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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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Alright, I'll begin the construction of a shipyard close to the Aether-Canada border.




How long do these things take to build, by the way. (Sorry about all these questions, but I'm not exactly savvy in this area.)


I would put around 10-15 years its 10 years for me because I'm just expanding an existing space station.




Well, at least it doesn't totally eat up my funds. Right now, probably about 75% of my military budget of 200 billion is going into the Britannian Space Agency.




That 10 year timeframe allows me to buy colony ships and plan out what I'm going to do.




They're in space. They're basically big space stations. The reason why is, for any large ship, getting free of Earth's gravity would be impossible, pretty much, so they have to be built in space. Or on the moon, or something like that.


Since you don't have any right now, it would probably take 10 years or so for the first one. Then longer to research ship types and all that. Once you have some shipyards up, they can help produce more in space, so it's cheaper to build more once you have some.




So, I basically just say "I have begun the construction of the first Britannian shipyard in space", wait ten IRL days, and then say "Done"?



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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So, I basically just say "I have begun the construction of the first Britannian shipyard in space", wait ten IRL days, and then say "Done"?




Congratulations, you have just mastered the basic principles of this game.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man sleepy and blind in the eyes.

Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!

If it's the thought that counts, why aren't humans innately telepathic?

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So, I basically just say "I have begun the construction of the first Britannian shipyard in space", wait ten IRL days, and then say "Done"?




Congratulations, you have just mastered the basic principles of this game.


here have a cookie!



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In general, if you're building something unique, you have to detail the steps, atleast to a point. I would atleast post progress reports like "60% done" or something like that every now and again.



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In general, if you're building something unique, you have to detail the steps, atleast to a point. I would atleast post progress reports like "60% done" or something like that every now and again.


Yeah and occasionally have your workers stage strikes to slow down the production ( dam unions)

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My scientists accidentally stumble upon a research note about Z±(4430) which is an exotic matter and therefore start creating wormhole tecknology.


\'http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2009/03/looking-for-exotic-matter.ars \'





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And that Exotic matter helps you with wormholes how...?


Seriously, Wormholes would take even more energy than a warp engine.


You're literally squeezing space, a warp engine just moves it.




Wormholes = No.


Warp drive powered by a Dyson bubble = yes

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And that Exotic matter helps you with wormholes how...?


Seriously, Wormholes would take even more energy than a warp engine.


You're literally squeezing space, a warp engine just moves it.




Wormholes = No.


Warp drive powered by a Dyson bubble = yes


Exotic matter is needed to keep a wormhole stable.




Wormholes need only be open seconds, maybe minutes where warp engines must be active days and weeks and therefore are more energy efficient.


Also who would not like traveling "wherever" you want in 3.6 seconds.





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And that Exotic matter helps you with wormholes how...?


Seriously, Wormholes would take even more energy than a warp engine.


You're literally squeezing space, a warp engine just moves it.




Wormholes = No.


Warp drive powered by a Dyson bubble = yes


Would a wormhole powered by a Dyson bubble = yes?

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And that Exotic matter helps you with wormholes how...?


Seriously, Wormholes would take even more energy than a warp engine.


You're literally squeezing space, a warp engine just moves it.




Wormholes = No.


Warp drive powered by a Dyson bubble = yes


Would a wormhole powered by a Dyson bubble = yes?


Not at all.


Good luck creating a wormhole big enough to get a ship through.




Seriously, lets just continue with this warp engine-Dyson bubble, before we overcomplicate things.




One more thing.


Instantanious travel anywhere means unbalanced warfare a la



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Here's a question. Let's say you managed to create a wormhole, or had the tech to do so. How would you choose where it would end up? If it's random, you would probably have an overwhelming chance of ending up in intergalactic space. Which is nothing, basically.



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And that Exotic matter helps you with wormholes how...?


Seriously, Wormholes would take even more energy than a warp engine.


You're literally squeezing space, a warp engine just moves it.




Wormholes = No.


Warp drive powered by a Dyson bubble = yes


Would a wormhole powered by a Dyson bubble = yes?


Not at all.


Good luck creating a wormhole big enough to get a ship through.




Seriously, lets just continue with this warp engine-Dyson bubble, before we overcomplicate things.




One more thing.


Instantanious travel anywhere means unbalanced warfare a la




Yeah but if you did that your troops would just as likely be imprissoned in the crust as we wouldn't be able to have that sort of fine control. but if we could... (starts researching a way to set up lead orbs around earth)

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my colonisation ship is nearly half way to its destination, i think. it will be a while before any communications get back here because of how far out it is.




we have started offering more incentives to join the military, in order to boost numbers. we are improving military housing, healthcare, increasing pay and uhh...i had something else to put here now. meh




our new walkers/drones are going well, and they looks more like (if you know the terms) space marines from warhammer 40k than the terminators, that my originals were like (will get pics in a min)




new weapons system is being tested in the middle of russia, where there is no population. it is under the cover of radar jammers, anti aircraft guns to prevent spying, and has a full platoon guarding the site to prevent anyone raiding it during tests and stealing it. the tests are going well sofar, the blasts are about as large as RFG's from before, but no need for satelites to be in position. i will fill you in on the other details later, maybe, when they are used in combat.




we are also working on FTL, and came up with the idea: nothing withg mass can go light speed. can something with negative mass go faster than that?


tl;dr, we are going to make people have negative weight/mass (hopefully) and see if we can move them faster then. its a long shot, but it might just work. might

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Plus creating a wormhole would require access to where you wanted to go. And more energy than exists in the universe.


