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Investigating the Wise Old Man


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Anyway, on topic- what if there is a Free to Play Quest which involves exploring the ruins of the old Wizard Tower? Maybe that will reveal the truth behind what the Wise Old Man wants? I have a feeling that something of Zamorak lurks beneath, and that the Wise Old Man must destroy it, even if it means the death of loads of people. That would explain the bank robbery- he needed special runes to get into this old Wizard Tower! But he must not have found these special runes, so he has to steal them off the Wizard's! And maybe he has those tinderboxes to blow this thing of Zamorak's to smithereens!








Okay, I think I got too excited. :oops:








That was Rune Mysteries, and in the basement there was a skull in an isolated room, and when you picked it up a skeleton magically appeared. You had to use the skull for something, I can't remember.








And I was serious about the penguin thing. I mean, how could this nice, kindly old man turn into a deranged, bank robbing maniac, bent on destroying something in the Wizard's Tower? I think the thing on his desk, the "transport" as he believes it to be, is some kind of blimp that penguins can fly. They're the only things small enough to fit on it, right? Maybe penguins have been slowly staging an escape from the Penguin Island and they're hiding themselves among Runescape in preparation for a large-scale attack? Maybe in the course of these preparations, a penguin transport went down and WOM found it and put it on his desk. Maybe there was still a penguin in the transport.








Penguins have had tons of time on their little island to build an advanced society, possibly with superior brain capacities that allow them to control people's minds. When WOM found the transport, there was probably a single survivor of the crash, who used its mind control to force the WOM to hide it in his house. To gain materials for their attack, the penguin is controlling WOM to get players to get supplies for the penguin attack.








Think about this: The man sacked the Draynor Bank, and all he did was cover some things in gold? What do gold bars cost, about 700 gps? An entire bank probably had about 20-30 million gps in there, that couldn't have been all he used the money on. Perhaps most of the money went back to the penguins, who are using it to buy more materials for their conquest, or to pay the members who do errands for WOM (actually the penguins).








Also consider this: When you're a member and you do errands for WOM (actually the penguins), sometimes he'll give you a bunch of runes. Why would somebody who is running short of runes, as he claims, give out lots of free runes to people who run errands for him? Perhaps he doesn't realize that the penguins are using his runes to pay players, and he thinks he's just running low? It's possible that every so often there's a lapse in the mind control where WOM goes back to normal, and maybe that's when he asks members to "kill the monster under his bed," which is actually a penguin hiding, and WOM is asking the player to free him from mind control...

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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That was Rune Mysteries, and in the basement there was a skull in an isolated room, and when you picked it up a skeleton magically appeared. You had to use the skull for something, I can't remember.




After getting an air talisman from Duke Horacio in Lumbridge, go to the Wizard Sedridor located in the basement of the Wizards' Tower south of Draynor Village. After you've talked with him you'll get a package to give to Aubury in the Rune Shop, located in the south-east of Varrock. Talk with him twice and you'll get some notes you have to return to the Wizard. Go back and talk with the Wizard, and you're done. :)




I happen to remember the skeleton too, but according to tip.it quest guide, it's not there. Same with Salmoneus's guides too.








And I was serious about the penguin thing. I mean, how could this nice, kindly old man turn into a deranged, bank robbing maniac, bent on destroying something in the Wizard's Tower? I think the thing on his desk, the "transport" as he believes it to be, is some kind of blimp that penguins can fly. They're the only things small enough to fit on it, right? Maybe penguins have been slowly staging an escape from the Penguin Island and they're hiding themselves among Runescape in preparation for a large-scale attack? Maybe in the course of these preparations, a penguin transport went down and WOM found it and put it on his desk. Maybe there was still a penguin in the transport.








Penguins have had tons of time on their little island to build an advanced society, possibly with superior brain capacities that allow them to control people's minds. When WOM found the transport, there was probably a single survivor of the crash, who used its mind control to force the WOM to hide it in his house. To gain materials for their attack, the penguin is controlling WOM to get players to get supplies for the penguin attack.








Think about this: The man sacked the Draynor Bank, and all he did was cover some things in gold? What do gold bars cost, about 700 gps? An entire bank probably had about 20-30 million gps in there, that couldn't have been all he used the money on. Perhaps most of the money went back to the penguins, who are using it to buy more materials for their conquest, or to pay the members who do errands for WOM (actually the penguins).








