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Blog to 9,999 KC - Day 8 - Finished & Award Screenied

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No pictures were harmed (aka falsely edited) in the making of the following post. :lol:












Once upon a time I made a Barrows Guide. Whilst doing so I came across the much debated question: What does Kill Count (KC) do? I figured the only way to get a definitive answer would be to test this myself. And what would be the best way to go about this? How about get a 10k KC and see what I get from the chest. Well, once upon a time, I did this and was quite mad when I saw the following:








At 10,000 kills it changes to "Kill Count: Too Many". From the following picture of the reward recieved I can only conclude that at 10k KC the chest resets:








Since the chest obviously reset (I have never heard of getting such a tiny prize from the chest) I could not prove whether or not KC effects the chest. Therefore I am back for attempt number 2! :D








This time I am using the same basic method: cannon to attract, whip to kill, and super str/att pots to speed up the process. I begin this at 981389 Def xp (72), 2423598 HP xp (82), and (if applicable) 2195289 Att xp (81) and i am using the Defensive Style to attack. 99% of my kills will be bloodworms which have 45 HP each so I will end up with around 2mil xp in Defense and HP. This will satisfy me even if I do not get 10k blood runes from the chest :twisted:








All of this will occur on World 9 so feel free to stop by and lend some encouragement :lol: just don't steal my kills!!! :evil:








Starting Lvls:




Def - 72




HP - 82




Att - 81




Range - 78




Combat - 98




KC - 0




Total Lvl: 1,576











Day 1 -








Well I remember how incredibly boring this was so I know what I am in for but am tired of getting owned by Dag Kings. I figured that this would be a good way to pack on some defensive poundage :roll:








I spent most of the day unsuccessful at Barrows so I started this up pretty late. My goal was 250 kills but at 205 I had to log due to:








As soon as I get 45 more kills I am going to check out that agility arena thing :shock:












Stat Changes:




Def - 73 (+1)




HP - 82




Att - 81




Range - 78




Combat - 99 (+1)




KC - 250 (+250)




Total Lvl - 1,577 (+1)











Day 2 -








After it taking LITERALLY 47 minutes to log on to world 9 I have decided to wait until later to start the day =\








About 6 hours later I attempt to get on to World 9 for almost ANOTHER hour without success but, suprise suprise, World 2 is essentially lag-free. After slicing up a couple hundred Blood Worms I have started to acquire a "fan"/flamer following. Several people feel the need to comment on my noobiness but a few are honestly interested in the result. This is how I met a couple of my good friends previously so it is nice to possibly fill out my in-game friends list. All in all there was nothing to complain about... well excluding one shining example of why forced sterilization should always be an option that decided to give me an on the spot interview:




"Is that your cannon?"




(I am the only one in the room and am standing there feeding it C Balls.)




"Does it do any damage?"




(Apperently he could not make the connection between the little balls spitting out of the cannon and the little red splashes on the NPCs that they hit)




"Why are you killing them?"




(Remember that I am in Barrows people -.-)




"Did you open the chest yet?"




(Yes, in fact I did. I just figured that on my way out from the middle of the Barrows I was going to set up shop and start training)




"Well you are a stupid nooblet!"




Normally I would just put them on my ignore list here but I honestly had no clue from our conversation WHY I was a noob... so I made the mistake and asked.




"Everybody knows that you only get Barrows items from killing the rats!!1!! HAHAHA stupid noob!!!"




... it took my full concentration to prevent me from banging my head against the screen. Seriously people, if you are going to attempt a unprovoked, "scathing" remark please think before you spew forth your idiotic drivel... and when you are done get back on the short bus, put your helmet on, and go home and color.








Eh, I felt like I deserve a mini-rant after getting 999 KC relatively quickly:








Which felt pretty good until I realized that I needed another 9,000 KC sigh.








To make myself feel better I figured that I would show off how "uber1337" I am lol:












After my laptop overheated, I think, and shut down I had to get my cannon back without a Falador Tele (as I am on Ancient Magic for the convenient Kharyll teleport.) After that brisk walk I end Day 2 with 1500 KC:












Stat Changes:




Def - 74 (+1)




HP - 82




Att - 81




Range - 78




Combat - 99




KC - 1,500 (+1,250)




Total Lvl - 1,578 (+1)











Day 3 -








I am very tired so I doubt I will get a ton of kills.
















