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[TWR] ILLUSION SMASH, Gf Tempted Killers.


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From the RSC topic of Illusion vs Tk,


http://www.zybez.net/community/index.ph ... 4856&st=60




Rules were Agreed upon, being Unclear whether or not it was a CWRI or First to 100 Kills




Illusion just rematch us please#


with Clear rules, Lol




I'm sure we'd be happy to if pvp pkri, send an offical to #illusion to set it up but I'm just a regular person so idk if it will be accepted or not :c




Afraid of a fullout? Hmm?

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Afraid of a fullout? Hmm?




Lol, Hi salty. By the way, I stole your signature from TK's site, Lol. It looks so nice <3 Doesn't it?




And, after this "epidemic"(whatever word you wanna call the war) war, they surely won't Rematch in a Run-In or Kill-Count war.

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Afraid of a fullout? Hmm?




Lol, Hi salty. By the way, I stole your signature from TK's site, Lol. It looks so nice <3 Doesn't it?




And, after this "epidemic"(whatever word you wanna call the war) war, they surely won't Rematch in a Run-In or Kill-Count war.




Stop Trolling bro. :ugeek:


Illusion Forums |Illusion Memberlist

IRC:Strikee | Illusion Leader | GFX Tag: .Strike

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From the RSC topic of Illusion vs Tk,


http://www.zybez.net/community/index.ph ... 4856&st=60




Rules were Agreed upon, being Unclear whether or not it was a CWRI or First to 100 Kills




Illusion just rematch us please#


with Clear rules, Lol




I'm sure we'd be happy to if pvp pkri, send an offical to #illusion to set it up but I'm just a regular person so idk if it will be accepted or not :c




Umm, Aww. Is that the only way to get a Rematch#?




By the way, I love the last line in your signature!#




Lol, Dandaman, honestly, why'd you quit Impact?




viewtopic.php?f=285&t=806433&start=20 That's why.




I'm sorry but that's what we want :S and to the person who said afraid of full out lol...pkri is full out. Don't think peps have matched opt pkris :S


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Grats Ill.


Retired RS player.

Retired TKO member.

Team TKO Blitz:

110+ Combat|90+ Defense|Always Bind|Always Tank|Always Listen






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From the RSC topic of Illusion vs Tk,


http://www.zybez.net/community/index.ph ... 4856&st=60




Rules were Agreed upon, being Unclear whether or not it was a CWRI or First to 100 Kills




Illusion just rematch us please#


with Clear rules, Lol




I'm sure we'd be happy to if pvp pkri, send an offical to #illusion to set it up but I'm just a regular person so idk if it will be accepted or not :c




Umm, Aww. Is that the only way to get a Rematch#?




By the way, I love the last line in your signature!#




Lol, Dandaman, honestly, why'd you quit Impact?




viewtopic.php?f=285&t=806433&start=20 That's why.




I'm sorry but that's what we want :S and to the person who said afraid of full out lol...pkri is full out. Don't think peps have matched opt pkris :S






ROFL umm..fullout as in knockout..most people can easily infer that :S


No duh there is no matched pkri's...


But, hey! Nice attempt on trying to make me sound stupid!

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Afraid of a fullout? Hmm?




Lol, Hi salty. By the way, I stole your signature from TK's site, Lol. It looks so nice <3 Doesn't it?




And, after this "epidemic"(whatever word you wanna call the war) war, they surely won't Rematch in a Run-In or Kill-Count war.




Lol hey vannaka =P I should have had rune berserker in the sig tho =P

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Points: Illusion - 104, TK - 50.


Reason: Borny33 is also in Legends Never Die, permitting him to fight in this war is considered multi-clanning by TWR standards.




[09] -[TR]RuneScript- *** [ 7CLAN ]: 7Borny33 is in 079 clans. | Clans: 7Legends Never Die, Team Power Rangers, Team Lani, Team Last Hope, Anti Terrorist Foundation For Anti Terrorism, Illusion, Daniels Backseat, Boxxy Unit, Triforce | URL: 7http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Borny33




EDIT: Yes, I realize that I had originally stated that the problem was with Triforce, but I realized as the memberlist wasn't actually TRI's real one the complaint we received was actually about LND. I apologize for misleading people.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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this is just insulting now, king yufei is suggesting we would been involved?








and as most tk members said it was just towards the end, when we had like 8 man lead already and there were like five kills remaining, and they accepted the lost, no need for a randomer to come here stirr it up again.