Also consider this: When you're a member and you do errands for WOM (actually the penguins), sometimes he'll give you a bunch of runes. Why would somebody who is running short of runes, as he claims, give out lots of free runes to people who run errands for him? Perhaps he doesn't realize that the penguins are using his runes to pay players, and he thinks he's just running low? It's possible that every so often there's a lapse in the mind control where WOM goes back to normal, and maybe that's when he asks members to "kill the monster under his bed," which is actually a penguin hiding, and WOM is asking the player to free him from mind control...




I've never heard of an Island where Penguins are from, but then again, I never did many quests while I was a member for a month.








King Wenlock may be onto something. There might actually be something buried beneath the wizards tower and WOM might want to destroy it. It would king of make sense :-s








That's all I got...

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That was Rune Mysteries, and in the basement there was a skull in an isolated room, and when you picked it up a skeleton magically appeared. You had to use the skull for something, I can't remember.




After getting an air talisman from Duke Horacio in Lumbridge, go to the Wizard Sedridor located in the basement of the Wizards' Tower south of Draynor Village. After you've talked with him you'll get a package to give to Aubury in the Rune Shop, located in the south-east of Varrock. Talk with him twice and you'll get some notes you have to return to the Wizard. Go back and talk with the Wizard, and you're done. :)




I happen to remember the skeleton too, but according to tip.it quest guide, it's not there. Same with Salmoneus's guides too.








And I was serious about the penguin thing. I mean, how could this nice, kindly old man turn into a deranged, bank robbing maniac, bent on destroying something in the Wizard's Tower? I think the thing on his desk, the "transport" as he believes it to be, is some kind of blimp that penguins can fly. They're the only things small enough to fit on it, right? Maybe penguins have been slowly staging an escape from the Penguin Island and they're hiding themselves among Runescape in preparation for a large-scale attack? Maybe in the course of these preparations, a penguin transport went down and WOM found it and put it on his desk. Maybe there was still a penguin in the transport.








Penguins have had tons of time on their little island to build an advanced society, possibly with superior brain capacities that allow them to control people's minds. When WOM found the transport, there was probably a single survivor of the crash, who used its mind control to force the WOM to hide it in his house. To gain materials for their attack, the penguin is controlling WOM to get players to get supplies for the penguin attack.








Think about this: The man sacked the Draynor Bank, and all he did was cover some things in gold? What do gold bars cost, about 700 gps? An entire bank probably had about 20-30 million gps in there, that couldn't have been all he used the money on. Perhaps most of the money went back to the penguins, who are using it to buy more materials for their conquest, or to pay the members who do errands for WOM (actually the penguins).








Also consider this: When you're a member and you do errands for WOM (actually the penguins), sometimes he'll give you a bunch of runes. Why would somebody who is running short of runes, as he claims, give out lots of free runes to people who run errands for him? Perhaps he doesn't realize that the penguins are using his runes to pay players, and he thinks he's just running low? It's possible that every so often there's a lapse in the mind control where WOM goes back to normal, and maybe that's when he asks members to "kill the monster under his bed," which is actually a penguin hiding, and WOM is asking the player to free him from mind control...




I've never heard of an Island where Penguins are from, but then again, I never did many quests while I was a member for a month.








King Wenlock may be onto something. There might actually be something buried beneath the wizards tower and WOM might want to destroy it. It would king of make sense :-s








That's all I got...








The penguin island you are speaking of is part of the fairy rings code(code AJS)nothing their but lvl 2 penguins.




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That was Rune Mysteries, and in the basement there was a skull in an isolated room, and when you picked it up a skeleton magically appeared. You had to use the skull for something, I can't remember.




After getting an air talisman from Duke Horacio in Lumbridge, go to the Wizard Sedridor located in the basement of the Wizards' Tower south of Draynor Village. After you've talked with him you'll get a package to give to Aubury in the Rune Shop, located in the south-east of Varrock. Talk with him twice and you'll get some notes you have to return to the Wizard. Go back and talk with the Wizard, and you're done. :)




I happen to remember the skeleton too, but according to tip.it quest guide, it's not there. Same with Salmoneus's guides too.








The skull belongs to restless ghost guest.

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And I was serious about the penguin thing.




My apologies, I misinterpreted your post.








I mean, how could this nice, kindly old man turn into a deranged, bank robbing maniac, bent on destroying something in the Wizard's Tower? I think the thing on his desk, the "transport" as he believes it to be, is some kind of blimp that penguins can fly. They're the only things small enough to fit on it, right? Maybe penguins have been slowly staging an escape from the Penguin Island and they're hiding themselves among Runescape in preparation for a large-scale attack? Maybe in the course of these preparations, a penguin transport went down and WOM found it and put it on his desk. Maybe there was still a penguin in the transport.








