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[TWR] Pure Hatred defeats AK Latin

Wee Man

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Why are there always problems in PH's wars?


Because people assume us to be crap so when we prove them wrong and beat them badly they come up with a million excuses to try and save face.


Yep. People should do @urban Pure Hatred.



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Cheated probably.


Why are people still bleating on about Exer Members? I've already explained that we don't care about the point deduction for these members, we're here for fights and not points, they are PH members, that's all we care about :thumbsup:


PH cheated lol. Expected that tbh. No troll. Every war PH calls friends or multiclanners. Watch when PH fights TK i bet you there will be many friends.


I guarantee you can clan check every single member in our pile and they'll be PH members, You are a waste of post count :wall:


My last post, you clearly didn't read it the first time :shame:



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Cheated probably.


Yeah we called Jagex Mods to come play on our accounts and they made it so our defence levels would get an invisible boost to 999 def. True story bro.


Anyways RSC Topic




Undefeated still. If Only we had some more female encouragement <3:



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Heres that rematch btw. Only 1 FI leader and you still lost :(




Music messed up, listen to your own.

i dont get why you [developmentally delayed]s keep going on with the rematch , the rematch was a fun war. if we knew you guys couldnt let go of anything seeing as you got nuthing better else to do with your lifes we wouldnt have agreed to a rematch

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ak-latin wasnt multiclanning we dropped those ppl , but then you guys left without reason now unless you give us a screenie saying we agreed to it you are lieing, and cheating, not to mention you have broken more rules then any other clan ive ever seen gl on being the new dv cuz look where that got them


well if you didnt agree to it why didnt you take the win and leave? in order for there to be a rm you kinda have to agree to it, it was well withing your rights to call it a day and leave but you didnt and you did fight, so what happened there then? i agree a screeney woulda been nice but if you didnt agree to it why fight?



well look we were leaving accepted that we had won, they cam up behind us spamming rm non TWR + range, so we decided ok a fun war why not. i didnt think they would lie and say it would be a real TWR rm after saying RM non TWR+ range.

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Heres that rematch btw. Only 1 FI leader and you still lost :(




Music messed up, listen to your own.

i dont get why you [developmentally delayed]s keep going on with the rematch , the rematch was a fun war. if we knew you guys couldnt let go of anything seeing as you got nuthing better else to do with your lifes we wouldnt have agreed to a rematch



that's what i just said in the post above, the RM was a fun war. You guys clearly said and spammed it out REMATCH NON TWR + RANGE . Why not show the video of the original fight and stop posting the fun war to cover up for the rules you broke in the first match, causing a auto win for AK-Latin?



thats the only reason why we accepted the rematch........

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Heres that rematch btw. Only 1 FI leader and you still lost :(




Music messed up, listen to your own.

i dont get why you [developmentally delayed]s keep going on with the rematch , the rematch was a fun war. if we knew you guys couldnt let go of anything seeing as you got nuthing better else to do with your lifes we wouldnt have agreed to a rematch



that's what i just said in the post above, the RM was a fun war. You guys clearly said and spammed it out REMATCH NON TWR + RANGE . Why not show the video of the original fight and stop posting the fun war to cover up for the rules you broke in the first match, causing a auto win for AK-Latin?



thats the only reason why we accepted the rematch........


Dont think anyone bothered to record the first war. But i specifially remember someone from AK saying they vidded so why not post that? Balls in your court. Your the ones with the vid so post it already?



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ak-latin wasnt multiclanning we dropped those ppl , but then you guys left without reason now unless you give us a screenie saying we agreed to it you are lieing, and cheating, not to mention you have broken more rules then any other clan ive ever seen gl on being the new dv cuz look where that got them


well if you didnt agree to it why didnt you take the win and leave? in order for there to be a rm you kinda have to agree to it, it was well withing your rights to call it a day and leave but you didnt and you did fight, so what happened there then? i agree a screeney woulda been nice but if you didnt agree to it why fight?



well look we were leaving accepted that we had won, they cam up behind us spamming rm non TWR + range, so we decided ok a fun war why not. i didnt think they would lie and say it would be a real TWR rm after saying RM non TWR+ range.


i meant as in once ph had left the war cos of there ts :wall:

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Have PH had a war where there's not been a complte ruckus in the aftermath topic yet?


