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I thought i'd make a topic regarding bodybuilding but hopefully in more depth than a simple 'how to do excersice?' question.








Bodybuilding or just general healthy living is what we all want imo. To feel fit and to be able for our bodies to perform better is a great feeling and it's one of those things that can be achieved if we WANT IT bad enough. You often see alot of people saying that there gonna start to lose weight, get a 6pac etc and after a few days of not being able to eat right they give up.








I have a few questions that I hope I can get some answers from and which will help with my personal knowlegde and hopefully knowlegde of anyone intrested enough to read this thread.








Building muscle theory. I've often wondered, why is it that if we do this repetition of sit ups or push ups etc that our muscles do actualy get stronger and feel more able to cope. Is it because while we work at doing sit ups and push ups etc that our muscles actualy tear? and after a period of recovery they build back stronger as a body defence system to be able to cope with the extra pressure that we put on them? thats my first question. Because if that is the concept, this can be used to slowly progress and eventualy build the muscle to a stage that we are happy with (E.G bigger arms).








My second question is does anybody know of any ruitenes for a beggining bodybuilder to start up with? Things like push ups and free weight uses are going to be for bicep training (a major part of what in the future I would like to achieve) but does anybody know information such as how many reps of push ups or the size of weights to use for freeweight training? bearing in mind that for me personaly, I am 16 years old and my body will not have been fully grown into the size that I will be when im 20 etc.








My 3rd question involves the abdomens. I've heard that the reason that we have 2,4 and 6 pacs are because the body fat in our body is very low and therefore the abdomen region can be visualy seen. Can anyone confirm this? also if anyone has a ruitene on sit ups etc and would like to share it that would be much appreciated.








For those who are intrested on the subject I would like to share my opinion on eating right. If you want to improve your figure or lose weight there is different things you can do. For muscle building, you will want to be eating alot of foods containing protein such as steak (or meat in general). For a more advanced bodybuilder, you want to be eating around 5-6 different times of day for the more increased daily intake of protein.








Anyone thats wants to contribute and share an opinion please do below, thanks :D


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I dont know all the techniqual answers to your questions, but this is the Routine I made for myself to get in shape:








I had a heart surgery back on February 14, so I was very inactive until this June. When I decided to be active again, I realized I was very much out of shape. I decided to get into a routine:








Every morning when I woke up:




300 sit-ups




100 pushups




50 curls each arm with 20 lbs weights (9 kg??? )








Then I would eat breakfast, then drive to the track and run 10 miles with 10 lbs ankle weights on each leg.








After I was done, I would go home, take a shower and then go to work for a few hours.








I usually got off work at about 5:00 PM, sometimes later, but after I came home, I would eat a small meal with lots of carbs, then:








300 more sit-ups




25 more push-ups




10 curls each arm with 10 lbs weight




Jump Rope for 10 minutes non-stop with 10 lbs ankle weights on each leg








Then I was free to relax and do whatever (chill on forums 8) )








The most important thing I can stress if you are eating healthy is DO NOT Drink Pop, Soda, Coke, or anything like that. Giving that up is very hard, but after a week, you can feel yourself getting better.








May 2005




Verticle Jump - 21 Inches ( 53.76 cm )




Long Jump(running) - 16 feet 0 inches ( 4.9 meters )




Mile Run Time (1.62 km) - 6 minutes 1 second




40-yard time (36.8 meters) - 5.1 seconds












September 2005




Verticle Jump - 32 Inches ( 81.9 cm )




Long Jump(running) - 20 feet 9 inches ( 6.37 meters )




Mile Run Time (1.62 km) - 4 minutes 51 second




40-yard time (36.8 meters) - 4.8 seconds

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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*description of intense physical workout*








Seems a little exessive to just back into shape? :?