Penguins have had tons of time on their little island to build an advanced society, possibly with superior brain capacities that allow them to control people's minds. When WOM found the transport, there was probably a single survivor of the crash, who used its mind control to force the WOM to hide it in his house. To gain materials for their attack, the penguin is controlling WOM to get players to get supplies for the penguin attack.








Think about this: The man sacked the Draynor Bank, and all he did was cover some things in gold? What do gold bars cost, about 700 gps? An entire bank probably had about 20-30 million gps in there, that couldn't have been all he used the money on. Perhaps most of the money went back to the penguins, who are using it to buy more materials for their conquest, or to pay the members who do errands for WOM (actually the penguins).




They might be followers of Saradomin and need the Wise Old Man to help them destroy whatever lurks beneath the Tower, because he is the only one powerful enough to do so. Of course, something might be triggered by the destruction of this item, and you could be right- they could launch an attack, but not to take over Runescape, they instead need to destroy the thing triggered by the destruction of this item. Probably some great Level 1000 monster will come and rain armageddon down upon RS. This could also end up being a quest, where all players (member or non member) must join together with the penguins in order to defeat the menace that threatens to destroy all of RS caused via the destruction of this item. But why destroy it in the first place, I ask myself? Probably whatever this monster is needs to be completely dead in order for the citizens to rest in peace. But of course, the wizards may not know the true intentions of the penguins, and may think they or the WOM may seek to kill everyone in RS.








Also consider this: When you're a member and you do errands for WOM (actually the penguins), sometimes he'll give you a bunch of runes. Why would somebody who is running short of runes, as he claims, give out lots of free runes to people who run errands for him? Perhaps he doesn't realize that the penguins are using his runes to pay players, and he thinks he's just running low? It's possible that every so often there's a lapse in the mind control where WOM goes back to normal, and maybe that's when he asks members to "kill the monster under his bed," which is actually a penguin hiding, and WOM is asking the player to free him from mind control...




As I was saying, he may be high on the runes that are available to us, but maybe those are not the runes he needs, therefore he is low on these specific runes (which I like to call 'special runes') that may aid him on destroying this thing of darkness that lurks that lurks beneath the Tower. I mean, after the raid of Zamorak minions on the old Tower, who knows what they may have left behind?

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That was Rune Mysteries, and in the basement there was a skull in an isolated room, and when you picked it up a skeleton magically appeared. You had to use the skull for something, I can't remember.




After getting an air talisman from Duke Horacio in Lumbridge, go to the Wizard Sedridor located in the basement of the Wizards' Tower south of Draynor Village. After you've talked with him you'll get a package to give to Aubury in the Rune Shop, located in the south-east of Varrock. Talk with him twice and you'll get some notes you have to return to the Wizard. Go back and talk with the Wizard, and you're done. :)




I happen to remember the skeleton too, but according to tip.it quest guide, it's not there. Same with Salmoneus's guides too.








The skull belongs to restless ghost guest.








Oh yeah. heehee, forgot about that.








I don't know if this has anything to do with what you guys are talking about but under the bed upstairs, is a penguin








How did you find this out?








maybe the wizards are corrupt and are actually followers of Zamorak that just are posing as the actual wizards, and the WOM is working with the penguins to bring them down and help the real wizards...








Lol, I highly doubt that, but I guess it's a possibility. Wizard Traiborn and a couple other wizards are there and I don't think they would be dishonest.

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maybe the wizards are corrupt and are actually followers of Zamorak that just are posing as the actual wizards, and the WOM is working with the penguins to bring them down and help the real wizards...




I highly doubt this, because there are some wizard's that are trustworthy enough to be believable, like Seridor (or something like that name). That Mizgog fellow on the other hand... he might be a follower of Zamorak, as he is a master of imps, and imps are demons. He also seems to spend a lot of time with that Lesser in the prison. Maybe there is no item, and all the penguins want to destroy is Mizgog? Perhaps he is more powerful than we thought? You don't suppose there is going to be a penguin VS imp war, do you? Hmmm, the endless possibilities... each question answered only summons more questions. :-k

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It looks like a penguin down theree........though i haven't been on Rs since halloween.

A mad scientist in the attic, the owner is a vampire that dwells in the basement, a witch, skeletons, ghosts....

