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Guthan, now worthless? Bones to peaches discussion.


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I would prefer guthan because demons dont drop bones so that's a big problem for gargoyles,nechs and abyssal demons.
kurask and dark beasts are like the only thing over 60 slayer that this would work for
If you haven't noticed, I'm not huge on killing slayer monsters ;)








When killing the main slayer creatures (gargoyles, abyssals, ect) guthan is the only option, but what I mean is B2P vs. Guthan on just normal training(for exp) and not for drops.








Don't forget that ANYONE can use the spell, (as long as they have 60 magic, which isn't hard to get) when getting 70 atk, str, and def would be a lot harder for a ranger/mage to get, especially if they were pure.












dont honestly care about your slayer preferences. its not REALLY hard to become a lvl 83. i mean seriously 700k exp isnt anything too serious. thats nearly what i need for an attack lvl.

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Guthan also gives a large defence bonus compared to rune?
I never said that you had to use rune...personally I use verac for the prayer boost, that with a d square and whip gives a much better def than full guthan does.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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From the look of things, you've got some sort of bias against Guthan. Obviously people think it's a good investment if it's the only barrows set that has retained anything near its original pricing (compared to the others that is).








Bones to peaches will have a few instances where it is better than Guthan, like the already mentioned dust devils








However, if you consider the things that drop normal bones and actually make you use up food at a level high enough to wear Guthan, the list is short.
















Hellhounds (not that anybody uses melee with them without hally)








Infernal Mages




Basilisks (But even at lower combat these never hurt much)




Dust Devils








Giant Rock Crab




Turoth (Kurasks too?)








Ice Warrior












Now I'm sure there are more, so feel free to say so. But out of all the things on this list, the only ones where the spell is definitely better use than Guthan are Dust Devils, Basilisks, Turoths, and Infernal Mages. The rest are really up to the user's preference.








Now consider all the things one might melee and use Guthan with, but don't drop normal bones:








Fire Giants




Ice Giants




Jogres (not that they do much damage)




Abyssal Demons












Pyre Fiends




Lesser Demons




Greater Demons




Anything Obsidian












Shades in Mort'ton (not that hardly anybody still goes there)




Red Baby Dragons












As you see, there are a few more options of things to kill that don't drop normal bones, and most of the things that do drop normal bones are just as good to kill with Guthan as they are with the spell, depending on the user's preference. Not to mention that most the things that the spell won't cover are in areas that once you get there, you want to stay a while and not have to keep running to the bank for food (such as abby demons).








The spell might give a good alternative to Guthan some of the time, but will hardly replace it.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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Guthan also gives a large defence bonus compared to rune?
I never said that you had to use rune...personally I use verac for the prayer boost, that with a d square and whip gives a much better def than full guthan does.








it doesn't give more defense than guthan with square and whip, while only using the spear to heal.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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I dont see the bones to peaches making much of a dent on guthan prices. I have both and have used both.








Guthans is not typically bought by players trying to save money on food but rather by those who value the convenience of not having to bank repeatedly while meleeing. If you can afford a guthans set, I doubt that you will be hard pressed to pay for food. I suppose a few people might even buy it for the so-called "status" but I dont think thats a big fraction.




Also, Guthans is the best option if you want to stay for long durations at gargoyles or nechraels or abyssal demons.








B2P is good at bloodvelds where I have used it and at turoths, kurasks and maybe at basilisks although I have rarely needed much food at basilisks. It can also be useful at dagannoths if you do not have a guthans set but if you do have the set, I would rather use that.








It is quite possible that having a guthans set prejudices my view toward it and if I couldnt afford the set then B2P might be more attractive. In short, B2P is a good spell for long slayer sessions at some monsters but as a training food, I would rather not waste nats if the drops from the monster are too miniscule to justify it. At least for my main character, I dont intend to train through anything other than slayer tasks and if I have to train anyway, I would do so at abyssals where B2P is not even in consideration.


# 1101 to 99 range on 12-18-05

85 slayer on 12-18-05 with combat at 102;

retired from members since Feb 06.

Back since June 07. 2000+ total.

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me myself being lazy id rather put on a spear and watch the hp roll back in then pick up the bones and then cast, especially at bandits where i dont pick up any of the drops.. :? gunthan owns vearcs..whatcha goning to do hehe




















lol i wanted to tell him guthan owned verac just because of his sig, even tho many times i find verac useful where guthan is uterly nonsence. dont get me wrong, i love my guthans, but doin ancient magic in veracs brassard is absolutely stunning in fight pits. and the full set on people works wonders to.
















but yes, bones to peaches probably "dented" guthans price last time i checked guthans was 13mil or so, now its 11.8. now thats a fairly large change in price but i dont think its cuz of this spell

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personally I think that they are both useful, I was just trying to go against the set that everyone always sides against b4 they have even used it 8) :lol:








@ t3h verac vs guthan thing:




yesh, guthan is good for healing, but you fight me wearing guthan while I've got my verac, and if we are close stats I bet you'll lose 8)








fights pits + verac = (L)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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personally I think that they are both useful, I was just trying to go against the set that everyone always sides against b4 they have even used it 8) :lol:








@ t3h verac vs guthan thing:




yesh, guthan is good for healing, but you fight me wearing guthan while I've got my verac, and if we are close stats I bet you'll lose 8)








fights pits + verac = (L)












whats up with all this letters inside parentheses(sp?)... are people reallly this lazy...
















and tell me ur rsn name and ill highscore you and see if we can goto duel arena maybe your close to my stats :)

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personally I think that they are both useful, I was just trying to go against the set that everyone always sides against b4 they have even used it 8) :lol:








@ t3h verac vs guthan thing:




yesh, guthan is good for healing, but you fight me wearing guthan while I've got my verac, and if we are close stats I bet you'll lose 8)








fights pits + verac = (L)












whats up with all this letters inside parentheses(sp?)... are people reallly this lazy...
















and tell me ur rsn name and ill highscore you and see if we can goto duel arena maybe your close to my stats :)

(L) is a heart in msn...:roll:








whats your rsn?


