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The Learning Curve


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I consider myself to be an intellectual person. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean intellectual in the sense I know everything (trust me I'm as far away from a genius as you can get), I mean intellectual in the sense that I love to learn. From books on hippies to philosphy texts to random movies. I don't like to learn everything that everybody says but occasionally I'll read something, or somebody will say something, or I'll hear something in a movie, etc... that really strikes me as something to remember. So what I do is keep a little notebook in my pocket and whenever I want to remember some idea or belief or whatever that I really like I just write it down. I've recently started randomly picking one of these things every morning and then trying to apply it through out that day.








I was just curious if anybody else kept a little notebook or did anything like that. And if you had any particular things or places that you liked to learn from. This is more of a general topic about accquiring useful information, what kind of information you think is important (most prominant example is street smarts vs book smarts), or anything else that comes close I guess.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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I imagined this kinda thing from you. I always got the impression you were a smart wise person from the way you posted. This is a really good idea you have.








Personally I don't do it but I do keep little notes to myself. They're just little things that keep me going, motivational so to speak, along with special notes from others and notes made on special occassions. I flip through the pad every night.




Then there's the box of memories, which is nothing but sentimental. It's not really like what you're doing though, although I may try it. I feel it's very important to have a good range of knowledge, to keep both your mind and personality healthy.








Glad to meet someone so broadminded, tis very refreshing :)

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ever since my science teacher said morisons sold notepads for 9p ive done this,




yay there are more like us, i mean me. :)



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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I don't, but I really should. I'll often come up with an idea and say: "Whoa, this could possibly solve world hunger and eliminate 99% of the suffering in the world." But then some girl will come up next to me in the lunch line, forcing me to use my higher reasoning abilities to control my nether regions. Then I forget.








But. Yeah. I should do that.

Things are sick and twisted from too much sun and Nazis.

Sex, meth, and death fetishes, both of them have got these.

Guarenteed not to bore ya, Germany or Florida!

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Heh, thats pretty neat. For me, if I hear something cool that I want to remember...I just...remember it. Lol. I'll usually make it until I get home, and google whatever it was or something. My way of learning things, outside of school subjects, is from the internet and television. I'm not much of a book reader, but I love reading the news online, or browsing news sites, such as CNN (Fav one) or similar sites. :P

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I write down stuff that comes to me when I'm trying to go to sleep, big ideas, plans, and things like that. I started doing that when I would wake up the next day and feel like I was forgetting something really important








As for the "street smarts" vs. "book smarts", I think which is more important really depends on your strengths, where you live, what you do(occupation), and how you get through life. A person could do very well for themselves being able to talk to people and make bargains and deals, and another could do just fine outsmarting others and doing brilliant work that requires little people skills. I think it would be best to have a mix of the two, being able to communicate with people what you need and want is important, but it's also good to have some deeper intelligence to show that you're not just all talk and can support what you say.








I prefer to accquire usefull information by just listening to people who seem to know a great deal about a certain subject then comparing it to what I already know and what others say, and then draw conclusions from that. I think it is good to do this with topics that people usually have a very bias opinion on, such as politics, where it would otherwise be nearly impossible to find the actual facts.

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I don't, but I really should. I'll often come up with an idea and say: "Whoa, this could possibly solve world hunger and eliminate 99% of the suffering in the world." But then some girl will come up next to me in the lunch line, forcing me to use my higher reasoning abilities to control my nether regions. Then I forget.








But. Yeah. I should do that.








When you get your little notebook, here's the first thing to write down:




Never think about world hunger while standing in a lunch line :lol:








I keep a journal, but I don't really carry it with me. I record the day and my feelings. I would do a blog but then people could read it and I wouldn't be honest. Or I would be honest and people would learn things about me Id rather not have them knowing :?








As for street smarts/book smarts, I dunno how much street smarts you can learn by writing stuff down. All it really does is help focus your thoughts or emotions and let you control/expand them.

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*self-righteous crap*




... Wow.












To your topic, though..








I've never kept a notebook, but I do definitely love to learn.. I've found some of the most interesting stuff is that which you come upon by chance.I usually find a random interesting book while doing research projects and end up spending more time reading that than actually doing the research for the project.








Try your local library.. it's fun to just wander around and flip through any book that jumps out at you.








Looking at random wikipedia pages is similarly interesting, though obviously the information there may not be as reputable.

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Guest GhostRanger

I have a journal that I write in a lot. Everything from philosophical quotes to funny things my teachers say. For instance, my chemistry teacher last year who would say the craziest thing, let me see...(digs around for old journal)...








If I can attatch this little bit of learning, this this little bit of discomfort, it will stick with you.








Just to make things interesting, I'm going to turn on the gas while we wait for your answer. (pause) There's no greater discomfort than the fear of your life. *lights a match*








Its probably pretty meaningless to you. Much like the rest of chemistry.








None of this matters anyway because the aliens are going to jump out of the ceiling and kill you.








I already told you: wear super absorbant pants to this class.








*cough, clears throat* Sorry, I had a little bit of anger stuck in my throat.








Am I considered intellectual for writing those down?












