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National Man Day


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Not writing a post in clear English is being Illiterate. to construe that as racism in anyway is ignorant.


to construe a joke as a sexist holiday is ignorance. u may not want to celebrate it, and u dont have to, but im sure lots of other men do, so let them bask in their glory.



My Avatar is one of the most famous villains to be on TV in the past 20 years.


i didnt kno david coruso was a villian. ;)



Inconceivable for a white male to want equality?


yeah, 'specially since all white men are jerks. thats wat u and romy are implying anyway.

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

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Two problems with that though. You can't have a <group> day without having some "offensive" mentalities.


Not really, if this "Man Day" was only about the "right" things, that day would be something I'd applaud to.


You already understand that most men can control their mentality to limit it as a joke. So why you feel its nessessay to bring this point other than to make useless debate.


Because some don't/can't.

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Actually, taken from the FB page:

"I'm not asking you to throw some sissy party, or to go buy a new power tie because you're a man. All I'm asking you to do is step up live this day like a man would. Blow something up, shoot some animal, punch your buddy in the face for no reason, be a good father, play football and literally knock someone's head off... Do something manly. Be a man like God intended you to be... "


Read the comments and you'll see, that's what they seem to suggest.


Also taken from the FB page:


"Yes, I am a Man." And "Yes, I will step up and do manly things and whatever I want to do on this glorious day!"


Your quote is an obvious hyperbole used to get laughs out of people (literally knock someone's head off? lol). The quote I used is how to actually celebrate the day in reality. Like I said before, what it means to be a man is completely up to your own interpretation.

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to construe a joke as a sexist holiday is ignorance. u may not want to celebrate it, and u dont have to, but im sure lots of other men do, so let them bask in their glory.

I bask in my glory whenever I pee while standing, I don't need to do misogynistic things to put women down to feel good about myself.


My Avatar is one of the most famous villains to be on TV in the past 20 years.


You do know what an avatar is right? My avatar is The Smoking Man from The X-files.


yeah, 'specially since all white men are jerks. thats wat u and romy are implying anyway.

I don't think she feels that way at all.

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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Romy thinks I'm a jerk ;_;


OT: I fail to see what serious negative repercussions there are from a holiday that is a joke.


I further agree that no sex or race needs a holiday singularly devoted to that.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Romy thinks I'm a jerk ;_;

I just spit water all over my monitor laughing.


Your timing sir - is impeccable.


I bask in my glory whenever I pee while standing.


:-o Are you implying that sitting to pee is of lesser value?!



To quote the people who have been all it's a "joke "


It was just a joke, sheesh, I dont see how you could get so offended over that.

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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I bask in my glory whenever I pee while standing


uh-oh das, i think youve offically participated in nation man day. congratualtions wooooooooO!!


You do know what an avatar is right? My avatar is The Smoking Man from The X-files.


u can read how illiterate my profile is but u cant read my age? that show was around wen i was probably like one....



I don't think she feels that way at all.


wen she trying as best she can to prove wat a horrible sexist holiday national man day is despite the fact that she can admit its a joke than i think she does feel that way.


especially wen she takes that for real:


Actually, taken from the FB page:

"I'm not asking you to throw some sissy party, or to go buy a new power tie because you're a man. All I'm asking you to do is step up live this day like a man would. Blow something up, shoot some animal, punch your buddy in the face for no reason, be a good father, play football and literally knock someone's head off... Do something manly. Be a man like God intended you to be... "


Read the comments and you'll see, that's what they seem to suggest.




I don't need to do misogynistic things to put women down to feel good about myself.


btw, you just did put me down. i agree with zierro, now i have to learn how to pee standing up. :(

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

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to construe a joke as a sexist holiday is ignorance. u may not want to celebrate it, and u dont have to, but im sure lots of other men do, so let them bask in their glory.

I bask in my glory whenever I pee while standing, I don't need to do misogynistic things to put women down to feel good about myself.

The thing I can't figure out is, what made you, romy, and magekillr think that this day was to put down women? Nobody told you to hit your wife and yell at her to make you a sandwich, and nobody is forbidding a woman to go out and chop some wood.

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It's not a joke. It's not a satire about "traditional" men's views of the world. This is a replication and celebration of how many men feel. There is a reason why this "joke" was propagated in the first place. Sexism exists. It is rampant, it is violent, and it's overlooked by far too many as evidenced by this thread. Some don't even know something's sexist when they see it. Exhibit A:




I had several arguments with many men on this ad by Twix, and many for the life of them cannot see how it's sexist; to me it's so obvious that I can't understand how one cannot see it. That's just evidence that our patriarchy is so ingrained into society that people see ads like that as the norm, nothing to see there. Rape is still very underreported, and it wasn't that long ago that women were asked what they were wearing when they were raped, as if it mattered; "oh, tight shirt and short skirt? Well, she was clearly asking for it." Seeing as that's gone with the wind for the most part, the new sexist claim is that women who were drunk when they were raped are partly at fault. It's the same sexist mentality. This macho attitude about how men are supposed to act isn't going to look good when men are still committing so much violent crime such as rape and murder.