Eh, not bad I guess. Only one flamer today and I am still having problems with World 9. Forgot to take screeny so I had to log back in, sigh. Good Night *Yawn*








Stat Changes:




Def - 75 (+1)




HP - 82




Att - 81




Range - 78




Combat - 99




KC - 2,750 (+1,250)




Total Lvl - 1,579 (+1)











Day 4 -








Feeling better and I am pretty sure my KC will show that =]
















Was thinking about what is going to be in the chest and I thought a tiny wager about the results would be fun. Some small amount than even a skill-less level 3 could make quickly like 100gp or 1k. Have a trusted Tip.It person be the one who holds the cash and verifies the win. I think that it might be a fun idea as long as it isn't serious cash. If enough people agree I will post a thread to wager on =]








I am averaging a little over 300 kills an hour but there are too many variables to determine my EXACT xp per hour. A bank trip every 2 hours not to mention when some "genius" decides to run around killing the worms as they spawn. Some people aren't happy unless they are attempting to make someone else miserable.




I have noticed that the last 4 levels of defense have decreased my bank trips for supplies almost in half. It is truly amazing the impact a few lvls can have on game play.








Been down here for hours but not a single "HYT!!!!!!" :cry: Somebody come say "Hi" because slaughtering these worms is awfully boring lol.








Stat Changes:




Def - 76 (+1)




HP - 82




Att - 81




Range - 79 (+1)




Combat - 99




KC - 4,250 (+1500)




Total Lvl - 1,581 (+2)











Day 5 -








Started a little bit early today and I lucked out with my first Tip.iter so far:








Taking a break for a couple hours. Going to start back up later tonight.




Back on... boy is the respawn rate slow on World 9 compared to World 2. Oh well, I got another Tip.iter shout out so it is worth it lol:








NOTE: This pic HAS been edited to include most of the conversation.




Other than the Tip.iters visiting it was a pretty humdrum day of worm slaughter:












Stat Changes:




Def - 78 (+2)




HP - 83 (+1)




Att - 81




Range - 79




Combat - 100 (+1)




KC - 6,000 (+1750)




Total Lvl - 1,584 (+3)











Day 6 -








Very tired again so barely 1k more kills:












Stat Changes:




Def - 79 (+1)




HP - 83




Att - 81




Range - 79




Combat - 100




KC - 7,100 (1,100)




Total Lvl - 1,585 (+1)















Day 7 -








I am so tired of idiots... and I am not talking about your regular average joe morons. I am talking about the guys who, when they've irritated you so much you tell them that they are now on your ignore list, will stand there doing every single emote possible 30 or 40 times each. This one genius felt the need to dance for almost 100 kills. He finally gave up ONLY after running out of food. This was easily the most painful RS2 day ever. :x
















Stat Changes:




Def - 80 (+1)




HP - 83




Att - 81




Range - 79




Combat - 101 (+1)




KC - 8,400 (1,300)




Total Lvl - 1,586 (+1)











Day 8 -








The last 1k+ KC went rather quickly to my suprise. Here is a pic at 9,999 KC:












And here is the long-awaited chest reward:












Needless to say this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that kills other than the brothers has absolutely NO EFFECT what so ever on the chest rewards. Finally I can go back to barrowing with the knowledge that 6 KC is more than sufficient to get good rewards.








This was FAR from a total loss as I have gained:








Starting Lvls:




Def - +8 (now 80)




HP - +1 (now 83)




Att - ALMOST +1 (still 81)




Range - ALMOST +2 (now 79)




Combat - +3 (now 101)




Total Lvl: +10 ALMOST +12 (now 1586)




Approximate Total of XP Gained: Almost 2.5mil XP











Thank you all for your interest and support because it seriously made this easier to get through. =]




















One more thing:




A screeny of a bunch of my brothers stacked (nothing from chest though :x )








Everytime I got a fourth brother of the same type to appear the 1st 1 would disapear which leads me to believe that there is a 3 brother max. Anyone else notice this?








Ok last thing I swear: :roll:




I got Guthan AFTER I got the stupid runes from the chest. If you look closely you will notice that I don't have a KC. Has THIS happened to anybody else?






PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Well this brother happened to pop up about 3 minutes after i checked the chest. i was watching tv while hiding in a corner of the room (lol) and then I went to leave... the long way. You know what I mean: You start in one corner and have to work your way ALL of the way around to the door right across from where you start. Well I had almost made it back when Guthan popped up from nowhere. Luckily I had a dose or 2 of p pot and a shark because I was pretty low on health.








