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TPR's Day out at w141


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@all others who is trying to bait/flame/troll/or make side comments : Are you stupid or do you not see this is "TPR vs. TK"?

No, i'm not stupid. Are you stupid for thinking no one but the 2 clans involved can post on an aftermath topic?


You count as DF in my mind :/


i lol'd.. i hope u know he left 4 months ago... has no access to our site... and no access to our clan chat. However he is still my love... <3 uffan <3:


Doesn't matter lol, ones been in a clan for so long, him/her is always with them when it comes to things, so yeah



~~~Proud Ex-Council of Tempted Killers, There Since Day One~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Regrets, Only Memories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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Besides, I said "bait/flame/troll/or make side comments", there wouldn't be any problem if people just simply give their grats to TPR for winning a war.

rofl... ok and your clans actions in this war didnt lead to these "bait/flame/troll/or side comments"





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Besides, I said "bait/flame/troll/or make side comments", there wouldn't be any problem if people just simply give their grats to TPR for winning a war.

rofl... ok and your clans actions in this war didnt lead to these "bait/flame/troll/or side comments"


no....I guess..?


lol you even admit there are "bait/flame/troll/or side comments", so why not stop right here.



~~~Proud Ex-Council of Tempted Killers, There Since Day One~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Regrets, Only Memories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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@all others who is trying to bait/flame/troll/or make side comments : Are you stupid or do you not see this is "TPR vs. TK"?

No, i'm not stupid. Are you stupid for thinking no one but the 2 clans involved can post on an aftermath topic?


You count as DF in my mind :/


i lol'd.. i hope u know he left 4 months ago... has no access to our site... and no access to our clan chat. However he is still my love... <3 uffan <3:


Doesn't matter lol, ones been in a clan for so long, him/her is always with them when it comes to things, so yeah



Once again you make no sense. Hes not in Downfall he's in crimson raiders. That means he's not a member of downfall.


I was in Lgz for a year. Do people see me as an lgz member? no. They see me as downfall now.


Solace Member

Silent Ember Warlord

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I had fun... It's been a long time since I legitimately got to hunt people in 1 v 1... ty sparze <3:


Also, enjoyed sniping both nancy's to almost nothing LOL


Lol I remember that rivalry, good times <3:


It was kinda fun too watch >.>. Willith, learn to bind plz! :)

shush, I might get striked

lol. why didnt u bring binds anyways?


He was outta water runes and late, I told him bring airs/robes to make it look like he's binding but he didn't wanna pull a generalulululul



dont know what you mean by stablity, but "The", gladz, sabres, bk , etc, are definetly nothing compared to what any of those clans were before. Most of the mentioned couldnt even compete in a run-in because their not really used to returning,and they lost ALOT of opts. ...so if you ask me none of those clans mantained stable,they slumped. Is it because of the new ways of fighting,aging, I dont know.


PKM has been opened since 2001, sure they outlasted alot of clans, but they never ever pulled 25 people, is that good?


Seems to me that THE, Gladz,and Bk pull roughly around the same that many other midsized clans do now. Yes they are not as high as what they previously were and if you want to call that a slump then by all means do so. Simply because we are not pulling maxed opts anymore doesnt mean we arent stable though. All of these clans have learned that its more than simply about warring and they have shown differences than other clans that have been forced to close. Ill say that these 3 clans I do not see closing anytime in the near future but I can not say the same for others in the top 25. Leadership has been passed on. Memberlists actually look to be growing slowly by all 3 of these clans. They all participate in pkri's both in pvp and cwa. They pk regularly yet they still keep the community and the morals adhered to while also molding with the new stuff that has come into the clan world.


Overall these clans have gone up and down. All 3 of these clans have tasted success in the top 5 and have also dealt with losses to their ml's. Simply because pkers leave you say they arent stable? The leadership for the most part has stayed strong and has been passed on. The overall morale of the clans I am sure has gone up and down but you have never seen any of these 3 clans fall down too far. I can venture to guess that as far as warring that none have fallen too far out of the top 25 of warring clans and if so it wasnt for long.


I can personally speak for 'THE' in saying the taking out of the wilderness was what caused the biggest change in ml decrease but the majority of people that are in these clans are part of a core membergroup that do not leave.




Just Stop, you make the most pointless baits/arguements on Tip.It/RSC for no real reason at all, they go no-where. Just Stop.

You have your clan, we all have ours, but baiting on a topic that really doesn't relate to you at all, is more than dumb.


I normally wouldn't even both replying to this but since Tip.It mods delete my replies for no reasons on Tip.It topics, and don't delete yours, ..................


Either way, Generaldesor won those awards for reasons lol, you can't be silly(stupid) enough to honestly troll him and then completely get off the topic with your head held high, Can you?


Vannaka was only hybrid lol?#


"Nah Idiot" lol from 9vs8 the snipe/bounds starting playing a big role, so no one bothered putting on robes but me.


"Vannaka Bringing 7.5m+ to clan wars since 2010, Sup?"


Yo TK I'm happy for you and I'm gunna let you finish, but Xc2dacplayax is the best bound-breaker of ALL time. Just incase you're not sure:




Glad to see we won, good job Rangers. <3:

Lmfao had to quote.




On The Topic:

Was sorta fun, I really disagree with the Accusations though, would like to see a video if anyone has.


I think I got a kill but can't remember cause it was so damn late lol.


I thought it was even with us having 2 snipers at first/some people attacking you for maybe the first minute of the fight cause our first pile was more messier than (something messy here.) I think we constituted a main pile well however their 1-2 people "in back of pile" mixed with ours in center after some targets dragging, which caused an anti-snipe which was even more confusing.