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I dont know that much about the spell or the armor




however based on what i reaed in this post i doubt guthans will become worthless however this could be helpful if you have a different type of barrows armor and still would like a good hp booster. guthans won't be worthless maybe a little less (1 mil at the most) i could be wrong tho but bones to peaches doesnt seem as helpful as full guthans

96% of teens will not stand up for Christ. If you're one of the 4% that will, put this in your signature.


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yea if should drop in prices bones to peachs seems nice








off topic: arnt you the one who made a huge thread for buying a sig then closed it once people made the sigs? lol you made a new account

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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yea if should drop in prices bones to peachs seems nice








off topic: arnt you the one who made a huge thread for buying a sig then closed it once people made the sigs? lol you made a new account

I did make a comp, but someone else won. Also this account was made waaay b4 that, I was just using the other one so no one thought i was trying to steal it :roll:




110ish combat? Too high for me :P


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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yea if should drop in prices bones to peachs seems nice








off topic: arnt you the one who made a huge thread for buying a sig then closed it once people made the sigs? lol you made a new account

I did make a comp, but someone else won. Also this account was made waaay b4 that, I was just using the other one so no one thought i was trying to steal it :roll:




110ish combat? Too high for me :P












you havent said your rsn yet.

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Hellhounds (not that anybody uses melee with them without hally)








Actually, I do. Much quicker for me just to melee them with Barrows, DDS and Whip than to spend ages trying to kill them with a Dragon Halberd.








Personally, I can't see Guthans going down at all. B2P is the cheap persons way of training, Guthans is the rich persons way of training, and considering only rich people buy it, I can't see the price dropping.

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Hellhounds (not that anybody uses melee with them without hally)








Actually, I do. Much quicker for me just to melee them with Barrows, DDS and Whip than to spend ages trying to kill them with a Dragon Halberd.

I use verac + whip and d square, hallies should be removed, if you melee, fight like a man :roll:







Personally, I can't see Guthans going down at all. B2P is the cheap persons way of training, Guthans is the rich persons way of training, and considering only rich people buy it, I can't see the price dropping.

You make a very valid point, and I'm sure that the really rich, lazy, afkers will still buy guthan, but I know people who will rc like 40k ess just to get guthan, so they are not considered rich or poor, but in the middle. This spell is very helpful for these people in particular.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Hellhounds (not that anybody uses melee with them without hally)








Actually, I do. Much quicker for me just to melee them with Barrows, DDS and Whip than to spend ages trying to kill them with a Dragon Halberd.

I use verac + whip and d square, hallies should be removed, if you melee, fight like a man :roll:







Personally, I can't see Guthans going down at all. B2P is the cheap persons way of training, Guthans is the rich persons way of training, and considering only rich people buy it, I can't see the price dropping.

You make a very valid point, and I'm sure that the really rich, lazy, afkers will still buy guthan, but I know people who will rc like 40k ess just to get guthan, so they are not considered rich or poor, but in the middle. This spell is very helpful for these people in particular.












id still like to know your RSN, but yeah. im very content with my financial situation on runescape, i dont hold a large amount of money by any means. and guthans and its repairs are nominal to me. honestly, if you crafting a very LARGE amount of nats, guthans probably isnt the best at this time seeing how all the other armors are dropping guthans will SOON follow. just dont expect some to beable to trade verac for guthan next month

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Hellhounds (not that anybody uses melee with them without hally)








Actually, I do. Much quicker for me just to melee them with Barrows, DDS and Whip than to spend ages trying to kill them with a Dragon Halberd.

I use verac + whip and d square, hallies should be removed, if you melee, fight like a man :roll:







Personally, I can't see Guthans going down at all. B2P is the cheap persons way of training, Guthans is the rich persons way of training, and considering only rich people buy it, I can't see the price dropping.

You make a very valid point, and I'm sure that the really rich, lazy, afkers will still buy guthan, but I know people who will rc like 40k ess just to get guthan, so they are not considered rich or poor, but in the middle. This spell is very helpful for these people in particular.








You save tons of time by just guthaning. I trained with guthans at skeletons with whip and I was able to not waste any time banking or eating. I love it.

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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Hellhounds (not that anybody uses melee with them without hally)








Actually, I do. Much quicker for me just to melee them with Barrows, DDS and Whip than to spend ages trying to kill them with a Dragon Halberd.

I use verac + whip and d square, hallies should be removed, if you melee, fight like a man :roll:







Personally, I can't see Guthans going down at all. B2P is the cheap persons way of training, Guthans is the rich persons way of training, and considering only rich people buy it, I can't see the price dropping.

You make a very valid point, and I'm sure that the really rich, lazy, afkers will still buy guthan, but I know people who will rc like 40k ess just to get guthan, so they are not considered rich or poor, but in the middle. This spell is very helpful for these people in particular.








You save tons of time by just guthaning. I trained with guthans at skeletons with whip and I was able to not waste any time banking or eating. I love it.












dude seriously, i do not understand your runescape financial situation at all. especially when we talk on runescape lol. i dunno how you could fail stuns from 97 to 99 magic. and how you got guthans really, cuz last time i saw you, you struggled to get ahold of dharok. but honestly your the most entusiastic melee trainer ive ever really talked to












congrats on your 99 magic tho, thats cool.

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