Basically what I am saying is: that is a good idea but I don't think that is what happened in my case.








Ty though because I didn't know that was a common occurence either :)


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Well I hope to get alot more than 250 tomorrow and... :oops: :oops: what is "ftw"?


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Well I hope to get alot more than 250 tomorrow and... :oops: :oops: what is "ftw"?
"For the Win!" shortened, used very often in World of Warcraft.








Nowadays, everything is FTW.


40,919th person to access Turmoil. 21,559th person to access Overloads.





Are there any hidden bonuses here?


No bonuses


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Keep in mind that the brothers have very predictable drops. Each brother will either drop:








300ish mind runes




120ish choas runes




80ish death runes




40ish blood runes




40ish bolt racks




dragon med




half key




barrows item












So, you got two of your brothers to drop runes, and the other 4 dropped coins.








Please read this before you do anymore 250 kill count insanities. lol.




The kill count only increases your odds to getting something better than coins. And from my own data, its not even a significant increase in odds.








I believe the kill count formula applies from 0-30. After 30, there doesn't seem to be any difference in rewards.








I beg you not to waste your time on 250 kill counts. You will be very dissapointed, because the rats don't drop, and you'll NEVER get 10k bloods.









A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Guest r3dh3adkid


Well I hope to get alot more than 250 tomorrow and... :oops: :oops: what is "ftw"?
"For the Win!" shortened, used very often in World of Warcraft.








Nowadays, everything is FTW.








FTW is also used quite alot on Guild Wars









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Keep in mind that the brothers have very predictable drops. Each brother will either drop:








300ish mind runes




120ish choas runes




80ish death runes




40ish blood runes




40ish bolt racks




dragon med




half key




barrows item












So, you got two of your brothers to drop runes, and the other 4 dropped coins.








Please read this before you do anymore 250 kill count insanities. lol.




The kill count only increases your odds to getting something better than coins. And from my own data, its not even a significant increase in odds.








I believe the kill count formula applies from 0-30. After 30, there doesn't seem to be any difference in rewards.








I beg you not to waste your time on 250 kill counts. You will be very dissapointed, because the rats don't drop, and you'll NEVER get 10k bloods.




















No offense Leesters (because your Barrows Guide OWNS as do most of your posts) but you didn't read the whole post completely.... I recieved that from the 10k KC not from the current 250. This is mostly for my own peace of mind (yes I'm a strange cookie) but ty for the begging lol because I know what a pain this is :cry:








Also I am not saying that I am going to get 10k bloods or even think that it is likely... but it WOULD be nice :lol:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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i was under the impression that killing bloodworms and such increases amount of runes and stuff right? its like killing them normally, just all kills go to the chest? correct me if i'm mistaken.








This is mostly what I am attempting to prove true or otherwise. In a week or so we will know with relative certainty. :wink:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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wow nice...all i can say is make sure you dont space out and go past 10k agien!




Gaah, I was so mad. I went to the chest room and spawned the last 100 there just to make sure that I didn't get 10,001 KC lol and was quite disturbed when it went from 9,999 to Too Many -.- At least I know what you get from EXACTLY 10k KC :roll:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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couple weeks ^^^








I can't log in to world 9 after another hour of trying so it is going to be world 28 until all this lag is over -.-


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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id like to see someone get no brothers kills and 1k kc and see if u get any reward at all








Hey GREAT idea!!! I will do that next just remind me ok? Seriously, GOOD idea thank you.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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u reackon i could do barrows




70 attack




71 str




68 def




45 prayer




52 range




fishing 68




cooking 67




mage 45 :cry:




[garden tool] 70




combat 85




items ddp cannon db axe dlong 8 prayer pots 1k coooked lobbs

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u reackon i could do barrows




70 attack




71 str




68 def




45 prayer




52 range




fishing 68




cooking 67




mage 45 :cry:




garden tool 70




combat 85




items ddp cannon db axe dlong 8 prayer pots 1k coooked lobbs








get your mage up and replace that ddp with a dds and you probably could make some cash there =]


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Can you use the Ice Burst spell to attack all 6 of those borthers at once? If so that would be amazing for speed killing the brothers atthat chest. Very fast and few pray pots used, but you would have to kill ahrim and Karil first I suppose.








I was using Ice Burst to kill them but the one-way combat only affected me. All six could hit me simultaneously while I could only hit one. Figures...








BTW I updated :roll:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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