But anyway, i'm not a massive bodybuilder or top athelete, i motivate myself, when i want to go for a run or bike ride i'll go. Over the summer i was out on my bike a lot and it's really showing at school, coming near the top in most races (x-country, bleep test) etc. and i intend to maintain this level throughout the winter with running etc.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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*description of intense physical workout*








Seems a little exessive to just back into shape? :?








But anyway, i'm not a massive bodybuilder or top athelete, i motivate myself, when i want to go for a run or bike ride i'll go. Over the summer i was out on my bike a lot and it's really showing at school, coming near the top in most races (x-country, bleep test) etc. and i intend to maintain this level throughout the winter with running etc.








I'm entering my senior year, and already colleges are looking at me, because I'm a full-time athlete. I am a football, basketball and baseball player, so I owed it to myself to get back in shape

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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Question 1








Yes, muscles do break down and in some cases tear and have to regenerate themselves after being used. Also your body rebuilds stronger to help you cope with the increased physical activity. That's how people go from being weak to being able to lift hundreds of pounds when they lift weights for a long enough period of time. Because of the damage to your muscles you have to eat protein and other nutrients or your body won't have anything to rebuild the muscles with. Imagine if you were living in the gulf area and the hurricane knocked big holes in your house and you had to rebuild it but didn't have any plywood, 2x4's, bricks, and mortar. Your house would just slowly break down more and more.








Question 2








You really should speak to a professional to get a workout routine put together. What works for one person won't always work for another. If you go to a gym you can usually pay a small fee, like 10 or 15 bucks and one of their personal trainers will examine you and give you a workout routine or if they're a qualified dietician they'll even give you a diet plan. They can customize it to what you want to accomplish, such as bulking up, slimming down, cutting body fat, gaining strength, increasing stamine, etc, etc. They usually take your body's measurements, weight, body fat %, test your resting heart rate and then make you excercise for a bit and take it again to get your heightened heart rate, blood pressure, even flexibility. Then from that they can tell exactly what you need to do and even the weight you should start at and the amounts of reps. Then when you use the routine they give you, as you get stronger you can increase the amount of weight and reps as they instruct without having to go back to them very often. Every now and then you can go back and see how much you've progressed(how much weight you've lost, inches gained or dropped in various areas, lowered blood pressure, better heart rate, etc.).








Question 3








Yes, the reason we get 2, 4, or 6 packs is because with less fat the muscles can be seen more easily. It also helps if you work out those muscles so they grow larger but basically everyone has the same muscles(of varying sizes of course) just you can't see them on most people because they're covered by a layer of fat.

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Thank for very much for confirming my questions and providing some detailed instructions on a personal trainer. I do have a GYM that I can regulary visit and I think i know someone that might also be able to help with my training. Obviously, different things will need to be done for different goals to be accomplished. For example someone who wants to lose body fat will be more into tredmill running etc as where a slim man/woman will want to be on weights to increase muscle strength.








here is a question 4.. just for general intrest and i guess also to keep the thread running. To anybody that has tried intense bodybuilding, how fast did you see results under the routine you were provided? As of course.. it will be different for everyone since others are naturally skinny and some are natural bigger than others.


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Finally a topic about bodybuilding, Ive been doing it for about a year now and its really great.








Its made me feel more healty, boosted my self asteem, and made me stronger. If anybody needs a GREAT beginners giude pm me and ill get it to you, it has everything you need to know and its what i used when i first started out.








i started out, 15 years old, 115lbs, and i could only bench about 65








now im 16 years old, 145lbs, and i can bench about 150








If anybody has any questions ask here.

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Well, in that case scorp, I would much appreciate it if you were to pm some guidance tips on bodybuilding. I've always found this subject fascinating and I know that by doing it myself I would gain great confidence in myself and the way that I look. It also motivates me that you can only have good results by WORKING for it. Someone with all the money in the world can't go and buy a great body (sure they can hire a trainer, but they have to do the work). This also says something about a persons' determination and will to suceed. People who have obtained great results through work out have already gained my respect.