Looking at the evidence and all that's been posted I'mma say that AK deserve the win here. Multiple bound breaks and stalling aren't the end of the world, but people who're multi-clanning / not on the memberlist is a pretty bad rule break tbh.


As for your claims that "PH is a team, exer is a clan" well, TWR doesn't look at it that way, every single warring team/clan on TWR is counted as a CLAN, therefore you broke the no multi-clanners rule, simples.


rematch plawks.



You sir are an idiot as they brought members on the memberlist

And ph won this fight fair

THey only started crying here after being smacked around 2 rounds


Then if TWR doesnt look at this like that it should be stated in the rules like that end of story


PH = A TEAM so it's not even multiclanning


you tried but


No,... Just NO


....... well let's see. If you had bothered to even read my post then you would know that you are entirely wrong. let me show you how you're entirely wrong:


i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


taken directly from TWR Rules. What YOU fail to see is everyone has a different point of view, yes?


The people who set up the TWR have decided that multiclanning is defined as having someone on multiple memberlists on TWR. I can see where you're coming from, PH is a team, some people will go as far as to argue that it's not multiclanning if you're in two clans, one cwa based, the other pvp based. But the world doesn't revolve around you, does it?


Unless of course, I have misinterpretaed what you've said because you meant to write "they brought people not on the memberlist". Well, an eye for an eye makes everyone blind so we wont go down this road in arguing because that was wrong. But you broke two rules, they broke one.


As for you winning two rounds- from what I've read I understand that their pull fell quite a bit while yours increased. In no way does that keep the war "fair", it puts you at an advantage. The second round wasn't even a legit TWR war either, so I fail to see any substantial argument of your victory being upheld over this point.


So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.



AND again you sir are a complete IDIOT


(21:04:47) -[uK]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Shadowslajer is in 4 clans. | Clans: All tkoblitz ever, Exercitum Militus of Honorum, Pest Control Nation List 1, Waffle Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Shadowslajer


Do you see PH in there? then What moron are you saying I'm in Ph and that I broke rules.


What their rules say is


QUoted from the Rules


d.A multi-clanner is defined as someone who is on more than one memberlist of participating TWR clans. Clans will lose 100 points for every person that is on multiple TWR lists and participated in a TWR war.


PH IS NOT A CLAN PH IS A TEAM their you have your LOOPHOLE!

also fyi kiddo as you say I wouldn't understand but seems like you have the lack of reading and understanding what this topic is all about, THey only posted the first win it's AK who nagged on about ALL the rest


and ty for prooving me right that you just got out of your diapers with your childish behaviour


So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.


And for taking your quote WITH the loophole STILL in it


i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


PH is NOT a clan

As far as your diaper insults go..... that's just childish dude, if you're going to attempt to mock me please be a little more creative.


Now onto the topic at hand: you clearly skipped the bit in my post where it says that every memberlist on TWR is treated as a clan. You don't get people claiming they're a team, therefore they'll be uniquely accomodated for, that's not how things work. You're just being stubborn, so I suggest you sit down before you're further embarrassed by the complete lack of an argument you have going. You're screaming TEAMS AND CLANS ARE DIFFERENT. Well, that's open to debate tbh, but in TWR it doesn't matter. Team TKO Blitz are, as the name suggests a team, but on TWR they are treated like a clan, why should PH be any different? The rules are not open to interpritation by any one other than the clan-moderators. Teams and clans will be treated as one on TWR and the term clan is a branch term which includes both, therefore PH is indeed in breach of the rule "no multiclanners" as defined by the TWR rules.

Look guys... I absolutely must be a mass baby-seal murderer!

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Have PH had a war where there's not been a complte ruckus in the aftermath topic yet?


Looking at the evidence and all that's been posted I'mma say that AK deserve the win here. Multiple bound breaks and stalling aren't the end of the world, but people who're multi-clanning / not on the memberlist is a pretty bad rule break tbh.


As for your claims that "PH is a team, exer is a clan" well, TWR doesn't look at it that way, every single warring team/clan on TWR is counted as a CLAN, therefore you broke the no multi-clanners rule, simples.


rematch plawks.



