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Bored? Try one of these...


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Today, I played a game of "Communist Revolutionary" in Varrock Square. I stood there reciting phrases from The Communist Manifesto and quoting some of Lenin's speeches. I don't know if I had any effect; a few people called me crazy, one wanted 1k from me before he would join my "clan" that he thought I was trying to create. I'm surprised that nobody responded, some of the points I made about the evils of capitalism in the Runescape world were pretty good.








Uh oh, I'm starting to become a Communist! :twisted: I need to create the Communist Party of Runescape.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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Guest AshKaYu

I love the full rune one! It's soooooooooo funny! I've tried similiar ones with "yo, is 100000000 a lot of gold, I fond it ovr thr, and with this run set". HILARIOUS RESULTS!

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Make a new account and train it to about 10. Go to world 1 or world 20 Edgeville. Now maybe you will have to hop, but the chance is big that you run in to a lvl 70 to maybe even 90+ clan. Follow them and treathen to kill them. I realy like doing it! :lol:








OMFG!!! that is hilarious!!!!!!!! I am definatley gonna try that roflmao!

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Heres what you do if you have no heart :wink:












Go to draynor manor. Go up where the fish food is. Whenever a noob lower than lv 19 comes in that room ask them to fight the ghost and offer them money even if they run. When they agree and start fighting, stand in front of the door and keep on closing it whenever the noob tries to run, when the noob dies, your there for the picking :D

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Wow these are genious! I'll have to try a few...




Here's one I like to do if I see someone with a two handed sword.








Me: You shouldn't carry your sword on your shoulder.




Him: Why?




Me: If you trip you will chop your head off!




*Runs away laughing manically*




Such happy memories! :P

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I use white text and say "Loading - please wait"








or i impersonate the river troll at karamja








Lol, I did the first one today in Lumbridge and I had LOTS of people asking me how I did it. I think one of them asked if I owned Jagex....








Which obviously I don't but it was really funny.

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Rofl, I'm going to try each and every one of those :D








Anyway, heres one I used to do:








Make a new account, and get 3+ friends to do the same, make them all have almost identical names... Make them all look the same, and go around shouting "Give us your cabbage, or we will steal your wooden shields!" and rubbish like that... Then run into the wilderness and kill each other :roll: ...








And another I used to do while merchanting if no1 was buying or selling what I wanted...








This one can be deemed as rude, but if you believe thats the case, just don't do it. Ideally, get a few friends to make new accounts with similar names to some regular world 1 faces, then get them to stand under those people and move onto part 3... Part 2, if you don't want to risk people following you, then just get your friends to choose random names... Part 3, stand under merchants and shout things like "Omfg, merchanting s0x, I quit.. -Nameofmerchanthere" "Dropping phat set under me! -nameofmerchanthere" :P









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I did this yesterday in draynor bank.








All I did was going around yelling, "Mommy, where are you!" then start crying. Then a stranger said they would help me look. I had a huge group looking for my mom! lol

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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When someone tried the ol' armour-trim scam, I once did this:












Scammer: Free armour trimming!!!!!!!!




Spongehead91: Trim my rune plate and legs, please!




Scammer: Ok follow me




*I follow him upstairs Zaff's staff shop*




Scammer: Give me ur armour and ill trim it




*I show him rune plate and legs in trade*




*Decline trade*




Spongehead91: Oh! I think I've figured out how to do it myself!




*Puts on rune (g) legs and plate*




Scammer: Omg how did u do that!!!!!!!!














I've stopped playing RuneScape. KoL's better.

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