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Master Wand Trading


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Hey team, I've just worked up enough points to cash in and get a Master Wand. I wanna sell it for a lot on the forums, but I don't really have any junk. Can someone give me a quick overview of Junk Trading and how I can sell this thing for lots of $$$?


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I don't know how many times I will have to repeat myself on this subject.




It is never worth it to make junk, you can make money the normal way much faster!




Sell the wand Max on GE before they crash, and spend your time making money and effective way.


I second this.


If I recall correctly the max junk per hour is 300k where as the max gp per hour is 900k+.




Only junk I've ever created was training fletching, addy arrows (zammy gwd) and trading shards for gp (brought for 22gp/shard from pouches sold 24gp/shard with 1 gp in junk)


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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I don't know how many times I will have to repeat myself on this subject.




It is never worth it to make junk, you can make money the normal way much faster!



I feel exactly the same way.


No matter how loud you scream, nobody will ever hear you.


This is Runescape.

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If you really want to make junk right now and want to get some xp, make maple longbows (u) There acually crashing right now I've noticed a few junk items crashing recently.

Slayer; it's just what I do.
Thanks Hugger 88 for the awesome siggy!

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Achievments: Maxed/Comp'd 7th of August 2012. 120 Dungeoneering sometime early december 2011. 99 Slayer achieved October 22nd, 2010. 99 Prayer achieved September 99 18th 2010. Summoning achieved September 14th 2010. 99 Defence achieved May 8th 2010. 99 Constituton achieved April 24th 2010. 99 Attack achieved on January 29th 2010 at 8:00 PM. Questpoint Cape on August 30th 2009.99 Strength (11:47 P.M. August 17 2009).

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I'd normally say no junk as well. HUGE opportunity cost, but if raising your fletching is some kind of goal in the near future, then just make the maple longs (u), and use them as junk. If you have no desire to raise fletching, then making junk is more of a burden to you, and in the end you will be losing out.. so don't do it.

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

(...and Anarchy for a few weeks... shhh...)

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