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Tip.it Clan Directory


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This thread to be used for Tip.It clan Lists only,the info was given for Tip.It and is not to be used on any other Sites.
















Please copy and paste the below form into your reply. We will update this once per full page of replies, so if you want your info changed edit your original post dont make a new one. If your clan leader or designated representative changes, please PM Bufoman




Only 1 post per clan.








Additional Rules




1.No Pictures




2.No Offensive Clan Names












Clan name:




Clan website:




Clan leaders:




F2p clan cape:




P2p clan cape:




Number of Members:




Average hitpoint and combat level:




Type of clan (skill or pk):




Recent War Record(3): won or loss, date if avalible, and who was the war aggainst
































3rd World
































Abyssal Guardians








Abyssal Warriors








Acid Pain








Age of Rune








Alliance Of Hate








The Altar of Runescape








The Allegiance
















Ancient Myths








Angels of Death








Annihilation Corp.
















The Apocalyptic








Arch Enemy








Ardougne Arrow Dogers








The Army of Mordor
















Assasins Creed



































The Balance








Barrows Brothers Clan








Black Assasins








The Black Demons








The Black Dragon Knights








Black Dragons








Black Hand
















Black Warriors








The Black Wolves








Blood Clan
















Bameria Boombers








The Blood Beserkers








Born From Death








Brain Dead RuneScapers Clan








Brotherhood of Saradomin








Brothor (Brethern of the Holy Order)
