And you thought YOUR neighbors were weird!

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It looks like a penguin down theree........though i haven't been on Rs since halloween.




Probably is. But wasn't it also mentioned that it was something else? Oh, what was the name... a kalphite? I'm unsure... :-k




Also, as previously said by KCHughes, it could be a penguin using mind control on the WOM. And wasn't there something said earlier about a blimp on a table in the WOM's house, and that the penguin could have used it as transportation? I think we can gather that penguins are in some way associated with the story of the Wise Old Man, but in what way, I think shall remain a mystery until Jagex releases the information.




Oh, and just something else: are there any anagrams of 'Wise Old Man?' Just curious, you know...

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everyone still don't get it.... Th book clearly says that he snatched the "wierd" artifackt from the bank, i only looks like a mini blimp model, the book also sais that the WOM. oinly thinks taht it could be a transport, but he doesn't know anything.








And about kalphite: kalphite's are dsanegrous bug liek beats who live in underground caves in teh desert, what would be one doing in Draynor village. And what it would be doing under the bed?








I am having only logical explanation here. I will do some mapping and come back.

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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everyone still don't get it.... Th book clearly says that he snatched the "wierd" artifackt from the bank, i only looks like a mini blimp model, the book also sais that the WOM. oinly thinks taht it could be a transport, but he doesn't know anything.




Maybe someone should get a screenshot of where it says that?








And about kalphite: kalphite's are dsanegrous bug liek beats who live in underground caves in teh desert, what would be one doing in Draynor village. And what it would be doing under the bed?




He is the Wise Old Man. I'm sure he has done his fair share of adventuring. Oh, and I didn't have a clue what a kalphite was until you told me (thanks by the way!), but now it seems more likely that it is a kalphite rather than a penguin. Was that huge bug the WOM was seen fighting in that cutscene in the 'Swan Song quest' quest a kalphite? If so, maybe it is a baby kalphite under his bed. He probably keeps it there because it may be of use. What use it is, I don't know.




ETA: Maybe this penguin thing is a red herring, and Jagex has been drawing us slowly away from the truth of the WOM all along?








I am having only logical explanation here. I will do some mapping and come back.




Good luck. :D

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everyone still don't get it.... Th book clearly says that he snatched the "wierd" artifackt from the bank, i only looks like a mini blimp model, the book also sais that the WOM. oinly thinks taht it could be a transport, but he doesn't know anything.




Maybe someone should get a screenshot of where it says that?








And about kalphite: kalphite's are dsanegrous bug liek beats who live in underground caves in teh desert, what would be one doing in Draynor village. And what it would be doing under the bed?




He is the Wise Old Man. I'm sure he has done his fair share of adventuring. Oh, and I didn't have a clue what a kalphite was until you told me (thanks by the way!), but now it seems more likely that it is a kalphite rather than a penguin. Was that huge bug the WOM was seen fighting in that cutscene in the 'Swan Song quest' quest a kalphite? If so, maybe it is a baby kalphite under his bed. He probably keeps it there because it may be of use. What use it is, I don't know.




ETA: Maybe this penguin thing is a red herring, and Jagex has been drawing us slowly away from the truth of the WOM all along?








I am having only logical explanation here. I will do some mapping and come back.




Good luck. :D








I'll get the screenies of the books on monday. He's written more in the book since I last read it, so it's kind of like a journal to him :P








Maybe the kalphites dug a tunnel to draynor which will be released for p2p users in a future quest? ::'

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everyone still don't get it.... Th book clearly says that he snatched the "wierd" artifackt from the bank, i only looks like a mini blimp model, the book also sais that the WOM. oinly thinks taht it could be a transport, but he doesn't know anything.




Maybe someone should get a screenshot of where it says that?








And about kalphite: kalphite's are dsanegrous bug liek beats who live in underground caves in teh desert, what would be one doing in Draynor village. And what it would be doing under the bed?




He is the Wise Old Man. I'm sure he has done his fair share of adventuring. Oh, and I didn't have a clue what a kalphite was until you told me (thanks by the way!), but now it seems more likely that it is a kalphite rather than a penguin. Was that huge bug the WOM was seen fighting in that cutscene in the 'Swan Song quest' quest a kalphite? If so, maybe it is a baby kalphite under his bed. He probably keeps it there because it may be of use. What use it is, I don't know.




ETA: Maybe this penguin thing is a red herring, and Jagex has been drawing us slowly away from the truth of the WOM all along?








