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TRWF defeats MMA


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MMA appraoched us for a fight before the weekend and we were keen to accept. We later found out Brazil had a national holiday so we knew we had to step our game up to win this one, our signups weren't looking too promising but nonetheless we pulled a solid 43 people to start with. MMA had slightly less and was set to defend in result.


We rushed their pile and started making quick work of their rangers and hybrids, we told our members to tank around us in order to transition onto them, but as we got comfortable we started losing ko power and they could get their numbers up, we then started dragging them all over which seemed to work but we couldn't maintain our own piles due to them sending over 12 snipers, whereas the cap was 5. Combined with the randoms that were sniping us this proved to be too much to handle in such low options, so we contacted them to pull them back and after 15 minutes they were back in check. Nonetheless this was a set back so we had to start gaining numbers in game again, but once we did it was all over, we just kept hitting regroups untill after about 1h30 of fighting they called off returning.


Thanks for the fight MMA, would like to do it again with blasts this time.


Good job Trwf, you all did great today.


EDIT: Forgot to say, good luck on our 1 year prep PKRI TT :thumbsup:


Trwf starting opts: 129

MMA starting opts: 111


Trwf ending opts: 135(49 on TS)

MMA ending opts: 0










Walking down:



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Stormfolk | TRWF Clanfriend


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