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Fed up with life and the way it is going.


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Well, to say my life hasn't taken a turn for the complete worst in the last year would be an understatement. I had the girl that I absolutely loved with all my heart, was a senior in high school, 3 sport athlete, getting ready to graduate and go to college. So after graduating High school, me and my ex girlfriend terminated our relationship of about 3 years in I'd say November. I was quite depressed when this happened, and slacked off in college a little bit, and got into a bit of a binge with drinking/drugs. I gave up college, and my drugs have been reduced to smoking the occasional weed.




I finally thought that this summer, I was going to have a positive in my life again, joining the prestigious United States Marine Core. Well, due to leave for basic training in mid July, I then found out that a charge I had accrued during this bad time in my life, needs to get a "waiver" of sorts to get into the Core. So now I'm faced with waiting a bit longer before I can go.




It just seems I've reached a stale point in my life, I'm about to be 19 in a month, and by this time I'd have liked to be a little more successful. I quit my full time job a week before I was due to leave for basic training to then find out I couldn't leave yet. Therefor leaving me with no job, nowhere to go, and some unpaid bills.


There's no excitement to it anymore, nothing to look forward to every day, it's just the same routines day in and day out and I need a change. A Serious change.




I'm just so fed up with everything, I think I'm beginning to reach a point of depression, where theres nothing left to do , just the same things and it's terrible it's not me and I hate it. I just don't understand how I went from having what I thought was at the time the greatest things I could have had, to having nothing reduced to myself and my few true friends left.




I'm just looking for maybe a few ways to relieve some stress, or maybe some ideas on what I should do. Just some positive from all this negative. I know the negative times have to end sooner or later, but it's up to me. I just don't understand, I guess.

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Maybe you're destined to not do anything too exciting with your life. Some people would love to have a simple life... take me for example. It's going to be a [bleep] taking over the world, and a lot of people will make my life miserable just for trying.

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Are you looking for alone time entertainment suggestions (books, shows, games), self-improvement suggestions (learning a language or a skill), or experiencing life suggestions (uh.. skydiving, etc.)?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Maybe you're destined to not do anything too exciting with your life. Some people would love to have a simple life... take me for example. It's going to be a [bleep] taking over the world, and a lot of people will make my life miserable just for trying.


Destiny is a contrived control device used to make people content, or at least accept, their crappy lives.




No, do what ever will make you happy in the long-run, stay away from short term happiness from drugs and such.


If it were me I would probably move to a foreign country for a couple years, maybe somewhere totally in the wild if I didn't have money for appliances and such.


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Maybe you're destined to not do anything too exciting with your life. Some people would love to have a simple life... take me for example. It's going to be a [bleep] taking over the world, and a lot of people will make my life miserable just for trying.






It's not that I don't do anything interesting. I've just lost interest in alot of things, as I said I was once a 3 sport all county , all star teams, had college scouts I've lost interest in all the sports I played, I have a fair amount of friends, I just for some reason dont want to hang out with them anymore.




I'm just looking for something new in my life, as in a major change, something that will completely change my life and make me do something new. I'm just tired of this [cabbage] "depression" but I don't even want to label it as I'm an "emo depressed kid" because I'm not, I've just had a bad change of events in a pretty small amount of time.




Yes, moving to a foreign country would be something I would be interested in. I just want to get into the military and be out pretty much.

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You sound more bored than depressed. If you're going to the Marine Core soon(ish) than chillax and enjoy your quiet free time. I'm going to tough engineering school in the fall and taking twenty creds, so I don't feel bad about being a bum three weeks before schoolwork hell begins.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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You sound more bored than depressed. If you're going to the Marine Core soon(ish) than chillax and enjoy your quiet free time. I'm going to tough engineering school in the fall and taking twenty creds, so I don't feel bad about being a bum three weeks before schoolwork hell begins.






Yeah thats why I don't want to call myself depressed. Just been down for a little bit now, but yeah I think your right.

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Maybe the Core isnt for you? How long will the waiver take?

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Just take a load off now, because once you join the Corps, you will stop having fun. At least until after training.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Well, considering that you're a US citizen that is trying to go into the US military, I would probably lay off the marijuana. It's not Canada, they'll bust your [wagon] for possession if they ever catch you. That alone can probably hurt you getting into the Marine Corps. It's also not a healthy habit that you're doing it when you get depressed.




