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Why are you "old school"


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I prize efficiency over whatever petty mentality other people have. It's not my fault if you choose to do it the long way then give up halfway because "RS is too boring lul"



please go out, have a good time with friends, experience the wonderfull idea of "having fun together" and then return to runescape. You would really do a benefit to yourself, runescape and the whole world! - The attitude that runescape should be an efficiency run is sickening and frightening at the same time!

For whatever reason, this sounded a lot like "WOW you like to do things fast nerd get a gf and a life".



I prize efficiency over whatever petty mentality other people have. It's not my fault if you choose to do it the long way then give up halfway because "RS is too boring lul"



please go out, have a good time with friends, experience the wonderfull idea of "having fun together" and then return to runescape. You would really do a benefit to yourself, runescape and the whole world! - The attitude that runescape should be an efficiency run is sickening and frightening at the same time!

because it is somehow fact that you cannot enjoy being efficient at killing things and levelling up?




the more posts i read of yours the less intelligent you become

No it is not a "fact" an sich.. What it is however is that by projecting that message of "efficiency is most important" on the global runescape population, this also becomes the generic assumption that efficiency is important). This means that jagex more and more caters towards "efficiency freaks".. And less and less towards the casual player. The problem with those "efficiency freaks" is that BECAUSE they care so much for efficiency, they naturally care less for other things.. And 1 thing should always be the prime reason you play an MMO: player interaction, MMO's are by definition a big social culture and THIS should be the reason why you play an MMO over a single player game.


Saying: "I only play for my own enjoyment, and I don't give anything about what other think of me" is a very egocentrical statement as it means you're not caring for others, and are only playing the game (and thus using bandwidth) for your own good! - Wouldn't a single player game fit you much better if you care about efficiency only?



PS: If I cared for intelligence with posters I would've left these forums along with all runescape communities a long time ago! I did try to plase intelligent discussions here in the past, but the only way to get into some people is by making bold statements. (if you need proof of this statement, look at this topic: I said technical limitation weren't a problem, yet the next 4 post suggested that it would be!


By efficiency I meant liking Jagex's newer ideas to training certain skills (LRC as an example).

Also, I don't play to hear people ask me stupid questions all the time (one of the bad things about having everything set to ON). You also imply that you should play an MMORPG to "socialise" or so to speak, with other people. May I ask what benefit does this give over going out with real people? I play an MMORPG to gain experience, you know, the thing they put inside the game for you to earn, not to spend time with online strangers (friend's list and clan chat are exceptions). If I wanted to chat all day with random strangers I would use Chat Roulette or go play Club Penguin instead.


Where have I said that I don't care what others think of me? I said I could care less about how you play. I'm not going to superimpose my will upon you. If my gameplay (using up to date training spots) doesn't make you happy, by all means, don't follow it. You can cook shrimps to 99 at GE and chat all day long or you can cook higher end fish and be done sooner and go monster hunting with friends or something (theoretically, I can't monster hunt for my life).

As bladewing said, it's for my own enjoyment, and my enjoyment is to earn experience in a game where experience is needed to level up, not idle around.

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I started playing Runescape in 1994, and I only respect people who got 99 mining through copper and tin.



Ah, did you find the windows for workgroups 3.11 version of runescape the best version ever too? :rolleyes:




On topic: I guess you miss-typed 2004 s 1994 as the runescape beta started in 2001 :-)

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I started playing Runescape in 1994, and I only respect people who got 99 mining through copper and tin.



Ah, did you find the windows for workgroups 3.11 version of runescape the best version ever too? :rolleyes:




On topic: I guess you miss-typed 2004 s 1994 as the runescape beta started in 2001 :-)


You, sir, just failed at seeing sarcasm yourself.


Which is quite ironic coming from someone who used sarcasm.

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Old school is up to the eye of the beholder because there never were any fixed guidelines on what "old school" is.


Personally I don't think I would be considered that considering there was about 4 years before me of when it started.


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I'm not sure starting in September of '05 would qualify me as "old school" but I've been around long enough that I remember selling Mithril scimitars in Lumbridge for 1500gp each and thinking Smithing was a great way to make money, getting scammed out of a black platebody by someone promising to "trim" it for me, avoiding Edgeville like the plague because I didn't want to be killed by PK'ers in the wild (okay, so I didn't have the best understanding of how it worked back then), and logging into W1 Varrock once out of curiosity...which locked my computer up so badly that I had to shut it down (I didn't go back until after the G.E. was introduced).


I've seen a lot of changes in 5 years. Some good, some bad, but overall the game has gotten better. Personally I've embraced the changes. They've made my RS experience more enjoyable, my training more efficient, and my cash pile larger.


Once upon a when, old school was anyone who'd been around for RSC. Now it seems anyone who was around for the old wild/pre-G.E. days is the old school. Just wait until the next generation, old school will be anyone who actually got to do the Romeo and Juliet quest. :^_^:



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So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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