Thanks. (This is an open topic.. if anyone else has any questions feel free to add them :D )


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bodybuilding owns.












started working out in the gym in may i think, then i weighed 54kg, 120lbs, and benched like 75 :D:D but now i weigh 143, and bench about 125lb, not that much but i havent been focusing on benching, :)

Doctor of Dental Surgery-2014

Medical Doctor-2018?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon-2024?

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*description of intense physical workout*








Seems a little exessive to just back into shape? :?








But anyway, i'm not a massive bodybuilder or top athelete, i motivate myself, when i want to go for a run or bike ride i'll go. Over the summer i was out on my bike a lot and it's really showing at school, coming near the top in most races (x-country, bleep test) etc. and i intend to maintain this level throughout the winter with running etc.








I'm entering my senior year, and already colleges are looking at me, because I'm a full-time athlete. I am a football, basketball and baseball player, so I owed it to myself to get back in shape








What sort of heart surgery did you have? Wouldnt think someone entering their senior year of high school, and is very athletic would be having heart surgery :shock:

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*description of intense physical workout*








Seems a little exessive to just back into shape? :?








But anyway, i'm not a massive bodybuilder or top athelete, i motivate myself, when i want to go for a run or bike ride i'll go. Over the summer i was out on my bike a lot and it's really showing at school, coming near the top in most races (x-country, bleep test) etc. and i intend to maintain this level throughout the winter with running etc.








I'm entering my senior year, and already colleges are looking at me, because I'm a full-time athlete. I am a football, basketball and baseball player, so I owed it to myself to get back in shape








What sort of heart surgery did you have? Wouldnt think someone entering their senior year of high school, and is very athletic would be having heart surgery :shock:








i had a hole in the septum of my heart. It caused blood to travel through my lungs and into my brain causing strokes. I had 3 in one week, so they used a cathader to close the hole

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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*description of intense physical workout*








Seems a little exessive to just back into shape? :?








But anyway, i'm not a massive bodybuilder or top athelete, i motivate myself, when i want to go for a run or bike ride i'll go. Over the summer i was out on my bike a lot and it's really showing at school, coming near the top in most races (x-country, bleep test) etc. and i intend to maintain this level throughout the winter with running etc.








I'm entering my senior year, and already colleges are looking at me, because I'm a full-time athlete. I am a football, basketball and baseball player, so I owed it to myself to get back in shape








What sort of heart surgery did you have? Wouldnt think someone entering their senior year of high school, and is very athletic would be having heart surgery :shock:








i had a hole in the septum of my heart. It caused blood to travel through my lungs and into my brain causing strokes. I had 3 in one week, so they used a cathader to close the hole








Glad it all went well for ya :)


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Finally a topic about bodybuilding, Ive been doing it for about a year now and its really great.








Its made me feel more healty, boosted my self asteem, and made me stronger. If anybody needs a GREAT beginners giude pm me and ill get it to you, it has everything you need to know and its what i used when i first started out.








i started out, 15 years old, 115lbs, and i could only bench about 65








now im 16 years old, 145lbs, and i can bench about 150








If anybody has any questions ask here.

I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it (me included) if you just posted it.








I'm not exactly hopeing to become a regular mountain of muscle but I'd like to get to the point where people would think twice about mugging me.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Finally a topic about bodybuilding, Ive been doing it for about a year now and its really great.








Its made me feel more healty, boosted my self asteem, and made me stronger. If anybody needs a GREAT beginners giude pm me and ill get it to you, it has everything you need to know and its what i used when i first started out.








i started out, 15 years old, 115lbs, and i could only bench about 65








now im 16 years old, 145lbs, and i can bench about 150








If anybody has any questions ask here.

I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it (me included) if you just posted it.








I'm not exactly hopeing to become a regular mountain of muscle but I'd like to get to the point where people would think twice about mugging me.




me too, please post it.

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Remembering that what works for some, might not work for others.