You should just relax, really. Life can get a hella lot worse than you have it at the moment, don't make it worse on yourself until you actually hit rock-bottom. Just enjoy the time that you have before going to basic training. You're probably going to get your [wagon] handed to you (like most people going into the Corps) anyways, so in retrospec, you'll probably enjoy the little break you got. If you were somehow able to procure some money from relatives or whatever, you could go take a vacation. Even a small road trip might get you out of your confinement and might help alleviate some stress.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Lemme tell you something being a Marine myself.




1. First get off the weed, they'll piss test you at MEPS and again after bootcamp and then many times once you hit the fleet. Might as well stop now.




2. I would personally try to let go of some of the emotions now if possible. Bootcamp stresses you out enough, you need some bottled up stuff but not everything. Use this depression, anger, and other negative emotions that you have left to your advantage. Get that wavier, get in bootcamp and get it done. These emotions fueled into Intensity will help you LOADS in bootcamp. Funnel them into something good. Go in with the mindset that you're changing your life right here right now. You're trying to better yourself while everyone at home is doing what? Earning the title is something they can't take away from you, and honestly its still one of if not the greatest day of my life when i got that Eagle Globe and Anchor placed in my hand and was called a Marine.




BTW, 3rd week at bootcamp = Pugil Sticks I. 4th week = Pugil Sticks II, 5th week = Pugil Sticks III. Thats where you can knock someone out, put them on their butts, knock the mouthpiece straight out of their mouth and get praised for it. Thats where you take emotions out.




3. I've met some of my closest and best friends while in the Corps, I trust them with my life and they trust me with theirs. Its a special bond you can't find anywhere else, a true brotherhood, a second family. You'll see, you'll have the largest/best support group around you.




4. I'll be honest. Its going to suck getting there. This road is not an easy one but the end result is worth it. The Marine Corps has its share of BS, nothing you can do about it but it also has its share of amazing experiences. Just take everything in stride.




Right now while you wait, use those emotions during workouts. Be active, do something to take your mind off of everything. Plus you'll want to be in decent shape going in. Hound you're recruiter about the wavier, make sure its getting done. And stop smoking weed, because you never know when that wavier will come in and boom you go to MEPS to take a piss test.

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We can't help you on this. You're going to have to find an activity that pleases you. But suggestions never hurt. How about learning an instrument, making your own site, writing a book, or going sailing over the Bermuda Triangle?




1. First get off the weed, they'll piss test you at MEPS and again after bootcamp and then many times once you hit the fleet. Might as well stop now.




2. I would personally try to let go of some of the emotions now if possible. Bootcamp stresses you out enough, you need some bottled up stuff but not everything. Use this depression, anger, and other negative emotions that you have left to your advantage. Get that wavier, get in bootcamp and get it done. These emotions fueled into Intensity will help you LOADS in bootcamp. Funnel them into something good. Go in with the mindset that you're changing your life right here right now. You're trying to better yourself while everyone at home is doing what? Earning the title is something they can't take away from you, and honestly its still one of if not the greatest day of my life when i got that Eagle Globe and Anchor placed in my hand and was called a Marine.




I agree with the second one completely, but as for the first, I knew someone in the Marines that did it all the time with his friends and he never got caught. Maybe it depends on where you're located?

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Depends on your Unit once you are through training. Some piss test their Marines every month. Some go 1-2 years without doing it. You never know though, its whenever the commander wants to. I wouldn't take the risk. They will test you before shipping to training though thats a guarantee.

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I agree with Kreig. I think you got really pumped for going into the Corps and you were completely deflated when you were denied because of something so stupid. Get the wavier ASAP and go torture yourself for a couple of months. I don't think anything else will help you get out of your rut, and that's because you know joining the Marines is the best (maybe only) way you're going to really change your life.




Joining the Marines is like older people going back to college. It's appealing not particularly because you earn a title or get extra opportunities in life, but because you're surrounded by likeminded people. It's these people that'll change you, and depending on who you decide to hang with, it'll be for better or for worse.




And if you can't join the Corps, will your warrant thing let you join other military forces? And would you be willing to join?

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Alright, so quit smoking weed and hound my recruiter about the waiver sound like the best things to do. I think some of you are right, I'm just going to enjoy this little bit of time I have before bootcamp, workout and relax. I've been working pretty hard towards trying to be prepared for boot camp and I'm just ready to go already I think may be what it is. I just want to go and get it done, and turn my life towards the positive side.