I am having only logical explanation here. I will do some mapping and come back.




Good luck. :D








I'll get the screenies of the books on monday. He's written more in the book since I last read it, so it's kind of like a journal to him :P








Maybe the kalphites dug a tunnel to draynor which will be released for p2p users in a future quest? ::'




Oh thanks, I'm sure we all look forward to them. :D








Hmmm, are you implying a kalphite assault on Draynor? Now, that would make a good quest. If it is going to be a quest, I hope it's Free To Play.

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but i wonder what happen to elfinlocks (the person who died and the hat got stolen?) :-k but i think eventually there maybe a quest coming out to solve that but i doubt it.. <.<








I don't think elfinlocks is a player....their name wasn't on the hiscores.


Thank the world for spell checkers.

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What if those "special" runes everyone is thinking about are Life Runes?




You know, they were in RSC for like a month with no purpose except for the examine which said "Used for summoning spells." What if that's the weird thing he's after? What if this has nothing to do with penguins? What if this is the start of Summoning? Man, this is getting entertaining. Hope this isn't pointless.









The Maruder1- unbanned on 11-24-07! Whoo!

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What if those "special" runes everyone is thinking about are Life Runes?




You know, they were in RSC for like a month with no purpose except for the examine which said "Used for summoning spells." What if that's the weird thing he's after? What if this has nothing to do with penguins? What if this is the start of Summoning? Man, this is getting entertaining. Hope this isn't pointless.












I've just thought of something... what if Mizgog has Life Runes and is attempting to summon the most powerful agent of Zamorak? Then again... who is the most powerful agent of Zamorak? :-s Hmmm... maybe this will end up with a Penguin VS Kalphites war judging by the evidence, with this 'agent' fighting for the Kalphite Army, whilst the Wise Old Man fights for the Penguin Army. Now that would be entertainment.

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it may have something to do with ghosts because if u ask him about the ghostspeak amulet after u do the quest, he says u should keep it, and you can get it back close to there.




Also the ghost's skull is in wizards tower...

RSN:Dark_Arcane5 P.S. if anyone knows an easy way to get up hunter from level 1-25, or farming from 9-25, p.m. me

Mysteries of the Wise Old Man


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it may have something to do with ghosts because if u ask him about the ghostspeak amulet after u do the quest, he says u should keep it, and you can get it back close to there.




Also the ghost's skull is in wizards tower...




Could this 'agent' have been trapped within the Wizard's Tower forever as a ghost, and is tricking the penguins in order to escape? Maybe the penguins think (maybe after reading some cleverly planted book by Mizgog?) that removing it of it's ghostly form will destroy it forever. But instead it causes it to take a physical form, allowing it to destroy RuneScape. Maybe they intend to tap into the magic of the Ghostspeak Amulet and actually reverse it to use it to still the 'agent's' tongue forever, causing the 'agent' to disappear, but instead it actually gives the 'agent' strength.

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The skull was part of the restless ghost quest, so I don't think the penguins would be after that. Someone on another thread found a table with a tray of cookies in the top floor of the wizard's tower. That's a little bit peculiar. I've also been noticing some different forms in the log in screen flames. If you watch it for awhile you get some shapes that look like no runes I've ever seen.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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What if those "special" runes everyone is thinking about are Life Runes?




You know, they were in RSC for like a month with no purpose except for the examine which said "Used for summoning spells." What if that's the weird thing he's after? What if this has nothing to do with penguins? What if this is the start of Summoning? Man, this is getting entertaining. Hope this isn't pointless.












Now that is very believable... Here's why:







You will be asked if you want to look at a cutscene. The cutscene is highly recommended if you have any interest in the past adventures of the Wise Old Man. You will be asked to go fetch the Wise Old Man. So, go to Draynor Village (Glory Amulet teleport recommended!) and talk to him. He agrees to help you, but he needs five blood runes, ten lava runes and ten mist runes.




I am pretty certain he doesn't give those runes away when you do jobs for him.







Herman still has some work for you. Talk to him and he will ask you to go to the magic guild in Yanille and talk to the Wizard Frumscone on the bottom floor. He will not loan you his zombies, but gives you another name, Malignius Mortifer. You can find him wandering around a bit south from Falador. Note that you can now go to the top floor of the Wizard's Guild and take the south portal and you will be teleported to the Dark Wizard's Tower, which is southwest of Falador. When you talk to Malignius Mortifer he will ask you for seven normal bones.








