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ASIO raids on suspected terrorists in Australia


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Looks like the government have taken advantage of the rushed legislation for the new anti-terror laws (australia is turning into a police state :? or the USA?)








23 homes in Sydney and Melbourne were raided... and guess what areas were targeted?








Fawkner, Coburg, Meadow Heights, Broadmeadows, Dallas, Jacana, Brunswick etc.. Anyone from western suburbs Melbourne know that they are predominantly muslim areas.. now the government says that they aren't discriminating against islam, and I don't believe the government are discriminating against them either, it is strictly to prevent terrorism. They found chemicals and weapon parts etc, and also chemical orders in most of the houses raided.








My concern: I live in the western suburbs area, and them areas are predominantly full of Turkish people and Lebanese (mostly of islam). When September 11 happened, they brought american flags to school and burned them, and the school was seperated in half (one half islam, other half the rest). Already they have lashed out, two cameramen were bashed and a voice recorder guy was bashed also outside the magistrates court.








Though the Government say that they've stopped a potential chaotic terrorist attack, they have started something much worse, a backlash from the islam public in the north western suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney. And yes, people will get hurt, and terrorists won't stop.

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1. Stop turning Australia into a police state




2. Stop publicising proudly how the raids have been "successful", it only makes them angrier.








Saying "Stop turning Australia into a police state" is not a solution. You need to provide alternatives otherwise you are just ranting.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I can see where your coming from, the western suburbs of Melbourne would be a very dangerous place to live right now.

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It isn't a rant. It's a statement that Australia has gone from the hard working labour country to.. well, the proverbial "betch" of the USA controlled by the police and spy authorities.








So youd rather an attack such as the one on New York on 9/11 or the London bombings on 7/7 than have the government know what dvd you are watching round your mates house?




In the UK you can now be deported out of the country for speaking against the state. Several radical clerics have been forced out of the country.




I dont really know a good solution to the problem, as it is many innocent people are getting caught up in the mess either as direct victims of a terrorist attack or by the over cautious goverment harshly questioning normal citizens. I guess the only way to stop religeous fanatics is to prove its all a load of BS, all of it that is. Not just "our religeon is right and yours is wrong" but that its all rubbish. All this fighting, all this arguing, all this is wrong and needs to end.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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The media need to tone it down a bit. ASIO and the Federal police were just doing their job.








The amount of coverage the raids got was just pointless. The important facts were said in a minute or so, then the next five or whatever was just random crap to "brag" about it.








They (the media) aren't helping the situation much :-?

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Its the same with all Media, so many news organisations competing for viewers. News is big business these days and they will do anything to be top. In the UK our main news channel is operated by the BBC 24/7. The BBC is a regulated company and must comply to strict standards, generally the news stories are much more toned down and truthful. They also make sure that they have all the information before broadcasting. I remember watching the news during the 7/7 london attacks and sky saying that 6 bombs have gone off on busses. Rubbish. The news papers are even worse really hyping up every story, grabbing as many witnesses as they can and bribing them for their story



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I don't think that the aftermath of the raids and the potential hatred is the important thing, the important thing is that many lives have possibly been saved, and if we'd been able to do that with any of the other major incidents i'm sure most people would choose problems afterward the horror of a terrorist attack.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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1. Stop turning Australia into a police state








i......i have a problem with the above statement, and what you feel this is doing, im american, i admit at times our goverment is harsh and our country is a "police state" at times, but think about it, if we WERE NOT a police state, say we were neutral like luxembourg or something and we had a terrorist attack on this nation, would you not defend your country?








I admit, im not for the war, were losing more people left and right, proud dedicated soldiers fight to keep the peace of our great nation, but come on, say if Australia got attacked or NZ, would you not defend your countrys honour and history? would you not say "Damn those terrorists"








Police States are for the best interest of your country and your people, trust me on this, unless you want people blowing up buildings, or planting bombs in subways, THINK ABOUT IT BEFORE YOU MAKE SUCH STUPID RIDICULOUS STATEMENTS!

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The media need to tone it down a bit. ASIO and the Federal police were just doing their job.








The amount of coverage the raids got was just pointless. The important facts were said in a minute or so, then the next five or whatever was just random crap to "brag" about it.








They (the media) aren't helping the situation much :-?








Haha yes, did you see John Howards speech on "my plan was a success"? It only fires the fuel, bragging about these new raids will not do him any good.




















And Arctic: we've been directly targeted by 2 suicide bomb attacks in the last 3 years, the most recent one a little over a month ago, it isn't publicised overseas because quite frankly, no one gives a damn about australia or nz. Btw: Over 100 australians have died from suicide bombs.