You sir are an idiot as they brought members on the memberlist

And ph won this fight fair

THey only started crying here after being smacked around 2 rounds


Then if TWR doesnt look at this like that it should be stated in the rules like that end of story


PH = A TEAM so it's not even multiclanning


you tried but


No,... Just NO


....... well let's see. If you had bothered to even read my post then you would know that you are entirely wrong. let me show you how you're entirely wrong:


i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


taken directly from TWR Rules. What YOU fail to see is everyone has a different point of view, yes?


The people who set up the TWR have decided that multiclanning is defined as having someone on multiple memberlists on TWR. I can see where you're coming from, PH is a team, some people will go as far as to argue that it's not multiclanning if you're in two clans, one cwa based, the other pvp based. But the world doesn't revolve around you, does it?


Unless of course, I have misinterpretaed what you've said because you meant to write "they brought people not on the memberlist". Well, an eye for an eye makes everyone blind so we wont go down this road in arguing because that was wrong. But you broke two rules, they broke one.


As for you winning two rounds- from what I've read I understand that their pull fell quite a bit while yours increased. In no way does that keep the war "fair", it puts you at an advantage. The second round wasn't even a legit TWR war either, so I fail to see any substantial argument of your victory being upheld over this point.


So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.



AND again you sir are a complete IDIOT


(21:04:47) -[uK]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Shadowslajer is in 4 clans. | Clans: All tkoblitz ever, Exercitum Militus of Honorum, Pest Control Nation List 1, Waffle Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Shadowslajer


Do you see PH in there? then What moron are you saying I'm in Ph and that I broke rules.


What their rules say is


QUoted from the Rules


d.A multi-clanner is defined as someone who is on more than one memberlist of participating TWR clans. Clans will lose 100 points for every person that is on multiple TWR lists and participated in a TWR war.


PH IS NOT A CLAN PH IS A TEAM their you have your LOOPHOLE!

also fyi kiddo as you say I wouldn't understand but seems like you have the lack of reading and understanding what this topic is all about, THey only posted the first win it's AK who nagged on about ALL the rest


and ty for prooving me right that you just got out of your diapers with your childish behaviour


So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.


And for taking your quote WITH the loophole STILL in it


i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


PH is NOT a clan

As far as your diaper insults go..... that's just childish dude, if you're going to attempt to mock me please be a little more creative.


Now onto the topic at hand: you clearly skipped the bit in my post where it says that every memberlist on TWR is treated as a clan. You don't get people claiming they're a team, therefore they'll be uniquely accomodated for, that's not how things work. You're just being stubborn, so I suggest you sit down before you're further embarrassed by the complete lack of an argument you have going. You're screaming TEAMS AND CLANS ARE DIFFERENT. Well, that's open to debate tbh, but in TWR it doesn't matter. Team TKO Blitz are, as the name suggests a team, but on TWR they are treated like a clan, why should PH be any different? The rules are not open to interpritation by any one other than the clan-moderators. Teams and clans will be treated as one on TWR and the term clan is a branch term which includes both, therefore PH is indeed in breach of the rule "no multiclanners" as defined by the TWR rules.



And again you think your smart but nowhere is it saying a TEAM will be treated as a Clan so keep on failing to see how it actually is, now I won't any more time to your pittyfull attempts to even try something cause you'll just never figure it out


Bye kid hope one day you'll have the capacity to READ all thoroughly

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[hide=Our previous Argument]

Have PH had a war where there's not been a complte ruckus in the aftermath topic yet?


Looking at the evidence and all that's been posted I'mma say that AK deserve the win here. Multiple bound breaks and stalling aren't the end of the world, but people who're multi-clanning / not on the memberlist is a pretty bad rule break tbh.


As for your claims that "PH is a team, exer is a clan" well, TWR doesn't look at it that way, every single warring team/clan on TWR is counted as a CLAN, therefore you broke the no multi-clanners rule, simples.


rematch plawks.



You sir are an idiot as they brought members on the memberlist

And ph won this fight fair

THey only started crying here after being smacked around 2 rounds


Then if TWR doesnt look at this like that it should be stated in the rules like that end of story


PH = A TEAM so it's not even multiclanning


you tried but


No,... Just NO


....... well let's see. If you had bothered to even read my post then you would know that you are entirely wrong. let me show you how you're entirely wrong:


i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


taken directly from TWR Rules. What YOU fail to see is everyone has a different point of view, yes?