Keep it clean would ya... I said it was "unclear" whether or not... if Illusion was involved. Chill down would ya, TK never said they didn't accept this lost. And if it was a PVP war, it would have been even more drama cuz of Crashing and other stuff. Full out, knock out Iam sure " Illusion" wont have any trouble. Just stating the facts, not oponions. And quit the flame bait, it's imature. Read my post again and quote where I said " Illusion Cheated ? "...

Sigma NU

MOST Anticipated but still underrated

Silent Ember

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2nd win for illusion against tk. Impressive.




Take it home with a 3rd, ill.




From what Iv'e heard, we likely won't be warring these guys anymore.


I won't say why, and it's not because we keep "losing"


Take note of the large quotation marks.


But we would be glad to take our Insert number here (Ive lost count) win off Lgz ::'

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2nd win for illusion against tk. Impressive.




Take it home with a 3rd, ill.




From what Iv'e heard, we likely won't be warring these guys anymore.


I won't say why, and it's not because we keep "losing"


Take note of the large quotation marks.


But we would be glad to take our Insert number here (Ive lost count) win off Lgz ::'




Though you accepted defeat? I'm sure infintone is just congrajulating us on our wins and not trying to put TK down. Now stop bumping our win with sad attempts to pretend you accepted defeat but really aren't


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2nd win for illusion against tk. Impressive.




Take it home with a 3rd, ill.




From what Iv'e heard, we likely won't be warring these guys anymore.


I won't say why, and it's not because we keep "losing"


Take note of the large quotation marks.


But we would be glad to take our Insert number here (Ive lost count) win off Lgz ::'




Though you accepted defeat? I'm sure infintone is just congrajulating us on our wins and not trying to put TK down. Now stop bumping our win with sad attempts to pretend you accepted defeat but really aren't




Infinitone is never innocent ::'


Don't make this personal please .


You earned your win, but like I said, whether we accept defeat or not, that shouldn't matter to you guys anyway.


Iv'e stopped argueing about the whole ordeal so you need to too.

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nice dumb rush you guys did to me after i killed my friend in dm shame you all are to stupid to have known it was non multi L




and said join ? L right dream on boys




We were ending our pk trip and he had u as target i think lol we did it for fun bro :]


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nice dumb rush you guys did to me after i killed my friend in dm shame you all are to stupid to have known it was non multi L




and said join ? L right dream on boys






LOOLL I have heard anecdotes of this, sad I wasnt there




Personaly hope we dont war you guys again, everytime we beat you neatly and clean you pull up some excuse (omg ts went down so we had to mass snipe, we dont know what a clanchat is , omg portalspam 20 kills in 1 min for lulz but we got no proof lmfao )




and those last 2 lineson his speech vannaka , those are of my speech vs u guys LEL




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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omg ts went down so we had to mass snipe, we dont know what a clanchat is , omg portalspam 20 kills in 1 min for lulz but we got no proof lmfao




llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll that pissed me laughing well, omg portalspam LOL!

Join Downfall 100+!



My Siggies! :)


http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2158/27077559.jpg (ehh can't upload)

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omg ts went down so we had to mass snipe, we dont know what a clanchat is , omg portalspam 20 kills in 1 min for lulz but we got no proof lmfao




llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll that pissed me laughing well, omg portalspam LOL!




That pissed you laughing? :shock:

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Dead topic brought back to life, but I'm just kind of wondering why your cc was open in the first place tk? if you were actually worried about that then you should of had it closed; poor judgement on your part. Everyone in your clan should have been ranked in the cc so it could have easily been closed.... it normally is if I'm not mistaken...


Do us all a favor, construct a proper sentence.

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god am8 cant you read... the guy who went in and out was LAGGING. although how he happened to click leave portal then the portal agains then when the rules screen pops up he presses "fight" idk. :D

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