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Bronze Drags


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Fight them in chaos tunnels, they're near the north-west part. My favourite are the ones near earth warriors. You pretty much have to take an anti fire pot. Other than that, the fastest way would be whipping them with pro-melee (and black mask). A cheaper but significantly slower option would be ranging them with broad/addy bolts.




If you're having trouble finding them, open up the runescape map tab (near mini-map), select chaos tunnels and it's the room south of the very top-left dagannoth room.




Bring a combat familiar if you can. Otherwise you could use a beast of burden, but you won't need it.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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I recommend Brimhaven. Take a look at Tip.It's map, bring anti-fire potions, prayer potions, a super set and some good food in case something goes wrong. Include a one click teleport or tele tab or even better, karamja gloves 3. I wear prayer boosting gear so it lasts longer...with high alch runes, you might be able to polish off all of them in one trip (depending on whether you care if you leave bronze bars on the ground or not and your levels).

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I would definitely use the CT the dogs just bug the hell out of you at brimhaven at your levels.




With your stats I'd pray melee and anti dragonfire potion.


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    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

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I would definitely use the CT the dogs just bug the hell out of you at brimhaven at your levels.




With your stats I'd pray melee and anti dragonfire potion.




That's not necessarily true...the earth warriors and other bronze dragon always bothered me more. I find it much easier to simply position yourself close to another dragon before you kill the one you're working on. Plus, in Brimhaven the monsters will eventually become non-aggressive.




The first time I killed them, I tried the CT first (i have old posts on this subject). Then I tried Brimhaven and I'll never go to the CT again. The OP is free to choose, but if they're concerned, like I was, I think that might mean the Brimhaven dungeon will work better for their style. Most people might use the CTs, but I don't know that most people worry about the Bronze dragons like I did.

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Earth warriors require a lower level to make un-aggresive, they hardly ever wander near anywhere but the entrance of the bronze drag room, and it doesn't matter if they attack you since you're praying melee AND it's multi. Dogs are another story unless you're 127+ cb. If they're a problem to you for whatever reason, I believe there's a room near nechraels which has only bronze dragons and fire elementals (non-aggresive).




Monster in chaos tunnels become unaggressive just as much as in Brimmy dungeon.




You can use combat familiars in CT, but not in Brimmy. If using a beast of burden, BoB's can pitch in and add some extra damage in as well.






There really is no reason to kill them in Brimmy for high levels or low levels...


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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Earth warriors require a lower level to make un-aggresive, they hardly ever wander near anywhere but the entrance of the bronze drag room, and it doesn't matter if they attack you since you're praying melee AND it's multi. Dogs are another story unless you're 127+ cb. If they're a problem to you for whatever reason, I believe there's a room near nechraels which has only bronze dragons and fire elementals (non-aggresive).




Monster in chaos tunnels become unaggressive just as much as in Brimmy dungeon.




You can use combat familiars in CT, but not in Brimmy. If using a beast of burden, BoB's can pitch in and add some extra damage in as well.






There really is no reason to kill them in Brimmy for high levels or low levels...






I believe I just gave some of the reasons.




Not everyone uses familiars. Not everyone cares to deal with multiple enemies. Earth warriors may rarely come down, but they do...plus I'd rather not deal with the stress of two dragons attacking. Wild dogs aren't a problem if they can't attack you and you can still use those BoBs or healing familiars in the Brimhaven dungeon...plus you don't have to worry about getting to the Dragons in the CTs or revenants on the way...you can run past all the enemies in the Brimmy dungeon with minimal interaction.




As I mentioned, it's a matter of opinion and I've gotten better results in Brimhaven.

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kk brihm dungeon and this should be your setup:




for range only


armour: full black dhide/ or any other dhide, anti fire shield/ rune xbow with broad bolt (if you have slayer lvl to use broad bolts, if not go with mith bolts)




Inventory: 6-8 antifire potions, a hatchet, 900gp, gem thingy to contact your slayer master, tele rune/tabs, rest food



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