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Divine Vindicators vs Legenz


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yh we all want one, we came to war, it may seem dv would easily defeat lgz but you never know, lgz been around for some time and know many tricks and good warring skills, i seen in vids :) plz rm?














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I'm just going to throw in my past 2 cents from my past experiences in TWR. Back when Loge was here, we had a war with Legendz (When Infinitone was around) and they attacked us first even though we were supposed to attack. Loge told me whenever someone breaks a rule get proof, and leave. We did so, and the mods went against us; even though we did as we were told. LGZ got the points because we didn't take the rematch when we could of. All I can say is a rematch was offered. I even talked to one of the leaders of LGZ and he didn't listen to me. Sure they broke a rule... you went out good job. But then what? You could have rematched.. You could have attacked first, you could have warred. Playing devil's advocate though I can understand if you misinterpreted TWR rules. But theres some underlying factors that you need to take into consideration when warring. Also I can confirm DV did break the attacking rule.


It's a debate that can go on with both sides arguing about it for many more pages... I say a mod intervenes and declares a set rematch. :thumbsup:


I never thought, a rival clan would ever share there past experiences at a time when the topic is hot. You could have chosen to share this info when the mod had came to a decision. Amateurnoob you have earned my RESPECT. :thumbsup:


Coming to this topic, yes, we offered LDZ a rematch after they starting leaving the portal, but they just did not seem interested. If you guys wanted we could have rematched, with same rules and LDZ attacking first.


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all I can say is wtf.


I remember when downfall did EXACTLY the same to lgz , and lgz said that wasnt a real reason for autowin and the other clan didnt give rm blablabla now you do the same? very sad lgz , very sad.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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lol... if u guys were reading my post, you would understand why we walked away... so here it is again.


You broke the rules... after spamming for a while didn't stop at all, and once the first tank got owned went straight for another pile, while we head to the portal, dv still continute to attack other as if this was a joke... that's why we step out of portal and hope to avoid arguement and get it sorted.


That's when some dv member and some other people decided to flame us when we walk out of the portal while we still hope to get this sorted. The flame contain rude words and also something that hurt our feeling, which is the reason why we head away from clan war arena, we move south of the clan war arena and still in hope that we can war but the flaming just continute. That's when nickhil (forgot his full name lol) comes into play and talk with us. But the flaming still continute and so we walked away, even when we head to bh, member of dv still following us and flaming along the way. at the start of the war, some people follow our pile and flame "lgz fail", so it was flaming from the begining til the end.


So if a top clan like dv still flame, while ur opponent is trying to get something sorted... then seriously good fight. We have enough preparation time to get a decent mass to war you guys and what more can i say ? we try our best, but we just couldn't cop with the amount of flame coming out of dv's mouth... That's why we said "auto win ty for points" and walked away. That's also the reason why i said "NO RESPECT AT ALL". and btw... if u havn't read my prev post, mago just also prove my point of getting almost everything in dv's way =P and also the no respect part as well, tyvm


Legendz - 100+ F2p combat !! Join today and get TWO free cookies @@@@@

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Sorry I couldn't reply, just came back from school <_<


If your not DV or Legendz please stay out of this and I know your just trying to help.


I'd be happy to RM you with the Same rules (WHICH MEANS LEGENDZ ATTACK


Date TBA.


However, we did not once reject a rematch, I offered one too,even with the typical DV members flaming..



Do we have to create a whole new topic or not?

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Looks like both Mago (DV) and Karan (LGZ) are open to a rematch with the same rules, that seems to be the fairest and best solution. Please work this out and let the mods know if we can assist. Good luck to both of you in the rematch :thumbup:



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