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I constantly see people claiming they can gain 500k+ per hour....might i ask how is this possible? Monster Hunting? Crafting nats? Collecting something?




Plz don't call me a nooby :ohnoes:

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You might be able to do dks with guthans/bunyip solo maging. That is at least 1.5m an hour based on drop rates of 1 in 100 for zerker/warrior/hatchet.


Is it really that good? Especially after expenses without a yak?


Say you could get 25 rex kills an hour. I feel this is quite optimistic.


That's one zerker, warrior, and hatchet per 4 hours.


zerker 5m

warrior 500k

axe 2m


So in 4 hours, you gain about 7.5m.


Say you take 10+ casts of claws per kill. (probably over-optimistic)

That's 10k on runes per kill.

In those 100 kills, you spend 1m on runes.


Brews and rests will cost you another 500k or so for the trip.


So you net 6m in 4 hours.


On one hand, I just got my figures to agree with your 1.5m/hr.


On the other hand, I feel like I'm making huge over estimates everywhere.


Personally, I can't kill 25 rexes an hour. Not even if I want to fight for the highest of population worlds. Moreover, current prices are unusually high due to the start of summer.

Disclaimer: The above is probably inaccurate.



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Ok, thanks for the help, but i've never been to dks, and don't you need a partner to open that double door? how can i solo them tho? :unsure:


Zephy thanks for the help, but could you at least suggest something so i don't feel you're hijacking my thread?


Anyone have more ideas?

Would i be able to do TD's? Are TD's +500k/h?

Any skilling methods that are 500k/h, other than the obvious runecrafting nats?

Would collecting snapegrass with a tort be 500k/h? Or using any familiar forager?



Thanks for the help so far. :thumbup:

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TDS about luck, i Got 2 claws last night but sometimes you can go dry for a loooonggg time. The claw ratio is like 1/250


Stable money are youur Misc Kingdom after Royal trouble quest, your Farming patchs(toadflax/irit are good).


Hunter if 91+ is REALLY REALLY Good with 1m-4m an hour.



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Yea, sorry for the hijack. But I'm going back to DKing if they're really that good right now.


If I had to use my own estimates, and I admit I can be pessimistic, I'd put solo rex at closer to 600k-700k an hour. Given, slow spawns, slow kills, and the old prices before summer made everything spike.


You can solo them by having a friend let you in and take prime and supreme off you. You could go to burstinglobs cc for a door partner and maybe even a solo hybrid to assist you. If they just get you past the double doors, you'll need to kill one supreme (painful) and one prime (not really painful) before you can focus on just rex. There are more complicated solo methods that aren't so great for your stats.


TDs are definitely more than 500k an hour averaged. They'd be decent at your stats but not too great. You could aim at best for one kill per two fire shields. Even so you'd average more than 1m an hour if you were willing to stay long enough to approach the expected value. Almost all the profit is in one drop, and a drop that you won't get but every ten or fifteen or even twenty hours on average. It's not uncommon to get dry streaks of thousands of kills. (Not that I've killed that many, but plenty of people have, and gotten nothing, and gone ranting.) So it's a pain.


Uh... RC and hunter are the only two skilling methods that consistently profit much. Rune mining too if you can get available worlds. All the other resource gathering skills are closer to 300k.


Herb collecting is probably 500k/hr from various sources. I dunno what's good though.


Snake hides on mostlyharmless too.




Oh, and don't forget. Farm runs are like 150-200k extra for 5 minutes of work every 1.5 hours or so. Kingdom is about 200k for free every day. Buying out stores is several hundred thousand every day depending on which you're able to hit, and doing the rounds is like 15 or 20 minutes.


Oh, and dragons. If you're willing to fight over spots with the bazillions of botters. Without having it affect your profits.

Disclaimer: The above is probably inaccurate.



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I constantly see people claiming they can gain 500k+ per hour....might i ask how is this possible? Monster Hunting? Crafting nats? Collecting something?




Plz don't call me a nooby :ohnoes:

Here's a bunch of methods: http://www.runescoop.com/html/rs_MMINDEXMASTERVH.htm


Morionic's spreadsheets in the AoW guide section have some more. Remember to summon magpies and do daily moneymakers and herb runs.

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Nats with the Garrak. (Forgot how to spell it)

Green dragons on a 1500+ total world.

Any GWD. This includes Avainsies.



Torm Demons



Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

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My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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TDS about luck, i Got 2 claws last night but sometimes you can go dry for a loooonggg time. The claw ratio is like 1/250


Stable money are youur Misc Kingdom after Royal trouble quest, your Farming patchs(toadflax/irit are good).


