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Walking around seemingly drunk in daylight is badass. I don't think I've ever been that deliriously dehydrated.


Drink lots of water folks. I hope the job lead works out. I'm leaving my job in a few days. I don't know how much of a mistake that's going to be lol.


If you walk in here, have a pulse, and don't smell bad, they will hire you: http://www.longboardslounge.com/ :p





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I don't know if that definition should be considered "badass", but oh well. The bigger mistake was trying to rehydrate myself using SoBe water and found out it tasted horribly.


Curious why you're leaving your workplace.

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Walking around seemingly drunk in daylight is badass. I don't think I've ever been that deliriously dehydrated.


Drink lots of water folks. I hope the job lead works out. I'm leaving my job in a few days. I don't know how much of a mistake that's going to be lol.


If you walk in here, have a pulse, and don't smell bad, they will hire you: http://www.longboardslounge.com/ :P

I thought you worked at a place that sold longboards

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So I had my first-time experience in the back of a cop car yesterday. I would explain, but I think I'll let you guys make guesses unless Alg decides to share the actual story. (hint: it involved a bit of walking) Also posting from my 3DS since the computer broke.

Were you in trouble? I hope you're ok :/.


My guess: you had some sort of driving violation, as that seems to be why 99% of police cars do their thing. Unless you live by the ghetto-ass shipyards and its more likely because someone got stabbed. I hope you didn't get stabbed. Or stab anyone.


My first time in a police car was when I was very little. One of my fathers friends was a police officer. He was watching me for the day because my family was busy and we drove around and gave tickets and ate curry. I was maybe 6. It made me want to be a cop, lol.



Can my guess be that you walked for too long, got lost, had to phone cops for a lift home?

Would they even help you for that? I would have thought the operator would say if you're not hurt to phone a taxi.


if you call 911 then yes they could charge you with "wasting their time" etc


If you call the actual local police station and say that you're on foot and lost/what ever then a cop will pick you up afaik.

All_My_Love.png Bun_Dem.png


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if you call 911 then yes they could charge you with "wasting their time" etc

If you call the actual local police station and say that you're on foot and lost/what ever then a cop will pick you up afaik.

I guess that makes sense. I think its good that they come out and can help you. I didn't mean what I said earlier to seem like the situation not needing police help. I guess it was more serious than I first thought. (an actual, serious medical incident instead of just lightheadedness and fatigue)

I don't know if that definition should be considered "badass", but oh well. The bigger mistake was trying to rehydrate myself using SoBe water and found out it tasted horribly. Curious why you're leaving your workplace.

Yeah I misinterpreted how serious it really was. I'm sorry. I can't stand that SoBe stuff. Too expensive and icky tasting. On the other hand, Pure Leaf Raspberry Tea is amazing. I found out about it at longboards and it goes well with everything. I want to learn how to make my own.

As to quitting, it's awful. Aggressively friendly. I really dislike being there, whereas I can learn to enjoy most jobs and the like. More importantly (?), it doesn't pair well with my own schedule and as a result I don't make much. I think it's best to get out before its too late, and to not be rude to the two women that hired me (In other news I passed an interview by a woman(I didn't think it as likely)) by dragging it out. However, seriously: ff you walk in and have ID, you will be hired. My sister is going to do just that tomorrow (we have different last names so the hiring manager won't know we live together). So no harm done.

I started doing things besides work for money again a little while ago, and I have a fair bit of savings from that.

Oh god, the Longboards Lounge site has autoplaying music.

The actual reason I couldn't work there :p. It's 'cool' for restaurants, artsy businesses, stores,the like around here to have shitty websites, at least in my experience. I've never seen the website until today but its about what I expected. Even has the construction cone, too. I think introverted, internet type folk are decades ahead of everyone else on computer graphics and trends. I showed that website to my sister and she doesn't think it looks rather dated, she thinks it looks normal.


@Mere, they actually probably should sell them. There's a [bleep]ton of longboard and surf decks on one of the walls. I'll take a picture if I remember.





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Oh god, the Longboards Lounge site has autoplaying music.


It's a terrible website just for that. The rest of it looked okay, if a little outdated. But autoplaying music is just terrible. The worst.

  • Like 1

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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I started doing things besides work for money again a little while ago, and I have a fair bit of savings from that.



Do tell.



“I had a feeling we weren’t coming back from this fight when it began.”

“Do you have any regrets?”

“I don’t. It seems surprising, I know, but I wouldn’t change a thing. This is how it was meant to be.”

“Huh, you never really notice how lovely the day is until you realize you’ll never see it again.”