The people who set up the TWR have decided that multiclanning is defined as having someone on multiple memberlists on TWR. I can see where you're coming from, PH is a team, some people will go as far as to argue that it's not multiclanning if you're in two clans, one cwa based, the other pvp based. But the world doesn't revolve around you, does it?


Unless of course, I have misinterpretaed what you've said because you meant to write "they brought people not on the memberlist". Well, an eye for an eye makes everyone blind so we wont go down this road in arguing because that was wrong. But you broke two rules, they broke one.


As for you winning two rounds- from what I've read I understand that their pull fell quite a bit while yours increased. In no way does that keep the war "fair", it puts you at an advantage. The second round wasn't even a legit TWR war either, so I fail to see any substantial argument of your victory being upheld over this point.


So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.



AND again you sir are a complete IDIOT


(21:04:47) -[uK]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Shadowslajer is in 4 clans. | Clans: All tkoblitz ever, Exercitum Militus of Honorum, Pest Control Nation List 1, Waffle Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Shadowslajer


Do you see PH in there? then What moron are you saying I'm in Ph and that I broke rules.


What their rules say is


QUoted from the Rules


d.A multi-clanner is defined as someone who is on more than one memberlist of participating TWR clans. Clans will lose 100 points for every person that is on multiple TWR lists and participated in a TWR war.


PH IS NOT A CLAN PH IS A TEAM their you have your LOOPHOLE!

also fyi kiddo as you say I wouldn't understand but seems like you have the lack of reading and understanding what this topic is all about, THey only posted the first win it's AK who nagged on about ALL the rest


and ty for prooving me right that you just got out of your diapers with your childish behaviour


So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.


And for taking your quote WITH the loophole STILL in it


i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


PH is NOT a clan

As far as your diaper insults go..... that's just childish dude, if you're going to attempt to mock me please be a little more creative.


Now onto the topic at hand: you clearly skipped the bit in my post where it says that every memberlist on TWR is treated as a clan. You don't get people claiming they're a team, therefore they'll be uniquely accomodated for, that's not how things work. You're just being stubborn, so I suggest you sit down before you're further embarrassed by the complete lack of an argument you have going. You're screaming TEAMS AND CLANS ARE DIFFERENT. Well, that's open to debate tbh, but in TWR it doesn't matter. Team TKO Blitz are, as the name suggests a team, but on TWR they are treated like a clan, why should PH be any different? The rules are not open to interpritation by any one other than the clan-moderators. Teams and clans will be treated as one on TWR and the term clan is a branch term which includes both, therefore PH is indeed in breach of the rule "no multiclanners" as defined by the TWR rules.



And again you think your smart but nowhere is it saying a TEAM will be treated as a Clan so keep on failing to see how it actually is, now I won't any more time to your pittyfull attempts to even try something cause you'll just never figure it out


Bye kid hope one day you'll have the capacity to READ all thoroughly



[hide=Laikrob Quote that says otherwise]

The rules are clear on multiclanners in TWR:


A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.

A multi-clanner is defined as someone who is on more than one memberlist of participating TWR clans. Clans will lose 100 points for every person that is on multiple TWR lists and participated in a TWR war.




Have we (as in the Clan Staff) been consistant enough when dealing with this rule? Obviously not. :mellow:

Several wars have happened where this rule hasn't been followed, and that is not good enough. The second part is a relatively new rule, and not all the mods were familiar with it, which lead to confusion. We can only apologise for that, and promise to be more consistant from now on.

Last time there was a vote about whether to allow multiclanning in TWR or not between the users and officials, it was basically split 50/50, so no change was made (except for a consistant point deduction for multiclanners, see second part of the rule quoted in my post).



A topic has been started in the Conclave forum, where the Clan Officials are discussing multiclanning.

The Clan Staff is discussing the rules, and we are of course open for changing them if that is what the discussion presents arguments for. The important thing is that we need to be in touch with what's happening in the clan world (sounds horribly clichè, but it's true), and many people are both in clans and on teams. We want to find a practical and viable solution that could work with that, it would be ideal. Sticking with a no multiclanning rule if most people are in teams aswell as clans would seem a bit archaic. On the other hand, we need to make sure it doesn't give too much of an advantage. We can see both sides of the argument here.

For now, we suggest making special TWR memberlists for teams that have members in other TWR clans, to avoid any arguing or issues - one without the questionable members. While this might not be the best solution for you as teams, please keep in mind that clans are our first priority and that most similar rankings don't even allow teams.

