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Nguyen Toung Van Getting Hanged, what do u think!?


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Personally I don't have a problem with that sentence. He broke the laws and now gets a punishment. I would actually be happy if we got death penalties to Finland. At the moment with our current drug laws are really bad. You can ruin the life of hundreds of people and still you get only a year or 2 in a big room with playstations, free food and gym, almost everything.








Btw, he tried to export 400g of heroine. 15g is enough for death penalty there, so I bet that people have been hung for far smaller amounts than 400g. Also, that's enough for like 25-26k portions. How many lives could you ruin with such a big amount of heroine?








Just to add on to this, he was carrying enough drugs for 26 times the death penalty there. :shock:








And those drugs a street price of around 1.6million Singapore dollars. Either his brother bought a few too many ferrari's or it wasn't all about his brother.








I still havent made up my mind, because i'll always think that the death penalty is immoral and extremely risky, but on the other hand, you have to go with the rules.

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I'm okay with the death penalty in this issue. He *knew* the law, and he *knew* that if he was caught, he'd be sentenced to death. I have no sympathy for him.








However, I think that hanging is a little "barbaric" (for lack of a better term).

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Now if we imposed harsher punishments in the United States...








Other governments wouldn't allow it, I wouldn't think they would, anyways. Would other governments actually have a say in an issue such as that?









New sig to come!

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The idea of death penalties for drug trafficking seems so foreign to an American like myself, but it makes sense.. A lot of people are killed by drugs... ( A lot of people are killed by tobacco and alcohol too.. but that's a whole nother mess.)








What i'm not understanding is why Australia didn't extradite him and just let him die instead.

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Oh and Hummer.. he was actually hanged at 9am AEDST this morning.. it is sad to hear, the punishment does not fit the crime at all and on my clan forums, there are some singaporeans who are defending the government's decision.. that country is living in a backwards world, in fact most of South East Asia is.








Nice racist remark there claiming S.E. Asia is backwards, considering that about half of the world have death sentencing laws (including The United States Of America) that remark is completely out of line. Yet on the other hand people cheer at the outcome of Bali bombers getting the death penalty, it really shows how backwards and racist some Australians really are.








You should learn to respect the laws of countries you visit no matter how wacky they are, without law these countries would cease to exist (formally) and its inhabitants would live in a state of anarchism.








The punishment fits the crime due to the very definition of the countries law. There is no way around this argument unless you believe in moral absolutism but then you would have to deal with the fact that roughly half of the countries in the world have the death penalty (which implies there isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t an absolute moral standing on the issue).








If the punishment was so horrible that even the countries citizens couldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t support it then the citizens should demonstrate and attempt to oust the government. Even with their strict laws a sufficient numbers of protesters could topple the government; after all soldiers wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t want to shoot Singaporean civilians even if ordered, soldiers are people too.








Even though I only believe in capital punishment when rehabilitation is beyond hope (the original purpose of capital punishment), however I also believe you have got to respect the laws of the country. If you canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t move to a country of like minded people who donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t have capital punishment laws, simple.








The Bali bombers killed over 200 people in a most horrific death. Sad how only one faces the death penalty.








But hey.. they have a good justice system right? The bomb makers and masterminds of the bombings get 3 years in jail, reduced to 2, then an Australian cops 20 years for having marijuana.








I have every right to call them in-humane, for God's sake they wouldn't even let Tuong's mother hug him for one last time. What great compassion.








Oh.. and the USA don't hang people. They have lethal injection.

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Oh and Hummer.. he was actually hanged at 9am AEDST this morning.. it is sad to hear, the punishment does not fit the crime at all and on my clan forums, there are some singaporeans who are defending the government's decision.. that country is living in a backwards world, in fact most of South East Asia is.








Nice racist remark there claiming S.E. Asia is backwards, considering that about half of the world have death sentencing laws (including The United States Of America) that remark is completely out of line. Yet on the other hand people cheer at the outcome of Bali bombers getting the death penalty, it really shows how backwards and racist some Australians really are.








You should learn to respect the laws of countries you visit no matter how wacky they are, without law these countries would cease to exist (formally) and its inhabitants would live in a state of anarchism.








The punishment fits the crime due to the very definition of the countries law. There is no way around this argument unless you believe in moral absolutism but then you would have to deal with the fact that roughly half of the countries in the world have the death penalty (which implies there isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t an absolute moral standing on the issue).








If the punishment was so horrible that even the countries citizens couldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t support it then the citizens should demonstrate and attempt to oust the government. Even with their strict laws a sufficient numbers of protesters could topple the government; after all soldiers wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t want to shoot Singaporean civilians even if ordered, soldiers are people too.








Even though I only believe in capital punishment when rehabilitation is beyond hope (the original purpose of capital punishment), however I also believe you have got to respect the laws of the country. If you canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t move to a country of like minded people who donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t have capital punishment laws, simple.








The Bali bombers killed over 200 people in a most horrific death. Sad how only one faces the death penalty.








But hey.. they have a good justice system right? The bomb makers and masterminds of the bombings get 3 years in jail, reduced to 2, then an Australian cops 20 years for having marijuana.








I have every right to call them in-humane, for God's sake they wouldn't even let Tuong's mother hug him for one last time. What great compassion.








Oh.. and the USA don't hang people. They have lethal injection.








I lost alot of respect for the Singapore law thingys(sorry forgot the word :P) when I heard how he wasnt even allowed to be hugged by his mum.

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Now if we imposed harsher punishments in the United States...








You'd have to find a hell of a lot of lawyers willing to work 24/7 because USA has a massive drug problem :P








Also him and his brother are no angels they were sent to jail for abusing a group of people at a train station with a meshety (<-- Spelling), His brother is a known drug user and Trafficer of drugs.