Call To Darkness








Castle Destroyers United








Certified Public Assasins








Chaos Dragons








The Chaos Theory








Chaos Warriors








Children of Zamorak








Chosen Ones








Clan Chaos








Clan Double Helix








Clan Europe








Clan Eldest








Clan Forbidden








Clan Kalphite








Clan Regeneration








Clan Revengae








The Cold Knights








The Cold Killers
























The Confederacy of Rune's Elite








Corrupt Kings








Cosmic Vengeance








Court Of Dragons
















Crimson Dragon Riders








Crimson Flames Clan








Crimson Raiders








Cross God Killers








Cryptic Warriors








Crypt of Death








Cunix Warriors
















Damage Pures








The Dark Alliance








The Dark Angels








Dark Army of Hell








Dark Blades
















The Dark Dominion








Dark Knights United








Dark Masters








The Dark Shadow Warriors








Dark Slayers








Darkness Dragons








Dark Dynasty
















D GenerationX








Deadly Assassins








Death and Glory








Death Before Dishonor








Death Dragons








The Death Monkeighs








The Defiance








The Demented








The Demolition








The Demonic Elite








Demonic Empire








The Demonic Plague








The Demons of Runescape & Junior Clan








Demons from the Deep








The Destroyers








Dharok's Disciples








Divine Assassins








Divine Hybrids
























Double Vision








The Drag0n Guardianz








The Dragon Devils








Dragon Overlords








The Dragon Warriors








The Dragon Templars








The Dragonz








The Dutch Clan








Dynasty of Virtue
















Echo of Silence
















The Elite








Elite Hierarchy








Eliet Intervention








Elite Pures








Elites of Runescape








The Empire








Escape to Runescape








Eternal Darkness








Eternal Shadows
























Exercitum Militus of Honorum








The Extermination
















Fallen Angels








Fatal Impact
















Fat Tony's Mafia








Final Vengeance








Finnish Army








Fishers of Runescape








Followers of Destruction








The Followerz of Guthix








Followers of Zamorak








The Forgotten








The Forgotten Allies








The Forks








Foul Play








The Freedom Fighters








Frost Legion
















Gaia Circle
















The Ghosts








The Gladiatorz








Glowing Warriors








Godz of War








Golden Legion








Golden Sun
















The Green Berets








Guthix Gangsters
























The Happy Clan








Havoc Clan








Hells New Revenge








Hells Defender








Heroes of the Future








Hidden Shadows








Higher Force








Holy Conspiracy








Holy Monks








Holy Trinity Kingdom
















Horde of Genocide








Hung Clan
















The ICE Clan








Ice Knights








The Immortal Outlawz








Immortal Pures








Imperial Sanctuary
















The Invincibles








The Iron Throne Guilde
























Judgement of Guthix








The Justice Knights
















Keepers of Forgotten Honour








The Killers of Chaos








Knight of the Red Dragon








The Knights of Fire








Knights of Legend








Knights of Oblivion








Knights of Revenge








Knights of the Relm








Knights of Sadonia








Knights of the Varden








Knights Peril
















The Last Survivors








The Lavadragons








Legendary Dragons








Legendary Knights








Legends of the Underground








Legion of Fighters








The Legion of Lost Souls
















Lithuanian Forces








The Lords of Runescape








Lords of the Wildy








The Lords of Zamorak
















Lost Knights








The Lost Legends








The Lost Souls Of Kandarin
















M3tier Cor7ex








Majestic Warriors








Mass Destruction








Mass Mayhem








Masters of Cerberus








Masters of Dragons








Masters of the Sword








The Marauders








The Medieval Clan of Elders








Mercenaries of Chaos
















The Mighty Red Dragons








The Militia








Militos Deci








Mortal Knights
















The Mysterious Goth Clan








Mystic Legends
















Night Hawks








The Nobodys








Nosferati Pures








The Notorius








No Surrender
















The Official Global Runescape Clan








The Official RuneHQ Clan








Oppression Fighters








Order of Mayhem








The Order of the Cabbage








Order of Veneficis








Organized Chaos








Organized Crime








The Others








Owning Weak Noobs
















Pain Redefined








The Paladins of Guthix
















Pinoy Pride Klan








PK Dragons








The PK-Killers








PKers Of Death








Pkers Incorperated
















The Plague








P00ning 24/7
























Pride of Morton








Project Eden
















Pure Ambition








Pure N00bs








Purple Flame
























The Rage








Realm of the Crusading Knights








Realm of Zamorak
















Red Devil Clan
















Red Legion








The Reinforce Clan








The Remembered Alliance








Rookies Of Camelot








Royal Pures








The Royalty
















Runited Scapes
















The RuneScape Annihilators








Runescape Assasins








Runescape Crusaders








RuneScape Guardians








The Runescape Mob








Runescape's Army








RuneScape Scorpions








RuneScape United








Runescape Vendetta
























The Sabres








Sacred Carnage








Sacred Templars








Sacred Warriors








Saradomin's Dragons








Sardomin's Slayers








Scarlet Empire








School of the Crazed








Screaming Eagles
























The Shadows of Guthix








Shadow Elites








The Shadow Elves








The Shadow Knights








Shadow Legions
















The Skeleton Clan








Silent Assasins








Silent Stab








The slayer's Lair








Slayers of the Night








Sleep Walkers








Solar Angels








Soldiers of Anarchy








Sorrow of Knight
















Stabber's Society








Stealth Warriors








Street Dragons








The Syndicate








The Synergy








The Synergizers Clan
























Team Bloody








Templar Guardians








Templar Knights of Europe








TempusVortex Clan
























Tribal Fury








Triple Threat
















UK Wolf Pack








The Underground Legends








The Unexpected








Unholy Prophecy








United Armed Forces
















































Village Idiots








Virtual Infection
































White Magic








White Shadows








Wilderness Dragons
















Wolf Dragons
























Xtr3m3 M4yh3m
























The Zamorakian Order








The Zamorakians
















Listed below are some of the more frequently requested clan sites that are NOT in the directory already. Clicking on the name will bring you directly to the site, not to a topic on Tip It.