Potting the skeletons








After giving Maliginus the bones, he will ask you to go to the crafting guild and gives you a brown apron. Wear the apron and go west to the crafting guild. Talk to the Master Crafter with brown hair and he will tell you to make a pot with an airtight lid. Now go back to Malignius. He will give you the bone seeds in your pot and teleport you back to the Colony.




(Random and off subject, you notice all the teleopthing going on to a spot that doesn't even have a normal teleport?)








Now then, we know of two people who can summon, and more importantly the WOM knows they can summon.




Also another reason to think that WOM is after summoning and what's'is'face is gonna learn even more. We know what's'is'face can summon imps. (try to attack him and imps pop up)








Could this 'agent' have been trapped within the Wizard's Tower forever as a ghost, and is tricking the penguins in order to escape? Maybe the penguins think (maybe after reading some cleverly planted book by Mizgog?) that removing it of it's ghostly form will destroy it forever. But instead it causes it to take a physical form, allowing it to destroy RuneScape. Maybe they intend to tap into the magic of the Ghostspeak Amulet and actually reverse it to use it to still the 'agent's' tongue forever, causing the 'agent' to disappear, but instead it actually gives the 'agent' strength.




I think that that is there for the soul perpose of the restless ghost quest. I think that you hit the nail on the head when you said the what'is'face had something that the WOM needed. He is the only corrupt part of wizard tower other than the symbols.




At any rate my brain is fried so... never mind, I'll add more to this later.




oh ya and by the way...




PLEASE try to some this all up and edit it into your first post. post all of the different ways this thread has gone on your first post.




Like all the important Ideas, like bandit camp, and penguins ect.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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PLEASE try to some this all up and edit it into your first post. post all of the different ways this thread has gone on your first post.




Like all the important Ideas, like bandit camp, and penguins ect.








I'll try.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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What if those "special" runes everyone is thinking about are Life Runes?




You know, they were in RSC for like a month with no purpose except for the examine which said "Used for summoning spells." What if that's the weird thing he's after? What if this has nothing to do with penguins? What if this is the start of Summoning? Man, this is getting entertaining. Hope this isn't pointless.












Now that is very believable... Here's why:







You will be asked if you want to look at a cutscene. The cutscene is highly recommended if you have any interest in the past adventures of the Wise Old Man. You will be asked to go fetch the Wise Old Man. So, go to Draynor Village (Glory Amulet teleport recommended!) and talk to him. He agrees to help you, but he needs five blood runes, ten lava runes and ten mist runes.




I am pretty certain he doesn't give those runes away when you do jobs for him.







Herman still has some work for you. Talk to him and he will ask you to go to the magic guild in Yanille and talk to the Wizard Frumscone on the bottom floor. He will not loan you his zombies, but gives you another name, Malignius Mortifer. You can find him wandering around a bit south from Falador. Note that you can now go to the top floor of the Wizard's Guild and take the south portal and you will be teleported to the Dark Wizard's Tower, which is southwest of Falador. When you talk to Malignius Mortifer he will ask you for seven normal bones.








Potting the skeletons








After giving Maliginus the bones, he will ask you to go to the crafting guild and gives you a brown apron. Wear the apron and go west to the crafting guild. Talk to the Master Crafter with brown hair and he will tell you to make a pot with an airtight lid. Now go back to Malignius. He will give you the bone seeds in your pot and teleport you back to the Colony.




(Random and off subject, you notice all the teleopthing going on to a spot that doesn't even have a normal teleport?)








Now then, we know of two people who can summon, and more importantly the WOM knows they can summon.




Also another reason to think that WOM is after summoning and what's'is'face is gonna learn even more. We know what's'is'face can summon imps. (try to attack him and imps pop up)




Firstly, I congratulate you on finding this evidence. =D> And I've also thought of another theory- could Mizgog and Maliginus be plotting together to bring down the Tower using summoning spells? Maybe the penguins are concerned for the safety of the Tower, so they sent the Wise Old Man over to stop Maliginus and Mizgog. Perhaps Mizgog had stored fake Life Runes in his bank for Maliginus, and the Wise Old Man went out to take them from him, via robbing the bank. So that's why he grumbles about needing runes! He needs to take those summoning runes from Mizgog! But, I also think that Mizgog will summon the Lesser out it's prison so it rampages through the Tower. Maybe he will also send in an imp army? This could be why the WOM has all those tinderboxes- he wants to blow up the summoning runes, as they may only be able to be destroyed a specific way.

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