And yes, we responded by boycotting tourism in the areas where the terrorism was being funded. We sure did say "damn those terrorists", but Howard takes it too far when he brags about how good these new anti-terrorism laws are and how they're saving us from terrorists, but this unnecessary media coverage on the government is only fueling the fire.

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And Arctic: we've been directly targeted by 2 suicide bomb attacks in the last 3 years, the most recent one a little over a month ago, it isn't publicised overseas because quite frankly, no one gives a damn about australia or nz. Btw: Over 100 australians have died from suicide bombs.








And yes, we responded by boycotting tourism in the areas where the terrorism was being funded. We sure did say "damn those terrorists", but Howard takes it too far when he brags about how good these new anti-terrorism laws are and how they're saving us from terrorists, but this unnecessary media coverage on the government is only fueling the fire.








unfortunatley my good sir, thats how the media makes the money, thats how broadcasters make money unfortunatley, and imo it is lame, its hella lame, but theres nothing we can do about it, people want the news and the networks supply them with it








but i am right, in senses though, police states are good for people, they keep them safe, in life you have to make certain sacrifices for what you need, but thats life

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And Arctic: we've been directly targeted by 2 suicide bomb attacks in the last 3 years, the most recent one a little over a month ago, it isn't publicised overseas because quite frankly, no one gives a damn about australia or nz. Btw: Over 100 australians have died from suicide bombs.















but i am right, in senses though, police states are good for people, they keep them safe, in life you have to make certain sacrifices for what you need, but thats life








Amen, police states are needed to effectively protect us from terrorists, sacrificing a few liberties that you will hardly notice being lost is a prefectly acceptable price to pay even if it just saves one life.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Well at least in your country the police don't use a shoot-to-kill policy and shoot innocent people in the head 9 times from point blank range and try and cover it up.




Real muslims do not support terrorists please do not discriminate against all muslims just because a few extremists who claim to be followers of Islam, are terrorists.








And no, Im not a muslim, I have no religion but Im sick of seeing Muslims take the blame for terrorism

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Argh. I hate seeing Muslims doing things like this, giving us all a bad name. Just know that these people are the apex of hypocracy: when they entered the fold of Islam it was a promise not to take things to such extremes. This makes me so angry: especially how those students burned the american flag :evil:








I hope that you all do not think all Muslims are like that. Just these crazy terrorists trying to prove some non-existent point.


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They should have racial harmony. So long the aussie govt are very transparent about the trials and investigations plus outcomes.. i believe there will be peace..








They are not discriminating against islam or anything.. just protecting the citizen interest...








I just hope the trials can come up real soon..








If they din do it, nobody can convict them for terroism crimes..

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but i am right, in senses though, police states are good for people, they keep them safe, in life you have to make certain sacrifices for what you need, but thats life








I don't have the time to get accurate figures for cardiovacular diseases, obesity related sickness or cancer that can be traced to tobacco or weird undefined, food stuff. But, for the sake of argument, let's agree there's a considerable portion of people in western countries that can relate to these things.








So, in my hypothetical police state, I'm going to instigate a mandatory diet and ban all food and consumables not approved by the Secretary of Homeland Nutrition. Completely without factual basis, yet reasonable figures, suggests I just made considerable reductions when it comes to health costs, but public and private. I have also raised the average lifespan of, say, 10 years. Apart from that, several people who will not suffer from the problems mentioned in the first paragraph will live fuller lives as well as longer.








"Wait", you say, "did you just decide what we could eat? We can't go to MacDonalds because you say so?" That's right. I've saved you money, I've saved the state money and I've made your life safer and longer.
















I'm with the some centuries old dude who said, roughly "He who gives up liberty for safety deserves neither". There are several ways in which we can be made to live longer and safer; fiddling with speed limits, stronger sentences for breaking them or just making professional drivers the only people allowed to drive. (Look ma, I "saved" people from traffic accidents! *flex*). All we have to do is give up stuff like "liberty" and "freedom".








'course, the real problem of a police state is that the paranoid does not cease to be paranoid; A police state will not relinquish what it has taken and will not stop wanting more.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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The media need to tone it down a bit. ASIO and the Federal police were just doing their job.








The amount of coverage the raids got was just pointless. The important facts were said in a minute or so, then the next five or whatever was just random crap to "brag" about it.








They (the media) aren't helping the situation much :-?








Pretty much, I would like to add that they don't say that they have been collecting information about the suspects for well over a year.








The government has for the past few decades and always will monitor its citizens. We have advanced monitoring equipment that detect the topic of phone conversations, intercept radio and satellite communication and read emails all done autonomously with any overly suspicious activity reported to relevant authorities. I don't think computers target certain people or religious persuasion, do you?








Also it is not a good idea to attempt to run away from the police, it doesn't make you look innocent. People who have nothing to hide don't fear the police.

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