[*:1wztxliv] Anarchy
[*:1wztxliv] Awaken
[*:1wztxliv] Blacknights
[*:1wztxliv] Black Dragons
[*:1wztxliv] Corruption
[*:1wztxliv] Chivalry of Legends
[*:1wztxliv] Demonic Empire
[*:1wztxliv] Echos of Silence
[*:1wztxliv] Followers of Malkav
[*:1wztxliv] Gladiatorz
[*:1wztxliv] The Moriquendi
[*:1wztxliv] Mystic Knights
[*:1wztxliv] Order of Cabbage
[*:1wztxliv] RuneScape Dinasty
[*:1wztxliv] The Runescape Warhungers Federation
[*:1wztxliv] Rune Raiders
[*:1wztxliv] The Dynasty
[*:1wztxliv] 'THE' Clan
[*:1wztxliv] 'THE' Futures
[*:1wztxliv] Wilderness Guardians

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Clan name:




Clan website:




Clan leaders:




F2p clan cape:




P2p clan cape:




Number of Members:




Average hitpoint and combat level:




Type of clan (skill or pk):




Recent War Record(3): won or loss, date if avalible, and who was the war aggainst

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Clan name: Domination




Clan website: http://s14.invisionfree.com/RSDOMINATION




Clan leaders: Draygon Eye Chris Pa Wizardgir




F2p clan cape: Clan Capes Are Pointless




P2p clan cape: Clan Capes Are Pointless




Number of Members: 140




Average hitpoint and combat level: 118 + combat 96 +hp




Type of clan (skill or pk): Pure Pk Ownage !




Recent War Record(3): 5-0












Just what is listed, not more.

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Clan name: Chaos Dragons




Clan website: http://www.chaosdragons.tz4.com




Clan leaders:Evan11111111, Daniel111111




F2p clan cape: Red, black




P2p clan cape: Red, black




Number of Members:130




Average hitpoint and combat level: around 85




Type of clan (skill or pk): all rounder




Recent War Record(3)




only been back for 6 months..... declaired war on 25th legion but they backed out

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Clan name: White Shadows




Clan website: http://www.whiteshadowclan.com




Clan leaders: Crossfire39, Xsjado0




F2p clan cape: Blue




P2p clan cape: Blue




Number of Members: 80+




Average hitpoint and combat level: 77 Average hp, 93 Average Cb




Type of clan (skill or pk): Pk




Recent War Record(3): Win/loss/win


.:: RSC Product ::.

.:: 116 Combat ::.

.:: 1777 Overall ::.

.:: Biggest Single Drop Log Ever ::.

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Clan name: Sacred Templars




Clan website: http://forums.sacredtemplars.com




Clan leaders: Flummbullen & Hurtbullen are main leaders




F2p clan cape: Purple




P2p clan cape: Team - #23




Number of Members: Memberslist




Average hitpoint and combat level: See the memberslist above.




Type of clan (skill or pk): Both (mainly PK).




Recent War Record: Check Here

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Clan name: Legendary Knights




Clan website: http://s13.invisionfree.com/L_K/index.php?




Clan leaders: Zein33




F2p clan cape: blue




P2p clan cape: blue




Number of Members: 89




Average hitpoint and combat level: our hit points is 90hp average and combat level is 110 right now




Type of clan (skill or pk): pk and skill




Recent War Record(3): won or loss, date if avalible, and who was the war aggainst




we have done alot of 10 v 10 and 20 v 20 and we won it all but lost only 2 becuase 1 clan cheated and brought there jr clan and friends to the mini war and the other clan was just better than us. we have done around 10+ mini wars/10 v 10 or 20 v 20 and we did really well

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Clan name: The Death Monkeighs




Clan website: http://www.deathmonkeighs.com




Clan leaders: Milkboy31, Coma_3, Kane99Uk




F2p clan cape: yellow




P2p clan cape: yellow (team 12)




Number of Members: 200+ *active* members... one of RS's largest clans




Average hitpoint and combat level: Avg hits: 81, Avg combat: 99




Type of clan (skill or pk): mixed




Recent War Record(3):




Overall war record: 14-7


--------Combat 135--------

------Total Lvl 2170+------

Proud RS Player Moderator

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This sound like stupid and worthless question but do we do again if we did old list lol il do anyways :) The old list didnt have enough info on it. So this new list is slowly being made. As things change in your clan please edit this post, instead of making a new one.
