Clans need to take responsibility for their own members, and make sure that they are (only) on the lists they should be.



When the Conclave has discussed for a while, with input from the Clan Staff, any possible rule changes will be considered and then implemented by the Clan Staff. If we can't find a solution that works for the majority or the TWR clans, then there is very unlikely that any changes will be made. Hopefully a compromise can be found, though.

The TWR mods will be well informed about the rules, so that noone gets mixed or wrong signals if they ask for clarification. If in doubt, they will refer to someone who can help.

Clans still need to take responsibility for their own members, and make sure that they are (only) on the lists they should be.




Clan Staff



Apaprently this 'kid' can read, and he has read these forums very thoroughly, you don't think I'd say stuff if I couldn't possibly back it up, do you? As he reads it clans and teams are currently treated in the EXACT same manner, on TWR, when multiclanning is an issue. If you like you can of course take this issue up with the administrators and moderators, but as it stands PH have broken the rule of no multiclanners. That's all I was saying, I wasn't entering into the debate of "being in a clan and being in a team is not multiclanning", that's a matter of opinion. What I stated on the other hand is a matter of fact.

Look guys... I absolutely must be a mass baby-seal murderer!

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@Wee_Man_1311> yeah considering we're a team

<Shadowslajer> you can only fight for ONE CLAN/TEAM

<+Smoked365> Yea I understand their reasoning behind it

<+Smoked365> I dont understand why other ppl make such a fuss about it, when we know the deductions will happen and dont care


Thats the last thing i got to say about this fight.


We probably would of lost more points but smoked missed the portal by 2 seconds. :shock:


This is really the only post (the one I'm quoting) that has mattered this entire topic. PH will continue to diregard the rules and cheat their way into thinking that they are undefeated. I'm honestly surprised that action hasn't been taken to this point.

I have lived my life to the best of my ability, but I have not been able to escape fate, anger, or pain.

Bring me the answers, and the road that leads to truth, reveal to me once and for all, how all of this will end.

Shadows cannot exist without the light. But without the shadows, the light has no meaning.

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It would be nice to watch a rm, but there was a big difference at kills on both clans, so gratz PH.



Team Silent Ember Member

Clan Europe Member

Condemned Army Leader

Ex-Rejuvenation Member

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The last clan that pushed for the most hated was DV, look where they are now.


Uhh, where is DV now? If you really care #dvclan is where you can find us!


And if you mean by out pulls and everything, here's what might interest you




It's of Dv vs PH which was on last Saturday, Ph can confirm that for you Dan

We are alive and kicking :thumbsup:

Well, its just that we have stopped posting on TWR completely.


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The last clan that pushed for the most hated was DV, look where they are now.


Uhh, where is DV now? If you really care #dvclan is where you can find us!


And if you mean by out pulls and everything, here's what might interest you




It's of Dv vs PH which was on last Saturday, Ph can confirm that for you Dan

We are alive and kicking :thumbsup:

Well, its just that we have stopped posting on TWR completely.

Whoa that's actually a pretty nice pull for you guys! Nice!!

Recruit me pl0x?

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@Wee_Man_1311> yeah considering we're a team

<Shadowslajer> you can only fight for ONE CLAN/TEAM

<+Smoked365> Yea I understand their reasoning behind it

<+Smoked365> I dont understand why other ppl make such a fuss about it, when we know the deductions will happen and dont care


Thats the last thing i got to say about this fight.


We probably would of lost more points but smoked missed the portal by 2 seconds. :shock:


This is really the only post (the one I'm quoting) that has mattered this entire topic. PH will continue to diregard the rules and cheat their way into thinking that they are undefeated. I'm honestly surprised that action hasn't been taken to this point.


We lose points for every Exer member that we bring, action is been taken :thumbsup: . Still, every TWR fight we have fought in so far we have won, therefore, undefeated.



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@Wee_Man_1311> yeah considering we're a team

<Shadowslajer> you can only fight for ONE CLAN/TEAM

<+Smoked365> Yea I understand their reasoning behind it

<+Smoked365> I dont understand why other ppl make such a fuss about it, when we know the deductions will happen and dont care


Thats the last thing i got to say about this fight.


