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Wanted: Have you seen this picture!


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I have really faint memories of a picture I would like to see again. I'm fairly sure it was a pixel, although it may have been vector. I think I saw it in a fan sites newspaper or something, about a year ago, maybe more.








What it was, was a guy, wearing a red halloween mask, glory ammy, and possibly a mime top, swinging a dragon battle axe at a chicken. The picture was entitled "feather collecting".








If anyone has seen it, or knows who drew it, or anything, please let me know!

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Problem is people save thier signatures with weird names like, "abstractgrudgemixeldibloforwardfacinglemonupsidedownonasmallduck" (just an example)








It also gets very difficult as it was most likely uploaded using image shack and they have weird name for anything.

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Wow, it's really great that people what I am talking about! (It was a bit of a shot in the dark asking on here.)








If your wandering why I would like to find it so much, I should probably tell you;








I don't really know.








I can remember seeing it ages back, and just being amazed. I had never seen anything like it, infact, I didn't even know that people did runescape related art. Perhaps that is why it stuck in my head? But anyway I have been trying to find it for ages, and since I have ran out of places to look, I would be really greatfull if people could point me in the right direction. It's like a quest I just have to do lol. Knowing who drew it is a great start, so thank you very much!

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After all this time, I have found it!








And it didn't even take me very long!








What was I thinking last time I looked for it....








By the way it's made by Captainslug.












My new desktop wallpaper....

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oh... didnt know the person who made it.... i knew it cause it was in runehq newspaper.. and back when their rules werent so wacky i was a top editor, and part of media and news articles... then their rules got bogus, i got banned, got unbanned... rules where still bogus so i resigned








stupid mother fu...*mumblemumblemumble*



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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Problem is people save thier signatures with weird names like, "abstractgrudgemixeldibloforwardfacinglemonupsidedownonasmallduck" (just an example)








It also gets very difficult as it was most likely uploaded using image shack and they have weird name for anything.








Hence why people should always invest in their own hosting. For about $20 for a year you can have your own .com and web space to upload all your pictures to.




www.woo-yay.net/images/filename.*** is much better than







Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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uhh i hope DA links are still allowed... sorry if theyre not








click here








there is a virus in images running around recently... you click this at your own risk, i have viewed images with no problems but just saying this as a precaution












(i clicked and my cpu is fine, its not malicious but i had to say that just in case)



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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