Machete? Are you serious!?!?!? :shock: Well, they're stupid if they do that, and even stupider if one of them walked into Singapore customs knowing the sentences.








They didn't even let him hug his mother? Oh man, that's deep. That's real deep.








Security Reasons. What if his mum had hidden weapons? Or injected him with a special drug that 'kills' you by bringing your heart rate just low enough to seem like youre dead?

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I'm slightly torn on this. He doesn't receive my sympathy, and I think the case has been over-sensationalized by bleeding-hearts with their minds in the gutter.








He deserved punishment. Granted, part of the argument is based on speculation ... but chances are, that he would've indirectly caused some deaths there. Perhaps the punishment is a little too harsh - I'd say life imprisonment would be more fitting. Regarding the whole Bali bombing stuff ... that's Indonesia, not Singapore.








I think maybe he should've been allowed to hug his mother. But, in general, the whole case has been greatly blown out of proportion - the vigils, the church bells and the amnesty tributes were stupid and redundant, especially when they have so many more things to care about (i.e. people who actually HAVE been wrongly imprisoned).








So, yeah.

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Security Reasons. What if his mum had hidden weapons? Or injected him with a special drug that 'kills' you by bringing your heart rate just low enough to seem like youre dead?




I don't think that's it. Besides, couldn't they just conduct a search on her to make sure she hasn't concealed any weapons?








The statement said that like many jurisdictions that authorise capital punishment, Singapore did not allow "contact" visits between prisoners and family members.








"Such encounters can be traumatic and are likely to destabilise the prisoners and their family members," it said.




If that's the reason, it's a pretty shoddy reason...Don't you think it'd be traumatic enough knowing your son is going to die a few hours later?

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Umm where do you get figures of 25,000 hits?








For 400gm it would be closer to 2000 hits using the math's that one hit is 0.2gm (pretty standard weight) so 400/0.2 (or more simply 400*5) would come to a figure of 2000.











Depending on how you take it and your tolerance one hit/dose would be around 20mg (0.02grams) not 0.2gram. Which would make 400g closer to 20k than 2000 hits..

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most people see this sort of thing and say why would you do that? how dumb ar you? and then say its there fault. so many things are illegal that people can do without getting caught and they dont expect to get caught. people smuggling herion should be sent to detox and rehab not to deathrow unless they are main suppliers and the people making the drug, the addiction just destroys peoples lives and they will do almost anything to get another hit, not even almost anything trhey will do anything you ask them just to get there fix no matter how degreading or violent.

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most people see this sort of thing and say why would you do that? how dumb ar you? and then say its there fault. so many things are illegal that people can do without getting caught and they dont expect to get caught. people smuggling herion should be sent to detox and rehab not to deathrow unless they are main suppliers and the people making the drug, the addiction just destroys peoples lives and they will do almost anything to get another hit, not even almost anything trhey will do anything you ask them just to get there fix no matter how degreading or violent.








But he wasn't a user - he was just smuggling it. Rehab or detox would've had no purpose.

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He knew what he was getting into, I think its stupid that people are running around saying "He was only doing it for his brother, he shouldn't of died"








To me it doesn't matter if he was going to donate it all to an orphanage, you shouldn't traffic drugs, thats why pretty much all countries have laws against that. He went to Singapore knowing the consequences, and he accepted them.

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We have our laws here, and they will not be changed just because of 1 case. He broke the law, and thus should be sentenced to the law he deserved. For those of you saying that the punishment is too harsh, its our country's custom, culture. It wont be changed because of 1 case. Singapore has its name of a green country, its what all these laws had the effect on our reputation.








Drkchivalry, I would say that you do not understand our culture and how we live. We will always be behind the government not because we are suck ups, it is because we agree to the government's laws, and thus support them.








To others who say that they wouldnt come to Singapore because of this one incident, I would say that this is not a sensible method to show your disapproval about this incident. I dont know how to put this, but like you know, do not think of Singaporeans as evil or inhuman.


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The case was a load of trash on the home front. I can feel some sympathy for the family, but for crying out loud, vigils? A minute's silence!?








The man isn't a bleedin' war hero, he's a damned stupid drug smuggler. Frankly, I don't care what people think about the "barbarity" of being hanged for the crime, because they take everything the media says at face value. He did NOTHING to deserve all that sympathy the idiots here were all too willing to give. The media and the government have blown this totally out of proportion, almost letting everyone forget that this man was convicted of a crime that, had he not been caught, had the potential to ruin the lives of thousands.








The death penalty is a fair punishment for someone stupid enough to attempt what he did knowing that he WOULD get caught and that he WOULD be put to death for it. If he was any smarter, he would have smuggled those drugs into a country that at least wouldn't have the death penalty. To be completely honest, the man deserves a Darwin for the act.








As for hanging being a barbaric punishment, get off your high horses. It isn't any less humane than sticking a needle into someone and pumping them full of poison, or frying them with a jolt of electricity. A death sentence is a death sentence. He died in a fairly short time, and that's more than some people can ask for. If it's any consolation for the "human rights" activists, at least he wasn't drawn and quartered.








And on the upside, Singapore can reuse the rope for other idiots who are stupid enough to try smuggling drugs into the country.

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Depending on how you take it and your tolerance one hit/dose would be around 20mg (0.02grams) not 0.2gram. Which would make 400g closer to 20k than 2000 hits..








Yeah calculating the actual hit amount depends on a lot of things, I was using a street amount (0.2g - 1g) rather then calculating from pure heroin prior to cutting. Taking into consideration that this probably isn't street heroin your answer would be a closer approximation. However the point remains there is no evidence that heroin destroys the number of lives people are claiming (saying that every bit of heroin sold will be used to over dose is just a scaremongering).

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