So I will not take this "joke" lightly when women's issues are something that are very important, and when I see such a flippant and overtly sexist tripe being celebrated, I will call it out.

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to construe a joke as a sexist holiday is ignorance. u may not want to celebrate it, and u dont have to, but im sure lots of other men do, so let them bask in their glory.

I bask in my glory whenever I pee while standing, I don't need to do misogynistic things to put women down to feel good about myself.

The thing I can't figure out is, what made you, romy, and magekillr think that this day was to put down women? Nobody told you to hit your wife and yell at her to make you a sandwich, and nobody is forbidding a woman to go out and chop some wood.



What makes it different than any other day then? :( /troll


The fact is - all of these facebook days do nothing but create divides and misgivings. They serve no real purpose.




u can read how illiterate my profile is but u cant read my age? that show was around wen i was probably like one....


It went off of the air in 2001, Do you even think or research before you speak?


btw, you just did put me down. i agree with zierro, now i have to learn how to pee standing up.


Please tell me where I ever said it was advantageous, or better to pee whilst standing.

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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To quote the people who have been all it's a "joke "


It was just a joke, sheesh, I dont see how you could get so offended over that.


You do realize what situation we're in right now, right? You're trying to use my own arguments against me in a satirical manner, and I am returning the favor to you. We're even.


The thing I can't figure out is, what made you, romy, and magekillr think that this day was to put down women? Nobody told you to hit your wife and yell at her to make you a sandwich, and nobody is forbidding a woman to go out and chop some wood.


Because they associate manliness with wife-beating. (They are sexist.)

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wen she trying as best she can to prove wat a horrible sexist holiday national man day is despite the fact that she can admit its a joke than i think she does feel that way.


That's a fallacy that doesn't even make any sense to be had. How is my understanding of the holiday making me think white men are jerks?


And your selective reading really makes the debate impossible.

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It went off of the air in 2001, Do you even think or research before you speak?


i really dont give a rats hind-quarters wen the show went off the air. the fact is i dont know who it is. even if i look up wen the shown went off the air i still wont kno who it is thats why i said "probably one". either way, you think my parents allowed me to watch that show wen i was six. and even i was allowed to so u think id take interest in it? no, because i only liked cartoons just like mostly every other kid in the world.

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

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wen she trying as best she can to prove wat a horrible sexist holiday national man day is despite the fact that she can admit its a joke than i think she does feel that way.


That's a fallacy that doesn't even make any sense to be had. How is my understanding of the holiday making me think white men are jerks?


And your selective reading really makes the debate impossible.


and of course u leave out my quote quoting u about how men should go out and "shake babies and drive cars on this here holiday". i might add that was an exaggeration of what the quote said, but i have to add that because every one will say "now when did romy say that?" even though its clearly obvious what i was trying to imply.

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

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You do realize what situation we're in right now, right? You're trying to use my own arguments against me in a satirical manner, and I am returning the favor to you. We're even.


Yep, Touche! And I still maintain lots of the joking Misogyny on this thread is sexist.



i really dont give a rats hind-quarters wen the show went off the air. the fact is i dont know who it is. even if i look up wen the shown went off the air i still wont kno who it is thats why i said "probably one". either way, you think my parents allowed me to watch that show wen i was six. and even i was allowed to so u think id take interest in it? no, because i only liked cartoons just like mostly every other kid in the world.


Twilight or Casablanca?

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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Twilight or Casablanca?


i dont understand a word u just said... :?:


i bid adieu.



The hard questions end the debate everytime.



/me walks out thumping his chest and drinking a beer. just like any other woman who won an arguement.

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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I like how everyone keeps quoting pretty much everything boyz says, while the vast majority of my points remain unchallenged. I don't blame you guys though. It's wise to choose your battles. /elite manliness 8-)

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I like how everyone keeps quoting pretty much everything boyz says, while the vast majority of my points remain unchallenged. I don't blame you guys though. It's wise to choose your battles. /elite manliness 8-)



thats just plain selfish/sexist zierro. im sure wen romy comes back she will hav plenty 2 complain about and reiterate.

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

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why dont u join in on the conversation rather than posting videos that waste 43 seconds of ppl lives. ugh i cant believe i even watched that much. i cant beleive just posting a lame video and nothin more gives u post counts. ur worse than magekillr cuz at least he attempts 2 justify his videos. he wanted ery one 2 kno that he loved that twix commercial!

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

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i sorry you 43 seconds gone i like twix 2


To the post below. <3




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Just take a look at your governments, how many women are there?

Well as of last week Australia's now run by a woman, I dare say that's a good stepping stone. :)


On Topic: I aint' no Mod but enough's enough. The purpose to this "Man Day" Topic was a joke of which we could talk about the silly stereotypes of how men must me masculine and whatnot, we didn't want it to blow over into a burning inferno.


...By the way I just had cereal with no "low fat" milk, amidoinitrite?


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Just take a look at your governments, how many women are there?

Let's see, the parliament has a majority of women, and our president and prime minister are women. I still agree that it's not equal though, women still earn less.


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