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I started doing things besides work for money again a little while ago, and I have a fair bit of savings from that.

Do tell.



I had started around a year ago through the summer. I ended up having chlamydia and then pregnancy. Fun times :(.

Getting back into that. Its really hard to find people.

Also, picking up quarter/half pounds and selling slices and quarters mostly.






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I started doing things besides work for money again a little while ago, and I have a fair bit of savings from that.

Do tell.



I had started around a year ago through the summer. I ended up having chlamydia and then pregnancy. Fun times :(.

Getting back into that. Its really hard to find people.

Also, picking up quarter/half pounds and selling slices and quarters mostly.





What can $5 get me?



“I had a feeling we weren’t coming back from this fight when it began.”

“Do you have any regrets?”

“I don’t. It seems surprising, I know, but I wouldn’t change a thing. This is how it was meant to be.”

“Huh, you never really notice how lovely the day is until you realize you’ll never see it again.”



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I started doing things besides work for money again a little while ago, and I have a fair bit of savings from that.

Do tell.




I had started around a year ago through the summer. I ended up having chlamydia and then pregnancy. Fun times :(.

Getting back into that. Its really hard to find people.

Also, picking up quarter/half pounds and selling slices and quarters mostly.




What can $5 get me?


Thanks for asking.


In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.

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hahah. I'm not sure. probably plenty for free. i don't like to make money off of my friends. Probably a gram because anything less than that isn't worth splitting. thats about what i paid for it anyways.


My sister managed to get my job. Yay: She shouldn't need me to spot her as much money for rent and things. Won't have to pay for all of it in cash (it feels sketchy af). Boo: She's probably going to be using my car a lot :/





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Won't have to pay for all of it in cash (it feels sketchy af)

Okay, but like, you're paying with drug money. That's just about the biggest reason for money to be sketchy, lol.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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Won't have to pay for all of it in cash (it feels sketchy af)

Okay, but like, you're paying with drug money. That's just about the biggest reason for money to be sketchy, lol.

haha the vast majority of it isn't from that, not that it's any less sketchy. I just feel awkward about depositing all that cash at the bank pretty often, like they'll recognise me and figure out what's up, but also kind of scary to have in my room. A fair few people come over and also guys; I'm worried about letting on about it all hiding in the bathroom. I have so many gift cards for safeway and target and the like stashed away. lol. That's the best way to get paid.


However, the guy we rent with, and the guy before him, both are pretty chill. I think they have an idea, but don't know the details and don't mind.


I've been thinking for a couple of weeks about paying for Rs07 until school starts and trying it out. I don't know if that's a good idea. :/





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Won't have to pay for all of it in cash (it feels sketchy af)

Okay, but like, you're paying with drug money. That's just about the biggest reason for money to be sketchy, lol.

haha the vast majority of it isn't from that, not that it's any less sketchy. I just feel awkward about depositing all that cash at the bank pretty often, like they'll recognise me and figure out what's up, but also kind of scary to have in my room. A fair few people come over and also guys; I'm worried about letting on about it all hiding in the bathroom. I have so many gift cards for safeway and target and the like stashed away. lol. That's the best way to get paid.


However, the guy we rent with, and the guy before him, both are pretty chill. I think they have an idea, but don't know the details and don't mind.


I've been thinking for a couple of weeks about paying for Rs07 until school starts and trying it out. I don't know if that's a good idea. :/


what's safeway??


also, rs07 topkek

waste of time imo and too easy to get hooked on

not worth it

All_My_Love.png Bun_Dem.png


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Won't have to pay for all of it in cash (it feels sketchy af)

Okay, but like, you're paying with drug money. That's just about the biggest reason for money to be sketchy, lol.

haha the vast majority of it isn't from that, not that it's any less sketchy. I just feel awkward about depositing all that cash at the bank pretty often, like they'll recognise me and figure out what's up, but also kind of scary to have in my room. A fair few people come over and also guys; I'm worried about letting on about it all hiding in the bathroom. I have so many gift cards for safeway and target and the like stashed away. lol. That's the best way to get paid.


However, the guy we rent with, and the guy before him, both are pretty chill. I think they have an idea, but don't know the details and don't mind.


I've been thinking for a couple of weeks about paying for Rs07 until school starts and trying it out. I don't know if that's a good idea. :/




Would you be able to deposit some of it through an atm so you wouldn't have to always deal with the tellers?  I know when I deposit into an atm it holds anything over $200 but I'm pretty sure you can have that limit raised to your money wouldn't always be on hold if you do it through the atm.  And wouldn't you want to hide it in your room or somewhere that's not the bathroom?  I don't know but that seems kind of like a fairly used room that the guy you rent with would be in so it would be easier for him to stumble across it?


what's safeway??