But seriously, I like to cut out interesting things I read in newspapers and paste them in my journal, then later I write about what I think about them.

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When you get your little notebook, here's the first thing to write down: Never think about world hunger while standing in a lunch line :lol:











:lol: Good point.








Then again, maybe standing in the lunch line helps me identify with those people. It is a pretty long line.

Things are sick and twisted from too much sun and Nazis.

Sex, meth, and death fetishes, both of them have got these.

Guarenteed not to bore ya, Germany or Florida!

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If my first post was confusing at all:








What I was trying to say in my first post is whenever I've heard of people writing down their thoughts or ideas or things like that it was usually when people were talking about some philosopher or some super intellectual guy who went back and used those notes as the basis for some awe inspiring work of art. Since I do it and I don't consider myself to be super intelligent or anything like that I was just wondering if any other normal every day people like me liked to take little notes and record stuff and if it was considered weird.








I guess blogs would count but I always thought they were more for just telling stories or something.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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What I was trying to say in my first post is whenever I've heard of people writing down their thoughts or ideas or things like that it was usually when people were talking about some philosopher or some super intellectual guy who went back and used those notes as the basis for some awe inspiring work of art.








Just because some geniuses keep personal notes doesn't mean that anyone who keeps personal notes is a genius. I know that's not exactly what you were saying, but it seemed to be your general point.








And, as a very wise person once told me, logic is overrated anyway. :D

Things are sick and twisted from too much sun and Nazis.

Sex, meth, and death fetishes, both of them have got these.

Guarenteed not to bore ya, Germany or Florida!

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i generally dont need to write things down, i usually remember everything i hear, i'll just remember a minor detail, then when I want to remember more i just think of the detail and it reminds me of everything that happened



















*self-righteous crap*








... Wow.












LOL!!!!!! :lol: :lol:




that's worthy of being put in a sig :lol:

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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I guess blogs would count but I always thought they were more for just telling stories or something.




A lot of people use blogs for what you said. Maybe not to to such an extent, but it happens.








Personally I think it's much like keeping a journal (see GhostRanger's post).




I have a blog, but it's more of a place to rant and whatnot :P Occasionally I spit out some kind of have intelligent junk but I don't go back and read it.









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I don't, but I really should. I'll often come up with an idea and say: "Whoa, this could possibly solve world hunger and eliminate 99% of the suffering in the world." But then some girl will come up next to me in the lunch line, forcing me to use my higher reasoning abilities to control my nether regions. Then I forget.








But. Yeah. I should do that.




Lol, going in my signiture. But, really, I don't do this aswell, although maybe I should since I forget stuff. I'd probably forget about this post till the next day I search topics :?

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Hay i do that too!








Unfortunately i rarely follow them through, also i don't write them in a journal, i write them as messages on my phone and save them 8) .








I'm reading this book called 'Yes Man' by Danny Wallace. It's his way of life after he decides to say Yes to any opportunity that presents itself, its really great how his life is in the hands of complete strangers and he ends up in Amsterdam in the bit I'm up to :)








Bubsa may have read this book, he/she has Danny Wallace in his/her Signature. Sorry Bubsa don't know what sex you are :? .

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*self-righteous crap*




... Wow.








Care to elaborate? Sorry if motivating myself, broadening the topic slighty and commending the topic author offends you..








Yeah, I didn't quite get it at all either. I read it several times, but it made no sense. Wyrm, are you sure you're replying to the right thread? 8)

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I'm reading this book called 'Yes Man' by Danny Wallace. It's his way of life after he decides to say Yes to any opportunity that presents itself, its really great how his life is in the hands of complete strangers and he ends up in Amsterdam in the bit I'm up to :)








Bubsa may have read this book, he/she has Danny Wallace in his/her Signature. Sorry Bubsa don't know what sex you are :? .








Brilliant! I've read through it as well (practically the only book I've thoroughly read) and it's great. Instigates perfectly what life and friendship should be about :D








For the record, I'm male. Nice to see your political correctness :P

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I write alot of things down. But, I don't carry a notepad or anything around with me. Sometimes, when I have a big idea and I really don't want to forget it, I'll write it down immediately. Most of the time, when I'm at school and I hear or think something that strikes me as odd, funny, interesting, or just something that I really want to remember, I write it down.

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*self-righteous crap*




... Wow.








Care to elaborate? Sorry if motivating myself, broadening the topic slighty and commending the topic author offends you..








Yeah, I didn't quite get it at all either. I read it several times, but it made no sense. Wyrm, are you sure you're replying to the right thread? 8)








Ditto :|

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*self-righteous crap*




... Wow.








Care to elaborate? Sorry if motivating myself, broadening the topic slighty and commending the topic author offends you..








Yeah, I didn't quite get it at all either. I read it several times, but it made no sense. Wyrm, are you sure you're replying to the right thread? 8)








Ditto :|








Meh, no worries. Just forge'-abaaw-it! :P

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I read the bible a lot, and it has some of thre greatest life changing tips in there, then I've found anywhere else. I always keep a notebook (several) when I'm reading out of it so I can write down scripturest that are inspirational to me and help me in my everyday life. I have found so much good stuff, it's amazing the things God shows you if you give Him time.

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