No I calculated myself that maintaining a Stargate sized wormhole(6m) for 15 minutes would require 5,083,280 terrawatts or aproximatly 34,000 terrawatts per minute.




The "stargates" I'm developing require two "stargates" to travel, one at each end.





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my colonisation ship is nearly half way to its destination, i think. it will be a while before any communications get back here because of how far out it is.




we have started offering more incentives to join the military, in order to boost numbers. we are improving military housing, healthcare, increasing pay and uhh...i had something else to put here now. meh




our new walkers/drones are going well, and they looks more like (if you know the terms) space marines from warhammer 40k than the terminators, that my originals were like (will get pics in a min)




new weapons system is being tested in the middle of russia, where there is no population. it is under the cover of radar jammers, anti aircraft guns to prevent spying, and has a full platoon guarding the site to prevent anyone raiding it during tests and stealing it. the tests are going well sofar, the blasts are about as large as RFG's from before, but no need for satelites to be in position. i will fill you in on the other details later, maybe, when they are used in combat.




we are also working on FTL, and came up with the idea: nothing withg mass can go light speed. can something with negative mass go faster than that?


tl;dr, we are going to make people have negative weight/mass (hopefully) and see if we can move them faster then. its a long shot, but it might just work. might


Now I have a reason to send up a few spy satellites :thumbsup:

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my colonisation ship is nearly half way to its destination, i think. it will be a while before any communications get back here because of how far out it is.




we have started offering more incentives to join the military, in order to boost numbers. we are improving military housing, healthcare, increasing pay and uhh...i had something else to put here now. meh




our new walkers/drones are going well, and they looks more like (if you know the terms) space marines from warhammer 40k than the terminators, that my originals were like (will get pics in a min)




new weapons system is being tested in the middle of russia, where there is no population. it is under the cover of radar jammers, anti aircraft guns to prevent spying, and has a full platoon guarding the site to prevent anyone raiding it during tests and stealing it. the tests are going well sofar, the blasts are about as large as RFG's from before, but no need for satelites to be in position. i will fill you in on the other details later, maybe, when they are used in combat.




we are also working on FTL, and came up with the idea: nothing withg mass can go light speed. can something with negative mass go faster than that?


tl;dr, we are going to make people have negative weight/mass (hopefully) and see if we can move them faster then. its a long shot, but it might just work. might


Now I have a reason to send up a few spy satellites :thumbsup:


if you do that to view my weapons testing, i will not hesitate to blow any satelites you send out of the sky. just warnin ya

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Doom, I'm ready to buy a colony ship off of you. I'd also like to claim the area on Mars close to Brazil's colony. If not that, I'd like to claim land by the Germanian colony, but I'd prefer the area by Brazil if at all possible.




Thanks Ross for your offer. I'd like to begin construction of the first Britannian shipyard now.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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You said stargates require a black hole. The closest black hole is just under 1000 lightyears away. Have fun.






Walka, there is no way you can create people made out of exotic matter. If you did, they wouldn't be able to survive. Plus exotic matter isn't even proven to exist. Then if you were to some how create massless people, how would you make them move faster than light?




Sere, I can start production, but just remember the types I sell only are for interplanetary travel, not interstellar. Their hulls would fail at those speeds, and they can't even go that fast because of their weaker propulsion.



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my colonisation ship is nearly half way to its destination, i think. it will be a while before any communications get back here because of how far out it is.




we have started offering more incentives to join the military, in order to boost numbers. we are improving military housing, health care, increasing pay and uhh...i had something else to put here now. meh




our new walkers/drones are going well, and they looks more like (if you know the terms) space marines from war hammer 40k than the terminators, that my originals were like (will get pics in a min)




new weapons system is being tested in the middle of Russia, where there is no population. it is under the cover of radar jammers, anti aircraft guns to prevent spying, and has a full platoon guarding the site to prevent anyone raiding it during tests and stealing it. the tests are going well so far, the blasts are about as large as RFG's from before, but no need for satellites to be in position. i will fill you in on the other details later, maybe, when they are used in combat.




we are also working on FTL, and came up with the idea: nothing with mass can go light speed. can something with negative mass go faster than that?


tl;dr, we are going to make people have negative weight/mass (hopefully) and see if we can move them faster then. its a long shot, but it might just work. might


Now I have a reason to send up a few spy satellites :thumbsup:


if you do that to view my weapons testing, i will not hesitate to blow any satelites you send out of the sky. just warning ya


but if they each just get one picture... *sends up 20* nah I joke of course we are all allowed to have our secret projects speaking of mine the HADES project should be done in 11 years :thumbsup:

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You said stargates require a black hole. The closest black hole is just under 1000 lightyears away. Have fun.






Walka, there is no way you can create people made out of exotic matter. If you did, they wouldn't be able to survive. Plus exotic matter isn't even proven to exist. Then if you were to some how create massless people, how would you make them move faster than light?




Sere, I can start production, but just remember the types I sell only are for interplanetary travel, not interstellar. Their hulls would fail at those speeds, and they can't even go that fast because of their weaker propulsion.


*shrugs* because i know sweet [bleep] all about exotic matter i didnt know what would happen so uhh....lol.

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Project CAD is still in progress.




And walka, all this physics stuff is ridiculously complex, so I can't really say I understand half of it either.



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Can you guys just make Findenland into a black area? It's a complete wasteland. It couldn't even support a small town. Seriously, I don't want Findenland to become a NWO thing. If you don't unhand it, I will come under a false name and claim a very important country and completely destroy it.

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