A grocery store.

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And double post because I can.  Just an update on the kittens.  Apparently the rescue didn't think it was important to tell me that it's more than just their eye problems I'll have to deal with.  They have cat herpes, and it affects them in the same way that a human will get cold sores.  Luckily Shredder doesn't show any symptoms besides the eye issue, but it doesn't mean he won't get outbreaks.  Apparently something like 90% of cats have herpes but most don't every show any symptoms.  Currently G'mork is having an outbreak and the vet said it is possible once this one has been cured he won't have anymore but he said he'll likely have more outbreaks in times of stress, etc.


The cost of the medication for dealing with this is $180/month.  If they would have made this known before hand I probably never would have adopted the kittens.


I thought I was spending a lot of money with just Ammo and Jasper.  Then I went to two cats and Ammo, and now with the added possible monthly expense for the medication I'll be up to almost $600/month in pet expenses.   :(



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Are they allowed to do that? I mean, shouldn't they have to tell you if they have issues?



“I had a feeling we weren’t coming back from this fight when it began.”

“Do you have any regrets?”

“I don’t. It seems surprising, I know, but I wouldn’t change a thing. This is how it was meant to be.”

“Huh, you never really notice how lovely the day is until you realize you’ll never see it again.”



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I've been thinking for a couple of weeks about paying for Rs07 until school starts and trying it out. I don't know if that's a good idea. :/

You're living such an on-the-edge lifestyle with worries about how secure your money is, and you can think of playing RS??? You're really awesome :P


In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.

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haha the vast majority of it isn't from that, not that it's any less sketchy. I just feel awkward about depositing all that cash at the bank pretty often, like they'll recognise me and figure out what's up, but also kind of scary to have in my room. A fair few people come over and also guys; I'm worried about letting on about it all hiding in the bathroom. I have so many gift cards for safeway and target and the like stashed away. lol. That's the best way to get paid.


However, the guy we rent with, and the guy before him, both are pretty chill. I think they have an idea, but don't know the details and don't mind.

Would you be able to deposit some of it through an atm so you wouldn't have to always deal with the tellers?  I know when I deposit into an atm it holds anything over $200 but I'm pretty sure you can have that limit raised to your money wouldn't always be on hold if you do it through the atm.  And wouldn't you want to hide it in your room or somewhere that's not the bathroom?  I don't know but that seems kind of like a fairly used room that the guy you rent with would be in so it would be easier for him to stumble across it?

Yeah. Back in May-ish when I was just starting out I tried to deposit 200 at an ATM. The ATM ate my money :'(. I was too scared to call the bank for help because I thought they might ask why I was depositing cash and they'd find out its from guys, and find out about booking hotel rooms with cash, and find out everything. I'm not sure how rational that was, but it's too late now lol. Even then, I feel really sketchy about making that sort of money 'documented'.

I have a bedroom with a connected, private bathroom so that isn't a worry. Just a bunch of sealed mason jars inside the toilet tank. Lol.

And double post because I can.  Just an update on the kittens.  Apparently the rescue didn't think it was important to tell me that it's more than just their eye problems I'll have to deal with.  They have cat herpes, and it affects them in the same way that a human will get cold sores.  Luckily Shredder doesn't show any symptoms besides the eye issue, but it doesn't mean he won't get outbreaks.  Apparently something like 90% of cats have herpes but most don't every show any symptoms.  Currently G'mork is having an outbreak and the vet said it is possible once this one has been cured he won't have anymore but he said he'll likely have more outbreaks in times of stress, etc.


The cost of the medication for dealing with this is $180/month.  If they would have made this known before hand I probably never would have adopted the kittens.


I thought I was spending a lot of money with just Ammo and Jasper.  Then I went to two cats and Ammo, and now with the added possible monthly expense for the medication I'll be up to almost $600/month in pet expenses.   :(

I don't know if this is out of place to say, but where do you get their meds? Or their food or any such expense? That's an awful surprise to find out about. I have a bunch of gift cards for grocery stores, retail and the like, although I'm not sure they'll work with your weird monopoly money and lack of freedom :p


I've been thinking for a couple of weeks about paying for Rs07 until school starts and trying it out. I don't know if that's a good idea. :/

You're living such an on-the-edge lifestyle with worries about how secure your money is, and you can think of playing RS??? You're really awesome :P

RS is like crack yo.

I don't know, it just seems like fun. But I'm not sure about starting over. I wish we could have imported our actual 2007 stats and gear.





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