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Carpentry? How about engineering instead?


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Yes, yes let's have guns and robots in RuneScape!




And while we're at it, let's add cars and chainsaws! And don't forget nuclear warheads!




Infact, while we're ruining the game we may aswell add star cruisers!!








Worst. Idea. Ever.












Runescape is a fantasy game dolt.




And I did not suggest anything more ridiculous than made up metals and magic.








Quote me where you found that out.




And you DID suggest more ridiculous things, moron. Magic has always been a part of RPGs that are set in the distant past. Made up metals... so what, it's not a big deal at all.








I think we can all agree that RuneScape is set in the past? And in the past (if you can comprehend this) there were no guns, robots, lasers, computers etc.




To be honest, I think you're a complete spastic for not being able to see that Robots + RuneScape = Lame.

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There has not been one use of carprentry presented yet.








I guess you missed about 47 threads.









jagex will never make guns because of the violence to the kids.








I don't really see guns being any more violent than daggers.. throwing knives.. or whips, etc. They all have a violence to them, and could all be deadly (well maybe not so much whip, but still.)








You'd be surprised at how deadly a whip can be in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. A whip can concentrate more energy into a very tiny space than any pre-gunpowder weapon, short of possibly a good bow or crossbow.
















As for the whole time-period thing, there is actually no possible time period equivalent for RS2 in the real world. There are elements in the game that existed or were believed in B.C. times, all the way up to Multicannons which would require close to Industrial Revolution technology.

Suzanne Vega


tokin rite wurx gud!

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i just dont see any guns that fit in with rs. It is a kind of medieval rpg and i dont believe they had guns back then.








It'd be fun to build your own crossbows though :P








(And maybe have a use for the paintfrog cannon)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Yes, yes let's have guns and robots in RuneScape!




And while we're at it, let's add cars and chainsaws! And don't forget nuclear warheads!




Infact, while we're ruining the game we may aswell add star cruisers!!








Worst. Idea. Ever.












Runescape is a fantasy game dolt.




And I did not suggest anything more ridiculous than made up metals and magic.








Quote me where you found that out.




And you DID suggest more ridiculous things, moron. Magic has always been a part of RPGs that are set in the distant past. Made up metals... so what, it's not a big deal at all.








I think we can all agree that RuneScape is set in the past? And in the past (if you can comprehend this) there were no guns, robots, lasers, computers etc.




To be honest, I think you're a complete spastic for not being able to see that Robots + RuneScape = Lame.








Sure, the robots: not that great an idea. But guns can be implemented pretty easily, im sure. Engineering could be like fletching for guns.








BTW, im talking about those old 16th(?) century guns, which take a whole lot of time to load.








The guns could be like bows, but alot longer between attacks, and a whole lot more damage.








Rifles could be the gun equivalent of a longbow, greater range and more damage. But slower between attacks.








Pistols could be the gun equivalent of a short-bow, fast between attacks (still slow tho) , shorter range, and not that much damage (still alot).


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Who said anything about robots?




besides p0nd3r4, I suggested automatons .. not robots.. just silly novelty pets that are no more goofy than a cannon that targets, spins and fires on its own. Warcraft was set in the past, but nobody complained in that game, maybe Runescape players are just whiny *****?








And when I said "There has not been one use of carprentry presented yet" I meant, "There has not been one GOOD use of carprentry presented yet"








POH's is a stupid idea and would serve no function, furniture is pointless.. the only thing worth skilling up carprentry for would be making a boat.

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Agreed on the POH UNLESS and only unless - you can duplicate your house key and give them to friends, that would be cool.








But uhm.. "It would use mining and smithing among other things to get materials and you would be able to create devices like mechanical pets, mechanical guardians,"








So.. made of metal.. has artificial intelligence... is that not what you would classify a robot? :?

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Umm... u do know that RuneScape is about medieval times, so no mechawarriors and armies of 100ft high droids... also no full-automatic assault rifles. Would need a new skill neway: "Sniping", hit as many targets as possible in a given time frame 2 impress ur instructor >_>





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Umm... u do know that RuneScape is about medieval times, so no mechawarriors and armies of 100ft high droids... also no full-automatic assault rifles. Would need a new skill neway: "Sniping", hit as many targets as possible in a given time frame 2 impress ur instructor >_>












:lol: That's right, because that was exactly what I suggested. Idiot.