Hunter if 91+ is REALLY REALLY Good with 1m-4m an hour.


You didn't look at what i posted did you? I don't have 91 hunter, and i'm looking something i could do that gains 500k+ hour, i already do mtk and herb runs...look at my farming lvl <_<


Yea, sorry for the hijack. But I'm going back to DKing if they're really that good right now.


If I had to use my own estimates, and I admit I can be pessimistic, I'd put solo rex at closer to 600k-700k an hour. Given, slow spawns, slow kills, and the old prices before summer made everything spike.


You can solo them by having a friend let you in and take prime and supreme off you. You could go to burstinglobs cc for a door partner and maybe even a solo hybrid to assist you. If they just get you past the double doors, you'll need to kill one supreme (painful) and one prime (not really painful) before you can focus on just rex. There are more complicated solo methods that aren't so great for your stats.


TDs are definitely more than 500k an hour averaged. They'd be decent at your stats but not too great. You could aim at best for one kill per two fire shields. Even so you'd average more than 1m an hour if you were willing to stay long enough to approach the expected value. Almost all the profit is in one drop, and a drop that you won't get but every ten or fifteen or even twenty hours on average. It's not uncommon to get dry streaks of thousands of kills. (Not that I've killed that many, but plenty of people have, and gotten nothing, and gone ranting.) So it's a pain.


Uh... RC and hunter are the only two skilling methods that consistently profit much. Rune mining too if you can get available worlds. All the other resource gathering skills are closer to 300k.


Herb collecting is probably 500k/hr from various sources. I dunno what's good though.


Snake hides on mostlyharmless too.




Oh, and don't forget. Farm runs are like 150-200k extra for 5 minutes of work every 1.5 hours or so. Kingdom is about 200k for free every day. Buying out stores is several hundred thousand every day depending on which you're able to hit, and doing the rounds is like 15 or 20 minutes.


Oh, and dragons. If you're willing to fight over spots with the bazillions of botters. Without having it affect your profits.


Ok thanks that helps a lot. Will look at DKs then.


I constantly see people claiming they can gain 500k+ per hour....might i ask how is this possible? Monster Hunting? Crafting nats? Collecting something?




Plz don't call me a nooby :ohnoes:

Here's a bunch of methods: http://www.runescoop.com/html/rs_MMINDEXMASTERVH.htm


Morionic's spreadsheets in the AoW guide section have some more. Remember to summon magpies and do daily moneymakers and herb runs.

Thanks for the runescoop link.


Thanks for the help :thumbsup:

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Well, an update. Just got about 30 rex kills per hour with fire surge. (1200 population world.) Add in banking and 25+ seems okay now.


(You can use charged claws with void mace for same effect. I like surge for base exp rate is all.)


So yea... aside from the boredom/loneliness... solo rex should fit your needs quite nicely.


Moreover, it's consistent. (Compared to GWD or TDs, anyway. Training rc/hunter to the 90s would of course be better consistency.)

Disclaimer: The above is probably inaccurate.



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fun little alternative: green dragons in multi. using the bots to help you kill. you may want somewhat higher stats for it to be efficient, but it's an easy 1m an hour, and you get the added satisfaction of ruining things for bots (and reporting them).

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500k/hr methods aren't particularly hard to come by anymore.


You could probably kill something like flesh crawlers or ab specs to get that amount casually and with minimal risk.

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You can make good money thieving master farmers if you have the ability to steal quadriple loot and have done the ardougne achievement diary (3) and have the ability to wear gloves of silence.

58 agility, 68 thieving (quad picking)

54 hunter (gloves)

Don't ask me for stats for the ardougne diary.



You can make ~1 Mill and hour (750k-1250k) If you have:

A good thieving leve,l 80 thieving suggested (and all of the above requirements)

-I started doing this at 80 thieving and made up to 1M an hour



Why 80 thieving? As i said, i started doing this at lv 80, first time i made just a little over 1.1M, the second time i only had a poorly 850k

So i'll say it's somewhere at 1M average at lv 80 if you're wearing your cape and your gauntlets.

It will work if you have 79 thieving, or 78... But you won't make as much money


-Steal or buy wines from the stall there if you want to minimize money loss


-Die and run back (do bank your freaking seeds, the bank is 10 sec away, if your internet suddenly fails you'll thank me)


But healing trough ways of food or enhanced excalibur usually go faster.

You could also use a healing pet, though i think that's a waste.

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Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.~unknown~

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You can make good money thieving master farmers if you have the ability to steal quadriple loot and have done the ardougne achievement diary (3) and have the ability to wear gloves of silence.

