for clearing it up once n for all merc








this guy clearly hasnt riipped, the poor guy has merely tied to immitate his work, he should take it as a compliment rather than getn annoyed. i know i was chuffed when some1 tried and liked m style












I should take it as a compliment? he never asked me, or Lan for permission. And to top it off he had a link in his sig saying








"Selling Pixel sigs 50k each"








I had to be careful so everyone wasn't going round with a sig styled like mine.

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Guest C_E_L_I_N_A
Quit your boo hooing,








look at this pic...








as you can tell by this zoomed in pic its completely different. the dimensions are different and the shading is more rough. its just with a similar style. this guy should be allowed his sig back.




an immitation is different to a copy and it most certainly wasnt ripped.




wat u chattin about, u can see the sig was intended to be copied u can see on the helmet and rest of the body, he copied it from el eazys sig, u really dont know what u talkin about and how the hell should he be abled to have a sig back that he copied someone elses style with out any permission from the owner. even an admin agreed with el eazy, who cares if the sig was abit different, u can see by the ammy and helmet and kite that he intended to copy, and who the hell looks at sigs zoomed in u div, its wat it looks like from the orignal view, u get me? quit postin on this topic rudeboi

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