We probably would of lost more points but smoked missed the portal by 2 seconds. :shock:


This is really the only post (the one I'm quoting) that has mattered this entire topic. PH will continue to diregard the rules and cheat their way into thinking that they are undefeated. I'm honestly surprised that action hasn't been taken to this point.


We lose points for every Exer member that we bring, action is been taken :thumbsup: . Still, every TWR fight we have fought in so far we have won, therefore, undefeated.


The Winner of this war still has not been verified yet.....

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The last clan that pushed for the most hated was DV, look where they are now.


Uhh, where is DV now? If you really care #dvclan is where you can find us!


And if you mean by out pulls and everything, here's what might interest you




It's of Dv vs PH which was on last Saturday, Ph can confirm that for you Dan

We are alive and kicking :thumbsup:

Well, its just that we have stopped posting on TWR completely.

Whoa that's actually a pretty nice pull for you guys! Nice!!




tbh we(tpr) sucked, failed pull and failed performannce and I almost dc every 3 secs thats why I had to snipe then when I tanked I went out of bounds sorry. Sorry about the masssniping too we were so crap that in the end no one was calling and everyone was making their own thing.

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@Wee_Man_1311> yeah considering we're a team

<Shadowslajer> you can only fight for ONE CLAN/TEAM

<+Smoked365> Yea I understand their reasoning behind it

<+Smoked365> I dont understand why other ppl make such a fuss about it, when we know the deductions will happen and dont care


Thats the last thing i got to say about this fight.


We probably would of lost more points but smoked missed the portal by 2 seconds. :shock:


This is really the only post (the one I'm quoting) that has mattered this entire topic. PH will continue to diregard the rules and cheat their way into thinking that they are undefeated. I'm honestly surprised that action hasn't been taken to this point.



We lose points for every Exer member that we bring, action is been taken :thumbsup: . Still, every TWR fight we have fought in so far we have won, therefore, undefeated.


Well if you bring Exer members then thats cheating = Not a legit win = Means Defeated by default = You've lost every war so far. :shame:

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@Wee_Man_1311> yeah considering we're a team

<Shadowslajer> you can only fight for ONE CLAN/TEAM

<+Smoked365> Yea I understand their reasoning behind it

<+Smoked365> I dont understand why other ppl make such a fuss about it, when we know the deductions will happen and dont care


Thats the last thing i got to say about this fight.


We probably would of lost more points but smoked missed the portal by 2 seconds. :shock:


This is really the only post (the one I'm quoting) that has mattered this entire topic. PH will continue to diregard the rules and cheat their way into thinking that they are undefeated. I'm honestly surprised that action hasn't been taken to this point.


We lose points for every Exer member that we bring, action is been taken :thumbsup: . Still, every TWR fight we have fought in so far we have won, therefore, undefeated.


I think you misunderstood him. As I read it (and I could be wrong) Pyrox is saying that the problem lies not in your infringements, but rather your lack of regard for the rules. If you treat every set of rules in every declaration like that then it is likely you could have cheated in every one of those wars. Obviously the thing about this is its completely unfair to clans who have honoured the rules (thus it is labeled cheating :rolleyes:).


Off Topic: Cool pull Dv, nice to see you're doing well. :thumbup:


edit: Hifive to LGZDan who posted the same thing, at the same time as me :P

Look guys... I absolutely must be a mass baby-seal murderer!

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It's of Dv vs PH which was on last Saturday, Ph can confirm that for you Dan

We are alive and kicking :thumbsup:

Well, its just that we have stopped posting on TWR completely.


You've got to win to post wars. :thumbup:

Genesis Leader

Ending Templar & Trial Caller of The Rising

Ex-Leader of Silent Ember - Ex-Leader of True Ownage - Ex-Leader of Legendz

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It's of Dv vs PH which was on last Saturday, Ph can confirm that for you Dan

We are alive and kicking :thumbsup:

Well, its just that we have stopped posting on TWR completely.


You've got to win to post wars. :thumbup:

Not if you're team Dan :thumbup:


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It's of Dv vs PH which was on last Saturday, Ph can confirm that for you Dan

We are alive and kicking :thumbsup:

Well, its just that we have stopped posting on TWR completely.


You've got to win to post wars. :thumbup:

Not if you're team Dan :thumbup:


Look guys... I absolutely must be a mass baby-seal murderer!

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