Towards Creatine. From a Bodybuilder I know he has recommended that If i wanted to bodybuild then yes use it. What he also told me is that, to begin with, USE PROTIEN SHAKES of a lower level before moving onto any sort of creatine substance. It might take a good 3 months of protien shakes before moving onto creatine.








Towards Red Bull. The only thing I know about red bull is the short term energy boost that It gives you. It might be good drinking before your workout, but adding red bull into your diet I would doubt would be a good thing.


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Then I would eat breakfast, then drive to the track and run 10 miles with 10 lbs ankle weights on each leg.








Ive always wanted to try running with weights in or on my shoes somehow. How do you attach weight comfortably? I can't imagine just taping it on and having it stay there for more than a lap...

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Then I would eat breakfast, then drive to the track and run 10 miles with 10 lbs ankle weights on each leg.








Ive always wanted to try running with weights in or on my shoes somehow. How do you attach weight comfortably? I can't imagine just taping it on and having it stay there for more than a lap...








go to wal-mart and buy them, they come in packs, 5 lbs, 10 lbs, or 20

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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Then I would eat breakfast, then drive to the track and run 10 miles with 10 lbs ankle weights on each leg.








Ive always wanted to try running with weights in or on my shoes somehow. How do you attach weight comfortably? I can't imagine just taping it on and having it stay there for more than a lap...








go to wal-mart and buy them, they come in packs, 5 lbs, 10 lbs, or 20








they are like anklets kinda. You can put them on your arms or legs. If you watch naruto, its like the weights that rock lee puts on to train.

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Then I would eat breakfast, then drive to the track and run 10 miles with 10 lbs ankle weights on each leg.








Ive always wanted to try running with weights in or on my shoes somehow. How do you attach weight comfortably? I can't imagine just taping it on and having it stay there for more than a lap...








go to wal-mart and buy them, they come in packs, 5 lbs, 10 lbs, or 20








I got some 5lbs ones last week...You think it would do anything if I wore them around at school? (under baggy pants of course - so as to not look like a total fool). Includes walking home.








Finally a topic about bodybuilding, Ive been doing it for about a year now and its really great.








Its made me feel more healty, boosted my self asteem, and made me stronger. If anybody needs a GREAT beginners giude pm me and ill get it to you, it has everything you need to know and its what i used when i first started out.








i started out, 15 years old, 115lbs, and i could only bench about 65








now im 16 years old, 145lbs, and i can bench about 150








If anybody has any questions ask here.








Do post. Do post.

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Then I would eat breakfast, then drive to the track and run 10 miles with 10 lbs ankle weights on each leg.








Ive always wanted to try running with weights in or on my shoes somehow. How do you attach weight comfortably? I can't imagine just taping it on and having it stay there for more than a lap...








go to wal-mart and buy them, they come in packs, 5 lbs, 10 lbs, or 20








I got some 5lbs ones last week...You think it would do anything if I wore them around at school? (under baggy pants of course - so as to not look like a total fool). Includes walking home.















i dont think walking will do enough, you need to really work your legs with the weights on. Jump roping strengthens your calves tremendously with them on

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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what are everyones thoughts on creatine? ive done some web research but havent really found a whole lot one way or the other. i know if its used the wrong way it can be dangerous, but also beneficial if used correctly. i reallly need to gain some weight. (6' 5" 175 lbs)












the risk isn't worth the loss..








I am 6' 6" 190 lbs, you just have to eat more and healthier, you will eventually fill out

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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what are everyones thoughts on creatine? ive done some web research but havent really found a whole lot one way or the other. i know if its used the wrong way it can be dangerous, but also beneficial if used correctly. i reallly need to gain some weight. (6' 5" 175 lbs)












the risk isn't worth the loss..








I am 6' 6" 190 lbs, you just have to eat more and healthier, you will eventually fill out








wtf? creatine isn't dangerous?




Find me where you read that it's dangerous.

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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