Clan name: Pride of Morton




Clan website: http://www.prideofmorton.co.nr




Clan leaders: nellynosh




F2p clan cape: undecided




P2p clan cape: undecided




Number of Members: 32




Average hitpoint and combat level: cmb range from 70s-90s




Type of clan (skill or pk): both




Recent War Record(3):n/a








we have been around since aug/05 allthough we still disorganised bunch of misfits lol...i will let u knwo when we decide cape if we do lmao

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Clan name: Heroes of the Future




Clan website: http://www.HoFclan.com




Clan leaders: 01whitec2, Fireball666, Jokerfool359 and Amit007




F2p clan cape: Blue




P2p clan cape: Team 26




Number of Members: 76+




Average hitpoint and combat level: 76HP and 92 Combat




Type of clan (skill or pk): PK




Recent War Record(3): Win/Win/Win


100+ Combat :: 100+ Members :: 107 Combat Average

-{Click sig to join Heroes of the Future}-

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Clan name: Dark Slayers








Clan website: http://www.dark-slayers.net








Clan leaders: Da Trixsta, MeTaL RoCk, Lichiepriest, and Kidefence512








F2p clan cape: Red








P2p clan cape: Team Cape #46 (Red)








Number of Members: 186/250 [not including retired members]








Average hitpoint and combat level: 97.6 HP and 121.18 Combat [not including retired members]








Type of clan (skill or pk): PK








Recent War Record: 6 Wins, 1 losses, and 0 draws...








1. Rune Raiders (RR) - Approximate Rank: 10 - April/30/05 - Won




2. Knights Templar (KT) - Approximate Rank: 8 - June/5/05 - Won




3. Titans (Titans) and Death Row (DR) - Titan's Approximate Rank: 10, DR Approximate Rank: 15 - July/24/05 - Won




4. The Dynasty (TD) - Approximate Rank: 2 - August/14/05 - Won




5. Damage Inc. (DI) - Approximate Rank: 1 - September/25/05 - Won




6. Runescape Dynasty (RSD) - Approximate Rank: 3 - January/26/06 - Won




7. Gladiatorz (Gladz) - Approximate Rank: 1 - March/4/06 - Loss
















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Clan name: Masters of Dragons (MoD)




Clan website: http://www.rsmod.net




Clan leaders: Blood Goblin, Jack Jokerst, Lanjunjie




F2p clan cape: blue




P2p clan cape: blue




Number of Members: 130+




Average hitpoint and combat level: not calculated yet (90cmb req)




Type of clan (skill or pk): both




Recent War Record(3):




8th of January 2006-MoD vs The Death Monkeys, Full out, lost




10th of December 2005-MoD vs FEAR, 15 vs 15, 100 cap, rune war - lost




13th of November 2005-MoD vs Wolfpack, 15 vs 15, 100 cap, rune war - won




30th of October 2005-MoD vs The Latin Realms, 15 vs 15, 100 cap, rune war - won




9th of October 2005 - MoD vs Harathoi, 15 vs 15, 100 cap, rune war - won




22nd of August 2005 - MoD vs Brotherhood of Gods (BoG), full scale war 20vs20 - won




25th of June 2005 - MoD vs Nemesis Warriors (NW), full scale war - won

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Clan name: Court Of Dragons




Clan website: http://s14.invisionfree.com/Court_of_Dragons




Clan leaders: Paranoia, airsignlibra, rotorhead, jesman886, F----I Hate




F2p clan cape: none yet




P2p clan cape: none yet




Number of Members: 51




Average hitpoint and combat level: cb:103.5, hp 85.15




Type of clan (skill or pk): pk




Recent War Record(3): none yet, clan was revived barely a month ago

currently playing ixl tgn ixl

I need a bishop preaching fire

To get away with my sins

I despise everything I see

So I don't give a **** if you hate me!

