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As you can see this is the most amazing thing I've ever done, even busted out my pen tablet for this fine piece of art!


Just wanted to say whats up, The Gallery has been sort of dead for a while so I want to try and give us life again, any ideas? Is anyone down to participate in some sort of week long contest sort of in the format of SOTW?

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Methinks that a more random contest (not just sigs) would be cool, with each week being a different style of art. So digipainting, traditional art, rl painting, different types of photography, art in styles of different artists (Monet or Calder or da Vinci would be neat), freestyle...


I'm painting shoes right now. Or rather painting on shoes. When they're done I shall show them to the world.

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Hai der! The Gallery has indeed been sort of dead.. it saddens me! I've been using my blog to post most of my work these days.. maybe I'll actually post some here for once.

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Methinks that a more random contest (not just sigs) would be cool, with each week being a different style of art. So digipainting, traditional art, rl painting, different types of photography, art in styles of different artists (Monet or Calder or da Vinci would be neat), freestyle...


I'm painting shoes right now. Or rather painting on shoes. When they're done I shall show them to the world.


That was what I was thinking and for sizing I was thinking of implementing size limits at times to spice things up. Like saying we, at some point, to do rl painting we could limit to 9x6 and like 4 colors for example.

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how about a month-long LP contest. something that people could really spend their time on.


i'd be more than willing to put some major time into something



Draw what you see, not what you think-you-see. --Carl Purcell

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Contests don't work. You'd be lucky if you got 5 contestants, and people would loose interest.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Well... to be honest, when i left again last summer, it mainly was because a lot of new people came here and the only thing that they could say was: Hey, nice work! i'd love to learn that, instead of what a lot of the people who left used to give, some propper, usefull C/C.

In my opinion in that way the artist's in this part of the forum don't get to develop like in the old times, because everyone just says it's perfect... If people here would try to pay more attention in helping other people develop in what they like to make, i think it would shake things up around here.


It's just my opinion, but it is the reason for a lot of people who left, and when good artists leave, a lot of other people don't take the time anymore to look around here ;-)

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Contests don't work. You'd be lucky if you got 5 contestants, and people would loose interest.


Contest are also a great way to try and get people involved and a way to try and a way to motivate yourself to try your best and hopefully improve overall as an artist. That is how I see contest anyways.


Well... to be honest, when i left again last summer, it mainly was because a lot of new people came here and the only thing that they could say was: Hey, nice work! i'd love to learn that, instead of what a lot of the people who left used to give, some propper, usefull C/C.

In my opinion in that way the artist's in this part of the forum don't get to develop like in the old times, because everyone just says it's perfect... If people here would try to pay more attention in helping other people develop in what they like to make, i think it would shake things up around here.


It's just my opinion, but it is the reason for a lot of people who left, and when good artists leave, a lot of other people don't take the time anymore to look around here ;-)


I think you have a very valid point, when you aren't getting the necessary c/c its hard to improve or feel the need to share your work.


I do appreciate all the response, I really want to try and rejuvenate The Gallery and help rebuild the community.

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That's so sad the Gallery has changed and slowed down so much. And tip.it too, its just lost activity. We're losing to RSC! D:


I really want to see some traditional art trades. We don't necessarily need to ship it to each other, but just take pictures and appreciate the gesture. Or maybe even a photoblog thead, where we just post 1 intriguing photo they had taken that day and explain in a paragraph what was their intention. Then you blog about what meaning that photo has to you. Its good intellectual stimulation to try to get everyone's art analyzation broader and being able to use terminology that is more helpful than, "Dunno dude, it may look better brighter." This may be more helpful, "The lighting on the portion of the composition isn't covering all the interesting points on the space. If there was more light towards that area it'd bring out the focus."


I dunno though guys, some suggestions.


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I like the idea of photoblogs, I think they would be fun to read and could become very popular.


I'm thinking of creating a beginners guide to graphic art, basically outlining a few of the basic/ most common programs people use and how to get started basically. I saw that it is lightly mentioned in The Gallery rules but I think it would be easier for newcomers if it had its own sticky. Opinions?

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We could do a SMOTM Contest? Signature Maker of the Month. Whoever is over this chooses names to go in a voting, and the gallery members vote on who's made the most progress that month, who's the best that month, or anything else. Afterwards, when someone is chosen, they could get an underbanner for their accomplishment.

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| Former Clan Chronicle Editor | Former Clan Improvement Member| Former TET Member |

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well if some of you guys think it will help, i can put some older (still quite nice) photo's here and look for my good old photoshop CS2 and try it out with some sigs that i can give awey? :-)

i also would like the idea's of photoblogs. For example the new photographs of littleboy are quite nice, and you can just see how he is improving like a photographer. If there would be more helpfull and fun to read comments, i think a lot of people would like to try out to make some nice photo's and maybe get better in it which should not only be awsome for them, but also for us since we get a lot of new nice photo's in te gallery


As soon as there are some more people back, we maybe should try out an simple small pixel collaboration (the cube idea) like the old ones we had here.


for the people who weren't here when the cube collab was:

(I couldn't find the finished version again this fast, but this should give a quite nice impression ;) )



Hope that this could be helpfull in some way :-)

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I suggest my annoying ideas that don't work anywhere... BUT:


1) Write something similar to the 'Community Spotlight' for TET a while ago. That essentially gives info on the Gallery, interviews some members, maybe features some art, or a tut/vid of how someone makes art.


I made up a 'skeleton/template' for Falador and would be willing to make up one for the Gallery, if you'd like to help fill it. Then we just need admin support and a global announcement... Which is my second idea.


2) See above.

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