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Why Do People Join Teams?


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Teams are great practice, you get to meet new great people from other clans and make good friends from other clan aswell, you also get tons of experience from them. Team haters keep hating :)

"Don't Limit Your Challenges, Challenge Your Limits"


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I joined Clan Europe because of a few main reasons.


1) Gave me more fights against a wider array of clans and at more suitable times for me rather than later times.

2) Gave me a space to make a bit more of myself and get more experience in all aspects of clanning.

3) Gave me the opportunity to meet new people and make more friends.


There are smaller reasons as well but those I think were the main ones. I joined TKO for more wars, experience and more friends as well.



EU Leader | | CE Retired Admin | | TKO Retired Member | | SE Retired Member

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The main reason to join a team is to get extra practice in. Normally offical clans dont war everyday and if your on runescape alot and want extra practice i say join a big team clan that can help you learn to tank better and become better in every other area in warring.


But like you im not totally into teams i join 1 if i do not 5 or 10 like some people which in my opinion are the no lifers.

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Team Dark Legacy Leader

Ex-Tempted Killers Leader

Ex-Divine Vindicator Warlord

Ex-Legendz Warlord

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People who join teams don't have enough fun in their own clan so they seek it elsewhere/multi clanners who found a loophole.


you sir are so long, if im not having fun in my clan, i leave it, simple as that. teams are just for some more wars.


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Teams are a good way to experience other leaderships, warring styles and meet new clanners...but I think 1 clan + 1 team should be the limit. I also don't think teams should worry too much about ranks...especially comparing themselves to clans. Like I remember back when I was in DV, a team beat us and then starting flaming us saying we should close, we suck etc... but it's just like...you're a team...you can pretty much recruit anyone....congratz? :mellow:

Proud to have been a Legendary Vindicator


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I join teams to get more wars, but only successful ones are the ones people should join :L I honestly hate 10v10. That's dumb.



Clans aren't warring 24/7 so you join Teams to get more practice and fights.



People join teams for the extra experience and learning you can get from people who come from completely different backgrounds.


All this. :thumbup:


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I joined 2 teams mainly to try something out, a purpose if you want to call it and I needed more wars per week to do it. I've pretty much come close to fullfilling that purpose, however I'm still in the 2 same teams I suppose for loyalty reasons, I just find it difficult to leave something once I join it. Plus, 2 teams is a nice balance for me on a personal level.


I think the benefit clans can get from letting people join teams (specifically warring one's) are that they improve their skills. Just as long as their clear on what takes priority as far as time/events go, then I see teams as a positive thing. Clans don't always war, they'll do a mixture of events usually to catar the needs of everyone, but teams are specific to one thing only and thus people who aren't fully satisfied with the amount their own clan is offering can just join these teams to get more of what they like.


We choose to go...not because [it is] easy, but because [it is] hard, because that goal will serve to measure and organize the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win. ~ Blasphemien Way




"Rest In Peace, Muelmar - A True Modern Day Hero"

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Personally i only joined a team because i wanted a little extra practice. Joining more than one team is pointless imo its near enough multi-clanning but 1 team is ok cos it gives you/your members a little extra practice which can then benifit ur clan in the long run, also it meens you can recruit people from that team if they should leave there clan or it closes. only problem with teams is that if they flame a clan, in matched wars teams would normally have an advantage because most of the teams members are in a clan if not all of them are and all have extra experience than quite a few members of the clan. but it can swing both ways i guess. one team is good but many teams is just pointless as its a bit excessive to say the least

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