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Clan name: Lost Knigths




Clan website: http://s12.invisionfree.com/Lost_Knights/




Clan leaders: CoyoteKidd69 (Coyote Kid) & Kanadien (Half an Hour)




F2p clan cape: Yellow




P2p clan cape: Yellow




Number of Members: 30+




Average hitpoint and combat level:




Type of clan (skill or pk): Pk




Recent War Record: 2 Wins vs 0 Loses




January 8th - LKC vs Dark Kingdom - Steel War, Won




December 31st - LKC vs Burning Millenium - All out, Won

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clan name: Children of Zamorak




clan website: http://www.treacherous.free-bb.com/ ( the forum)




Clan leaders: Theozys, Yin caino clan negociator Kionno metra Recruitment Shovrook




F2p clan cape: Purple




P2p clan cape: none




Number of number: 15+




Type of clan: PK




war: 0 new clan But we will war

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Clan name: Runescape Crusaders




Clan website: http://www.rscrusaders.com




Clan leaders: Judgement001, Coasterfreak




F2p clan cape: yellow (for the most part)




P2p clan cape:none atm




Number of Members:54, 62 registerd




Average hitpoint and combat level:50-60, 62-65




Type of clan (skill or pk): both




Recent War Record(3): we havent had any wars yet, no enemies













Currently working on: Inferno Adze - 92 Firemaking - 64 Agility.

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Clan name: ReBirth




Clan website: http://s12.invisionfree.com/ClanReBirth




Clan leaders: Bobtheagent




F2p clan cape: red




P2p clan cape: team-43




Number of Members: 70(110 registered)




Average hitpoint and combat level: 85 hp and 101 cmb




Type of clan (skill or pk): pk clan




Recent War Record(3): 0-0

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Clan name: Valor




Clan website: http://s13.invisionfree.com/ClanValor/




Clan leaders: Winnnor, Fultimekila, Blue Wall




F2p clan cape: Blue




P2p clan cape: Blue




Number of Members: 143




Average hitpoint and combat level: Valor Average Combat: 101 Valor Average HP: 83




Type of clan (skill or pk): Pk




Recent War Record(3): Overall War Record includes mini wars, official's and funs: 5-3.




Valor vs Tdm [Wins] - Dec 3rd, 2005




Valor vs Death Row [Wins] - December 17th (2005)




Valor vs Glorious Immortals [Loss]




Valor vs Lofa [Wins]




Valor vs Fear [Loss] - December 28th, 2005




Valor vs TuF [Loss] - December 13th, 2005




Valor vs LK [Wins] - December 30th




Valor vs MK [Wins] - January 2nd, 2006








Add it in please, thank you.

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Clan name: Abyssal Guardians




Clan website: http://s13.invisionfree.com/Abyssal_Guardians/index.php?act=idx




Clan leaders: Cmasterchief, Chessnut




F2p clan cape: Red




P2p clan cape: Red




Number of Members: 130 Registered about 50 active








Highest Combat - 121




Avarage - 85








Highest Hitpoints - 98




Avarage - 71








Avarage Total Level - 1112








Type of clan (skill or pk): Pk








Recent War Record: 1 fun war. Looking for another war!

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Clan name: Darkblood




Clan website: http://www.dbclan.co.nr




Clan leaders: Fyrejinkz, Soulblade102, Xmpaxthx




F2p clan cape: red




P2p clan cape: Any red




Number of Members: 35 before forums move. 32 registered currently




Average hitpoint and combat level: 65+ combat average of (75+)




Type of clan (skill or pk): |pk secondary|parties|community|




Recent War Record(3): n/a

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Clan name: Clan Eldest




Clan website: Plagueguard.com




Clan leaders: Solembum9912 and Kirkno 1




F2p clan cape: Orange




P2p clan cape: Zammy Cape




Number of Members: 20




Average hitpoint and combat level: 65+




Type of clan (skill or pk): Skill




Recent War Record(3): We havent had any wars yet..sorry..we are pretty new..

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