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No other skill can really be implemented without beign too similar to another skill anymore. I want to see jagex introduce things that require 2 or more skills, like engineering can use smithing crafting, and possibly fletching.








There's quite a few...




1. Woodcutting > Crafting > Fletching




2. Mining > Smithing




3. Fishing > Cooking




4. Farming > Cooking




5. Farming > Combat > Herblore




Maybe more, I can't remember all the skills offhand :S

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Why does everyone think of nukes and submarines and sub-machine gunes when all he suggested was engineering?




enÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷giÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷neerÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ing (nj-nÃÆÃâÃâîrng)
















1. The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.




2. The profession of or the work performed by an engineer.




2. Skillful maneuvering or direction: geopolitical engineering; social engineering.




It doesnt have to be modern...








Look at the blast furnace..




And the cannon..








Both products of engineering, and they didnt dramatically change the outcome of RS, did they?








Things like that, not nukes and jet planes.








You people are to quick to flame, you don't even give it a chance or a second thought. I bet if someone suggested slayer, people would flame and say that is pointless, but you know what? They added it.








Im not saying, ADD EGINEERING, but I am saying that it is not such a bad idea. I would still prefer carpentry, I just don't think you should all be flaming the idea as much as you are.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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I thought of nukes because he suggested modern things, even as far as futuristic.








Even now in 2005 nobody has robotic pets or robotic bodyguards...




Now we're back to the whole "RS has no defined time setting" thing, well it's true that it's a bit messed up what with a multi-cannon and King Arthur in the same time, but I think it's pretty obvious to those more intelligent than the ape that it's supposed to be simulating a time < 2000 AD?

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Well you can't run before you can walk, can you? Just like that, you can't have engineering before you have carpentry. Why? Carpentry involves simple building principles; as used in small objects like chairs, benches excetra, and mabye small houses; while engineering has more application in things like commercial buildings. Furthermore, I don't think somthing like engineering would be all that useful to the game of RuneScape, and I don't think Jagex could realisticly release somthing like that.

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I dont really like the idea too much, but hey, I failed my engineering class :oops:








it could be evolutionary in runescape.








You have got to be kidding me... (By the way, did you mean revolutionary?)








He's obviously referring to rural Kandarin School Boards decision to teach Intelligent Design




I spent a full 2 minutes laughing after hearing that (I go to a catholic school so I know about intelligent desging all to well).








I don't think that either enginering or carpentry are good additions to rs. Sure if they were done right then maybe they could be nice, but remember this is JAGEX that we're talking about.

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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instead of engineering how about mad science?!?!?!?!? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH








How about you grow a sense of humour and stop abusing punctuation?








Engineering has been applied for AGES. Think about how you could apply it to a pseudo-medieval time-fram like RS. Instead of the ICBMs and assault rifles everyone and their dog with an IQ lower than their shoe size is mouthing off about, think of ballistae, catapults, player-defined construction, etc. Granted, it is impossible or unfeasible to implement any of these things into RS as it is, but just pointing out that just because there is machinery, it doesn't have to be futuristic. Hell, a crossbow counts as machinery.

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Agreed on the POH UNLESS and only unless - you can duplicate your house key and give them to friends, that would be cool.








But uhm.. "It would use mining and smithing among other things to get materials and you would be able to create devices like mechanical pets, mechanical guardians,"








So.. made of metal.. has artificial intelligence... is that not what you would classify a robot? :?









Suzanne Vega


tokin rite wurx gud!

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The principles of engineering go back at least as far as the Egyptians. It was engineering that was used to build the pyramids, and that was long before King Arthur.








Multicannons, on the other hand, are ridiculous, but I will probably end up making use of them, just to deal with tedious things like getting access to white knight armour. I may never get it, but getting access to it is important to me, for some reason I can't entirely define, but having somewhat to do with my backside. :lol:








(I just know someone is going to take that wrongly, but I doubt I care.)

Suzanne Vega


tokin rite wurx gud!

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