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I agree with Kreig. I think you got really pumped for going into the Corps and you were completely deflated when you were denied because of something so stupid. Get the wavier ASAP and go torture yourself for a couple of months. I don't think anything else will help you get out of your rut, and that's because you know joining the Marines is the best (maybe only) way you're going to really change your life.




Joining the Marines is like older people going back to college. It's appealing not particularly because you earn a title or get extra opportunities in life, but because you're surrounded by likeminded people. It's these people that'll change you, and depending on who you decide to hang with, it'll be for better or for worse.




And if you can't join the Corps, will your warrant thing let you join other military forces? And would you be willing to join?




I'm going to get the waiver for the Corps, it's just a matter of waiting is all. But yes, if I were to not be able to get into the Marines then I would be open to joining other branches, but I'm just going to wait for my recruiter to get it done.

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Alright, so quit smoking weed and hound my recruiter about the waiver sound like the best things to do. I think some of you are right, I'm just going to enjoy this little bit of time I have before bootcamp, workout and relax. I've been working pretty hard towards trying to be prepared for boot camp and I'm just ready to go already I think may be what it is. I just want to go and get it done, and turn my life towards the positive side.




I'm in a similar situation man i feel ya. I was told in March or April i was going to Iraq for about 7-8 months. I'm still waiting here in the US to leave. I went ahead and quit school and everything. I won't be leaving until the last weekend of August. I'm anxious as hell. I could be finishing up over there if i had left the month they told me. You just have to trust that they'll send you asap and not dwell on it because in all honesty...theres nothing you can do about it.

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Well, considering that you're a US citizen that is trying to go into the US military, I would probably lay off the marijuana. It's not Canada, they'll bust your [wagon] for possession if they ever catch you. That alone can probably hurt you getting into the Marine Corps. It's also not a healthy habit that you're doing it when you get depressed.




You should just relax, really. Life can get a hella lot worse than you have it at the moment, don't make it worse on yourself until you actually hit rock-bottom. Just enjoy the time that you have before going to basic training. You're probably going to get your [wagon] handed to you (like most people going into the Corps) anyways, so in retrospec, you'll probably enjoy the little break you got. If you were somehow able to procure some money from relatives or whatever, you could go take a vacation. Even a small road trip might get you out of your confinement and might help alleviate some stress.






Well, my brother is going into the Air Force, they said they don't care if you do weed, just tell them.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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They care if you DO weed, they don't care if you DID weed. Big difference.








Well things are beginning to look a bit more upwards already, I've got 2 interviews tomorrow.




One job starts at $14.50 an hour, guaranteed 40 hours a week and the other is paying $12.80/hour also 40 hours a week. I'd pretty much prefer the 1st job, 1st shift, 6:30 AM - 2:30 PM, and will definatly hold me over with money and taking some time away until I get to leave for training. I'll take either job though, as this will be something new to my routine, and for 18 years old they aren't paying too bad.

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I assume you went Active duty? I was going to say if you went Reserves and would be coming back after all the training to a somewhat normal civilian life, those places of business are required by law to hold your job and salary until you return.

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I assume you went Active duty? I was going to say if you went Reserves and would be coming back after all the training to a somewhat normal civilian life, those places of business are required by law to hold your job and salary until you return.






Yeah, Active Duty.

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There's no excitement to it anymore, nothing to look forward to every day, it's just the same routines day in and day out and I need a change. A Serious change.




The military is nothing but repetition day after day, just thought to throw that out there. It's not the 'exciting' 24/7 combat and shooting practice an outsider would think of it as. A gigantic amount of the time you'll be mopping floors, listening to lectures, running or doing pushups, sleeping, eating, waking up early & repeating it every single day. The contract is also for 5 years in the States so you'll have to live with the lifestyle unless you 'want out' with a dishonorable discharge (in some cases that could also get you jail time)




Also once/if you get assigned to a post overseas it's going to be even more boring than civilian life most of the time. You'll patrol in a vehicle or sit in the barracks switching guard duty shifts for weeks, months without anything happening. Even in Iraq most casualties don't come from combat at all; 63% of all US casualties in Iraq are from IED's, the rest are from friendly fire/suicide, a small portion comes from firefights or actual combat situations.




Nobody can judge you if you choose this lifestyle. I too lived it at your exact age. Just don't let it ruin your expectations; It's absolutely nothing like in the media or fictitious games/movies.

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