58 agility, 68 thieving (quad picking)

54 hunter (gloves)

Don't ask me for stats for the ardougne diary.



You can make ~1 Mill and hour (750k-1250k) If you have:

A good thieving leve,l 80 thieving suggested (and all of the above requirements)

-I started doing this at 80 thieving and made up to 1M an hour



Why 80 thieving? As i said, i started doing this at lv 80, first time i made just a little over 1.1M, the second time i only had a poorly 850k

So i'll say it's somewhere at 1M average at lv 80 if you're wearing your cape and your gauntlets.

It will work if you have 79 thieving, or 78... But you won't make as much money


-Steal or buy wines from the stall there if you want to minimize money loss


-Die and run back (do bank your freaking seeds, the bank is 10 sec away, if your internet suddenly fails you'll thank me)


But healing trough ways of food or enhanced excalibur usually go faster.

You could also use a healing pet, though i think that's a waste.


tbh, if you set your respawn at falador, you can run back to draynor in a couple of minutes. What I did was go there, theive until v low life with double hp restore on the whole time (until about 5 p points). Wait until v low HP, put on redemption, wait til v low hp again, bank everything apart from explorer ring, die to farmers, cabbage port back rinse and repeat.


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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You can make good money thieving master farmers if you have the ability to steal quadriple loot and have done the ardougne achievement diary (3) and have the ability to wear gloves of silence.

58 agility, 68 thieving (quad picking)

54 hunter (gloves)

Don't ask me for stats for the ardougne diary.



You can make ~1 Mill and hour (750k-1250k) If you have:

A good thieving leve,l 80 thieving suggested (and all of the above requirements)

-I started doing this at 80 thieving and made up to 1M an hour



Why 80 thieving? As i said, i started doing this at lv 80, first time i made just a little over 1.1M, the second time i only had a poorly 850k

So i'll say it's somewhere at 1M average at lv 80 if you're wearing your cape and your gauntlets.

It will work if you have 79 thieving, or 78... But you won't make as much money


-Steal or buy wines from the stall there if you want to minimize money loss


-Die and run back (do bank your freaking seeds, the bank is 10 sec away, if your internet suddenly fails you'll thank me)


But healing trough ways of food or enhanced excalibur usually go faster.

You could also use a healing pet, though i think that's a waste.


tbh, if you set your respawn at falador, you can run back to draynor in a couple of minutes. What I did was go there, theive until v low life with double hp restore on the whole time (until about 5 p points). Wait until v low HP, put on redemption, wait til v low hp again, bank everything apart from explorer ring, die to farmers, cabbage port back rinse and repeat.


or you could realize it's more efficient to buy cheap food (trout, salmon or tuna) and heal with that instead of loosing a lot of theiving time on dying and coming back to "save money by spending less"

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You can make good money thieving master farmers if you have the ability to steal quadriple loot and have done the ardougne achievement diary (3) and have the ability to wear gloves of silence.

58 agility, 68 thieving (quad picking)

54 hunter (gloves)

Don't ask me for stats for the ardougne diary.



You can make ~1 Mill and hour (750k-1250k) If you have:

A good thieving leve,l 80 thieving suggested (and all of the above requirements)

-I started doing this at 80 thieving and made up to 1M an hour



Why 80 thieving? As i said, i started doing this at lv 80, first time i made just a little over 1.1M, the second time i only had a poorly 850k

So i'll say it's somewhere at 1M average at lv 80 if you're wearing your cape and your gauntlets.

It will work if you have 79 thieving, or 78... But you won't make as much money


-Steal or buy wines from the stall there if you want to minimize money loss


-Die and run back (do bank your freaking seeds, the bank is 10 sec away, if your internet suddenly fails you'll thank me)


But healing trough ways of food or enhanced excalibur usually go faster.

You could also use a healing pet, though i think that's a waste.


tbh, if you set your respawn at falador, you can run back to draynor in a couple of minutes. What I did was go there, theive until v low life with double hp restore on the whole time (until about 5 p points). Wait until v low HP, put on redemption, wait til v low hp again, bank everything apart from explorer ring, die to farmers, cabbage port back rinse and repeat.


or you could realize it's more efficient to buy cheap food (trout, salmon or tuna) and heal with that instead of loosing a lot of theiving time on dying and coming back to "save money by spending less"

You could make some money and get the healing for free if you bought half pies from GE at <150gp each and made the dishes into pie shells afterwards. Pie shell making is 800-900k/hour with the difficult part being getting the dishes. Half pies are often easier to buy than the just the dishes on the GE.

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