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Iran's President Bans Western Music


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Iran's President Bans Western Music








By NASSER KARIMI 2 hours, 19 minutes ago








TEHRAN, Iran - Hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has banned Western music from




Iran's radio and TV stations, reviving one of the harshest cultural decrees from the early days of 1979 Islamic Revolution.








Songs such as




George Michael's "Careless Whisper,"




Eric Clapton's "Rush" and the Eagles' "Hotel California" have regularly accompanied Iranian broadcasts, as do tunes by saxophonist Kenny G.








But the official IRAN Persian daily reported Monday that Ahmadinejad, as head of Iran's Supreme Cultural Revolutionary Council, ordered the enactment of an October ruling by the council to ban Western music.








"Blocking indecent and Western music from the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting is required," according to a statement on the council's official Web site.








Ahmadinejad's order means the IRIB must execute the decree and prepare a report on its implementation within six months, according to the newspaper.








"This is terrible," said Iranian guitarist Babak Riahipour, whose music was played occasionally on state radio and TV. "The decision shows a lack of knowledge and experience."








Music was outlawed as un-Islamic by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini soon after the revolution. But as the fervor of the revolution started to fade, light classical music was allowed on radio and television. Some public concerts reappeared in the late 1980s.








Western music, films and clothing are widely available in Iran, and hip-hop can be heard on Tehran's streets, blaring from car speakers or from music shops. Bootleg videos and DVDs of films banned by the state are widely available in the black market.








Following eight years of reformist-led rule in Iran, Ahmadinejad won office in August on a platform of reverting to ultraconservative principles promoted by the revolution.








Since then, Ahmadinejad has jettisoned Iran's moderation in foreign policy and pursued a purge in the government, replacing pragmatic veterans with former military commanders and inexperienced religious hard-liners.








He also has issued stinging criticisms of




Israel, called for the Jewish state to be "wiped off the map" and described the Nazi Holocaust as a "myth."








International concerns are high over Iran's nuclear program, with the United States accusing Tehran of pursuing an atomic weapons program. Iran denies the claims.








During his presidential campaign, Ahmadinejad also promised to confront what he called the Western cultural invasion and promote Islamic values.








The latest media ban also includes censorship of content of films.








"Supervision of content from films, TV series and their voice-overs is emphasized in order to support spiritual cinema and to eliminate trite and violence," the council said in a statement on its Web site explaining its October ruling.








The council has also issued a ban on foreign movies that promote "arrogant powers," an apparent reference to the United States.




From http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051219/ap_ ... _music_ban




That's as ridiculous as it gets. That's just going backwards from what people there try so hard to earn. This new president of theirs disguists me. I can't believe he said (in the article) that he thought the Holocaust was a myth, and he wants Israel "wiped off the map." Does anyone know how long that guy has been in power for? I don't really know much about Iran, but this president can only lead the country downhill... :?

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"Backwards" is the key word here.








Following eight years of reformist-led rule in Iran, Ahmadinejad won office in August on a platform of reverting to ultraconservative principles promoted by the revolution.




I think that means that the people themselves elected a backwards government leader. Looks like trouble in the middle east will be around for a long time yet...

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I would definitely support any military or economic sanctions for this guy's government...

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Hotel California is a great song! What the hell is this BS








Amen to that.

But he did block George Michael's though. You've gotta give the guy some credit.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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It just gets worse and worse.








Remember this is the same guy who called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" and just last week he was questioning if the holocaust actually happened. :?








edit - ahh didn't see that point in the main post :)








But yeah, it just gets more insane








I think this guy was elected earlier this year.

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"Backwards" is the key word here.












I think that means that the people themselves elected a backwards government leader. Looks like trouble in the middle east will be around for a long time yet...








LMAO, you think he was elected? Ever look at the polls? Only like 30% of the country voted in the presidential election, and he only got like 50% of the vote.








But that doesn't even matter, since all of the presidential candidates were losers, and were NOT chosen by the people.








But that still doesn't even matter, because the president in the Islamic Republic of Iran is just a figurehead. The real power lies in the hands of the SUPREME LEADER.
















The elections were a sham. Ahmadinejad won using false pretenses.

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"Backwards" is the key word here.












I think that means that the people themselves elected a backwards government leader. Looks like trouble in the middle east will be around for a long time yet...








LMAO, you think he was elected? Ever look at the polls? Only like 30% of the country voted in the presidential election, and he only got like 50% of the vote.








But that doesn't even matter, since all of the presidential candidates were losers, and were NOT chosen by the people.








But that still doesn't even matter, because the president in the Islamic Republic of Iran is just a figurehead. The real power lies in the hands of the SUPREME LEADER.












The elections were a sham. Ahmadinejad won using false pretenses.












Who is this... "Supreme Leader"? :?:








I'd like to have a chat with him over tea and cookies sometime...

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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It just gets worse and worse.








Remember this is the same guy who called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" and just last week he was questioning if the holocaust actually happened. :?








edit - ahh didn't see that point in the main post :)








But yeah, it just gets more insane








I think this guy was elected earlier this year.








I had forgotten that...crazy :shock:

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Guest GhostRanger
Remember: This is not an excuse to go to war with Iran.








Are you kidding me?! This is clearly a cleverly coded layout for the Iranian roadmap towards WMDs.








We gotz t3h nukez!11one!! lets uze them!!11!eleven!

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Who is this... "Supreme Leader"? :?:








I'd like to have a chat with him over tea and cookies sometime...




































Here's a tip: The cookies are laced with cyanide, and the tea is actually hydrogen peroxide mixed with dirt.












Yes, this guy is evil incarnate.

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Remember: This is not an excuse to go to war with Iran.








Are you kidding me?! This is clearly a cleverly coded layout for the Iranian roadmap towards WMDs.








We gotz t3h nukez!11one!! lets uze them!!11!eleven!








Heh heh heh :P




I was kinda serious as well. I don't want the US to liberate Iran for the sake of pop music.

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It's worrying how some people get to positions of power. :?










Remember: This is not an excuse to go to war with Iran.








Are you kidding me?! This is clearly a cleverly coded layout for the Iranian roadmap towards WMDs.








We gotz t3h nukez!11one!! lets uze them!!11!eleven!








Heh heh heh :P




I was kinda serious as well. I don't want the US to liberate Iran for the sake of pop music.








B-b-b-but Hotel California... :(

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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