And "lol'd: being sniped from beginning-ish but not actually losing any food til liike 8vs9 :d


Lol like 5 diff pics of Sparze/Bounds, :S

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congrats tpr, unexpected of tk


not unexpected, more like expected


i rofl'd at this topic


I lmfaoed


Tk had day-off

War shouldn't be accepted, leaders and warlords weren't online

I would say Gratz Tpr, but I won't

Tpr just got black-listed for nh




a joke before certain people go OMFG TPR NH!


Because breaking bounds all the way to the purple portal because the power rangers are gonna kill you, because flaming, because mass sniping when there was a sniper cap, and because bringing people that are not on ml:


*** [ CLAN ]: Divine�Oxide is in 7 clans. | Clans: Divine Kings Ending List, Anti Collision, Poison, Killjoy ML, Boy Toys, The Covenant, Runescapes Beast Tankers | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Divine%A0Oxide


is not "Nh" boys.


I was getting ddos by nikhil, I already told you dude :c


Why falsely accuse someone just for the sake of it?


If you got any proof share it with the TWR community and let all know, or pm the mods with the evidence.


No HONOR post :thumbdown:


ur sarcasm meter is fail


Yo TK I'm happy for you and I'm gunna let you finish, but Xc2dacplayax is the best bound-breaker of ALL time. Just incase you're not sure:




Glad to see we won, good job Rangers. <3:


I just had to quote this for emphasis/lulz


the past never dies...


long live the past never the present




@vannaka thats kind of a long post to quote and erase most of it but I think echo is just irritated I found it funny how the alliance got defeated by tempted killers a while ago :S.


The reason I found it funny is because tk is a joke and I dont get how 2 of the most experienced clans get defeated by tk even if they had friends :S.


Joe: Edited out banned user's post.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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lolz glad we dint fight tk on saturday(teamvendetta) looking at this. I see why TK pvp's more then CWA now L




TK calling this NH is so hyprocratic.

DV calling this a false Topic, and telling tpr to pm mods, is so hypocratic.

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Downfall Since September 6, 2008

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lolz glad we dint fight tk on saturday(teamvendetta) looking at this. I see why TK pvp's more then CWA now L




TK calling this NH is so hyprocratic.

DV calling this a false Topic, and telling tpr to pm mods, is so hypocratic.



You are falling behind , dv didnt say this topic is fake ,so catch up :thumbup:


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Well, I only see TPR members going hard on TK with a lot of pics of cheats and stuff..


I don't see TK reacting to this, so why all those replies for no reason :S. Just a question, not trying to be negative.



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I can personally speak for 'THE' in saying the taking out of the wilderness was what caused the biggest change in ml decrease but the majority of people that are in these clans are part of a core membergroup that do not leave.



March '09, 250 opts. Wasn't wilderness taken out in about '08?



Your point being what exactly? I said the biggest change in ml not the one that is most recent. and hi gamerr. when the wildy was closed there was a massive decrease in ml and activity.


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oh god lol, stop and say gf



~~~Proud Ex-Council of Tempted Killers, There Since Day One~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Regrets, Only Memories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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Can't we all hold hands and sing " party in the USA"? :rolleyes:



TBH Like Phoenix said... should have been a better fight if there were a staff on for TK to arranged the war. And Sparze will flamed the living crap outa you lol. :rolleyes: Lil mistake by TK, however, you make those mistakes around Danda and General.... boy you're dead... Hope for a another war soon ! :thumbsup:


And Echo is back with his ancient knowledge, no really guys, some of you need it. If he has enough time he should write a book. Hummm TBH when I was Mori for a few months I dont ever remember fighting THE,,,, humm shame... :mellow:


Anyways, back on topic, GJ TPR. And no General is not dead, as much as many of you guys want him to be.... he anit ever gona die... :ohnoes:

Sigma NU

MOST Anticipated but still underrated

Silent Ember

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Can't we all hold hands and sing " party in the USA"? :rolleyes:



TBH Like Phoenix said... should have been a better fight if there were a staff on for TK to arranged the war. And Sparze will flamed the living crap outa you lol. :rolleyes: Lil mistake by TK, however, you make those mistakes around Danda and General.... boy you're dead... Hope for a another war soon ! :thumbsup:


And Echo is back with his ancient knowledge, no really guys, some of you need it. If he has enough time he should write a book. Hummm TBH when I was Mori for a few months I dont ever remember fighting THE,,,, humm shame... :mellow:


Anyways, back on topic, GJ TPR. And no General is not dead, as much as many of you guys want him to be.... he anit ever gona die... :ohnoes:

Sometimes I wonder If you post to see how many smiley faces you can include :x

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Can't we all hold hands and sing " party in the USA"? :rolleyes:



TBH Like Phoenix said... should have been a better fight if there were a staff on for TK to arranged the war. And Sparze will flamed the living crap outa you lol. :rolleyes: Lil mistake by TK, however, you make those mistakes around Danda and General.... boy you're dead... Hope for a another war soon ! :thumbsup:


And Echo is back with his ancient knowledge, no really guys, some of you need it. If he has enough time he should write a book. Hummm TBH when I was Mori for a few months I dont ever remember fighting THE,,,, humm shame... :mellow:


Anyways, back on topic, GJ TPR. And no General is not dead, as much as many of you guys want him to be.... he anit ever gona die... :ohnoes:


only yufie knows how to kill me


but "party in the usa?" lmao im not singin that bloody yanks.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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