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yeah um........I love the simplicity of NES and the older consoles, gaming is getting too compelex (and expensive) for me anymore
















Whoo go NES!








I would hate to see this idea wasted on Xbox...

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this technology is useless for games, it would take too long to make a game to fit it lmao, like 7 times halo who can make a game like that lol. one use for this technology is the space industry. i did work experience down at my "local" radio telescope and we had to send a package off to nasa for analaysis, it was only a terrabyte of information, yet it weighed about 5 kilo and as big as a briefcase lol. nasa has gigabytes comin in daily from each mission, so these disks would come in handy sortin thru mission files.

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yeah um........I love the simplicity of NES and the older consoles, gaming is getting too compelex (and expensive) for me anymore
















Whoo go NES!








I would hate to see this idea wasted on Xbox...








Oh how true. Its a constant battle between all the consoles.




First, the PS it had a basic CD reader. Not alot of memory.




Then, the PS2 which had DVD reader. Alot more memory.




Then the Xbox came along with it aswell.




The PS3 will have blu-ray. Alot more memory.




Now Xbox has holo disks?




It shant be long until Sony make the PS4 with super-memory-sticks-of-the-win with about treble that of holo disks or what ever they are.

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Holographic storage has been in development for quite a while, this information isn't really particularily fresh. It is an interesting concept though, but you shouldn't be expecting it for quite a while yet. Sure, they may claim that the first versions will be released soon, but there's quite a long road from there to personal consumer products :P








HD-DVD/Blu-ray will live for quite a while though. When it comes to movies, there is no real need for more storage than either of these offer. For now.

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one use for this technology is the space industry. i did work experience down at my "local" radio telescope and we had to send a package off to nasa for analaysis, it was only a terrabyte of information, yet it weighed about 5 kilo and as big as a briefcase lol. nasa has gigabytes comin in daily from each mission, so these disks would come in handy sortin thru mission files.








you know the old gameboy, not gameboy color or anything like that, the first moon-landing used as much computerpower as that gameboy could provide, creepy eh?



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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I wonder how long it would take to burn one of those full of data :o








I read 1gbps








to 1.6tb = 1600seconds = 26.6666666..... Min.

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Dear GOD am I excited! This a freaking REVOLUTION in the Console gaming world. 320 copies of Halo 2 is one SERIOUS amount of data on one disk.
















Edit: Hehehe.. I was reading page two, and someone called them "Holo disks", and that's when I remembered the Halo Novels. Disks the marines carried were called "Holo Disks". Perhaps Bungie, Microsoft, and Eric Nylund have known about this for awhile. :-D

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Source: Official Xbox Magazine, February 2006, Pg 90












Another next-generation optical storage format: holographic. If you thought HD-DVD (45GB Capacity) or Blu-Ray (50GB max) were cool, get a load of this: Holographic discs use 3D halographic images to store 1.6 terabytes or (1600gb) on a single disk. That means it could hold approximately 320 copies of halo 2, The first generation of the media, due out at the end of the year, will hold "only" 300GB, We'd like to see Tomonobu Itagaki, who's been critical of the Xbox 360's 9GB DVD capacity, complain about that for the Xbox 720.
























Itagaki, you crazy developer, we still love you even though you hate the 360's disc capacity :D


Gamertag: Dances w Ninjas

Retired(Oh noes!)

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I've been told that that 2 years ago by my prof of Informatics ;)








He told us that it's very simple; a disc can be read by the laser in different angles because there can be more 'layers' of bit storage, DVDs already have 2, the next generation might have hundreds ad you stated.
















I guess the picture speaks for itself :)

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I wonder how long it would take to burn one of those full of data :o








I read 1gbps








to 1.6tb = 1600seconds = 26.6666666..... Min.








That seems ridiculously fast, it just depends on your disc drive, not on your CD. Right now it's not even more than 5mB right?

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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im gona get one and find something to burn all my 100 dvds and 50 vhs maby even get 2 and burn all my games books and hard drive. if i get 3 more then i maby able to save all my dna onto it and have myself cloned in the year 2050 and then i can play [email protected] and if i ever buy a phat in rs2 i would sell it because the price of a phat will be like 30 little green men from mars (if i hold onto it a few more week i maby able to upgrade to volcans.

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im gona get one and find something to burn all my 100 dvds and 50 vhs maby even get 2 and burn all my games books and hard drive. if i get 3 more then i maby able to save all my dna onto it and have myself cloned in the year 2050 and then i can play [email protected] and if i ever buy a phat in rs2 i would sell it because the price of a phat will be like 30 little green men from mars (if i hold onto it a few more week i maby able to upgrade to volcans.








Take your medince NOW!

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well, wats next? something like TELEPORTING!?




everything gets advanced these days, look at the compact size of mobiles, gameboy's, nintendo DS, and the new PSP, o i think there was also a gameboy micro, and those small things they keep games on for the nintendo DS..... and those disks could store alot, maybe runescape?




really wonder wat's next, it never ends...

Known in-game as Mister evil9(lvl 93)(P2P).

Modding gta2(making maps, scripts,editing it).

On world 54 mostly.

Made a nice GTA2 site!

A little in-active...

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well, wats next? something like TELEPORTING!?




everything gets advanced these days, look at the compact size of mobiles, gameboy's, nintendo DS, and the new PSP, o i think there was also a gameboy micro, and those small things they keep games on for the nintendo DS..... and those disks could store alot, maybe runescape?




really wonder wat's next, it never ends...








And you think that's bad? :?


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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  • 2 weeks later...









I heard about this two or three years ago.








400GB discs for like $50 a piece and burners/readers for about $400,000








It'll come down, but hell, we need to find a format and stick with it...

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I heard about this two or three years ago.








400GB discs for like $50 a piece and burners/readers for about $400,000








It'll come down, but hell, we need to find a format and stick with it...








Human nature is inquisitive and testing of our surroundings, we will never stop striving to better our techonology.

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Possibly big companys that host several servers which take up hundred of thousands of gbs of space.








Hell, even Jagex might have a use for these things.








Probably :)

23 whip pks,3 dhorka,2 ahrims lvl 119 attack 99 strength 99 and defence 92 plus 94 mage

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This idea a perfect idea the biggest grandtheftauto game man... that would be awesome. It could be in the intire world that's what I call a good game I would get it. Even thoe if they make a game so big you would never beat it unless you played it like 4 years strait that would be messed up.

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Possibly big companys that host several servers which take up hundred of thousands of gbs of space.








Hell, even Jagex might have a use for these things.








Probably :)








Heck, they could even increase the size of worlds over 2000 players. Wouldn't that be wild?


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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